Web Forms :: Select 1st Index Of Dropdown Value When Append Data Bound Item Is False?

Apr 23, 2010

I have a dropdown binded with database value Eg : A001, A002, A003 etc. When ever i use to select the first value A001 , it is not going for postback. After selecting the second index value A002 n then selecting the first value A001 , i use to post back. And i dnt want to use appent data bound here.

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Forms Data Controls :: Page Taking Time To Populate Gridview With Row Data Bound At Select Index Change Event

Mar 26, 2011

I am using grid view with row "data bound event" at row row data bound i am using some function with loops to fill drop down of grid view in template columns. grid view gets populated with selected index change event of drop down. my problem is the asp.net page is getting slower i mean when grid populates its taking some time and some time page get hanged what to do to get rid of it?

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Forms Data Controls :: Way To Select Item In A ListView - How To Get Appropriate Index Number

Sep 7, 2010

I've implemented a ListView to display selected data from a DataTable. My listview is one row high and 4 columns wide. I've setup a DataPager to the left of it and another to the right to allow the user to access any item in the ListView.My problem is simple: When the user adds a new item to the DataTable, I rebind the data again { e.g. listView1.DataBind() }, and then I proceed to select that newly added item. BUT no matter what I try, nothing works! More precisely, I do this: listView1.SelectedIndex = #; where "#" is the appropriate index number.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Get Select Item Index In Listview Without Clicking Button

Apr 8, 2010

I trying this solution in visual basic but it dosent work, im getting a error:

RegisterForEventValidation can only be called during Render();

In the line:Dim script As String = Me.ClientScript.GetPostBackClientHyperlink(btn, "", True)


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Forms Data Controls :: Select An Item From Dropdown In A Gridview And Set A Value Of A Column

Apr 7, 2010

I have a gridview with two columns (item templates) one is a dropdown and the other is a textbox. I need to select an item from the dropdown (which I can do) and then get the cost of it and then put the cost in the texbox item template of the gridview. So I think I need to pass the row number and cost_id of the selected item to a procedure to get the cost of the item. Here is my so far code that I have now Idea how to pass the values of the gridview and then pass the cost of the item back to the proper row and textbox of the girdview.


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Forms Data Controls :: Select Dropdown List Item In Gridview Edit Mode?

Jun 16, 2010

I have a dropdown list in the edittemplate of a gridview and now it selects the first value that comes from the datasource. How can I get it to select it's original value? Where do I put the code?

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Forms Data Controls :: Dropdown Select Message In Item Template Gridview Dropdwon List?

Sep 18, 2010

I have used gridview item template , which has two dropdown list. The first dropdown list is binded from database to the dropdown list. I have using the below code , to show the select message in dropdown list before selecting any item from dropdown list. In first row its show me --Select-- message and my vaues.. if i select some value form dropdownlist and click add new button it will create a new row dynamic then in previous row again it come back --Select-- message. on going to second row. I need to remain first row user selected value on going to next row. The New row will show --select-- message..

<asp:DropDownList id="DropDonList2" tabIndex=11 runat="server"

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Web Forms :: Auto Select Item In DropDown List By Database Result?

Nov 6, 2010

I have a DetailsView that binds a User's Profile data into an ItemTemplate upon the Page_Load. When the user chooses Edit Mode, all of the Data is correctly carried over, except for the DropDownLists selected values. If on the ReadOnly page, the user's data shows "Male" for the Sex, then on the edit Mode page, I would like the DropDownList that gets the sexes from the database ("male", "female"), to have automatically selected "Male" in the DropDownList, not the lowest indexed item.



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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Update - Bound Fields Visible Set To False Not Working?

May 20, 2010

I have an Objectdatasource configured with Select, Insert, Update & Delete queries in a Dataset. This datasource is linked to my Gridview. I do not require all fields in the table to be displayed or updated in my grid so i have turned off the Visible property on several.

However, when i go into Edit mode and trigger the UPDATE to the database table, i get NULL values updated in the columns i set False for the Visible property.

How can i remove these columns from the GridView and the Edit mode and still have them UPDATE with their current values instead of being overwritten with NULL's?

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Web Forms :: How To Get First Letter From Dropdown Value And Append With Second Dropdown

Jun 18, 2012

How to get the first letter from dropdown value and append with second dropdown

I want to get the first character of dropdown selected value and append with second dropdown selected value.


i kept two dropdown control in page

five values binded in 1st dropdown


1. reebok

2. nike

3. puma

4. woodland

5. Leather


five values binded in 2nd dropdown


1. prod1

2. prod2

3. prod3

4. prod4

5. prod5

here i am going to insert into table in below format

i wand to append the value like this rprod1 (r is a reebok from 1st dropdown and prod1 is second dropdown) .




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Forms Data Controls :: Index Out Of Bound In Formview During Insert?

Apr 27, 2010

I have a stored procedure and a function. I am connecting my FormView to the function and I am trying to insert a new record. I am not sure if the problem is the stored procedure, the fucntion or the FormView.

Stored Procedure:






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Web Forms :: Append Incrementing Index Number To Uploaded Filenames?

Oct 30, 2010

Essentially, if the file already exists, I want to append an index number to the end of the filename, incrementing upwards from 1. The following almost works, but adds numbers on as it increments upwards:




I want it to do the following:


there is a better way to code this anyway.

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Forms Data Controls :: Add New Item To Bound List & Refresh?

Jan 31, 2011

I have a databound FormView with a dropdown list of categories. All works as expected, but I want to provide the facility for the user to add a new category to the list and I can't find an elegant way to do it. My current approach is to have a simple modal popup (Ajax toolkit) with a FormView (bound to the Categories table). That successfully inserts the new row, but it doesn't show in the dropdown so it can't be selected. I can force a refresh by calling formview.DataBind() in a suitable event handler, but that of course moves the formview off the selected record and loses any changes the user may have made.

Is there a convenient way (perhaps using AJAX, avoiding a postback entirely) to update the Categories table and refresh the dropdown without moving off of the current FormView's record? I feel sure this
must be a frequent and basic requirement, but I've not found any mention of how to implement it.

[ASP.Net 4.0, by the way]

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Forms Data Controls :: Aborting Item Creation In Bound Repeater

Apr 9, 2010

I have what's bound to be a stupid question, so I'll apologize for what I think should be an obvious answer my brain just can't see. My problem is very simple. I have a Repeater control bound to a SqlDataSource. The ItemTemplate in this case is one complicated beast, and rendering can take a loong time if too many records are returned; so I need to maintain tight control over how many records are brought back from the data source.

Is there not some way of either stopping the creation of subsequent RepeaterItems once a certain count has been reached, or cancelling the bind if more than a certain number of records are returned? I know I can grab the record count from the AffectedRows property in the Selected event of the DataSource, but I've encountered a brain-lock on how to stop/inhibit the binding (or RepeaterItem creation beyond x records).

I'm happy with either aborting the binding altogether if the record count is too high (displaying no records), or simply stopping it after X records are returned; at this point, I'm not picky. Either way would work, and it seems I ought to be able to readily figure out either one, but my brain has simply gone into neutral.

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Forms Data Controls :: Listview Item Visible False?

Jan 14, 2011

I have a listview that renders like this:

yearsexp: 4
desc: a description text on the row databound, if there is no value for yearsexp or desc, I would like to make it not visible. The other one needs to still be visible. So far I have


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Forms Data Controls :: How To Convert The Datagrid Bound Column Item Itself Into A Hyperlink

Sep 6, 2010

I would like to make the datagrid bound column to hyperlink for redirecting to the details page .

For example , when my mouse over certain row of bound column in datagrid , it will change the colour to blue . Also , I can click it and redirect to the detail page .

Notes : I don't wan to use hyperlink column

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Check If A Row Is True Or False In A Databound Item

Mar 4, 2010

how do i check if a bit value is true or false and if false, then write another value.

Here is my code

<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "gp_referral").Equals("False")?"":"xxx"%>

Am trying to check if gp_referral is false, and if so then write xxx, but in my code, whether true or false it evaluates to xxx

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Web Forms :: Get Current Item Index Of Repeater Item When Button Is Clicked

Jan 17, 2014

How can I get current viewed itemindex of a repeater item template, have tried a few stuffs i got from google search, but it seems not to work. 

I have items like:

1 text link1
2 text link2
3 text link3
4 text link4

where 1, 2, 3, 4 are the itemindex, i want to be able to get 1 if text link1 is clicked, or 2 if text link two is clicked etc.

Here is my repeater html

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Convert The Datagrid Bound Column Item Itself Link To Another Detail Page

Sep 15, 2010

I would like to make the datagrid bound column to redirecting to the details page .

For example , when my mouse over certain row of bound column in datagrid , it will change the colour to blue . Also , I can click anywhere of the row and the will redirect to the detail page .

Notes : I do not want to use hyperlink column and do not want to fix the text for every row. I want to use datafield, CommandName and CommandArguement.

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Forms Data Controls :: Add Item To At Index[0] While Is Using SqlDataSource?

Feb 19, 2010

I am using SqlDataSource to populate <asp:ListBox>.

Sql Select query returns all the Unique city names. Then <asp:Listbox> is populated. Populated listbox looks like






But I want to add "Choose City" at index 0 so the listbox look like

Choose City




I am not allowed to modify select query (otherwise I would have used the UNION in select query)

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Forms Data Controls :: Finding The Index Of A Value In Dropdown?

Jan 29, 2010

I want to find the index of a given text in the dropdown list. for example if there is text 'USA' showing in the dropdown, how i find its index value

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Forms Data Controls :: Get Index Or Id Of Gridview Item Template

May 23, 2010

i am working on grid view that have an item template contain a linkbutton that should delete its row so my broblem is how to get the index of the row which i have clicked its linkbutton i tried to search online msdn and asp but no answer helped me or may be its just me i was able to delete row by using enable deleting from the smart tag of the grid view but i was using sql data source which brings data from sql table but later i had to replace the sql table with sql view after i did that i couldn't enable the checkbox of enable insert,update and delete statment in advanced sql generatiom options in configure sql data source wizard and this is the other proplem and i not asking this for delete the record only ,it could help in send emial button which is placed the in item tamplate too and i am using C# by the way.

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Forms Data Controls :: DropDown Index Change In A Repeater?

Mar 22, 2010

i have a dropdownlist and a textbox in a repeater i need to enable/disable the textbox depending on what was selected in the repeater.

this is the code i have now:

Protected Sub ddlContact_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Change Index Of Dropdown In Gridview

Sep 21, 2010

i have got grid view with 4 coloums which contains 2 dropdown list. n i have 2 drop down list out side the gridview .

i want to change the index of the 1st coloum dropdown list inside the gridview when changing the drop down list index outside using javascript

similarly the when the 2nd dropdown list(out side ) index change the 2nd coloumn dropdown list in gridview should change.

In short the outside placed dropdown list should act as master dropdown list.

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Forms Data Controls :: Show DataList Item Index When Using SqlDataSource?

Aug 10, 2010


show DataList Item Index when using SqlDataSource?

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