Panel Direction Property - Set From Left To Right (horizontally)

Aug 5, 2010

I add a user control dynamically (which only contains a table) to the Panel:

<asp:Panel ID="panel" runat="server"
ScrollBars="Horizontal" Width="160" Direction="LeftToRight">

when I add e.g. two user controls, they have vertical direction. Why ? I want them set from left to right (horizontally)

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To Put A Panel Horizontally Next To Another Control?

Dec 19, 2010

I created an ASCX Control that consists of a panel control and that's it. I am trying to make this panel into a custom button. Being that it is a panel I am subject to the fact that it renders as a div which creates a problem. I would like to position this panel-button in the parent aspx page like a regular button which can be placed anywhere like next to a regular button like below:
[asp_button1] [ascx_panel_button]

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AJAX :: CollapsiblePanelExtender Control Always Expand And Show The Panel On The Left Margin?

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I have an ASPX page with two UpdatePanels, one on the left that holds a TreeView and other on the right where I load dynamically user controls.

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What's happening? I think it is about dynamic load.

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Sep 16, 2010

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Also provide code for search textbox function present in stack overflow website. On entering text in textbox and pressing enter key, the search function should get executed.

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How To Expose A Panel As A Property In User Control

Aug 20, 2010

I have a user control with a panel on it:

<%@ Control Language="vb" CodeBehind="CustomControl.ascx.vb" %>
<asp:Panel ID="myPanel" runat="server"></asp:Panel>

I'd lke to expose that panel as a property that I can use at design time.

<ParseChildren(True), PersistChildren(False)> _
Partial Public Class CustomControl
Inherits System.Web.UI.UserControl
#Region "Members and Properties"
<PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty)> _
Public Property SomePanel() As Panel
Return myPanel
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Panel)
myPanel= value
End Set
End Property
#End Region
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
End Sub
End Class

And then bring the control onto a page like so:

<ucl:CustomControl runat="server">
<asp:Label ID="lblText" AssociatedControlID="txtBox" runat="server"></asp:Label>
<asp:TextBox id="txtBox" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>

When I run the page, HasControls is true but nothing is rendered. What am I doing wrong?

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How To Align Grouping Text Property Of A Panel

Sep 15, 2010

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so how to i enable my css property for the div using javascript for the tab panel

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But when I try to run the code I get;

"Object reference not set to an instance of an object" on this line If RadioButtonList1.SelectedItem.Equals(3) Then

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Jan 22, 2011

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Custom Server Controls :: Property Collections Not Persisted When Control Inside Update Panel And Content Placeholder

Apr 13, 2010

I'm creating an ASP.NET Control which has a property collection for Columns which the user can edit in the Property Collection Editor..

In most circumstances this works fine, the collection can be edited in the designer and the appropriate tags are added inside the control in the ASPX file.

It works fine when

My control is added to the form


My control is added inside an Update Panel



However, if My control is inside a Content Placeholder which is inside an Update Panel, it fails to work as it should. In this scenario, when the Columns collection is edited in the designer, if you then switch back to Source view, the Columns collection is emptied. I have to save the aspx page before switching back to Source view for the changes to be kept.


how to get around this problem? Is there something I may have missed?

Here's the code for the Control


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Architecture :: Looking For Some Direction

Mar 26, 2011

I am not sure if this is the correct place to post this question. If not, please forgive and point me.

In the application I work on people add items, then build forms to accept attributes. We have developed a set of custom controls that they can use as well as a environment where they can add "conditions" (that create JavaScript) and "elements" (that generate
html). The problem is that we end up supporting this "development environment" that we have developed as well as the conditions to JavaScript mappings.

If it helps, every element they build on that page (textbox, textarea, checkbox, select, hidden) ends up in our db in a attribute form that simply stores the input as key/value pairs with the element id as the key, and the value as the value.

I am thinking there must be a beter way to do this.

Maybe develop web services that each form submits to and leave the form building and scripting up to standard tools. But to do this we would need to be able to make custom controls (or custom properties in common controls) available. For example, we have
dropdown lists that use sql to get the keys and values for the options. A more elaborate example, we have user lookup dialogs, region lookup dialogs, site lookup dialogs, etc.

At this point I am looking for suggestions regarding architectures.

Thank you,


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C# - Change Panel "visible" Property On MasterPage From Child Pages?

Jun 11, 2010

I want to show some panel with a label, both located on a MasterPage, from inside it's child pages.. I already did the coding on the MasterPage:

public class MyMaster : MasterPage
public void ShowPanel(string pMessage)
labelInside.Text = pMessage;
myPanel.visible = true;

This "works" ok, but it won't show nothing, since I need the page to be "refreshed" in an "ajax-way" like an UpdatePanel, which I can't use because the Trigger is in another page, right?I really need this to work.. even if you have another completely different way to do this,

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Put Link For Google Map Direction On Web

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Create .NET Dropdownlist Direction

Apr 13, 2010

Is it possible with the standard asp:dropdownlist to make the list expand upwards instead of downwards, or do I need to create a custom control?

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