.NET :: Way To Convert A TableAdapter

Sep 15, 2010

I wanna do following action with tableAdapter:

string selectSQL = "select * from author WHERE authorID LIKE @authorID";
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection("Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=bookbank;Integrated Security=True");
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(selectSQL, con);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@authorID", Convert.ToInt32(lblex.Text));

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Similar Messages:

C# - Getting @@IDENTITY From TableAdapter?

Sep 13, 2010

I am trying to complete a seemingly simple task that has turned into a several hour adventure: Getting @@Identity from TableAdapter.Insert()

protected void submitBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
AssetsDataSetTableAdapters.SitesTableAdapter sta = new AssetsDataSetTableAdapters.SitesTableAdapter();
int insertedID = sta.Insert(siteTxt.Text,descTxt.Text);
AssetsDataSetTableAdapters.NotesTableAdapter nta = new AssetsDataSetTableAdapters.NotesTableAdapter();

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Reference A DAL TableAdapter?

Nov 15, 2010

i am trying to build a little ASP.NET 3.5 project to explore DAL concepts. While following the steps on this walkthrough:


I am unable to figure out how to reference the TableAdapter added in the DAL section from within the App_Code directory. I tried adding the following different statements

using AccountsTableAdapter;
using <projectname>.App_Code.MyTableAdpater;

where <projectname> is the solution name. When I add this to the code behind page but I keep getting an error regarding the namespace. What is the pattern I need to use to find this code in 3.5 within the App_Code directory?

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ADO.NET :: Passing Values To TableAdapter Parameters?

Nov 12, 2010

I am creating a DataSet to attach to a report (*.rdlc). In the DataSet is a TableAdapter that has the GetData(@start, @end) function. Can someone please explain how I get values in to @start and @end? I have searched and seen that it might have something to do with overriding the Fill function in the DataSet code behind file. Please let me know.

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DataSource Controls :: How To Get And Use Record ID In Same TableAdapter

Feb 5, 2010

There are several articles and blogs that are sort of about this subject but I haven't found one on point. Wondering if anyone has done this? Using VS2008 creating an ASP.NET 3.5 app with a strongly-typed dataset connecting to an MS SQL backend. In one TableAdapter, I have a custom Insert statement that inserts the record into the primary table. There are two other tables the also need records inserted into them and those records contain the record ID from the primary table. Here's an example of what I'm trying to accomplish:


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How To Fill A Dataset With Data (Using TableAdapter)

Apr 16, 2014

i will passing a parameter from within the program, but i can't find Fill Function!Do I need to use a specific namespace? (i using VS2008).

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Business Layer And Datasets / TableAdapter

Apr 3, 2012

I have a website and it was running great but wanted to move my business logic/datasets over to its own project.

That seems to be working well, I can access my functions etc from my bl dll. But I cant access my tableadapters like i used to be able to directly.

Do I have to make classes that access all those tableadapters or am I missing some reference I need to add?

I seem to be able to get the dataset for example mydataset But the intellisense doesnt pull up mydatasettableadapter

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DataSource Controls :: Syntax To Use To Update Using A TableAdapter?

Jan 3, 2011

I have this Insert statement working fine: [Code]....

It inserts a new record into a single table. The PK is a field named QID.what the equivalent Update code would be? I'm not sure of the syntax for the Update values (old and new) and Where clause.I'm assuming something beginning with: existingQ.Update

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ADO.NET :: TableAdapter.Update To Insert Related Rows?

Feb 5, 2011

I used to ADO.NET+DataSet many years ago, but now, I need it again. So what I need is to add related rows with tableAdapter.Update method.Here is my code: [Code]....

but I get the "The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK_Question_Project". The conflict occurred in database "QTracker", table "dbo.Project", column 'ID'. The statement has been terminated." exception at the "qTA.Update(ds);" row. I have seen many examples that do the same, but my code still throws the exception.

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ADO.NET :: Passing DBNull As Argument To TableAdapter Expecting Int?

Aug 2, 2010

I need to pass DBNull to a table adapter expecting int, the solution listed below does not work,

int NetID = DBNull.Value;

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Connected Database - To Find Its TableAdapter Class?

Aug 19, 2010

I can't see it nowhere in Visual Studio's Solution Explorer. The tutorial that I am following is using the Northwind database and hence the need to add the code line "using NorthWindTableAdatpter;" statement.So I thought I needed to add "using myDBTableAdapters" statement in my code which I did, but it's giving an error saying:

"The type or namespace name 'myDbTableAdapters' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)"

What's wrong? Where is the class for myDB's table adapter? I searched the .xsd file, but there's no mention of "myDBTableAdapters".It's not there in the Solution Explorer.

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DataSource Controls :: TableAdapter Using Wrong Query?

Jan 19, 2010

I have a quite baffling problem. I've created a Table adapter with 3 queries. 1. GetMemberData() - Return ALL rows. 2. SearchMembersLastName(@q) - Return specified columns from rows that have a column starting with a specified letter. 3. GetMemberDataById(@id)
- Return all rows matching a specified ID.

The Problem is that SearchMembersLastName(@q) is returning ALL coloumns instead of just the ones I want. Here's the query that's in the Table Adapter:


The problem is that it is acting like:

Here's the code that's calling it:

I just can't figure out why this is happening, any help will be greatly appreciated.

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Web Forms :: Using TableAdapter To Query A Table In Code Behind?

Nov 24, 2010

I have a webpage that displays the results of a query on a table. The resulting list is sorted by town:

New York

Hyatt Regency Waldorf Astoria

Hotel du Louvre Hotel Le Meurice

I've been asked to add to this list another sublist of nearby hotels. The intended result is:

New York

Hyatt Regency Waldorf Astoria nearby hotels:

hotel 1 hotel 2


Hotel du Louvre Hotel Le Meurice nearby hotels:

hotel 3 hotel 4

I've got a TableAdapter set up in VS2010 so that I can query the table for nearby hotels with "@town" as the parameter. So at the end of each list of hotels in a town, I need to display the results of this query.

If the query turns up no records (no nearby hotels), I don't want to display anything. If it turns up 1 or more records, I want to display the list of nearby hotels.

I am trying to set up a conditional "if" statement that checks to see if any records returned but am getting an error when I try to build:

Error 3 'Maine_Innkeeper_Site_2010.App_Code.DataAccessLayer.MaineInnsDatasetTableAdapters.membersTableAdapter.GetNearbyProperties(string)' is a 'method', which is not valid in the given context E:Ed dataclientsMaine InnkeepersMIA website 2010Maine Innkeeper Site 2010lodging-search-output.aspx.cs 49 49 Maine Innkeeper Site 2010 [Code]....

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DataSource Controls :: TableAdapter With Filtering Method

Jan 5, 2010

I right click on a TableAdapter, select Add Query, select using QueryBuilder, then select a field to filter upon, and add Filter as =@BookStem. Automatically the QueryBuilder adds the WHERE clause to my new query:HERE (BookStem = '@BookStem')When I press OK, I get "BookStem in expression is not part of the query". And filtering doesn't work.

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DataSource Controls :: How To Add New Itemsin Dataset And TableAdapter

Mar 20, 2010

I create Dataset(Add new item dateset(the name is myDataset)), after
that I made a simple TableAdapter(myTableAdapter) sql query, I want to know how to connect with code to this tableadapter and then with DataGrid(I don't wont to use wizard).

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ADO.NET :: Setting The DefaultValue Of A Datetime Column In A TableAdapter?

Feb 9, 2011

I have an SQL table with a smalldatetime column. The Default Value is set to (getdate()), as I want it to insert the date in which the record is inserted. Null values are not allowed.In my corresponding Table Adapter in Visual Studio 2010, when I select that column and view Properties, under DefaultValue it has <DBNull>. If I try to change this to GetDate(), it won't let me.What's the proper way to do this?I am getting the Failed to enable constraints. One or more rows contain values violating non-null, unique, or foreign-key constraints.error when I try to execute a Table Adapter query that simply tries to return all the rows.

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ADO.NET :: Correct Way To Fill A DataTable With A TableAdapter Method?

Dec 1, 2010

I have a dataset with a table adapter that has several queries. I want to execute on of the queries and fill a data table but am having trouble with this operation. Am I invoking my table adapter incorrectly? See line 56.


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Databases :: Using Parameters In TableAdapter - ODBC Connection To MySql

Feb 15, 2011

I am currently making a website on asp.net and i am creating methods using TableAdapter. I am connected to MySql using an ODBC connection. The select * from department will work perfectly for me but when trying to use parameters i am given an error message on the wizard. select * from department where name = @name gives me the error: Error in where clause near '@' unable to parse query text. also tried select * from department where name = ?: this gives me the error: No mapping exists from dbTypeObject to a known Odbc type.

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DataSource Controls :: TableAdapter Null In A Query Parameter

Jan 6, 2010

I am creating a TableAdapter using corresponding wizard, with a GetDataByID() query. The select statement is like this:select * from books where ID = ?Thus books are filtered by ID. But in case a null is passed as a parameter, I want to select all records rather than none. Could you please tell me how I can do it?

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DataSource Controls :: Adapter.Update Is Not A Member Of TableAdapter

Mar 4, 2010

I have created a function that is called when a user wishes to upload a file to the database. The problem I am having is that it won't write the files to the database anymore. This function used to work before I implemented a treeview (which connects to the database). I am struggling to see how the treeview could have cause the file upload to stop working (the error may not even be related to the implementation of the treeview).

The error message I am receiving is: 'Update' is not a member of 'CMS.SiteFilesDSTableAdapters.SiteFilesTableAdapter'.

The code for the upload function is:

<System.ComponentModel.DataObjectMethodAttribute(System.ComponentModel.DataObjectMethodType.Insert, True)> _
Public Function AddSiteFile(ByVal FileData As Byte(), ByVal FileName As String, ByVal FileDescription As

It is throwing the error at: Dim rowsAffected As Integer = Adapter.Update(SiteFiles)
' Return true if precisely one row was inserted, otherwise false
Return rowsAffected = 1

EDIT: I managed to solve this problem by following:


Basically, I had used an Inner Join to gather all the fields, and table adapters don't seem to like them.

INSERT INTO [SiteFiles] ([FileData], [FileName], [FileDescription], [FileType], [FileCreated], [FileCreatedBy]) VALUES (@FileData, @FileName, @FileDescription, @FileType, @FileCreated, @FileCreatedBy)

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DataSource Controls :: TableAdapter.Update Returning Incorrect Row Ids?

Apr 9, 2010

I'm lost as to where to look next. Here is a sample of what I'm doing:

[Code].... The related tableadapter insert statement was autogenerated by VS2008:

INSERT INTO [ProductCycleCountItem] ([ProductCycleCountLocationID], [ProductID], [CountOnly], [Status]) VALUES (@ProductCycleCountLocationID, @ProductID, @CountOnly, @Status);
SELECT id, ProductCycleCountLocationID, ProductID, CountOnly, Status FROM ProductCycleCountItem WHERE (id = SCOPE_IDENTITY())

With multiple users it's as if it was returning @@IDENTITY instead of SCOPE_IDENTITY(). The table will look like this:

id Location product

1 A 5321

2 A 8273

3 B 2827

4 A 1743
The returned dataset will look like this:

id Location Product

1 A 5321
2 A 8273
3 A 1743

Is it maybe a SQL Server (2005) setting that's incorrect?

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ADO.NET :: Handle Optional Parameters For TableAdapter Select Query

Dec 15, 2010

I'm creating a webpage with serveral web controls to set search parameters for querying an SQL table. My plan is to use a TableAdapter to hold the query. If the user decides not to use one, several, or any of the web controls to filter their search, I want the SELECT to execute without complaining that it doesn't have parameter values. Should my SQL query look like


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Web Forms :: Unable To Use HasRows With TableAdapter Select Query?

Nov 30, 2010

I have a TableAdapter that consists of an SQL SELECT query.

Need to create an "if" statement that checks to see if the query returned any records.

Tried "HasRows" but Visual Studio 2010 says: Error 2 'Maine_Innkeeper_Site_2010.App_Code.DataAccessLayer.MaineInnsDataset.membersDataTable' does not contain a definition for 'HasRows' and no extension method 'HasRows' accepting a first argument of type 'Maine_Innkeeper_Site_2010.App_Code.DataAccessLayer.MaineInnsDataset.membersDataTable'
could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) E:Ed dataclientsMaine InnkeepersMIA website 2010Maine Innkeeper Site 2010lodging-search-output.aspx.cs 49 83 Maine Innkeeper Site 2010

What's the proper way to check if HasRows is wrong?


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DataSource Controls :: Config ObjectDataSource ? TableAdapter Not In List?

Sep 21, 2010

Going to start this thread over so that it makes more sense.Anyways, my problem is that when trying to configure my ObjectDataSource in design mode, it only gives me 2 options and never gives me the option for the one I need. The other 2 work fine, but for some reason, this 3rd one will not show up in the list.I have a webpage with pics illustrating how I have it setup and the problem ----------> https://sites.google.com/site/configuringobjectdatasource/And I have another webpage with pics illustrating steps I have taken to fix this problem but still nothing -----> https://sites.google.com/site/configodspart2/what is going on and why it will not show up in my list when I try to configure?

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Web Forms :: Tableadapter Doesn't Allow Null Integer Columns?

Mar 29, 2010

I have an sproc which selects data out of my table. The column can return integer or NULLs.

I get the 'failed to enable constraints error' when databinding. If I go to my tableadapter and select my column there is a NullValue property which has 'Throw Exception, Null, Empty'. If I try and unset the exception option it tells me only strings are allowed this. However the 'AllowDBNull' option is set to TRUE.

What is the alternative and will this be fixed in 2010?

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