C# - How To Receive Input To A Hidden Textbox And Submit A Form

Sep 6, 2010

I have an ASP.NET application designed for a Windows CE device that needs to take in information from a scanned barcode. The device sends the scanned data as string input with a crlf to whatever field has focus. I set up my page with a textbox that takes the input and posts back to look up the item.

Now, I'd like that box to not be visible to the user, but IE complains when I set focus to it if the field is "visibility: hidden" or "display: none". I've tried moving it off screen using absolute coordinates, but setting the focus scrolls the window to the new location.

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MVC :: Does The Hidden Input Must Be Inside A Form

Dec 10, 2010

In order to use hidden input, does the hidden input must be inside a form?

Is there any strategy to perpetuate the hidden input value between requests? So far I guess it's through query string / URL?

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Posting A Form With Hidden Fields Without Submit Button Click?

Jun 7, 2010

I have a form as

<form action="" method="post">
<input name="Descripcion" type="hidden" value="" id="Descripcion" runat="server" />
<input id="Submit1" type="submit" value="Comprar" />

Instead of clicking on submit button i want that the form should be posted without clicking submit button with hidden fields

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MVC :: Check Form Input Is Valid On Submit?

Jan 13, 2010

I have a form that when submitted shows a busy animation and disables the submit button.

Anyone know how to query Microsoft's Sys.Mvc.FormValidation to see if the form passed it's test so I can prevent the busy animation showing if the form hasn't actually been submitted? Or even some other work-around? In case it's relevant - I'm using Data Annotations for my validation.

At present my client side javascript looks like this:


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Remove Literals From Input Mask After Form Submit?

Aug 20, 2010

I'm using Josh Bush's MaskedInput plugin for jQuery in an ASP.NET 3.5 Webform app. How to get rid from the literals in the code-behind file after form submit? E.g: a phone input with the mask $("#txtPhone").mask("(99)9999-9999");

In the code-behind:

string customerPhone = txtPhone.Text
Which returns me: (12)3456-7890
But this is what I want: 1234567890

In the plugins changelog page it says I can use mask() method with no arguments to archieve this. But how to do it from the code-behind?!


I want to send to the server the unmasked value. How to do that?

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AJAX :: Whenever User Input Data In Form And Click On Submit Then There Play Animation Please Wait?

May 4, 2010

want animation that whenever user input data in form and click on submit then there play animation please wait

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Web Forms :: User Can Receive The Mail Form My Site But I Cannot Receive Any User Details Mail

Jul 22, 2010

I have developed simple user registeration application form in that after press submit button i am sending mail to user for welcome template as well as i am also get on mail for user details like name email id, and ip address.my problem is the user can receive the mail form my site but i am receive the any user details mail it doesnot shows any exception what is the problem i donno please

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Page Has Not Refreshed And Hidden Control Contains Value From The Previous Submit?

Dec 23, 2010

I have a special requirement with regards to popping up a MsgBox in ASP.Net. There seems to be various solutions across the Internet using the Javascript confirm box, and passes the response to a hidden control, from which VB.Net can the read and further respond ...but the Javascript code is initialted by a button on the ASP.Net Form. I want to be able to pop-up a MsgBox in the middle of my VB code-behind using the Javascript trick, which passes the result to the hidden control, which can then be read by VB.Net .... the problem is that the page has not refreshed and the hidden control still contains the value from the previous Submit .... I'll attach my code. If anyone can come up with a solution, will you have achieved the impossible!

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Php - Any Reason To Place The Session ID Within A Form As A Hidden Form Field?

Apr 2, 2010

is there any reason for me to place the session ID within a form, as a hidden form field?

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MVC :: Request.Form Collection Does Not Contain Form Hidden Field Value?

Jul 5, 2010



Request.Form collection does not contain Form hidden field value.

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Web Forms :: Can Validate A Hidden Input

Apr 4, 2010

I have an input...


this hidden input is used by a star rating control. the user gives a star rating of 1 to 10 by clicking on the stars and some javascript detects which star was clicked and fills the input with the corresponding number.

I want to use a RequiredFieldValidator to ensure that the client has selected a star and if not return an error message to my validation summary.but the validator seems to be throwing an exception. How do I do this?

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C# - Change Hidden Input With OnFocus Between UserControls?

Feb 15, 2011

This is probably embarrassingly easy, but I've having problems getting this to work.

On ResidentAddress.aspx, I have 2 user controls (AppName.ascx and NavButtons.ascx). When a textbox in AppName.ascx has focus, I want to update a hidden input field on NavButtons.ascx with the value of "TRUE". In the codebehind page for NavButtons, I want to see what the value of this hidden input filed is.

This is what I have so far:

<input type="hidden" id="IpChangeFlag" name="ChangeFlag" runat="server" value="FALSE" />
<asp:TextBox ID="txtFirstName" runat="server" onFocus="document.getElementsByName('ChangeFlag').value='TRUE';">
If IpChangeMade.Value.Trim.ToUpper = "TRUE" Then
MyValue = true
End If

I am unable to change the value of ipChangeFlad. It always has the value of FALSE.

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Putting Id In Input Hidden - Is It Working With JTemplate

Apr 29, 2010

I'm working with jquery.ajax() I'm getting a object and I use jTemplate to write the html. My problem is now that I need to place the id of the object in a input hidden. I have no idea how I should do this. I tried to do a <script> in the template.htm with jquery to place the id in hidden but with no luck.

this is my jTemplate html file

<div style="background-color: #ccc">
<div style="background-color: #ddd">

This is my jquery


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JavaScript - Input Hidden Control Does Not Keep Value Between Postbacks?

Nov 25, 2010

I'm making an webpage using ASP.NET MVC.

I have the following input hidden definied:

<%=Html.Hidden("inputHiddenSelectedMenuId") %>

And i set its value in this js function:

function SetSelectedMenu(id) {

After a make a postback in the js init function i want to use the value set in the input hidden but the value is string empty.


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VS 2008 - How To Read IFrame Hidden Input Value

Feb 9, 2012

I'm using jQuery to build an IFRAME and pass some hidden input values to a Download.aspx page - jQuery code looks like this

$('<form action="'+ url +'" method="'+ (method||'post') + '" target="iframeX">'+inputs+'</form>')

The inputs variable looks like this

<input type="hidden" name="filename" value="mit-license.txt" />

And the top of the Download.aspx code behind looks like this

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
Dim ctx As HttpContext = HttpContext.Current
Dim response As HttpResponse = ctx.Response
Dim sFile As String = "mit-license.txt" ' Request.QueryString("filename").ToString

[Code] ....

I could not find the INPUT value - where does it pass in? I checked the "sender" and the ctx objects and could not find it... I hardwired the mit-license.txt filename to prove that the download works...

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Web Forms :: IFrame Form Data Capture Upon Parent Page Form Submit Action

Jun 8, 2010

I have a web form called default.aspx which has a form with user information. In addition to this, I have an iFrame on the same page that displays a page Secondary-Form.aspx that has a few additional dynamic data fields. I need to do two things.

1. I need to pass the parent form data in real time to the iFrame page to refresh its content and modify it's fields accordingly. Example: If the user submits their Vehicle Choice as Car on parent form, the form item in iFrame will display a radio button that says Honda, and if the user submits their Vehicle Choice as MotorCycle in the parent page, the iFrame will display Harley Davidson as the radio button choice

2. The submit button is on the parent page. I want both pieces of this information (from the parent page, as well as iFrame selection) to be passed to a server side ASPX page to process this information.the default.aspx and Secondary-Form.aspx files are located on different domains.

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Web Forms :: How To Generate Rtf File Based On Input Field (textbox Input By User) C#

May 27, 2010

how can i generate rtf file based on input field(textbox input by user) c#

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C# - Is There A Security Reason To Validate A Textbox Input If You Are Limiting The Max Length Of The Input

Oct 1, 2010

Since I'm new to coding and I'm trying to understand why here is a little more detail on the question.If you have a text box and you are limiting the input to say 2 charactrs do you really need to validate the input further? What I have is a text box that has a max length of 2. Is there a security reason to add a validator to the textbox. I should add this is in Asp.net.

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C# - Setting Hidden Input Value In JavaScript, Then Accessing It In Codebehind

Apr 21, 2010

I have been trying to set the value of a hidden input by using Javascript and then access the value from within my C# codebehind. When I run the code that is copied below, the value that is assigned to assignedIDs is "", which I assume is the default value for a hidden input. If I manually set the value in the html tag, then assignedIDs is set to that value.

This behavior suggests to me that the value of the input is being reset (re-rendered?) between the onClientClick and onClick events firing.



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Html.CheckBox Generating An Additional Hidden Input?

Jan 4, 2011

Possible Duplicate: asp.net mvc: why is Html.CheckBox generating an additional hidden input

I'm rendering a checkbox in an asp.net mvc app, and the control is also outputting a hidden field like this:

<input id="blah-64" name="blah-64" value="true" type="checkbox">
<input name="blah-64" value="false" type="hidden">

Problem is, when I post the form, the form key "blah-64 returns "on, off".

Why is this?

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Using Hidden Input Variable In The Base Class To Persist Value Across Postbacks?

Jan 13, 2011

In my base class:


In my user control that inherits from BaseUsercontrol The ascx has:

<asp:Button id="btnTest" runat="server" OnClick="OnButtonClick" />

Why can't I use the hidden input variable this way?

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How To Prevent A Password Input From Clearing After Submit

Jun 30, 2010

If you have a page with an <asp:TextBox TextMode="Password" ... />.How can you keep the value after a postback?

This is my problem:At the registration screen of my app you need to enter a password. Then you click submit, a postback occurs and the password fields are cleared, how can I prevent the password field from clearing?

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MVC :: How To Reference A Hidden Input Control's String Value In Controller Action Method

Jun 3, 2010

I'm using V.S. 2008 and asp.net MVC. I have a form in this page that user selects various items from Select controls. I then construct a string varible that contains each selected element's id a hidden input control that holds this information. How can I pass this variable (and it value of course) to a Controller Action? I am using regular Html Form and the Submit button.

In the following code you see the "ResearchInterests" is the one that holds the string but I can't even reference it in my Controller action, Search. How can I correct this?


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Forms Data Controls :: How To Create Hidden Input Inside Gridview

Mar 16, 2010

I want to create input inside gridview, the id of the input is set by me. I do want to use HiddenField control because when generating the id of the control, it will set id to gridview_ctrl.....

The input looks like this: <input id="myid01" value="myvalue" type="hidden">. Note that id is generate by me in the code behind.

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Submit Form Cause Validation Error In Other Form?

Oct 3, 2010

i have post detail page (asp.net, umbraco cms), with search box and post replay box.the problem is that when user try to search using the search box, it cause validation error in the post replay box.the search is client side form.the post replay is server side form.you can view it live at:[URL]

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