Security :: Display/capture Loginname Value In Textbox?

Sep 14, 2010

I have a code here where the loginname will display the computer name.I have another textbox,where i want the same loginname value to be displayed in the textbox.Here's my code :


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Similar Messages:

Loginname Replica In The Textbox?

Feb 10, 2010

I have successfully implemented the LOGIN Control and it's working.Now in the default.aspx page I have added a Login Name control in this username is appearing.

But I want this name also should appear in the textbox1 And In textbox2 I want to display the CID of the user

For e.g: cid username password

22 test pass

After login in the application using user name and password in the default.aspx page i have added textbox2 in this value should appear 22(cid of test).

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Security :: How To Get Firstname With Loginname

Mar 5, 2011

Is it possible to obtain instead of username, domain name?

I have tbl_membership and tbl_domain

tbl_membership JOIN with tbl_domain.

How do I get a domain name in the table tbl_domain to "<asp:LoginName ID="LoginName1" runat="server" />"?

Do I have to use the "where" Is it possible otherwise?

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C# - Display Full Name Instead Of Username In LoginName Control

Oct 9, 2010

The LoginName control displays the Username. I would like to display the Full Name of the user logged in rather than the Username. Below is my code. I cannot seem to access the LoginName control in code behind. I am wondering if it because the control is in .

ASPX Page:

<asp:loginview id="HeadLoginView" runat="server" enableviewstate="false">
[ <a id="HeadLoginStatus" runat="server" href="login">Log In</a> ] [code]....

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Security :: How To Change LoginName As A Link

Jun 6, 2010

As the title says, how do I change my Login Name control into a link?

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Security :: LoginName Turns In To The Name Of My Server And Not The Name Of The Username?

Mar 3, 2010

why when i'm loging in the loginName turns in to the name of my server and not the name of the username ... ? give some tutorials or articles about loginview.

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Security :: UserName (LoginName) Control Gets Changed?

Dec 22, 2010

What will happen if we follow below steps?

1) Open Login.aspx from our web site

2) Copy the address bar

3) Login it with User and Password

4) Open another Tab or another IE window paste the copied address and hit 'enter'

5) Login with another User Name

Now login with atleast 3 to 4 Users.

All Users should see same form but different contents.

Now, if we press refresh button then contents will get change but check wheather the Logged In User name is chaning or not.

I worked on VS 2010 default site.master.

Here, I already applied above process and when I do this my UserName (LoginName) control gets changed.

I ask the question here : And still I am doing R & D on it.

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Security :: Access Loginname From LoggedInTemplate At Code Behind?

Jul 15, 2010

i want to access loginname of login view control for some other reason also i tried something like this but not working

My design time code is


and at code behind i tried this normally by string nm= LoginName1.Text ; LoginView1.Findcontrols("LoginName1"), using the LoginView1.Controls[0]. controls collection... (this get only controls from the anonymoustemplate)LoginView1_ViewChanged also doesent work because since the change in 2005 (or sth) logging in doesn't trigger this event (didn't try it, just read that it doesn't :)) but not able to access the value of loginname1.

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Security :: Logout Does Not Refresh LoginName And LoginStatus?

Oct 16, 2010

i have a masterpage containing this code :


when i am logged in, everything works fine : loginName shows the login name and loginstatus shows "Logout" hyperlink. And it shows this wherever i am in the website (subfolder or root).

But when i click on logout hyperlink, i go back to homepage and then loginName shows the login name of the member who just signed out and loginstatus still shows "logout" hyperlink. That s wrong.

When i go on a subfolder page, the loginName shows "You re a member ?" and loginStatus shows "Log in". That's the right behavior.

After trying lots of time to log in and log out and understand why it works this way, i realised that when i click on the logout button and then wait about 20 sec, the loginName and loginStatus show "You re a member ?" and "log in".

Maybe i get it wrong, but it seems like there is a parameter to set somewhere so that it wont wait 20sec to refresh this data.

View 4 Replies - How To Display Logged In User Name On Everypage Using Label But Without Using Loginname Control

Jan 20, 2011

I have two textbox and a button .... control on web page, ,,,

database structure...

ID Email Password
1 jhatri00
2 tyyuiioo

i want when i login using texxbox1 and textbox2 then it validate emailid and password if record find .... the it will display the emailid on the each page ........ of the logged in username ..... on everypage ...

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Security :: User Must Not Be Able To Do Multiple Logins From Diff M/c Using 1 Loginname

Jan 22, 2010

I am working on site which requires to control user from its misusing. Say a user is login from 1 m/c the other user should not be able to login from other m/c with the same account, but user must be able to do multiple login of same user from the same m/c.

First I was hoping using the IP address check I will be able to do that but due to proxy many user will have a same IP address.

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Forms Data Controls :: Unable To Capture The Updated Value Of Texbox Within Gridview: TextBox TextNewQuantity = (TextBox)

Feb 4, 2010

I have been trying to achieve the following:

1-Allow the user to change the quantity in a textbox i.e // "txtQuantity"

2-capture the newly entered quantity i.e //int integerNewQuantity= int.Parse(textNewQuantity.Text);

3-update the database using the newly entered quantity i.e. //UpdateItem(data,integerNewQuantity)

Problem:1-I have not been able to capture the text i.e. the newly entered quantity i.e. the value entered in the text box "txtQuantity"

2-Hence the database is updated using the existing value and NOT the new value unless I make a constant assignment as below:

textNewQuantity.Text = "2"; When tested the assignment of any number correctly updates the database. see the c# code:

C# code: Version.1
protected void btnUpdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
txtItemDescription.Text = txtItemDescription.Text + "from btnUpdate talking.."; [code]....

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Security :: Display Current Logged In User In A Textbox?

Feb 15, 2010

I am trying to make a Contact form exclusive for Members. So as my first field (ID=username) I would like some VB script so that when the page loads it can identify the user that is accessing the page and display it in a read-only text ready for submission by email (with the email address and text area, don't worry about these because I know how to add these).

(here is my Contact us page code, nothing special but I'll give you it just in case)


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Security :: Authenticating User - Textbox Shouldn't Display Current Windows Login Name

Jun 3, 2010

I am using Login control and validationg the user against SQL datasource. below is the code:

Sub Login1_Authenticate(ByVal sender
ByVal e
As System.Web.UI.WebControls.AuthenticateEventArgs)
Handles Login1.Authenticate
e.Authenticated = IsValidUser()If IsValidUser() =
Here is IsValidUser
Private Function IsValidUser() As Boolean
Dim sql As String = String.Empty
Dim RecCount As Integer = 0
sql = "Select count(*) from UserLogins where UserName='" & clsDB.RemoveQuote(Me.Login1.UserName.Trim) & "'"
sql = sql & " AND UserPass='" & Me.Login1.Password.Trim & "'"
RecCount = clsDB.ExeScalar(sql)
'If Invalid ==> 0 means no record is being returned by Query
If RecCount = 0 Then
IsValidUser = False
'MessageBox.Show("Invalid User Name/Password.", "Invalid", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Stop)
Exit Function
End If
If RecCount = 1 Then
IsValidUser = True
Exit Function
End If
'Error handler
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Function

Here comes the problem validation code is working fine and it validates the user and redirects the user to the "Order.aspx" page

For example: I type
Login Name: Nashy
Password: 1234

Order.aspx page has a textbox which supposed to display the current user login name and i am usiong the following code for that


when i test it on my local PC it shows the current user like this DOMAIN ashyMastrew.. what i want that the textbox should disply "nashy" not my current windows login name. and when i deploy it to the server and access it from other pc textbox does not show anything.

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Textbox To Capture User's Keyboard Strokes

Feb 27, 2011

On one of the pages, there is a need for me to add a textbox in which the user types in text. It is important for us to capture what the user is thinking while he's typing in the text, so strokes such as backspace, keys should be captured. Once the user clicks on the submit button, the administrator should be able to 'play' the actions and review how the user progressed while he was typing in the text (similar to watching a video)

Is there any ASP.NET custom control that would have this capability?

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AJAX :: Capture Onclick Event Of Textbox Then Set Visibility Of Panel.

Mar 1, 2010

I need to achieve an effect of a read-only textbox, where when the user clicks on the textbox a popup grid control appears, after the user has made a row selection the text box is populated.... Looking at the AJAX Toolkit model it seems like a CustomExtender would be the way to go, but I can find no documentation on how to build such a thing, so I am looking at improvising.

Here is my process (which is still not working):

Using either an ASP.NET TextBox or HTML <input type="text" runat="server"> control I need to able to trap on the onclick event and then set an ASP.NET Panel control Visible="true". I have tried placing my GridView control inside a <div> and using style properties to set it to hidden and using a client-side (javascript) event handler on <input type="text"> onclick event setting the style property to visible, this does not work correctly. It results in a empty place-holder like grid that popualtes on click (I suspect this is because the DataGridView lives inside a ASP.NET Panel)

I would like to be able to call a server-side method from inside my client-side JavaScript function. I seem to recall from Microsoft AJAX 1.0 docs a way to RegisterClientScript or some approach that allows this and can not find anything on this being supported with the ControlToolkit/MS AJAX 2. If I can do this I could set my ASP.NET Panel Visible property to true and then call Update() on it's UpdatePanel parent which should give me exactly what I'm looking for.

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Capture Client Side Text Change Event For TextBox

Jun 19, 2010

I have a form that contains a TextBox. A pop up window will return a value and put it into the TextBox. when this happens, i need to populate another control. I tried "OnChange" but it was not triggered .

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Web Forms :: Capture Date And Time From Different Textbox And Store In One Field In The Table?

Jul 26, 2010

i have two text boxes to capture date(dd/MM/yyy) and time(03:03PM) 12hr format.

i want combine this date and time store in table as single field . how to capture in code behind

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Security :: Capture Username When A User Just Logged In?

Mar 19, 2010

I want to capture when a user logs in and his username. I am using a login control inside a anonymous temp[late of a login view control. on the logedin event of the login I have this code:

Dim log As Login = CType(sender, Login)
If Not log.UserName = "" Then
Dim mil As MailUtility = New MailUtility
End If

but log.username is always empty and so is the and the page.user.identity.isauthenticated always returns false this even thouhgt this is the LogedIn event of the login and also I "just loged in" I really did.. is there a way to capture this is the global.asax?

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Security :: Capture User Entered Password Using LoginControl?

Nov 2, 2010

We use the LoginControl to authenticate our users. For this particular site, security isn't a HUGE concern but the Membership provider allowed us to customize the users menu and do some other handy things.

Lately, our Customer Service department has been complaining that there is something wrong, because many users are being "locked out". What I would like to do is capture the login and password (I know how to get the login) and log it to our SQL database. Is there a way to get the un-encypted password? I am pretty sure there isn't but thought someone might know a workaound (without using a custom control of something of that nature).

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Security :: Capture The Value Of The Username And Insert In A SQL Server 2008 Database Table

Jun 30, 2010

I am using ASP.Net 4.0/Visual Studio 2010. However, I think it would be the same if it was ASP.Net/VB.Net 3.5. I am inserting three form filed values into a database table. I have placed a LoginName Control on the page and the login name is properly displaying. I am using forms Authentication and it is set up properly in the web config file. I simply want to insert the logged in username value into the database table so I can track who created the records. I am happy to be able to insert the UnserName or the UserID value. I assume both of the values are derived out of the aspnet_Users table. Being able to insert either one would be fine but I believe UserID would be better because it will always be unique.

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How To Display Record In Gridview According To The From Date Textbox To Todate Textbox

Mar 5, 2011

i have two textboxes 1 button and 1 gridview and 1 buttondatabase structure :i have to text boxes textbox1 in which user enter from date and in textbox2 user enetr to date and after button clickevent the gridview will display the record between fromdate and to date..

SELECT Ticket_no, journey_date, Travels, route, sel_seat, seat_opt, net_pay, name, mob, book_date, PNR_no FROM a1_ticket WHERE journey_date BETWEEN journey_date1 AND journey_date2 ORDER BY ID DESC
journey_date1 =textbox1
journey_date2 =textbox2

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Storing The LoginName In A Variable

Aug 13, 2010

I have a LoginName1, LoginView and Login Status on my Master Page. Whenever a user logs himself in, the LoginName1 displays (as for example):

Welcome omarakhtar

Now the only thing I want is how to store this omarakhtar into some variable? Kindly, let me know.

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How To Get UserName Or UserId From LoginName Control

Nov 14, 2010

I'm wondering is there any way i could get UserName or UserId for current User from LoginName control in ASP.NET ?

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DataSource Controls :: How To Use LoginName As Filter

Jul 8, 2010

I have seen this question asked about a half a million times and I still haven't been able to get my solution working by reading there answers.

First off I am using visual web developer 2008 express. I am brand new to net so me="nub"

I watched some videos on how to setup a website soloution and I did got a free cs and all that got it working. I installed the Ms Membership for loging in and out of my website. I got all that working. I installed the database for the membership on a sql server followed the video for doing that and everything works.

I then decided to do something so simple. I thought it was so simple.

I created a dropdown list using the control and I wanted it to go out to my database on my sql server and get my account numbers and filter them by using the current membership member that is logged in. I see that I can display my current user like this

<asp:LoginName ID="LoginName1" runat="server" />

I can see my user log in and out of the website and that seems to work fine.

So here is what my current dropdown list looks like I say current because I have tried this a ton of times with different parm options but none work.


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