In my registration form, there is field to enter email-id of member, i want to restrict user, so that he would not able to enter gmail, yahoo, radiff.... emailids is this possible.., Only company email id eg: must be allowed?
I'm trying to use the validator to work on a email form to ensure that they enter a valid from email address. That part works. I also want to add to the expression the text that I pre-populate in the txtbox ("Enter your email address") so on postback, after sending the message, I can clear the fields and repopulate that box.
How do I add that wording to the current expression: w+([-+.']w+)*@w+([-.]w+)*.w+([-.]w+)*
I am using Regular Expression validator for a text box. The below is working fine.It is not performing validation when I enter values like 0000..001.How can I modify validation expression? But it would allow values like 100,...5000 i.e zeros after a number.
<asp:RegularExpressionValidator ID="reg2" runat="server" ControlToValidate="rng2" ValidationExpression="^[0-9]+" ErrorMessage="*Please Enter a Valid Number for Second Range." ForeColor="Red" Font-Bold="True"></asp:RegularExpressionValidator>
first character is in caps and the rest of the name is in small for Firstname Space first character is in caps and the rest of the name is in small for lastname
I have a page with required field and regular expression validators. I noticed recently that some of the regular expression validators (the regex validators on the Date fields) are not firing. What should I be looking at to troubleshoot this?
When I added Regular Expression validator on FileUpload Control, Page.IsValid returns false & Data is not Saved. I had used Regular Expression Validator like this:
I have a fileupload on my page which only accepts PDF Files and to do this i have a Regular Expression Validator to check the extension of the files. step 1 load pagestep 2 browse and select a txt file using fileupload then validator error is displayedstep 3 browse and select a pdf file using fileupload then no validator error.step 4 Upload the file using a Button and on post back i can see the validator error is displayed can i remove the validator error on postback without hidding the control.?
Earlier my text box was running on this Validation Expression="^[a-zA-Z'.s-]{1,80}$", to allow only alphabets,  ' . s . Now my text box should be capable of taking Chinese characters as well, so I was learnt online to use this p{L} for unicode instead of  a-zA-Z, and set EnableClientScript="false".
In my ASP.NET Web Form I have a multiline TextBox which should be validated with RegularExpression Validator. Text box should contain one ore more strings "a" (just 'a' char, nothing else).
So far I got these regular expressions for my RegularExpressionValidator object:
(?m:(^a$)+) (?m:A(^a$)+) (?m:^a$)
Neither works. :) Guess there is something fundamental I'm not getting yet.
I'm having a hard time trying to create a right regular expression for the RegularExpressionValidator control that allows password to be checked for the following:- Is greater than seven characters.- Contains at least one digit.- Contains at least one special (non-alphanumeric) character.Cant seem to find any results out there too.
I'm trying to add a regular expression validator to verify the email text box that is within a Create User Wizard. The form that I'm working with is called Register.aspx, and is the form that is auto generated when you start a new web application found under the Account folder.
For some reason the code below is not firing off when I enter an email address that is incorrectly formatted. I have a feeling it's because I manually added the code within the form but that's just my guess.
I'm looking to validate the length of a textarea using a regular expression validator. It should allow all characters and crlfs. I'm also concerned about crlfs counting as 1 or 2 characters, I'm concerned it may be different across browsers but I'm hoping ASP.NET regulates it. Also, I'm saving to a mix of varchar and nvarchar fields in MSSQL, do I need to be concerned about the way crlfs are saved there? I'm in a hurry to do this right, so I'll be researching all this on my own but I'm just hoping someone out there might have experience handling such concerns.
I would like to validate the textbox for specific text and it must not be blank. But the regular expression validator is not validating if the text box is BLANK. However, it validates if I type something in the text box.
How can I make regular expression to trigger even if the text box is empty?
Should I use Required Validator + Regex Validator at the same time?
We have a custom set of custom control tags, eg:<ourTag:OurControl runat="server" />Throughout our project we have discovered Visual Studio's marvelous(sarcasm) helper which automatically pastes an ID with the tags name followed by a counter number. I am now trying to remove them globally.
in my application i am checking the valid email but we can give more than one emailid separating with semicolon (";").how can i write the expression. my emails look like this ";; " how can i write regular expression
I have to create a regular expression for email id like this and
I need to allow only yahoo and gmail as the domain not any other domain. I have used this expression w+([-+.]w+)* . It is working fine for yahoo. but I want to include gmail also. How can I modify it to except gmail also?