Url Rewriting - URL Rewrite And 3.5 Webform

Jan 21, 2011

how could i do advance url re-write in asp.net3.5. when we post question in stackoverflow then our question is listed as hyperlink like below one. What is dependency injection? when we click on link then a dynamic page is show. so i want know if there is a hyperlink which have href like [URL] actualy i want that when user click on above link then user will be redirect to page where url will be shown in address toolbar like [URL]. how could i achieve it without touching IIS. how to write the code.

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Web Forms :: Images Not Loading (showing) After URL Rewrite (Rewriting)

Jul 17, 2015

I am working on URL Rewriting using RegisterRoutes.

its working fine but all css ,js and image not working when i redirect page using URL Rewrite.

my code is in global ascx is below

 public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routeCollection) {
routeCollection.MapPageRoute("RouteForcategory", "Product/{Cat_Id}/{Cat_Name}", "~/ProductDetailss.aspx");

My image path is 

<img src="images/logo.png" alt="logo">

 But when i run then url and image path looking like below 


And my image path looked 


but above is not correct path .

When I redirect page from home page to Productdetailss.aspx then images css, directory root path  are changed and its also rewrite. I dont want to rewrite css,js,and image path .

I am also used resloved url code but not working .

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Don't Rewrite Images - Css Files - Js Files At While Url Rewriting With Using UrlRewritingNet

Mar 16, 2010

UrlRewritingNet to my project now i can rewrite urls but i dont wanna rewrite images css files js files etc i only want to rewrite url as you can also guess for example how do i need to edit this code to achive this

<add name="Rewrite" virtualUrl="^~/PokePokedex/(.*)/(.*).aspx"
ignoreCase="true" />

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Web Forms :: URL Rewriting - Looking For Easiest Way To URL Rewriting

Apr 10, 2010

I am trying to implement URL rewriting technique in my Web application.I have found some articles on net 2 rewrite URL. But i m not able to understand. tell me any API or DLL which will take care of all url rewriting techniques in my Web applications.

I have heard something abt UrlRewriter.ddl . But i have not used it yet. provide me the easiest way to do that. If any sample application is there then it will be better ti understand

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Using Webform User Control On Webform In MVC Project?

Feb 26, 2010

I am using a server control on a single web.forms page. I have to use this control on a web.forms page since its a server control, although this is actually a MVC project. So I created a web.forms folder and put my new page in it. I then copy the example code from the signature control. I get the following error:

The base class includes the field 'ctrlSign', but its type (WebSignatureCapture.SignatureControl) is not compatible with the type of control (ASP.signaturecapture_signaturecontrol_ctlsignature_ascx).

I know the code works because if I removed the ID attribute from the server control, it no longer gives me this error and my control renders. But I need the attribute for the ID so I can perform is post event

I am using this signature control. Here's the web.forms code...

<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Index.aspx.cs" Inherits="KahunaCentralTIDRevamp.SignatureCapture.Index" %> [code]....

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How To Send Parameter From One Webform To Another Webform

Oct 19, 2010

in webform 1, i have search button when i click its open webform2 and there the gridview.

I want when i click the link in gridview in webform 2 then it close webform 2 and change the datasource parameter in webform 1 without open the new window (still same window)

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C# - Send Visitors From One Webform To Other Webform?

Mar 21, 2011

What is right way to send visitors from one webform to other. What are their limitations and their plus points.

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URL Rewrite IIS 2.0?

Jul 1, 2010

I have an URL like that :

I would like to transform it in something like:


In a word I want to "write" that,

eng => languageId=2 and myfolder => FolderId=2 and mycategory.....

I don't know if i make myself clear but

with http://mywebsite.com/fr/default

Right Now i have :

<add key = "/en/default" value = "default.aspx?LanguageId=1" />
<add input = " {Rewrite:{REQUEST_URI}}" pattern = "default.aspx?(.+)" />
<action type="rewrite" url="default.aspx?{C:1}" appendQueryString="False" />

But i want Something more global like:

<add key = "/en" value = "LanguageId=1" />
<add input = " {Rewrite:{REQUEST_URI}}" pattern = "(.+)" />
< action type="rewrite" url="default.aspx?{C:1}" appendQueryString="False" />

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Web Forms :: Rewrite Url In C#?

Mar 11, 2011

Im building a small project.

I have the url : [URL]

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C# - Routing Or URL Rewriting?

Nov 3, 2010

I'm currently using URL Rewriting, but I recently stumbled upon this link on Rerouting, and it looks like it's quite simple yet powerful, and easier to implement than URL Rewriting, a "downside" probably is that configurations are not sitting on a web.config file but rather on the code itself, but I was wondering about the differences, and advantages of using one over the other. Having read some resources about routing, I can see the differences, and now I reformulate my question:

Is it worth it to move from URL Rewriting to Routing?
Are there any IIS-specific configurations that should be made?
Is it recommended to use it on a ASP.NET WebForms Application, or is it oriented to other kind of projects?

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Rewrite The Url In Forum?

Apr 5, 2010

I have a forum on my website

what i need to do is to rewrite the url :



[URL] to dogracer players

Is there any quick way to achieve this.

The rewrite should be dynamic because each posts in the forum should have a rewritten url

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How To Rewrite Url String. In With C#

Mar 3, 2010

how to rewrite url string. in asp.net with c#.net.

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Configuration :: How To Rewrite Url In IIS

Oct 3, 2010

I am trying to rewrite url in IIS server.What would be the simplest steps for getting this functionalities in my website.

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Link JS And CS When Rewrite Url

Jan 29, 2010

I use Intelligencia.UrlRewriter.dll My link CSS or JS is:

<link href="/css/theme.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

it good on the internet,but on localhost the link is error ( i test on IIS and IIS ASP.NET ). so i have

<link href="my_domain/css/theme.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

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URL Rewriting To A 404 Error?

Mar 16, 2010

I am using the 404 error page and a base class to serve all of my pages.

I have a url /restaurants/?page=2 which displays correctly. The restaurants folder does not physically exists.

I have a paging system, that I want to have the URLs /restaurants/default2.asp as this matches my old asp system.

My Question is can I have a rewrite rule for /restaurants/default2.asp to /restaurants/?page=2 though the restaurants folder does not exist and is served by the 404 error page.

I cant get it to work, and am wondering if the redirect works after the 404 error page is checked

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Url Rewriting - Possible To Do URL Re-write

Aug 16, 2010

I have developers working on a site for me, they have told me there is no possible way to re-write the URL so there is no second level category e.g.
Remove "/category" from this URL http://www.somesite.com/category/page.aspx
I understand that page.aspx can simply go in the root folder on the server however I don't want to do this as adding heaps of pages will slow down server load time

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Best Way To Rewrite URLs?

Feb 16, 2011

I want to rewrite something like this:


to this:


Even to achieve the first link above, I need to replace capital letters and non-standard characters like é with e, and replace spaces with hyphens. Is all of this possible using URL Rewrite Module 2.0 or might I be better off coding some ASP? I'm new to .net and may have to do something in classic if I struggle. And I only just get by in ASP...

I've tried some of the tutorials on the official IIS website and have got through a simple rewrite wizard, but replacing characters seems more complicated, and I'm sure some of the tutorials have errors in them...

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.net - RegularExpression For URL Rewriting?

Sep 7, 2010

I am using urlrewriter.net and I am trying to make a redirection. So here is the condition,If the requested url doesn't end with a / (slash) and then add / at the end of the url an redirect to added urlSo if the url is "http://www.something.com/cases" then add / and redirect it to "http://www.something.com/cases/"

<if url="^~/(.+)(/){0}$">
<redirect url="~/(.+)" to="~/$1/$"/>

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Web Forms :: How To Use Url Rewriting

Dec 22, 2010

how do i create a number of pages lat's say pages "1-2-3-4-5" how do i make the name look different for all the users like page "1.aspx" when opend by users it will be "bladde.aspx" .

secondly how do i only assign one of the five pages to one user only and then the second page to a second user withour assigning the same page to multiple users

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URL Rewriting In IIS 6 Using ISAPI_Rewrite 3

Mar 4, 2011

I am running into an issue where I am trying to implement SEO friendly links in an ASP.Net 3.5 application with IIS6. The issue is that when I try to use a url like [URL] it isn't directed to the ASP.Net pipeline, so I am unable to route the request to the correct physical aspx file. With ISAPI_Rewrite I know I can redirect a request to the specific page, but is there a way to have a request sent to the ASP.Net pipeline, so I can manipulate the request using the built-in routing engine.

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C# - FCKeditor Url Rewriting In .net?

Feb 16, 2011

I have used FCKeditor in my project. It worked fine before i add url rewriting in my project.Now i can not upload images from my fckeditor properly.I am using Intelligencia.UrlRewriter for url rewriting in asp.net

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C# - Using Themes With URL Rewriting?

Jul 7, 2010

I am using the UrlRewriter.NET library to perform URL rewriting. I noticed that themes do not work properly as the browser tries to retrieve the CSS file incorrectly.

The link tag generated by ASP.NET automatically is as follows:

<link href="App_Themes/vertebrata/style.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />

URL typed into browser: localhost:1708/BloggingEngine/aa Displays fine

URL typed into browser: localhost:1708/BloggingEngine/aa/ Browser does not load the CSS file

I can probably fix the problem by prefixing a "/" before the URL in the href attribute, but this is dynamically generated by ASP.net depending on selected theme and I have no control over it.

How do I get ASP.net to load themes properly?

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Rewrite Url Address Using Vb.net?

Dec 8, 2010

just like the title is. When users land on the second page, after clicking submit on first page, i want the second page to read the url, then modify the aspx page in the end and send the user to a specific page.
e.g - www.abc.com/page1.aspx --> click submit --> redirect to www.abc.com/page2.aspx the code should read "/page2.aspx" and then rewrite it as "/page5.aspx" and automatically redirect to page5.aspx

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Web Forms :: How To Use URL Rewriting

Sep 6, 2013

I remove .aspx extension in my website how to use....

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Web Forms :: Rewrite URL In Address Bar?

Jun 10, 2010

Any one have idea about rewrite url in detailed,want step by step process about rewrite url.

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