C# - Is It Possible To Create A Custom MVC Strongly Typed HTML Helper

Jan 23, 2010

I was wondering if it is possible to create a custom strongly typed HTML Helper in ASP.NET MVC 2? Creating a regular (read not-strongly-typed) helper is straightforward but i am having difficulty creating strongly typed versions. For example, I would like to create a DatePickerFor html helper...

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How To Make A Custom Strongly Typed Html Helper Method

Dec 2, 2010

Now I found out how to create custom html helpers

using System;
namespace MvcApplication.Helpers {
public class InputlHelper {
public static string Input(this HtmlHelper helper, string name, string text) {
return String.Format("<input name='{0}'>{1}</input>", name, text);

Now how to turn it into a strongly typed helper method InputFor Like it is in the framework?I don't need the Html.TextBoxFor method, I know it exists. I am just curious in how to implement this behavior myself and used this as a simple example.PS. I was looking in the mvc source code but couldn't find a trace of this mysterious TextBoxFor. I only found TextBox. Am I looking at the wrong code?

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MVC 2 - Add A Default Property To A Strongly Typed Html.Textbox Helper

Apr 22, 2010

The strongly typed helpers are now written like this -

<%= Html.TextBoxFor(model => model.State) %>

I need to add a default value to a textbox. In the prior version of Asp.Net MVC it was easy to assign a default value. I thought doing the following would work in MVC 2-

<%= Html.TextBoxFor(model => model.CountyId, new{ value = 840 })%>

This, however, does not work for me in Asp.Net MVC 2. The value is still blank for the textbox. I want to make sure that this isn't some random error that I am having. Has anyone else encountered the same problem? I have searched and searched to find more information on the default property for the html helpers in MVC 2, but I can't find anything. Does anyone out there know how to correctly assign a default value to a textbox in Asp.Net MVC 2?

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Custom ViewModel With MVC 2 Strongly Typed HTML Helpers Return Null Object On Create?

Mar 22, 2010

I am having a trouble while trying to create an entity with a custom view modeled create form. Below is my custom view model for Category Creation form.


When i click on save button, it doesnt bind the category for me because of i am using custom view model and strongly typed html helpers like that

<%=Html.TextBoxFor(model => Model.Category.OrderNo) %>

My html source looks like this


How can i fix this?

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HTML Codes In Strongly Typed HTML Helpers

Jan 20, 2011

So, I am having a hard time getting this to work. I am trying to add some typographic HTML codes to some labels I have strongly typed to my model.

<%: Html.LabelFor(m => m.Name) %>

I am using data annotations to customize the DisplayName of the property:

[DisplayName("Your friend’s name")]
public string Name { get; set; }

However the actual code is being displayed for the label:

Your friend’s name

I have also tried just using the old write method:

<%= Html.LabelFor(m => m.Name) %>

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MVC :: 2 Strongly Typed Html Helpers Css?

Jul 28, 2010

How can I use css and other attributes such max length with the strongly typed views ?

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MVC :: @Html.Label Strongly Typed?

Dec 10, 2010

I want strongly typed Label but not working at all. Can you fix the below use of Label to display like @Html.Label("FirstName"). MVC3 Razor.

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.net - MVC 2, Spark Engine And Strongly Typed Html Helpers?

Jan 14, 2010

Will I get the advantage of the new Strongly Typed Html Helpers with asp.net MVC 2 if were to use the spark engine for rendering?

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MVC :: Do 2 Strongly Typed Html Helpers Ignore The DisplayFormat Attribute

Apr 30, 2010

I am using the MetaDataType DataAnnotation to validate my models in an MVC2 application. I also apply the DisplayFormat annotation so that currencies and dates are formatted the way I want. This method works for the original Html Helpers such as :


When I used the new strongly typed helpers:


the formatting never gets applied. Is there a way around this?

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Spark View Engine And MVC 2 Strongly Typed Html Helpers?

May 21, 2010

I try to use HtmlHelper.TextBoxFor with spark view engine but view crashed with exception "Dynamic view compilation failed. 'System.Web.Mvc.HtmlHelper' does not contain a definition for 'TextBoxFor' and no extension method 'TextBoxFor' accepting a first argument of type 'System.Web.Mvc.HtmlHelper' could be found(are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)".

It is my _global.spark:
<use namespace="System"/>
<use namespace="System.Linq"/>
<use namespace="System.Text" />
<use namespace="System.Web.Mvc"/>
<use namespace="System.Web.Mvc.Html"/>
<use namespace="System.Web.Routing"/>
<use namespace="System.Linq.Expressions" />
<use namespace="MyModels" />
In spark-view using:
${Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.UserName)}

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C# - How To Access Attributes Of Properties In The Model From Strongly Typed Custom HtmlHelper

Mar 18, 2011

I have a view that is strongly typed and its model is of type LogOnModel. That LogOnModel has anotated properties like this one:

[Required(ErrorMessage = "Please enter your password")]
[Display(Name = "Password", Description = "Your secreet password")]
public string Password { get; set; }

All of them has Display anotation with Display.Descripion property set. I want to create HtmlHelper extension method that will output <span> containg the value of Display.Description property. So for example if I called my extension method DescriptionFor than this code:

<%: Html.DescriptionFor(m => m.Password) %>

should produce following html: <span>Your secreet password</span>

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MVC :: 2: Change The Default Generated HTML When Creating A Strongly Typed View?

Oct 12, 2010

Is there any way to change the HTML that is generated by default when you create a strongly typed view in MVC2?I currently get a structure like this:


I want to change it to a structure like this:

<div><%: Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.user_login) %></div>
<div><%: Html.LabelFor(model => model.user_login) %></div>


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MVC :: Master-Detail-UserLink: Strongly Typed View And Custom Nested ViewModel?

Jun 13, 2010

When I send a strongly typed ViewModel containing other ViewModels nested inside (basically spanning 3 tables into one object) all the data is correctly presented when debugging. However it complains at rendering time with an exception "Compiler Error Message: CS1061: 'object' does not contain a definition for 'Name' and no extension method 'Name' accepting a first argument of type 'object' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)"

and the error is thrown from mvc2-rtm-sourcessrcSystemWebMvcMvcViewPageControlBuilder.cs method:
ProcessGeneratedCode line 19

PageBaseType is null all the time





3 tables make up for the ProjectModelView object


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How To Make VisualStudio Intellisense Work In Html Properties Of Strongly Typed View

Feb 20, 2010

I think the title says it all, but to be clear:

If I put something like:

<%=Model.Project.Id %>

in the body of a strongly typed view, I get full intellisense for my model.

However, if I put:

<a href="/Projects/Edit/<%=Model.Project.Id %>">

With the script being written within an html property (in this case the href="" property), the intellisense doesn't work.I imagine this is a limitation of VisualStudio, but it seems this is a very common task and should be able to work. Is there a fix for this? Does my version of VisualStudio have a problem?

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MVC :: Upload A File To Database With Strongly Typed View - Create Method?

Oct 25, 2010

How to can upload a file to database with strongly typed view - create method?

Picture is a binary db column


How i can translate "TextBoxFor" to "UploadFileFor"?

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Strongly-typed Or Weakly-typed Binding In Codebehind In Front End?

Feb 23, 2010

So my question is more in relation to what people consider to be the best practice and why:

I've been dropping literals into pages and repeaters and binding them in code behind for a while. Is this considered bad practice?


ASPX Page:

<asp: Literal id="litTextToInsert" runat="Server" />

Code Behind:

litTextToInsert.Text = objData.MyText;

OR (repeater):


I personally dont like doing this as i find it makes it harder for me to know if someone changed the field name, or mis typed it during development - the other way you won't know until the page loads.

With the strongly typed version if something changes in your DAL etc the build will break - letting me know I've messed up.

Why do so many people appear to use weakly typed code in ASP.Net (in examples, MVC, etc)?
Am i missing something?

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MVC Strongly Typed Versus Dynamically Typed Views

Nov 25, 2010

Given the benefits of using strongly typed views to eliminate typed errors and the use of lambda expressions why would one use a dynamically typed view? When I use them I don't feel as safe as with strongly typed views. Am I missing something? Is there a special use for them?

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MVC: When To Use Custom HTML Helper Methods Vs Html.RenderAction

Feb 10, 2010

It's a little unclear for me on when to use a custom helper method and when to use RenderAction and also when to simply use ViewData instead. Some of their functions overlap slightly.

For example, if I were to create a Category navigation bar, would I create a new helper method and place that in some partial view? I had initially though of doing this, but I read on some blog to use RenderAction instead.

Assume the list of categories is coming from some data source.

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WebMatrix :: How To Use Strongly Typed Html Helpers In Webmatrix

Nov 22, 2010

I know we can use the HTML helpers, but how about the strongly typed one's?


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MVC :: How To Use Razor Template In Custom Html Helper

Feb 23, 2011

I have a custom Html Helper that takes a few parameters and generates some Html. For example:


This would render something like:


I would like to be able to define a Razor Template so the Html Helper renders the Html differenlty:


This would render:


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MVC :: Custom Strong Type HTML Helper For Checkboxes?

Oct 1, 2010

MVC contains a strong typed HTML Helper (HTML.CehckBoxFor()) this takes a bool and returns a bool. To make the URL smaller I am thinking to change the bool values on the model object to byte or somthing like that so the url only contains &Parameter=1.

I have found this snippet :


But I have no clue how to turn this in to a strong typed HTML Helper for checkbox that takes byte instead of bool. Its also important that the model object is set with byte instead of bool.

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How To Call Custom Html Helper From A Controller Method

Dec 30, 2010

I'm trying to write a controller method that returns an ActionResult.

In this method, i would like to:

1. call an HTML helper method

2. Capture and store the HTML helper's rendered HTML in a string

3. Return the method with the rendered HTML wrapped as a JSON

How do i call the Html Helper method from my controller method? Simply using the static class HtmlHelper does not work.

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MVC :: Create 2 Html Helper

Mar 15, 2010

I am trying to create 2 Html helpers but that use the String Type as in MVC 2.

1. Html.FileFor Would render something like: <input type="file"

2. Html.Buttom and Html.Submit that would render <input type="button" or <input type="submit" In this case I suppose it makes no sense to have the For.

I know how to do (2) unless there would be something more than rendering the help and defining the Html attributes. However (1) I don't know how to do it

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MVC :: Create A Html Helper For Tny Mce Htlm Editor?

Nov 2, 2010

how can I create a html helper for tny mce htlm editor?

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WebMatrix :: Adding A Helper To Create A Simple HTML Editor?

Jul 26, 2010

How about adding a helper that will create a simple HTML editor, like the one I am using to write this post? That would be completely awesome, and would just about make this good little tool a GREAT tool.

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