Name Or Number Search In Textbox While Entering The First Letter Or Number Charactor Or Number?
Feb 2, 2010
I am using the and framework 2.0 with Ajax enable web.i have a text box and when user will enter "a" or number in this will search the name started from "a" character or number if he or she enter the number basically we can say live-search.
Employee search: Textbox.In this text box she/he will enter the first character of name or first number of employeeno and according to the a character name will search in list.
As you can read in the tittle i need a regular expression for getting any letter, symbol, number from 1 to 100 maxlength (any text posible). Can someone provide that for me and maybe a good link to understand how it works.
I'm serving up PDFs from a SQL db and presenting them in the browser. I'm trying to figure out a way to embed a number in the PDF dynamically so that the recordID for that PDFs SQL record is available to me when the user submits the XML form data. The user hits the submit button on the form and the form submits its XML data to my submission page. If there is some way of changing the submission URL on the fly then I could do a query string to pass my self the recordID. I'm not generating the PDF in code, its being created by hand and then uploaded to my site.EditUser is given a link they go there and that pages pulls a PDF from the DB and displays it. This pulls up acrobat in browser full size so my aspx page isn't in control of submitting the completed form, Acrobat is. The user fills out the form and hits the submit button in the form. This submit button was set up at form design time to point to another page The submit button posts the XML data to that page and I can process it. I need the recordID in the query string for the page. To do this I would need to modify the PDF to either add the recordID and query string to the submit button's submit URL, or embed it in the PDF else ware. The big question is how do I modify the PDF just before I display it via to do either of these two options.
 i want datalist to show only 6-8items ,as these datalist is connected to datasource which has more than 20 items..
like in facebook,we have lots of friends but in friend box only 6 friends is shown and when we click that we go to next page which display all list of friends...
My environment is ASP.Net + IIS 7.0 + Windows Server 2008 + .Net 3.5. I am wondering whether the number of users online and number of active session are the same thing? The other question is, no matter whether they are the same, how to calculate them (i.e. for a given time, what is the number of users online, and related active number of sessions)?
any one know why are the following two give me different result? they should both give me no results as the value I give is not available. however, number 1 give me many results, and number 2 works as expected. I'd like the number 1 working as the same as number 2.
@SearchMCat nvarchar, @SearchTitle nvarchar, @SearchDesc nvarchar SET @SearchMCat = 'fjiewo;jafoia' SET @SearchTitle = 'fryere' SET @SearchDesc = 'fdsfdsafae33' SELECT ArticleCategory.CategoryDisplayName, Article.AudioPlaybackTargetTabID, Article.VideoPlaybackTargetTabID, Article.StartTime, Article.DateAdded, Article.Body, Article.Synopsis, Article.Title, Article.ArticleHasAudio, Article.ArticleHasVideo, Article.createdBy, Article.RatingTotal, Article.RatingCount, Article.ArticleID, ArticleCategory.CategoryName FROM ArticleCategory RIGHT OUTER JOIN Article ON ArticleCategory.ArticleCategoryID = Article.MasterCategory WHERE (ArticleCategory.CategoryName LIKE '%' + @SearchMCat + '%') or (Article.Title LIKE '%' + @SearchTitle + '%') or (Article.Body LIKE '%' + @SearchDesc + '%')
SELECT ArticleCategory.CategoryDisplayName, Article.AudioPlaybackTargetTabID, Article.VideoPlaybackTargetTabID, Article.StartTime, Article.DateAdded, Article.Body, Article.Synopsis, Article.Title, Article.ArticleHasAudio, Article.ArticleHasVideo, Article.createdBy, Article.RatingTotal, Article.RatingCount, Article.ArticleID, ArticleCategory.CategoryName FROM ArticleCategory RIGHT OUTER JOIN Article ON ArticleCategory.ArticleCategoryID = Article.MasterCategory WHERE (ArticleCategory.CategoryName LIKE '%' + 'fdsafdsafdsa' + '%') or (Article.Title LIKE '%' + 'fffaery' + '%') or (Article.Body LIKE '%' + 'fdas3r43ffdsa' + '%')
I have a web user control with DataList control in it. In my .aspx page, I have a report header, an empty panel as a place holder, a report footer.In my .aspx.vb file, I'll loop through a list of departments. Within each department, I'll load a label to display the department name and the user control for the data, and add both the label and user control to the panel. So there are two variables: the number of departments and the number of records in a user control.
Now I need to display the current page number and the total page number in the report footer. Is it doable? How? I'm thinking of this approach: declare a page variable count, count the number of department name labels and the number of records in a user control. When the total count reaches a number, such as 20, I'll break the page. This way, I can get the the page current number and the total number of pages. But how to add a page break to an page?
My requirement is, I have one text box and that text box accepts US Format 10 digit phone number like 555-555-5555. I want when user enter 5555555555 it automatically convert this in 555-555-5555 and if he enter some wrong number then show him error and if dont want to enter any thing then there should not be any error.
<th style="width: 150px">Home Telephone </th> <td> <asp:TextBox ID="txtHome" runat="server" MaxLength="12" ValidationGroup="vUserDetailsB" Width="252px" CssClass="txtBox" TabIndex="19"></asp:TextBox> <cc1:MaskedEditExtender ID="meeHome" runat="server" TargetControlID="txtHome" AutoComplete="false" MaskType="None" Mask="999-999-9999" ClearMaskOnLostFocus="true" InputDirection="LeftToRight" /> <%-- <cc1:MaskedEditValidator ID="mevHome" runat="server" ControlToValidate="txtHome" EmptyValueMessage="Telephone Number is required." ValidationGroup="vUserDetailsB" ControlExtender="meeHome" InvalidValueMessage="Valid Telephone Number is required." IsValidEmpty="false" ValidationExpression="^d{3}-d{3}-d{4}$" Font-Size="8pt" />--%> <asp:RegularExpressionValidator ID="revHome" runat="server" ControlToValidate="txtHome" Display="Dynamic" ErrorMessage="Invalid Home number. Number should be in the format: 555-123-4567" Font-Size="8pt" SetFocusOnError="True" ValidationExpression="d{3}-d{3}-d{4}" ValidationGroup="vUserDetailsB" Width="100%" meta:resourcekey="txtHomeResource1"></asp:RegularExpressionValidator> </td>
Whats happenening, If i entered any thing like 5555555555 and it is coverting to this 555-555-5555 format which is correct and then when i moved to another textbox it is throwing error "Invalid Home number. Number should be in the format: 555-123-4567" and this format changes to 5555555555 and its not going ahead.
I have been trying to figure out how to use <asp:requiredfieldvalidator> with ValidationExpression but am having a difficult time understanding the syntax of ValidationExpression. I'd like to make sure one textbox's number (1-12) is equal to or higher than the other textbox's (1-12) number. How is this accomplished and what's the syntax of ValidationExpression (hopefully I'm stating the question correctly).
I have a datalist that shows some data selected from a database in formload. I've added textbox in one culumn.In this textbox the user enters a nubmer and then clicks the link in the same row to add that item to his shopping card.the number in the textbox shows the number of the item he wants. now the bloblems are:
1- how can I get the number entered in the textbox ot the same row 2-when I click the link and the page postbacks the textboxes are empty as they are when the page apears the first time.
on my web form i have a standard textbox.after the user enters a number i want to set it's format so 12500 - will be set to 12,500 and so can i do it?
I want to format a number when it displays in a textbox.For example if it is 1234567.0000 in database, it should be displayed as 1,234,567 in my textbox.I tried the below one but its not working.textbox1.text = String.Format("{0:0,0}", dt1.Rows(0).Item("Volume"))
I am using VS2010 and i am trying to block users typing alphabets and special charecters( allowed only numbers). ?I have written javascript and calling onkeydown and onkeyup events of my textbox. seems havascript doesn't firing up. am getting Uncaught ReferenceError javascript below is my  user control code. Not sure why the javascript is not getting fired.
On my current form I have it validating a Canadian Postal Address (xxx xxx). The space is optional but if the user does not use a space, then once the validation passes it will insert one. How can I count the first 3 characters of the textbox, insert a space, then add the rest of the characters?
i try to make register users page with username and password i want to makr the textbox for username accept only english and number and special carachter lik "_ - @ . " how can i do it