This is more of a general question about which direction would be a better investment for the company.
Our company's core business application is written in Visual FoxPro and is about 9+ years old. The database is huge 15+ gigs and the core logic is complex and to make matters worse the data model is terrible. The two guys that built it and have maintained it all these years are at least in their 50's, so needless to say retirement or possibly death could come within the next decade or so.
This VFP app drives all our core business functions and requires terminal services and citrix to access it from the outside world. Our web apps have to interface with it via ODBC and we are always having performance issues with it. The servers that run this system are also very old, like Win 2000 server and are falling apart.
Recently we have been having meetings about upgrading the systems that run this core app as well as other services like email and file storage. The biggest expense however is buying new server hardware, OS licensing, Terminal Services licensing, Citrix licensing etc to solve some performance and outside access issues we are currently having as well as just generally bringing us to date on our systems.
The price tag is going to be in the $55K to $65K price range. So as a web developer my point of view is that this is a huge waste of money! My solution would be to invest that money in rewriting the core system to run on the web based .Net platform. This would eliminate the need for Terminal Server and Citrix licensing along with the pricey hardware and configuration management to run it on. I don't see the point in investing this kind of money in an antiquated system that should be on it's way out anyways.
I am looking to get some convincing arguments as to why this is a waste of money. Hopefully there is someone here that has faced this type of situation before that can give me some points of view. The hardware upgrade seems to be the easiest road to take because they will just have a consultant come in and do it all. A software development project would take longer, require more resources and possibly cost a little more money.
both site1 an site2 are using form authentication and creating the token further adding in cookie as below,
FormsAuthentication.Initialize(); FormsAuthenticationTicket ticket = new FormsAuthenticationTicket(1,username,DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(20),rememberMeSet,globalID ,FormsAuthentication.FormsCookiePath);
// Encrypt the ticket. String hash = FormsAuthentication.Encrypt(ticket); //Create the authentication cookie HttpCookie cookie = new HttpCookie(FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName, hash);
My problem is when I'm logging in to Both site1 and site2 then these two are not running simultaneously on single browser using different tab for same user is being logged out when logging to the other application and vice verse.
First, My project is to develop a loyalty system similar to air miles. The objective is to capture items bought in stores by means of a magnetic stripe card. The problem is I dont know how POS (Point of sale) systems work. Do I need to contact all the grocery stores individually or do I need to contact all the POS software designers individually?
Second, The objective is not just to capture a number from the card but to actually have access to the individual items bought at the store by means of the card in the form of a database.
Suppose I have two threads(Thread1, Thread2) where the threads are accessing the cache for a given object such as in the code below nearly at the same time:
Dim expensiveToGetData = Cache("ExpensiveDataKey") If ExpensiveToGetData is nothing then 'because the cache has expired ExpensiveToGetData = LoadExpensiveDataFromDataSource() Cache("ExpensiveDataKey") = ExpensiveToGetData end If ProcessExpensiveData(ExpensiveToGetData)
Isn't it possible for both threads to load the cache because they both requested data from the cache that was nothing/expired? I've run some tests on a local machine and it seems that the cache is being loaded more than once. Is this a normal pattern?
Recently I've implemnted Single SignOn feature in my website which was developed on Framwork 2.0 using visual studio 2005.These website works on all browsers perfectly except that there two systems in my testing environment where the FormsAuthentication doesn't work on IE only.
On Those systems itself FormsAuthentication works for other browsers like mozilla.On these system I have checked that FormsAuthentication cookie is created but it lost it value as soon as other page is traversed.But when I try to login again it give me the messsage that user is already login i.e. user was able to login successfully.Both of them are currenlty using IE 8.
My system is an website which uses sql server 2008 (mostly stored procedures, but for asychnronous calls I directly insert the sql commands). I have a web service which polls multiple databases, I use external libraries(Including office interop), and allow for uploading and downloading files - without restriction.
My asp pages use javascript and jquery for most of their functionality.
I like the look of SIteInifinity by Telerik as a content management system. Unfortunately it is not WCAG 2.0 compliant.Are there any third party CMS systems that are WCAG 2.0 complaint?
i've created my reports and deployed in my system.. i.e
http://localhost:8080/rpt which are working fine.. (" i.e in XP prof SP3")
now i've developed an application in different system which windows server2008
in that i'm using reportviewer now.. what i want is when i run the project in
windows server the reports display from my system.. i.e my url http://myip:8080/rpt
error msg("enable to connect remotely")
i've tried by giving my [URL] in another system .. but it will ask username and password i've tried giving my system and password .. and also the system name and passward where i'm trying to execute.. the error is displayed
("An application error occurred on the server. The current custom error settings for this application prevent the details of the application error from being viewed remotely (for security reasons). It could, however, be viewed by browsers running on the local server machine.")
I want to implement Login session , in which one user can login from one device only ..and if on other device try to login with same ID the First Device get an Alert..
I am not sure if this is the correct place to post this question. If not, please forgive and point me.
In the application I work on people add items, then build forms to accept attributes. We have developed a set of custom controls that they can use as well as a environment where they can add "conditions" (that create JavaScript) and "elements" (that generate html). The problem is that we end up supporting this "development environment" that we have developed as well as the conditions to JavaScript mappings.
If it helps, every element they build on that page (textbox, textarea, checkbox, select, hidden) ends up in our db in a attribute form that simply stores the input as key/value pairs with the element id as the key, and the value as the value.
I am thinking there must be a beter way to do this.
Maybe develop web services that each form submits to and leave the form building and scripting up to standard tools. But to do this we would need to be able to make custom controls (or custom properties in common controls) available. For example, we have dropdown lists that use sql to get the keys and values for the options. A more elaborate example, we have user lookup dialogs, region lookup dialogs, site lookup dialogs, etc.
At this point I am looking for suggestions regarding architectures.
I have a gridview in an updatepanel with sorting enabled and an event handler as follows:
protected void MyGridSort(object sender, GridViewSortEventArgs e) { var TheDirection = (e.SortDirection).ToString(); var TheColumn = (e.SortExpression).ToString();
I put a breakpoint just after these lines. Every time I press the column header, my variable TheDirection is always showing Ascending. Why is it not toggling from ascending to descending and back?
I am not able to change the direction of popups/Alerts in Arabic culture which should be RTL direction.Rest of my application is changed in above culture, only problem is with popups and alerts.
i want to add a google map in my page. i have multiple location. now i want to get the driving direction for this multiple location. Its similar like getdirection in google map.
i have a dropdown list and what happens is that when i click on the dropdown button the list appears under other controls and it pops upwards. If it pops downwards and is non transparent then it would be visible .how is this achievable ?
how to convert the direction from rtl to slider extender the code below shows slider extender from left to right I want to change direction from right to left? could you please to explain?
i have some link buttons that On click direct to some page iwant to add some if statement that if the user is online direct to same page and if not direct to other page?
I have a page which is LTR direction, and now I would like the page to work also with RTL direction. I care the most about the content in the middle of the page, that it would look nice.
My Gridview sorting only works only one way means it works only desc order not by asc order. Â
below is my code:
Public Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load      If Not Page.IsPostBack Then       Gridview1.Visible = False     End If   End Sub Protected Sub Submit_Click(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Submit.Click        Gridview1.DataSourceID = Nothing
I used pagination for datalist and pagination look like below:
Last Previous ... 4 3 2 1 Next First
 it is work correctly  I want right to left pagination but problem is that here in below code:
 private void PopulatePager(int recordCount, int currentPage) { double dblPageCount = (double)((decimal)recordCount / (decimal)PageSize); int pageCount = (int)Math.Ceiling(dblPageCount); List<PagerPage> pages = new List<PagerPage>(); if (pageCount > 0) { pages.Add(new PagerPage("Last", pageCount.ToString(), currentPage < pageCount, "button"));
[Code] .....
when I changed "first" "Next" "previous" "Last" to persian character:"First='اولین'"  "Next='بعدی'"  "previous='قبلی'"  "Last='آخرین'"
again page number direction changed to left to right:
 1 2 3 4 ...
private void PopulatePager(int recordCount, int currentPage) { double dblPageCount = (double)((decimal)recordCount / (decimal)PageSize); int pageCount = (int)Math.Ceiling(dblPageCount); List<PagerPage> pages = new List<PagerPage>(); if (pageCount > 0) { pages.Add(new PagerPage("آخرین", pageCount.ToString(), currentPage < pageCount, "button"));
[Code] ....
why this happen? Above code worked correctly just when text be in english character when I change to persian or this character "<< < >> >" Â it changed number direction. what should I do?