Textbox To Capture User's Keyboard Strokes

Feb 27, 2011

On one of the pages, there is a need for me to add a textbox in which the user types in text. It is important for us to capture what the user is thinking while he's typing in the text, so strokes such as backspace, keys should be captured. Once the user clicks on the submit button, the administrator should be able to 'play' the actions and review how the user progressed while he was typing in the text (similar to watching a video)

Is there any ASP.NET custom control that would have this capability?

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Error After Debug:Incorrect Syntax Near The Keyboard ''user''?

Feb 11, 2010

this is the code :

protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
SqlConnection sql_conn = new SqlConnection("Server=(local);Initial


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JQuery :: Expand A Collapsible Fieldset When User Hit Tab Button From Keyboard?

Oct 6, 2010

Stylish Collapsible Fieldset using CSS3 and JQuery, I have created asp.net web form with collapsible fieldsets. In this when page loads all the fieldsets are collapsed/closed but when user clicks on any fieldset it becomes expand/open.

Now I want to and another feature that when user finishes entery data in the controls of first fieldset and he/she wants to move to the next fieldset then he/she can open it by just hitting/pressing tab from the keyboard.

Here is my Jquery code-


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AJAX :: Note Delete Fires When The User Hits The Keyboard Enter Key

Sep 15, 2010

have code in my .Net web app which sets the Form DefaultButton (fires the Search button when enter key is hit). This works fine in IE and Chrome but not in Firefox. I discovered that the web form has the <ajx:HoverMenuExtender which deletes a note when clicked. The problem is this note delete fires when the user hits the keyboard enter key!

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Forms Data Controls :: Unable To Capture The Updated Value Of Texbox Within Gridview: TextBox TextNewQuantity = (TextBox)

Feb 4, 2010

I have been trying to achieve the following:

1-Allow the user to change the quantity in a textbox i.e // "txtQuantity"

2-capture the newly entered quantity i.e //int integerNewQuantity= int.Parse(textNewQuantity.Text);

3-update the database using the newly entered quantity i.e. //UpdateItem(data,integerNewQuantity)

Problem:1-I have not been able to capture the text i.e. the newly entered quantity i.e. the value entered in the text box "txtQuantity"

2-Hence the database is updated using the existing value and NOT the new value unless I make a constant assignment as below:

textNewQuantity.Text = "2"; When tested the assignment of any number correctly updates the database. see the c# code:

C# code: Version.1
protected void btnUpdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
txtItemDescription.Text = txtItemDescription.Text + "from btnUpdate talking.."; [code]....

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Web Forms :: Push "enter" On Keyboard And Make One Event For Textbox Control?

Jun 2, 2010

I use VB. When put text into textbox1. and then push "enter". It will trigger one event. How can I do it? What to write in the file *.aspx.vb?

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Security :: Display/capture Loginname Value In Textbox?

Sep 14, 2010

I have a code here where the loginname will display the computer name.I have another textbox,where i want the same loginname value to be displayed in the textbox.Here's my code :


View 13 Replies

How To Capture A User Login In

Apr 28, 2010

how and where can I capture when a user logs in and its username?I am using a login control..

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AJAX :: Capture Onclick Event Of Textbox Then Set Visibility Of Panel.

Mar 1, 2010

I need to achieve an effect of a read-only textbox, where when the user clicks on the textbox a popup grid control appears, after the user has made a row selection the text box is populated.... Looking at the AJAX Toolkit model it seems like a CustomExtender would be the way to go, but I can find no documentation on how to build such a thing, so I am looking at improvising.

Here is my process (which is still not working):

Using either an ASP.NET TextBox or HTML <input type="text" runat="server"> control I need to able to trap on the onclick event and then set an ASP.NET Panel control Visible="true". I have tried placing my GridView control inside a <div> and using style properties to set it to hidden and using a client-side (javascript) event handler on <input type="text"> onclick event setting the style property to visible, this does not work correctly. It results in a empty place-holder like grid that popualtes on click (I suspect this is because the DataGridView lives inside a ASP.NET Panel)

I would like to be able to call a server-side method from inside my client-side JavaScript function. I seem to recall from Microsoft AJAX 1.0 docs a way to RegisterClientScript or some approach that allows this and can not find anything on this being supported with the ControlToolkit/MS AJAX 2. If I can do this I could set my ASP.NET Panel Visible property to true and then call Update() on it's UpdatePanel parent which should give me exactly what I'm looking for.

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Capture Client Side Text Change Event For TextBox

Jun 19, 2010

I have a form that contains a TextBox. A pop up window will return a value and put it into the TextBox. when this happens, i need to populate another control. I tried "OnChange" but it was not triggered .

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Web Forms :: Capture Date And Time From Different Textbox And Store In One Field In The Table?

Jul 26, 2010

i have two text boxes to capture date(dd/MM/yyy) and time(03:03PM) 12hr format.

i want combine this date and time store in table as single field . how to capture in code behind

View 5 Replies

Security :: Capture Username When A User Just Logged In?

Mar 19, 2010

I want to capture when a user logs in and his username. I am using a login control inside a anonymous temp[late of a login view control. on the logedin event of the login I have this code:

Dim log As Login = CType(sender, Login)
If Not log.UserName = "bcweed@live.ca" Then
Dim mil As MailUtility = New MailUtility
End If

but log.username is always empty and so is the page.user.identity.name and the page.user.identity.isauthenticated always returns false this even thouhgt this is the LogedIn event of the login and also I "just loged in" I really did.. is there a way to capture this is the global.asax?

View 4 Replies

Security :: Capture User Entered Password Using LoginControl?

Nov 2, 2010

We use the LoginControl to authenticate our users. For this particular site, security isn't a HUGE concern but the Membership provider allowed us to customize the users menu and do some other handy things.

Lately, our Customer Service department has been complaining that there is something wrong, because many users are being "locked out". What I would like to do is capture the login and password (I know how to get the login) and log it to our SQL database. Is there a way to get the un-encypted password? I am pretty sure there isn't but thought someone might know a workaound (without using a custom control of something of that nature).

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Web Forms :: How To Capture Values From Two Buttons On User Controls In Variables

Jan 6, 2010

I have two user controls both have a repeater and a button. They are both on a .aspx page. I need to capture the values from those two buttons on the user controls in variables on the .aspx page. Right now, I have two labels on the page that I am outputting the values of the buttons to, but they don't have a value right now, which is my problem.

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Capture User Name And Email Details From Paypal And Store In Database?

Jan 3, 2011

I want to store the user name and email details in to the database after they paid the money through paypal .

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Web Forms :: Setup To Capture Search Criteria And Present To User?

Sep 8, 2010

Requirements call for the ability to save search values so that they can select them at later times to return the results without having to re-enter the values. They have the ability to search on 4 different types of data (Date, Time and Lat/Long), so they would like to capture what was entered and ONLY if they chose to save those values, it will be saved and next time they login, if they are searching, they can pick an old search and submit it again.

Im thinking that i add a checkbox next to each button, if they check it, it saves the data into a table with there values and username. Next time they login and go tothe search page, if there are any records for them in the table, i present them with a link that displays all the values stored and if they select one, it will run the search again and present them with the results. does that sound like the right way to handle this request?

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Capture User Input And Then Tried To Save Them In Database And Also Trying To Post Them Onto Another Page?

Mar 14, 2011

On my aspx page I am trying to capture user input and then tried to save them in database and also trying to post them onto another page. Now I am using the following code on the button click event:ASPX CODE:

<asp:Button runat="server" ID="cmdPress" Text="Save"
ValidationGroup="ValidateId" Height="26px" onclick="cmdSave_Click"/>


cmdPress.Attributes.Add("onClick", "update(" + ID.Text + ");");

Now when I click save button then it the page waits and then I have to click again to close the page automaticallly and move to the next page. Can anyone tell me why I will have to click Save button twice to activate the button.

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Way To Capture Unique Constraint Exception And Provide User-friendly Message

May 4, 2010

Using vb.net/asp.net 2005 and SQL Server 2005:I have a unique constraint setup to prevent users from entering duplicate email addresses in my online system.When a user tries to edit an existing email to one that already exists (add a duplicate) it shows the following<ERROR>Cannot insert duplicate key row in ojbect "dbo.someTableName" with unique index.....The statement has been terminated This prevents the user from adding duplicates which is good but I would like to provide a more user friendly exception message and I do not want to show the table and field names to the user.

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State Management :: How To Capture Logoff Time When User Closes Browser

Apr 27, 2010

How to capture logoff time when user closes browser (ie 8, firefox) before sessionout time in a asp.net web application

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Web Forms :: Add Event Handler To User Control And Capture Event On Parent Page?

Apr 24, 2010

Using vb.net/asp.net 2005.

I have a page books.aspx that has a control named authors.ascx.

Inside the authors control there is a "select" button I want to add some kind of listener or event handler (not sure of the correct terminology) so on the parent page (books.aspx) I can respond to the "select" button being clicked.

I have to pass the authorID from the user control to the parent page.

In my authors.ascx control I just created this event:


Now I need to write the function for SelectAuthorBtnClick and I think add some kind of listener in the parent page to listen and handle the event.

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Change The Keyboard Layout Programmatically

Jul 28, 2010

Me with C#.net, I had intalled a new keybord layout and I want to enter data in the textbox using the new keyboard language but save the details in sql server table in default keyboard layout . So how can I change the keyboard layout only at the time of insertion

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Restrict Keyboard Input JQuery

Mar 30, 2010

How would you go about Restricting Keyboard Input on a textbox using Jquery?

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Are There Keyboard Shortcuts For RadioButton And Checkbox

Apr 6, 2010

I have a lot of data-entryists using my ASP.NET application and we have all been wondering if there are any keyboard keys or shortcuts that you can press to trigger:

Check a RadioButton
Uncheck a RadioButton
Check a Checkbox
Uncheck a Checkbox

I know that you can write Javascript and do it yourself, but do any keyboard keys/shortcuts already exist without using the mouse?

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JQuery :: Finding A Script That Allow User To Focus One From Textbox To Another Textbox By Onkeypress Event?

Dec 17, 2010

I would like to know whether it is possbile to have a script that allow user to focus one from textbox to another textbox by onkeypress event.

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C# - Enable Keyboard Navigation For Large Application

Feb 10, 2010

I Have a Large Asp.net (somepages are Ajaxable but not all) which I want to Activate Keyboard Navigation for it.

Some Shortcut key chosen to do or call some methods & Functions or visible and hide Page Elements. these shortcuts are more than 50 keys

in addition users must be able to change any shortcut (in this time is not necessary but it has to be done)

So How Can I enable keyboard navigation for my application.

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