C# - Return Linq Query Into Single Object?
Mar 16, 2011I have this code in my controller:
public ActionResult Details(int id)
using (var db = new MatchGamingEntities())
I have this code in my controller:
public ActionResult Details(int id)
using (var db = new MatchGamingEntities())
For context: First of all, I am new to LINQ, as I have been using SubSonic for quite some time now.
I have two tables, Users, and Affiliates. They both have a very typical schema. The FK that joins them is the UserId field, which is in the Affiliates table. I want to create a LINQ query that pulls the Username from the Users table using the AffiliateId value. The AffiliateId is a primary key of the Affiliates table.
I have tried to accomplish this using many variations of the following code:
In the above query, I expect to get a single row result set. However, I instead receive the entire table of results.
How can I make this work? I have yet to see an example or article out there to do what I am trying to do.
how to query return all data in Array Object ,Hash Table ,And DataTable dataRow
View 4 RepliesI have a products table whereby I want to return a single row via a product id and use it as a data object.
I have used a .xsd dataset and a product class where I return a dataset and add the values into the product object that I created but I don't like having to write code like
"Product[0].ProductDescription" to get the product description. Is there a way of returning is straight as an object rather than a dataset?
i want take a single value result from linq query
if i have :[Code]....
the variable result does not return nothing, only tostring() and similar how can i get a single result from linq query and use it in my ID variable?
creating Linq query in return statement
I am consuming an RSS feed to display on my website using a repeater control. I was wondering if it's possible in VB to return an anonymous type from my linq query rather than a collection of strongly typed RSSItems. I know this is possible in C#, however haven't been able to work out a VB equivalent.
Is there a way opf getting the first value from a linq query so for example
i have a Linq query that check something in database
after that i want to check if record find in database or not
dim re = From r in db.mytable _
where r.ID = _ID
Select r
how can i check the re return somthing or empty
I have a array list and am using like a database trying to search for ChildID and ParentID based on certain criteria.
My example below has the following keywords to search for:
Yellow, Mustard, Honey, Orange, Flame, Talisman
I also have a category volume value which I grab the first 2 characters to determine another filter.
My code isn't returning all matches with using 'Contains'. Right now it finds the 'Orange, Flame, Talisman'/AV record and returns 50, 28. My keywords also has 'Yellow, Mustard, Honey'/AV which should return 55 and 28 as well.
HTML Code:
<%@ Page Language="VB" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="temp2.aspx.vb" Inherits="temp2" %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<head runat="server">
[Code] ....
I am developing asp.net mobile application. I am using XML as a database. I am querying on the XML to access the required elements & attributes by using LINQ to XML in .net. I have the follwing part in my XML file.
The similar logic I need for the above defined XML part. In the above XML I want to write the LINQ to XML query which can access the NAME attribute of the 'VALVE' node (<VALVE NAME="PWV">), then it should access the text between 'DISPLAY-NODE' (<DISPLAY-NAME> Production Master Valve </DISPLAY-NAME>), & then it should access the all the attributes of the 'COMMAND' node dynamically ( <COMMANDS USE-TEMPLATE="TRUE" TEAMPLATE-NAME="ValveCommands.xml"></COMMANDS>). All these I want dynamically without explicitly specifying the name of the child node as well as name of their attributes ( similar to the way I written the above query ) Can we write such a code by using LINQ to XML ? It will be better if we can write code for above issue in a single logic ( similar to the way I written the above query ).
I am trying to fill a gridview with the data from Product table selecting few columns . I am using 3 - tier architecture and in DAL getproduct(userid) I am writing the query but cannot figure out exactly how to get that working .. here is piece of method I wrote
public List<Project> GetProjectList(int ownerId)
I have this code in my controller:
public ActionResult Index()
MembershipUser currentUser = Membership.GetUser();
Guid UserId = (Guid)currentUser.ProviderUserKey;
using (var db = new MatchGamingEntities())
var MyAccount = from m in db.Accounts..........
I want to be able to do a join query between my two tables Accounts and BankTransactions. This is a one to many relationship, there can be multiple BankTransactions per Account. I want to query this and display the account information including all the bank statements that are associated with it. I did a join in order to get it, but I am having trouble handling the model. I keep getting this error:
LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'System.Collections.Generic.List1[MatchGaming.Models.BankTransaction] ToList[BankTransaction](System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable1[MatchGaming.Models.BankTransaction])' method, and this method cannot be translated into a store expression.
I have a simple query i.e.
var trips = from t in ctx.Trips
select t;
The problem is that I have an extra property on the Trip object that needs to be assigned, preferably without iterating through the returned IQueryable.
Does anyone know how to set the value during the query? (i.e. select t, t.property = "value")
I'm working to move my simple asp.net website to a three layer architecture. Currently I have Linq queries like the one below in my code-behind files. Basically this code snippet retrieves a collection of customer data from the database and then binds it to a grid control.
I'm wondering if someone can guide me on how to rewrite this in order to move it to my newly-created data access layer. I'm thinking I will turn it into a class (e.g. GetUserBoxesByStatus()) that can be reused throughout the site.
var boxes = from p in sbm.Packages
where p.UserID == CurrentUserId && p.StatusID > 1 && p.StatusID < 3
select new { p.PackageTag, p.PackageName, p.DateReceived, p.DateShipped }; [code]....
Some of the options that I've investigated but have not had success implementing are the following:
DataTable --- returning a DataTable seems like the best solution but it also appears to require a lot of potentially unecessarry code to define a table (isn't the data source already mapped in my Linq 2 Entities dbml?)
IEneuerable --- I think I could pass an IEnumerable list between the layers but after reading many tutorials about Linq I'm still a little lost DTO --- Conceptually I think I understand what a DTO is but I am not clear on how to begin implementing this approach POCO --- Again, the concept seems logical enough but I don't know how to put this into practice
how they would tackle this using one of the above or some other solution.
Is it possible to add attributes in a linq query along with the other object data?
Here's what I have
But I'd like to add a custom attribute to each RadComboBoxItemData object in the query instead of having to do a foreach loop after the linq query to add the attributes on..
string NewsFillter = string.Empty;
List<string> PublishDatePostMeta = (from post in postrepository.GetAllPosts()
join pstmt in postrepository.GetAllPostMetas()
on post.int_PostId equals pstmt.int_PostId
where (post.int_PostTypeId == 4 && post.int_PostStatusId == 2 && post.int_OrganizationId == layoutrep.GetSidebarDetailById(SidebarDetailsId).int_OrganizationId) && pstmt.vcr_MetaKey=="Publish Date"
select pstmt.vcr_MetaValue).ToList();
int DatesCount = PublishDatePostMeta.Count();
foreach (string PublishDate in PublishDatePostMeta)
if (PublishDate != "")
NewsFillter += System.DateTime.Now + ">=" + Convert.ToDateTime(PublishDate);
var postsidebar = from post in postrepository.GetAllPosts()
join pstmt in postrepository.GetAllPostMetas()
on post.int_PostId equals pstmt.int_PostId
where (post.int_PostTypeId == 4 && post.int_PostStatusId == 2 && post.int_OrganizationId == layoutrep.GetSidebarDetailById(SidebarDetailsId).int_OrganizationId)
&& (pstmt.vcr_MetaKey.Contains(filter) && pstmt.vcr_MetaValue.Contains("true"))
select post;
The thing is that how NewsFillter would be accomdated in the postsidebar query in the pstmt object after true ( i would be putting it in contains,equals join or what). is there any way that a chunk (between &&s) return enumerable and i can get away with this. at this moment it is not allowing that
I'm looking to translate an SQL query into linq
SAQ.UserId =
Usrs.UserId AND Scan.UserId =
I'm not sure how to include the "AND" in the LINQ statement.
I want to use "if statement" in Linq query. How can I do this situation?
For example:
if txtAge.Text=="", I will not use that in Linq Query.
else txtAge.Text!="", I will use that in Linq Query.
I am using LINQ and sending a linq object to the view and trying to show it in a textbox like this
<%=Html.TextBox("petname",Model.PetName) %>
But I am getting error, how can I show (PetRecord.PetName) which is my linq entity
I've build a linq query.But i want a random selection so its not always ID : 1,2,3,4,5,6 How can i randomize this var? I like to bind it to a repeater.//TagCloud:
Random rand = new Random();
var tc1 = from i in JumpTide.cms.menu.GetMenuItems(32)
select new
I am writing a plugin to help with a current ERP system we have that I am not allowed to modify the data structure at all. The table I am dealing with has over 100 columns and I am wanting to set my linq object propertychanged event and submitchanges or do I really have list out each property and set it equal to the new one?Below is an example of what I am trying to do:
txtLastName.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Last_Name.ToString();
Like that I have large number of controls on my form. I have dought, if I assigned like this, db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Last_Name.ToString(); to every control, then I have set of controls like,
ddlSalutation.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Salutation.ToString();
txtLastName.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Last_Name.ToString();
txtFirstName.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).First_Name.ToString();
txtMI.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Middle_Initial.ToString();
txtAddress.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Home_Address.ToString();
txtCity.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).City.ToString();
ddlState.SelectedItem.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).State.ToString();
txtZip.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Zip_Code.ToString();
txtSSNo.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Ssn.ToString();
txtMRNo.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Mr_No.ToString();
txtDOB.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Birth_Date.ToString();
RBGender.SelectedItem.Value = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Gender.ToString();
RBMaritalStatus.SelectedItem.Value = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Marital_Status.ToString();
txtHomePhone.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Home_Phone.ToString();
txtWorkPhone.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).WorkPhone.ToString();
txtCellPhone.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).CellPhone.ToString();
ddlSuffix.SelectedItem.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Suffix.ToString();
txtReligion.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Religion.ToString();
txtEmail.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Email.ToString();
txtSSOName.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Ssn.ToString();
txtPatientKin.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Patient_Kin.ToString();
txtRelationWithPatient.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Kin_Relation.ToString();
txtPhoneNo.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Kin_Phone.ToString();
ddlPreferredPharmacy.SelectedItem.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Id_Pharmacy.ToString();
txtEmergencyContactName.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Emergency_Contact_Name.ToString();
txtEmergencyContactNumber.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Emergency_Contact_Phone.ToString();
txtRelation.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Kin_Relation.ToString();
txtRace.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Race.ToString();
ddlHowDidPatientFindUs.SelectedItem.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).How_Found.ToString();
txtEmployerName.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Employer_Name.ToString();
txtEmployerOccupation.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Employer_Occupation.ToString();
txtEmployerPhone.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Employer_Cell_Phone.ToString();
txtEmployerAddress.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Employer_Address.ToString();
txtEmployerCity.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Employer_City.ToString();
ddlEmployerState.SelectedItem.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Employer_State.ToString();
txtEmployerZip.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Employer_Zip.ToString();
txtRecordsReleasedTo.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Records_Released_To.ToString();
txtOtherInfo.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Other_Info.ToString();
txtPopupNote.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Popup_e.ToString();
ddlPPlanName.SelectedItem.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Insurance_Name.ToString();
txtPGroupNo.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Ins_Group_No.ToString();
txtPIDNo.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Ins_Id_No.ToString();
txtPPhone.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Ins_Plan_Phone.ToString();
txtPVerifiedWith.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Ins_Verified_With.ToString();
txtPVerifiedPhone.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Ins_Verified_Phone.ToString();
txtPEffectiveDate.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Ins_Effective_Date.ToString();
txtPExtDate.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Ins_Ext_Date.ToString();
if (db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).Count() > 0)
txtPGLastName.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Ins_Grn_Name.ToString();
txtPGFirstName.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Ins_Grn_Name.ToString();
txtPGMI.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Ins_Grn_MI.ToString();
txtPGBirthGDate.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Ins_Grn_Dob.ToString();
txtPGAddress.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Ins_Grn_Address.ToString();
txtPGCity.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Ins_Grn_City.ToString();
ddlPGState.SelectedItem.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Ins_Grn_State.ToString();
txtPGZip.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Ins_Grn_Zip.ToString();
txtPGEmployerFirstName.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Grn_Emp_Fname.ToString();
txtPGEmployerLastName.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Grn_Emp_Lname.ToString();
txtPGEmployerPhone.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Grn_Emp_Phone.ToString();
txtPGEmployerOccupation.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Grn_Emp_Occupation.ToString();
txtPGEmployerAddress.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Grn_Emp_Address.ToString();
txtPGEmployerCity.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Grn_Emp_City.ToString();
ddlPGState.SelectedItem.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Grn_Emp_State.ToString();
txtPGEmployerZip.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Grn_Emp_Zip.ToString();
ddlPGPatientRelationshipToGuarantor.SelectedItem.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Ins_Grn_Rel_With_Pat.ToString();
txtPGOtherInsuranceNotes.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Ins_Other_Notes.ToString();
txtPGAuthorization.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Ins_Authorization.ToString();
txtPGAob.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Ins_AOB.ToString();
if (db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).Count() > 1)
txtSGLastName.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(1).Ins_Grn_Name.ToString();
txtSGFirstName.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(1).Ins_Grn_Name.ToString();
txtSGMI.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(1).Ins_Grn_MI.ToString();
txtSGBirthGDate.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(1).Ins_Grn_Dob.ToString();
txtSGAddress.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(1).Ins_Grn_Address.ToString();
txtSGCity.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(1).Ins_Grn_City.ToString();
ddlSGState.SelectedItem.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(1).Ins_Grn_State.ToString();
txtSGZip.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(1).Ins_Grn_Zip.ToString();
txtSGEmployerFirstName.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(1).Grn_Emp_Fname.ToString();
txtSGEmployerLastName.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(1).Grn_Emp_Lname.ToString();
txtSGEmployerPhone.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(1).Grn_Emp_Phone.ToString();
txtSGEmployerOccupation.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(1).Grn_Emp_Occupation.ToString();
txtSGEmployerAddress.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(1).Grn_Emp_Address.ToString();
txtSGEmployerCity.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(1).Grn_Emp_City.ToString();
ddlSGState.SelectedItem.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(1).Grn_Emp_State.ToString();
txtSGEmployerZip.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(1).Grn_Emp_Zip.ToString();
ddlSGPatientRelationshipToGuarantor.SelectedItem.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(1).Ins_Grn_Rel_With_Pat.ToString();
txtSGOtherInsuranceNotes.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(1).Ins_Other_Notes.ToString();
txtSGAuthorization.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(1).Ins_Authorization.ToString();
txtSGAob.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(1).Ins_AOB.ToString();
My question is that, for each control the Stored Procedure called or not? If it is yes then it is time consuming and I need to use LINQ to DataSet or LINQ to Object rather than to call SP for each control. What is difference between LINQ to DataSet and LINQ to Object?
select Groupid,GroupName,onorusername from palgroup where groupid in (select distinct Groupid
View 5 Replies[code]....
this code give that solution.but if any one of the field have null(example:r.urrQuickLinkRights contain the NULL) then only it will throw error like Object reference not set to an instance of an object.