Together With WCF RIA Services Or WCF Data Services

Jul 12, 2010

Makes it sense to use ASP.NET applications together with WCF RIA Services or WCF Data Services (to encapsulate the data access layer) ? Or are these technolgies only useful for Silverlight applications.

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Allow Web Services To Fetch Data From Application

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.net - Control Concurrency : Syncing Data Through Web Services?

Jan 4, 2011

Actaully i developed an website which has a PDA app part. The case is that employees from company come in the morning and get data in their PDA's and they work on them the whole day and in Evening they again come to office or from any web access they update the data on server. We did this through Web services because web services are remote methods so they could access that by only web access..

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Oct 12, 2010

I'm working on a site where we want to include a pie chart on a page. Right now I'm working on implementing that through Reporting Services (RDLC file) with an object data source.The SelectMethod of my object data source is a method that returns a list of business objects; lets say a List<Alpha> and Alpha has a sub object Beta with a Name property. In my report definition I have set the Category groups to be: =Fields!Beta.Value.Name this means that Alpha.Beta.Name are my pie slices. I got the following error:

An error has occurred during report processing. The Group expression for the rouping 'chart1_CategoryGroup1' contains an error: Object variable or With block variable not set.I was able to confirm this is because Beta is nullable and was able to fix the issue by updating the object Alpha to return a new Beta() if the Beta property is null. This solution is not ideal though because there are other places in my code where I need Beta to be null if it doesn't have a value yet.Is there a way to update the report definition to accept a null property as valid? Ideally I would like to specify the value as "Not Set" if Beta is null.

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C# - Why Is System.Data.Services.MimeTypeAttribute Now Only A Class Level Attribute

Apr 7, 2010

I'm getting started with Astoria/ADO.NET Data Services/WCF Data Services. Looking through a lot of the code samples out there, it appears that the MimeType attribute used to be a method level attribute. After installing the latest update, it is now a class level attribute.

If I have more than one Service Operation that I want to return as a certain MimeType, then it appears now that I have to create a new service for each operation. Is this correct?

Most examples are like this:

public IQueryable<byte[]> FooPDF()
var result = from p in this.CurrentDataSource.MyPDFs
where p.FooID == 2
select p;
return result.Take(1).Select(p => p.PDF);

I get "Attribute 'MimeType' is not valid on this declaration type. It is only valid on 'class' declarations." when I compile, because now I can't do this.

Now, I have to do this:

[MimeType("FooPDF", "application/pdf")]
public class FooService : DataService<FooDBEntities>
public static void InitializeService(DataServiceConfiguration config)
config.SetServiceOperationAccessRule("FooPDF", ServiceOperationRights.All);
public IQueryable<byte[]> FooPDF()
var result = from p in this.CurrentDataSource.MyPDFs
where p.FooID == 2
select p;
return result.Take(1).Select(p => p.PDF);

What's worse is that I can't add duplicate MimeType attributes to my class.

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How To Wrap Dll To Web Services

Jan 25, 2011

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I am looking for the latest best practices (latest tech) approach on how to start this. One thing i have been documented over was Web Service Software Factory, but i do not know how good would this approach be for my situation, and i would welcome some ideas based on experience ofc. The top things i liked and need in my project about the WS Factory were : SOAP faults handling , Entity Translator , Versioning (covering both forward and backward compatibility).

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