Convert Existing .net 3.5 To ASP.Net MV 2.0?

Mar 8, 2010

I want to convert an existing 3.5 application to MVC2.0. how we can proceed with?

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Convert An Existing Project Into MVC Pattern?

Jan 4, 2010

I created a ASP.NET project which calls a DAL class I wrote, to retrieve data to display on the page, most of the heavy lifting is in the DAL class. As you can see, it pretty straightforward, although I do have some minor validation code in my aspx page. how can I convert this project into a MVC pattern?

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Security :: Convert Existing User Database From Hashed To Encrypted

Aug 12, 2010

I've taken over a website which has around 3000 users registered using the standard membership provider on a SQL database. When the website was set up there were a lot of gaps in the system and we have a lot of tidying up to do of users with the same email addresses etc and invalid addresses so i'm just starting to look at how i can wrap all of this up and make administering the user accounts easier.

At the moment the account passwords are stored in "Hashed" format set in the web.config and obviously this doesn't allow for password retrieval. I want to know whether there is a way of converting all of these passwords from a hashed format to an encrypted format thus allowing me to create a password recovery page that doesn't then send the user a new password which is quite often something like "a*ns7#<3lx"

Ideally i'd like to convert all of these if that is possible so that I do a much simpler password retrieval system. If this is not possible can you tell me how i go about setting the passwordreset value not to contain all sorts of non-alpha/numberic characters?

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Visual Studio 2010 - Convert An Existing Website To HTML 5?

Mar 10, 2011

I have a website which created first by Visual Studio 2005, then I convert in to Visual Studio 2008 and currently using Visual Studio 2008. After Visual Studio 2010 Service Pack 1, HTML 5 and CSS 3 seem to be available. I want to convert my website to a VS 2010 website which uses HTML5.

How can this be done?

Is it possible to convert it to an ASP.NET Web Application while I'm porting it from VS2008 to Visual Studio 2010 ?

I know how to convert a website to web application in Visual Studio 2008 but I haven't used Visual Studio 2010 and have no idea about the differences.

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Web Forms :: Convert A Existing HTML Page As Master Page?

May 11, 2010

I have a static HTML page that has the basic design layout of a website that is fully functional. I need to display some data from database inside one of the div tags. I am using ASP .net 3.5 for the dynamic display of data.

So i want to convert this html page to master page and then add a content placeholder and display dynamic data from db using a gridview within this page.

Is there any way that i can convert or reference this html page as the master page in ASP .net ?

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WCF / ASMX :: How To Convert Existing Web Service To Framework 3.5 Service

Sep 20, 2010

I have running existing web service in framework 2.0, but i want to convert all my service to framework 3.5 WCF Service..

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C# - Can Convert To The String But Can't Convert Back

Jul 30, 2010

I have a string I need to convert back to a date. I can call .ToString("yyyyMMdd") and get the string i want. My question is how can I convert that back into a date? I'm trying something like the following with no luck.

DateTime d;
var formatInfo = new DateTimeFormatInfo {ShortDatePattern = "yyyyMMdd"};
if (DateTime.TryParse(details.DetectionTime.Date, formatInfo, DateTimeStyles.None, out d))
lit.Text = d.ToShortTimeString(); //would like 07/30/2010 as the text

I've never used DateTimeFormatInfo before if that isn't obvious. Can someone point me in the right direction. I know I could probably use substring and create a new DateTime(y, m, d) etc... I'm just wondering since c# interpreted .ToString() correctly, if it can't derive a date from the very same string it output.

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How To Add The Amount Existing In Different Filenames

Jul 20, 2010

i am having 2 different txt files saved namely a.txt and a1.txt and my data in that is

a.txt 23ABCD444455510000GFHDHHD

a1.txt 2323143333344435.678gfdsfgskf

Now i would like to add those 2 values which are in bold and i have display the sum..

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DropDownList - To Tell The Computer Existing Id?

Feb 16, 2010

Right now, I am struggling with this ASP.NET problem. I want the computer to display a label that says, "ID Already exists -- must select a different value" when the computer has a matching (or the same) number in the dropdown list box. When I add a NEW ID, this is when the process happens.If the New ID does not = to the values in the ID Number, then when I press 'Add New Item', the red label should display:ID Already exists. Must select a different value. Right now, my code for the add button event is:
If ddlItems.Text = "Add New Item" Then
Dim item As New Item
With item


What can I do to add the text below and read all IDNumbers to verify that it is not chosen already?

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Modifying Existing Regex?

Jan 19, 2010

i m using a regex to not allow certain characters, the below code works fine for certain html tags but not for all for i dont want the user to enter html tags for eg if i enter <nitin/> it allows but i dont want this to happen for other html tags it does not allow

!@#$%^&*()+=[]\';,/{}|":<>? or

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Encrypting Existing Passwords?

Aug 5, 2010

found while searching for help on my application.I have a small application with connected to a SQL database. As it was so small, and contained very little data of any importance, i had set it up with Clear passwords.Now i have been asked to expand the database considerably, and encrypted passwords are now required. I can easily modify the web.config so all future users are set up with encrypted passwords. But is there any way to change all existing users passwords to be stored encrypted?

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How To Replace As Little As Possible Of The Existing Code

Apr 15, 2010

I am receiving the contents of a file via ftp. I don't want to go into every detail (unless needed), but I am working with existing code that was using 3rd-party software to get ftp files. I am replacing that with .NET code. But I want to replace as little as possible of the existing code that is not specifically using the 3rd-party s/w. So I am trying to use a class originally written by the author of the code (a former employee).

This is his class constructor:


Public Sub New(ByVal fileName As String, ByVal content As StreamReader)
Me.FileName = fileName
Me.Content = content
Me.TimeStamp = Date.Now
End Sub

So I need to pass a StreamReader. My problem is how to get one.
In my procedure ReceiveFile(), I execute this code:


Private Shared Sub ReceiveFile(ByVal sFilename As String, ByRef objMemoryStream As System.IO.MemoryStream)

Dim request As FtpWebRequest = DirectCast(WebRequest.Create("ftp site and folder" & sFilename), FtpWebRequest)
request.Method = WebRequestMethods.Ftp.DownloadFile
request.Credentials = New NetworkCredential("id", "pw")
Dim response As FtpWebResponse = DirectCast(request.GetResponse(), FtpWebResponse)
Dim responseStream As Stream = response.GetResponseStream()
Dim reader As New StreamReader(responseStream)
Dim sFile As String = reader.ReadToEnd
' response.Close()
'objMemoryStream = responseStream
Dim objStream As System.IO.MemoryStream
objStream = New System.IO.MemoryStream(Convert.FromBase64String(sFile))
' objMemoryStream = Convert.FromBase64String(sFile)
objMemoryStream = objStream
'Return reader
Catch ex As Exception
Dim i As Integer
i = 10
End Try
End Sub

responseStream is declared as a stream but when I query it in the debugger it says it's an FtpDataStream, after it's set equal to response.GetResponseStream. I want to take that stream and somehow get it into a MemoryStream. I thought I found the solution this morning via Convert.FromBase64String, but when I ran I got an exception saying "Invalid character in a base-64 string", and I think it's because of the newline character in the string. The file that's received contains three lines separated by a newline character.

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C# - Can OpenRasta Run Alongside An Existing Web App

Aug 13, 2010

Is there a preferred way to configure an solution so that OpenRasta can run alongside an existing application application.

I'm interested in what the process would be for a request coming in to the server for:

a resource OR knew about
a resource the old web app knew about
a resource neither app know how to handle

I'd like to keep the 2 projects separated so that we can gradually move over functionality to being based on OpenRasta and away from our legacy app.

As an example, on a machine with a virtual directory of /api

Requests to /api/contacts <-- handled by OpenRasta.
Requests to /api/v0.1/contacts <-- handled by Legacy web app.
Requests to /api/junk <-- handled by Neither web app.

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C# - How To Overwrite Existing Log File

Jun 21, 2010

How to "overwrite existing log file" ??? I have tried to set attribute property <appendToFile value="false" />. but still log file is not getting overwrite. My config file setting is as follow:

<level value="DEBUG" />
<appender-ref ref="LogFileAppender" />

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C# - Best Way To Add A Column To An Existing Dataset

Jun 29, 2010

I have two extremely long queries that I am running on multiple tables, using an INNER JOIN. The only difference between these two queries is that they take different input values for one of the WHERE clauses, which they get from two separate DropDownLists. The results of these queries are identical, save for the time1/time2 columns.string query1 = "select Name =, time1=(SELECT hours FROM table3 WHERE street=list1.selectedvalue), t2.address from [table1] t1 INNER JOIN [table2] t2 ON t1.param = t2.param ORDER BY Name"

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C# - Using HTML.RoutLink To Add Onto The Existing URL?

Nov 21, 2010

Is there a way to use HTML.RouteLink() to add onto the existing url. For example I have

<%: Html.RouteLink(link.Text, link.RouteValues) %>

My controller is Pages, and my action is somestring. So the generated url would be localhost/Page/somestring

This is fine. However I would link the generated url when I visit http://localhost:1241/Admin/ section to be


Instead of localhost/Page/somestring

This localhost/Page/somestring url is setup in my global.asx file to route to view a page, and the localhost/Admin/Page/somestring url is routed to edit the page.


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Integrating CMS Into An Existing Site?

Jan 20, 2011

I have developed an ASP.NET Web Application and am now looking in to integrating a CMS into it. Is there any open source tool that allows me to this?

I have many existing pages, with content in them, and want to make it possible to simply have some sort of plugin that can be used to add or edit the content - I am willing to convert the existing static content into the CMS database but want to keep the other functionality I have developed (A custom authorisation framework, a site layout and styling using master pages etc).

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MVC - Connect To Existing Database?

Jul 21, 2010

i red some stuff, and what i got is that mvs normally works not directly with MSSQL on pc but witht he one it creates within project.. hm.. like that, and you can not see the database created from the project in normal SQL server databases.

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C# - Move To Mvc From Existing Project?

Feb 3, 2011

I have used .net framework 4.0 to design my web project I want to improve some features on my web site and I decided to use MVC in my project.

I research about mvc I found out System.Web.Routing in .net framework 3.5 is wrapped by System.Web in .net framework 4.0.

In the other side in my host environment I have IIS 7.0 with all necessarily handlers mapped to .aspx and some other extension like .cshtml and support them.

So I think I have all thing for mvc migration. my question is :

Is it possible to move mvc by configure web.config and make some structure for content, view and controller classes but don't change any pages and configuration like appcode and appdata which I had before in my application.

Note, I don't want to change or update my old application to mvc I want to add some mvc controllers class and view to my existing project to use mvc functionality.

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Adding WCF To Existing Application?

Nov 30, 2010

I want to add WCF to existing application and host both of them in the same virtual directory is it possible ?? Also when i click new item to add app.config file from visual studio its not showing.

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C# - Using Silverlight With Existing Application?

May 5, 2010

This seems like a very basic question but I couldn't find any help on web. If you could provide some link or steps to do this.I have created few basic Silverlight applications which are working fine standalone. I also have a basic ASP.NET application with a solution with around 10 Class Library Projects and 1 website. I want to create a small popup which will have some funtionality using Silverlight.How should I go about creating this application and how to integrate it with my existing application for it to show as a link. I would not want that link to open another application/site.

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Trying To Integrate Mapping Into An Existing Website?

Mar 4, 2010

I'm trying to integrate mapping into an existing website, and I was trying to figure out which flavor to use; Ajax, Silverlight or Web Services.

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Place The Existing Frame Into The Jtabbedpane

Feb 11, 2010

I have raised with an error that i am unable to place the existing frame into the jtabbedpane.when i use to click the tab the class of serverInitiator frame is opening in a new window but how can i view it on the current frame of jtabbedpane.

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C# - How To Add Silverlight XAP File To An Existing Webpage

Aug 26, 2010

I've added a new silverlight application to my project. It works fine by itself.

I even have a ClientBin folder in my ASP.NET Web Application with the XAP file of my Silverlight project.

So how I embed that Silverlight project into my existing ASP.NET web application?

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ADO.NET :: To Add An Existing Database In Your App_Data Folder?

Jan 30, 2011

Pardon if this is a very dumb question, but I was trying to migrate an existing ASP application to MVC, and followed the procedure from the music store tutorial (, which involves adding the
database to the App_Data folder. (I had to restart my machine before it would work, since otherwise, Visual Studio thought the database was being used by another application.)

Now when I check in Windows Explorer, it looks like the database file was literally copied into the App_Data folder, and now I have two mdf files on my hard drive with the same name. What is going on there?

Will my MVC app ignore the original (real) database and use it's own private copy instead? (That would be bad.) Or is the new copy just for reference when using wizards that generate entity classes etc.? If the latter, what is the procedure when the real
database is modified, to update the application code?

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