Control Dates In AJAX Calendar Extender?

Jun 12, 2010

i was working on calendar but i noticed both of the calendat are different Ajax and Windows,my problem is here i want to control my dates in AJAX Calendar Extendar

Calendar 1 Functionality should be-

Dates <Today(12/June/2010) then it should Disable(including previous Date month ,year )

Calendar 2 Functionality Should be-

should display only the dates which is being selected in calendar 1 i.e

if 13-june-2010 is selected in calendar 1 then

calendar 2 should display dates from 13-june-2010 onwards and rest of the previous dates should be disable

My HTML Markup for Calendar 1[Code]....

Calendar 2

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<asp:TextBox ID="txtDate1" runat="server" ></asp:TextBox>
<cc1:CalendarExtender ID="CalendarExtender1" runat="server" TargetControlID="txtDate1" PopupButtonID="imgPopup1" Format="dd/MM/yyyy" />
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Edit Tags:


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I am changing:

.ajax__calendar .ajax__calendar_hover .ajax__calendar_title {

But the font color doesn't seem to work. If I omit the ".ajax__calendar_hover", then the title text is white (until you hover over it).

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Nov 4, 2010

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Apr 26, 2010

I'm trying to create a calendar control that is linked to a SQL database.

The meaning is to create an event calendar were the user can put in his info at a reservation page.

After filling everything in, the info is stored in a table on the database, the users must give in a start date of there reservation and an end date.

Now, I got everything to work so far, the calendar reads everything from the database, show it on the calendar and stuff... But only the first day.

I now what code to use for showing the first date, but I have no idea how to show the end date and all the days between.

Also the meaning is that when a person puts in a reservation, the background of the cell turns orange for "pending status", when the owner of the building agrees the color turns red for "reserved - not available"

This is the code I use for showing the dates:


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if (eventDates.Contains(e.Day.Date) == true)

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Jan 30, 2011

I'm using the calendar extendar to populate the "StartDay" textbox. However when i choose that "StartDay", i do not want that date to be valid when i choose another date to populate the "EndDay" textbox. Can it be done? i've tried any methods but it didn't seem to work.All i've manage to do was to check if the date was in the past.


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Aug 18, 2010

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Web Forms :: How To Display Retrieved Dates From Table In Calendar Control

May 7, 2015

I am retrieving two dates(start date and end date) from the tableĀ 

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