Is there any real purpose to calling Dispose() on a Linq to SQL query? I want my site to be scalable so I'd like to control the datacontext but if it's not necessary I don't see a point.
I have a problem here.In my database I store member status in 1 and 0, when it come to my gridview I need change 1 and 0 to active and inactive. My company is using Linq, so I must follow. I wrote in this style, I calling a changeToWord() function to change 1 and 0 to active and inactive.
var q=from a in db.members select new{, status=ChangeToWords(a.status) }
It compiles with no error, but when I execute the page, it prompt out a error message to me.
I use SmtpClient to send email. I want to ensure that the SMTP connection gets closed after each message is sent. I found an explanation of how to do this in the SmtpClient documentation on MSDN:
One thing it says is: Call Dispose when you are finished using the SmtpClient. The Dispose method leaves the SmtpClient in an unusable state. After calling Dispose, you must release all references to the SmtpClient so the garbage collector can reclaim the memory that the SmtpClient was occupying.
I have a question about the last part. What exactly does "release all references" mean. How do I do that?
I've build a linq query.But i want a random selection so its not always ID : 1,2,3,4,5,6 How can i randomize this var? I like to bind it to a repeater.//TagCloud:
Random rand = new Random(); var tc1 = from i in select new
I am facing a big problem with simple linq query.. I am using EF 4.0..
I am trying to take all the records from a table using a linq query:
var result =>x);
This results in less rows than the normal sql query which is select * from tablename;
This table has more than 5 tables as child objects (foreign key relations: one to one and one to many etc)..
This result variable after executing that linq statement returns records with all child object values without doing a include statement.. I don't know is it a default behavior of EF 4.0 . I tried this statement in linqpad also..but there is no use... But interesting thing is if I do a join on the same table with another one table is working same is sql inner join and count is same..but I don't know why is it acting differently with that table only.. Is it doing inner joins with all child tables before returning the all records of that parent table?
So the BlogPostTags table only contains 2 fields, BlogPostID and TagID.
When i run the query above i get 3 results back. Same blogpost 3 times but with 1 tag in each. It should return 1 post with 3 tags. The problem lies in the Tags query above.
I have a test web service called: MySimpleService.svc with a method called:GetUserNamesByInitials. below is the Linq to SQL code:
[OperationContract] public static string GetUserNamesByInitials(string initials) { string result = ""; [code]...
what I do is to type the user id in one textbox (TextBox3) and when I press the Tab key the result is shown in another textbox(TextBox4). The jQuery call works well with other methods that do not call the database, for example using this other web service method it works:
[OperationContract] public string ParameterizedConnectionTest(string word) { return string.Format("You entered the word: {0}", word); }
However with the Linq method it just does not work.
Trying to pass in my DataTable to a stored proc using LINQ. Below is my code.
var sqlCommand = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand { CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure, CommandText = "UserIdList" }; var dataTable = new System.Data.DataTable("IdList"); dataTable.Columns.Add("AttributeIds", typeof(Int32)); dataTable.Rows.Add(26); dataTable.Rows.Add(40); dataTable.Rows.Add(41); dataTable.Rows.Add(45); dataTable.Rows.Add(78); dataTable.Rows.Add(33); dataTable.Rows.Add(36); //The parameter for the SP must be of SqlDbType.Structured var parameter = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter { ParameterName = "@AttributeIds", SqlDbType = System.Data.SqlDbType.Structured, TypeName = "ecs.IDList", Value = dataTable, }; sqlCommand.Parameters.Add(parameter); var user = myDC.DC.ExecuteQuery("exec ecs.udpUserAttributeDetails {0}, {1}", sqlCommand, userId).SingleOrDefault();
I have a web app for our golf club. When I compute handicap index for each golfer, I have to select the most recent scores and then a subset of those scores depending on how many rounds of golf the golfer has played. All the scores are entered into a single SQL Express table called "Rounds". Verbally, this is what I'm trying to do:
1) select the twenty most recent golf scores (sort on date descending, "take(20)") [if less than 20 records, then select all available];
2) for this set of records, select the 10 lowest scores (or smaller number if golfer has less than 20 rounds);
3) compute the average round differential for the subset of records, etc. to calculate handicap index (this step is working ok...)
My current VB code has this LINQ query (which is flawed -- it selects the lowest handicap differential scores of ALL records for the filtered user):
How do I modify this query to accomplish items 1) & 2) above? It seems this should be simple, but my experience with queries is still limited.
We are using a page to submit data to server. what we do is we will pass as parameter in url Query string) and in page load we take that values and submitting to database I have these following doubt
1, What is the default event happening while we call a ASP.NET page is it a POST or GET? We tried to call this url from a mobile application, it is not happening , we are not getting any error also in the mobile application.
2, IF we are calling the url to submit data from mobile applications which one we have to use (GET or POST)
3, IF we are calling this url from an application running in PC to submit which one we have to use ?
List<string> EmailId= { ....} Now I have a db table Users. I need to select all users whose email exist in the above list. In sql we could write "where emailid in ('email1', email2' ,...)"
how to do this in linq to sqlquerable<Users> existingUsers = Users.getTable().where (u=>u.emailaddress in EmailId). I want to do some thing similar
I need to figure out how to express this in linq to sql:I have one or more records that contain what is essentially a wildcard sql parameter, like '100_-___-2', which should match 100[any 1 char]-[any 1 char][any 1 char][any 1 char]-2, for example. Each login will have one or more of these 'datamasks' associated with it.I need to write a query in linq to sql that does something like:
select * from something where fieldA = 'someValue' or fieldB = 'someValue'
so far, simple, but I also need to restrict the returned records to only those that match the user's 'datamasks'. I'm not sure exactly how to translate this to linq to sql... here is what a working query *without* the datamasks part looks like:
I need to tack on the datamasks part... can I do it right there in the same statement? or do I need to do a foreach loop on the datamasks records and append a new && condition for each one? hmmm... just thought of that as I was writing this.. I'll try that out. But I'm posting this anyway for more input... I guess that would look something like:
I need to use Union for below Linq queries. I could use Union it if it was simple "select new whith{" but Now that I Specified Class, I encounter Error using union
Table User (UserID, Username) Table Admin (AdminID, Username) Table PM (PMID, SenderID, Sendertype, RecipientID, RecipientType) Get all Information from PM if SenderType == 'A' join SenderID to Admin-Table, get Username if SenderType == 'U' join SenderID to User-Table, get Username if RecipientType == 'A' join RecipientID to Admin-Table, get Username if RecipientType == 'U' join RecipientID to User-Table, Get Username
I have a datakey that I'd like to query from my GridView instead of looping through all the rows and comparing the key of each row. So I was wondering if it was possible to just do a linq query on the gridview (not datatable) and filter with the datakey.
I need to filter LINQ query using comboboxes and textboxes. The problem is I can't manage to get the result and I always get the empty gridview (used for showing filtered data). Can anyone help me why am I getting no results at all? I've checked the debugger and the data sent to query is valid, although, I'm not sure about "string.Empty" value.
SELECT Sum(ABS([Minimum Installment])) AS SumOfMonthlyPayments FROM tblAccount INNER JOIN tblAccountOwner ON tblAccount.[Creditor Registry ID] = tblAccountOwner. [Creditor Registry ID] AND tblAccount.[Account No] = tblAccountOwner.[Account No] WHERE (tblAccountOwner.[Account Owner Registry ID] = 731752693037116688) AND (tblAccount.[Account Type] NOT IN ('CA00', 'CA01', 'CA03', 'CA04', 'CA02', 'PA00', 'PA01', 'PA02', 'PA03', 'PA04')) AND (DATEDIFF(mm, tblAccount.[State Change Date], GETDATE()) <= 4 OR tblAccount.[State Change Date] IS NULL) AND ((tblAccount.[Account Type] IN ('CL10','CL11','PL10','PL11')) OR CONTAINS(tblAccount.[Account Type], 'Mortgage')) AND (tblAccount.[Account Status ID] <> 999) [code]....
MGEntities db = new MGEntities(); [HttpPost] public ActionResult Register(RegisterModel model) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { // Attempt to register the user MembershipCreateStatus createStatus = MembershipService.CreateUser(model.UserName, model.Password, model.Email); if (createStatus == MembershipCreateStatus.Success) { FormsService.SignIn(model.UserName, false /* createPersistentCookie */); MembershipUser myObject = Membership.GetUser(); Guid UserID = (Guid)myObject.ProviderUserKey; MyProfile profile = new MyProfile(); profile.Address = model.Address; profile.City = model.City; profile.Zip = model.Zip; profile.State = model.State; profile.UserId = UserID; Debug.Write(profile.State); db.aspnet_Profiles.Add(profile); return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"); } else { ModelState.AddModelError("", AccountValidation.ErrorCodeToString(createStatus)); } }
This is my MyProfile Class:
namespace MatchGaming.Models { [Bind(Exclude = "ProfileId")] public class MyProfile { [Key] [ScaffoldColumn(false)] public int ProfileId { get; set; } public Guid UserId { get; set; } [DisplayName("Address")] public string Address { get; set; } [DisplayName("City")] public string City { get; set; } [DisplayName("Zip")] public string Zip { get; set; } [DisplayName("State")] public string State { get; set; } } }
After the linq query is executed, i check my database and nothing is added. I am using POCO for my entities. Here is my class:
namespace MatchGaming.Models { public class MGEntities : DbContext { public DbSet<MyProfile> aspnet_Profiles { get; set; } } }