Web Forms :: Url Write Breaks Query String On Postback?
Nov 18, 2010
i am having a problem on my aspx page, what i did was i wrote a simple url re-wrte rule in my aspx page, after i write my url re-write rule my query string looks like this [URL] idea been to writing a rule to accept that above query for user friend seo url string, but when i am in that page i cant click any of my datalist page indexes ...it will redirect to [URL] i dont know how to fix this proble, i am trying s hard ,but i cant make it work, i think page post back changing my url re-write link.
So,my question is that why we basically use @ before the sql query.If I don't use @ before that then it again work fine (does not give any error), then what is need of using "@"?
My problem is that QualificationDescription has line breaks in it, if I put it in a TextBox it will display them but if I put it in a div it does not. Is there anyway to get the line breaks to show in a div?
I want to be able to store strings in the DB but some are long and i want to format them such that when i copy them out of SQL and past them into notepad they have line breaks to break up the otherwise single line that runs on forever and hard to read.
lets say i am storing a string of all the session variables like this, how do i include line breaks in here?
StringBuilder theBody = new StringBuilder(); theBody.Append("Session Values: " + " "); foreach (string s in Session.Keys) theBody.Append(s + ":" + Session[s] + " ");
It is possible to upload a file to an account using the below code by specify an existing filepath.
What I wonder is how it instead would be possible to just write a string to this file instead. Like I want to open the file and write the string "Hello" to this file, file1.txt.
How can that be achieved. I beleive I would have to open up a stream of some kind but are not exactly sure how to set that up:
I have a quick Linq to SQL question. I am trying to write a Linq query that has multiple where clauses depening on user input. What I would intuitively code is:
Dim arrTerms As Array = txtUserInput.Text.Split(" ") Dim q = From newsitem In db.MyNewsTable _ Where newsitem.Contains(arrTerms) _ Select newsitem Listview1.DataSource = q Listview1.Databind()
Unfortunately, though, the "Contains" operattor does not accept an arraylist, or array, or anything but String.
If I chose none, it stores data as "Null" If I Query the data as below, I don't get the data has value of "Null" SELECT tabale From type Where type <> STO or type <> ORD I get data that has empty string but not Null.
1, How do I write dropdown menu value in oder to get empty string instead of Null?
I did <asp:ListItem Value="">none</asp:ListItem> but this stores Null.
2, Why this Query won't pick up Null?
SELECT mytabale FROM type WHERE type <> STO or type <> ORD
We are sending an HTML encoded string in the Query string. It was working fine on IIS 6 (windows 2003). We have recently moved the website to Windows 2008 (IIS 7.x). Since the move any Query String that contains "+" sign i.e., "%2b" gives error on the server "404 -File or directory not found."
B reports to A C reports to A D reports to A E reports to B F reports to B
and so on......
So, when A logins he should be able to see B,C,D(who are reporting to A) and also E,F(who are actually reporting to B and not directly to A)Please help to write such sql query.
I have a problem to write a string to a LinkButton that is located inside a GridView1. Now the hiarchy of controls is like this to understand how to Find this control:
TabContainer0 TabPanel5 TabContainer1 TabPanel7 Panel8 GridView1 LinkButton1 So LinkButton1 that we want to write a string to is located in a GridView1 which is located in Panel8 which is located in TabPanel7 that is located in TabContainer1 that is located in TapPanel5 that is located in TabContainer0.
So below is my code but no string is written to that linkButton, so I wonder if I miss something basic out here?
I need to write a query as follows which will be bound to a grid
select top 25 * from ErrTable Order by DateErrorad Desc
However, I need to write this query to return only 25 records at a time, but when a user clicks next it will display the next 25 most recent records from the db.
Being new to Linq and Entity Framework, I find myself struggling to write queries that are relatively simple in SQL. My latest challenge is how to write a query that pulls records from a master table and includes a column for aggregating data from related detail records. Let's start with this example:
List<Customer> list = (from x in Customer select x.Customer_ID, x.CustomerName).ToList();
Now I'd like to modify this so that I include a column indicating how many orders each customer has, where there is a one-to-many relationship between the Customer and Order entities. I suspect the solution might result in a List of an anonymous type rather than the List of Customer like my example, but that would be
I have the following code which writes to a Gridview:
Using the same methods of connecting to the database, how can I amend this code to write the result of a second query (which only returns a number) to a label?
Need to figure out the correct way to do a simple SUM function in Linq, but also manipulate one of the feilds coming back by doing a Substring on it, here is the original SQL query: