I'm having some trouble with references to an external project that contains services for my application.After changing the types of some properties in a class, I got errors like "Method not found: get_Size() (Where Size is the name of the field)
Method not found: 'Ropes.Services.Contracts.Data.SearchResultPage`1 Ropes.Services.Business.Experience.ExperienceFactory.Search(Ropes.Services.Business.Search.SearchRequest)'.
I am trying to call a simple method in my code behind using Jquery with Ajax. But I get a 404 not found exception everytime. Unfortunately this is a web forms solution. So I dont have all the perks of MVC
It does get into the javascript method and gives the alert but won't go into my c# method. My previous experience of using this Jquery method is in an MVC website. Is it compatible with webforms sites?
i have doen my application as follows.. A tree view which looks like that picture Now if i select select the text file i will have a image as Now what i am getting is if i select browse i will select a file and when i click back on the tree node for example AchFile i am getting the error as Directory not found. This issue is raising if i select a text file and click back on what i said.
Create a asp.net mvc project with the default template and used bmc appsight to monitor the w3wp process ; so when ever an action is clicked an exception is occured in iiscore.dll here is the sample one which i got.
I have a file upload control on my page. The maximum request length set is 8 MB (maxRequestLength = 8192). I also have server validation that throws an error if the file is more than 4MB. The reason that its 8MB in the config is the leverage that's given to the user and also that the app can be tested.
If I upload a file that's 9MB, I get thrown an exception "Maximum request length exceeded.", which is fine and as expected.
But when I try to upload a file that's 1GB, it shows me a HTTP 404 - File not found. how can I get it throw me a maxRequestLength exception?
I'm using a HttpHandler to intercept PDF file download requests and modify the PDF file. I'm stuck on what to do if the requested file doesn't exist on the webserver. If I handle the Exception and return an empty response, it gives the user a 0 byte file to download. If I ignore the Exception, then ASP.NET catches it and the user is redirected to my unfriendly customError page.
I added the extender and when i tried to add the method this message poped up; Cannot create page method "GetCompletionList" because no Code Behind or codefile was found.
if i browse for a text file and displays it in the text box and trying to save it as the name provided above i am getting the error as Directory Not Found Exception.
We have an issue with a .NET 2.0 web service application that is generating a module not found exception when we try to load on server 2008. A second server running the same 2008 version loads the service fine.As part of the investigation we have taken the default hello world .NET 2.0 web service and deployed to both servers and have exactly the same issue with it running fine on one but not the other. The issue is trying to track down the module in question. Running process explorer and dependency walker doesn't seem to give us a clue.
I am getting the error when running the project locally. I think it is not getting the Jet provide in access. Error display in browser as follows. ADODB.Connection error '800a0e7a' Provider cannot be found. It may not be properly installed. /project name/databaseconnect.asp, line 14
I search on the internet and install MDAC,but not help. I am using Windows 7 with IIS7 how can i proceed.I cant be able to work on the project.
Error 1 'ASP.admin_new_user2_aspx.GetTypeHashCode()': no suitable method found to override c:WINDOWSMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv2.0.50727Temporary ASP.NET Files eststatus2production7e352623d1efa770App_Web_cx7fp0f_.18.cs 4443
here's the code:
[System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()] public override int GetTypeHashCode() { return 210248864; }
When I compile, this error message comes up: 'Framework.ImportControllerFactory.CreateController(System.Web.Routing.RequestContext, string)': no suitable method found to override I have navigated to the definition in the DefaultControllerFactory, and it's (snipping the comments):
I changed a method from public static void LogError(Exception exception) to public static Guid LogError(Exception exception) and once deployed the app throws the error
Method not found: 'System.Guid DefaultTechnologies.Portal.BusinessLogic.Common.LogError(System.Exception)'.
When deployed I sent all non-third party *.dll to be dropped into the bin folder. Runs fine from my machine :) but fails like crap everywhere else.
Here is my problem: But i had searched few forum on that, the problem is framework version. However, all the while the pc is using same framework v1.1.4322. After i compile the dll at folderA for example, the i copied it to folderB due to using same dll. Just that, cause the below error.
I dont know what I have done but my add blog or news item functionality is broken. It works fine locally but not on the server (.net 3.5 mvc 2 I believe).
The interesting thing is the path P:Web_DevelopmentAHNDEVControllersAdministratorController.vb. This is my local path on my machine but not the
in my masterpage of my asp.net mvc 2 app. This method returns the version of the application.
i also have this code in my controller:
class GenericController : BaseController { [ChildActionOnly] public string Version() { try { string assemblyFile = Assembly.GetCallingAssembly().FullName; FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(assemblyFile); string version = fi.LastWriteTime.Year.ToString( ) + fi.LastWriteTime.Month.ToString() + fi.LastWriteTime.Day.ToString(); return version; } catch (Exception e) { return "1.0"; } } }
Now i get this error: Execution of the child request failed. Please examine the InnerException for more information.
and the innerexcpetion is: {"The controller for path '/Account/LogOn' was not found or does not implement IController."}
What i was thinking is that maybe the code can't execute because the user is not logged on yet, and tries to redirect to the logon method etc.
So the first thing i was thinking is to grant access in the web.config (like i do with the directory that has the css and images in it, it should also be accessable when you're not logged on:
I am using table adapter in a dataset type (.xsd) file mapping to database. But I found after I created a new stored procedure in database and use table adapter mapping to the new stored procedure, I got method not found error like
Method not found: 'PO_GetNewOrdersSummaryDataTable BizTalk.Application.DataAccess.DatalayerTableAdapters.PO_GetNewOrdersSummaryTableAdapter.GetDataByCompletedDays(System.String, System.String, System.Nullable`1<Boolean>, System.Nullable`1<Boolean>, System.Nullable`1<Int32>)'.
on the testing server. But it is fine if I run the web application on my local dev machine and another machine we use it for building application before deployment. Does anyone know what could cause this problem on testing server? It works fine before I created the new method
GetDataByCompletedDays in PO_GetNewOrdersSummaryTableAdapter.
Now it doesn't throw any exception, it executes fine but receiver does not receive any mail in his inbox. How can I fix this? Edit - This is the stack trace im getting.................
I am trying to create my own membership system. Therefore I created my own membershipuser class and membership provider class. But I am getting the following error on Createuser method of My membership provider class; no suitable method found to override
This is how my CreateUser method looks like:
public override MyMembershipUser CreateUser(string username, string password, string email, string status, int registerd_on, out UserCreationStatus creation_status)
I have applied your code to print all pages of grid view, and it is throwing an exception that grid view control must be placed in Form tag with runat=server, my gridview control is already in Form tag with runat=server,
Then I tried to override VerifyRenderingInServerForm even as you explianed, i am using asp.net 2.0, when i write
publicoverridevoid VerifyRenderingInServerForm(Control control) { /* Verifies that the control is rendered */ }
It gives an error that no suitable method found for override...
I am using httpcontext.Current in one my action method and i created the ms test method for testing this action and also i created the Mock object for httpcontect,but when i am trying to run the MS test script i am getting null reference exception from the line which i am using httpcontext.current in the action method.
public void ZipExtract(string zipfilename, string outputDirectory) { using (ZipFile zip = ZipFile.Read(zipfilename))//file not found exception { Directory.CreateDirectory(outputDirectory); zip.ExtractSelectedEntries("name=*.jpg,*.jpeg,*.png,*.gif,*.bmp", " ", outputDirectory, ExtractExistingFileAction.OverwriteSilently); } } [code]...
fileupload control doesnt allow to select multiple files, then what i did , i select a file of directory and by coding i got its directory path. and showing all files of that directory in checklistbox control.So now user can select multiple files and can send selected file. I know its not a proper way, but i am getting a control that can allow me to select multiple files, If you let me know about the control that will allow me to do that , then this is what my onlyOk come to my problem with fileupload control, it works fine when run locally. but at other location its giving me a exception of path is invalid and file not found and one more thing its looking for this location "Could not findfile 'c:windowssystem32inetsrv"