AJAX :: Calendar Popup / Calender Extender Control To Select Date And Showing That Date In A Text Box?

Dec 9, 2010

am developing an application using asp.net+ajax.i used calender extender control to select date and showing that date in a text box.my requirement is when select date from the previous year (i.e 2009) from the calender extender control...then a message should show like"you should not select the previous year date" and immediately current day date should fill in textbox.

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AJAX :: Second Calendar Control Not Showing Date Text?

Jun 6, 2010

I am trying to populate two text boxes which have calendar extenders with todays date. While the text box of the first control is getting the correct date, the second one is loading up blank! But if i click on the control the ajax date picker that is shown has todays date highlighted in it.

mark up:


Server side code:


<asp:ScriptManager runat="server" ID="sm" />

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AJAX :: How To Validate Calender Extender To Not Select Future Date

Aug 12, 2010

it means calender ectender not select greater than today date?

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AJAX :: Calendar Extender - Not Showing All Date And Weeks

Dec 18, 2010

I am using a calender extender. when i click on txtbutton it not shows all date and weeks its noy show tow days date in column,means not showing all Seven Column by weekday

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AJAX :: How To Highlight Todays Date In Calender Extender Control - How To Apply Css

Sep 20, 2010

how to highlight todays date in calender extender control popus and how to apply background color to every cell in calender control

and how to apply css



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AJAX :: Restrict User To Select Future Date In Calender Control?

Mar 10, 2011


i m using calenderExtender control, here i want to restrict the user not able to select future date its also working fine , now i want to restrict the user cant select future date than current day+7 (next day)

for ex:

if today is 10 march then he can select next 7 days means till 17 march bt he cant select 18 march

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AJAX :: How To Restrict User For Selecting End Date Less Than Start Date In Calendar Extender

May 7, 2015

I am using AjaxCalendar Toolkit :

<asp:TextBox CssClass="form-control" ReadOnly="true" runat="server" id="StartTime"></asp:TextBox> <asp:CalendarExtender ID="Start_CalendarExtender" runat="server" Enabled="True" TargetControlID="StartTime">
<asp:TextBox CssClass="form-control" ReadOnly="true" runat="server" id="EndTime"></asp:TextBox> <asp:CalendarExtender ID="Start_CalendarExtender" runat="server" Enabled="True" TargetControlID="EndTime">

And On Page Load i have done this to avoid selecting previoud dates in start date :

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Start_CalendarExtender.StartDate = DateTime.Now;

Now i want to do that user cannot select end date less than start date , e.g if he choose 2-July-2014 ( as a start date) then he could not choose (1-July-2014) as End date , dates prior to Start Date must get disabled in End Date Calendar Extender.

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AJAX :: How To Display The Date Only Till Current Date In Calendar Extender .

Sep 17, 2010

1) How can i display the date only till current date in ajax calendar extender ?

2)How to validate the date in one TextBox with the Date in another TextBox ?

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C# - AJAX Calendar Extender - Binding Null To Text As Selected Date?

Jan 20, 2011

I have an AJAX Calendar Extender inside an ASP.NET Repeater, which binds date data from a table and allows users to change this. I have an issue however - if the date is null, it returns an error as it cannot bind null as a selected date. Are there any ways around this?

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AJAX :: Date Format Of Calendar Extender's Target Control Changes

Mar 3, 2010

I'm using the AJAX Control Toolkit with VS2008 Professional and I'm experiencing a weird problem with the date format.I have two textboxes on a webpage for inputting dates. The date format I wish to use for both textboxes is MM/dd/yyyy. One textbox has a calendar extender attached to it and the other doesn't. When I first load the page, I set the first textbox (the one with the calendar extender) to today's date and then I call a function inside the code-behind for the page that calculates the value of the second textbox's date and displays it.

t the date format of the first textbox is M/d/yyyy as long as I have the calendar extender on the page. If I remove the extender, everything is okay.Here is what the page HTML looks like: [Code]....

Here's the vb code from the page code-behind:

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AJAX :: Adding Model Pop Up Extender To Calendar Control Date?

Dec 15, 2010

How to add the Model Pop up Extender on Mouse over of the particular Date of Calendar control ?I want to display the details of the event in Pop Up on Mouse over of the Particular Date.

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AJAX :: Shortcut For Todays Date In For Calender Extender?

Nov 1, 2010

Im using Ajax calender extender in my asp.net page on clicking asp.net button it show calender popup on selecting date its binding on textbox all are working fine,

what i need is i need to set shortcut for todays day.. on clicking button its show calender on press some keyboard it bind todays date in textbox..

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AJAX :: Age Validation When Date Of Birth Is Selected In Calendar Extender Control

May 25, 2013

I have a textbox to input DOB,i used ajax calendar to enter DOB,what validation expression should i use so that user below age 15 cannot get registered...

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AJAX :: Disable Previous Date And Validation Calender Extender

May 24, 2010

I want to make sure user does not select a date earlier than today and also validate any validator i am using this code:


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AJAX :: Calender Extender - Validate End Date Is Greater Than Start Data?

Jan 12, 2010

i have two text boxs for 'start date' and 'end date'. I am using the CalenderExtender to display the calender to pick the date. how can i make sure the end date is some day that is after the start date? need some way to validate the end date...i have the html code


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AJAX :: Calendar Control - Highlight Date And Popup Tool Tip With Details OnHover

Apr 16, 2010

suppose I have appointments and events on certain dates.I want to show this on a calendar that shows all 30 days by having the date bold.Further more, I want the user to be able to hover over that bolded date, and have a popout that will display the appointment/event name and details.

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Forms Data Controls :: Date And Time Insert With FormView And Ajax Calender Extender?

Jul 11, 2010

I have a Formview in INSERT Mode that is binded to a datatable. One of the colums in my Database called "AppointmentDate" is of type DateTime. On aspx, i have a ajax calender extender control. What I want to do is allow the User to Select the date from the Calender and also enter a time. Basically so they can make an appointment. What is the best way to do this in C Sharp and do i need a time column as well

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Why Calender Control Always Show The Time As 12:00:00 AM On Any Date If Print The Whole Date

Jan 29, 2011

When i print the selected date on Calendar1_SelectionChanged event it prints: 1/29/2011 12:00:00 AM

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Localization :: Convert Calender Control Date To Localized Date?

Apr 29, 2010

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Select Date From JQuery Calendar And Display The Date In A Textbox?

Sep 1, 2010

I'd like to use the jquery calendar control to populate a date into an asp.net textbox.

When the user selects a date I want the date populated in the textbox to be only Saturday dates. So if the day they select is not a Saturday I want the date of the next Saturday after the date the selected.

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AJAX :: Save The Date Using Calendar Extender?

Aug 22, 2010

I have a calenderextender in a form with the following properties. </ajaxToolkit:


So the date selected by the CalenderExtender, the value gets displayed in the txtDeadLine.Text. The problem is when i save the data, the date displayed in the txtDeadLine.text becomes empty and the date is not saved.
How do i save the date using CalenderExtender. I can save the date using the normal Calender.

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AJAX :: Calendar Extender Date Change?

Apr 11, 2010

I'm a happy user of th Calendar extender, it's soooooo much better then the original calendar control. I would like to make it so that if the user selects a date after a certain date, the textbox control stays blank. On my form I create everything dynamically. So on page_init the whole form is created and put in a view. I use a table to align everything as I want it. The form is a check form where the user has to check radiobuttons to give an answer. At 11 lines he also has to select a date. Here is where the calendar extender comes in. It all works fine, but I want to make some kind of prevention so the user cannot select date in the future. How can I do this?

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AJAX :: Calendar Extender Set Date Not Working?

Jul 16, 2010

i cannot get the set date to work in the calkendar extender... I have a drop down with 3 and 4 year lease options in it. and then a start date and I want to set the expirary date based on what is selected in the drop down. So I have it all workign except for setting the date on the expirary calendar extender.

HTML code here:


then my javascript . asp.net here:


So, when I use this I get an error:

Microsoft JScript runtime error: 'null' is null or not an object and it is referring to the line:


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AJAX :: Disable Past Date In Calendar Extender

Feb 26, 2014

I am using Ajax calendar control and image button as popup control I want to disable Previous.. Actual I used

Calendar Extendar.StartDate= DateTime.

Now in load event but it is throwing error...

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AJAX :: Save Calendar Extender Value Into A Date Type Variable?

Feb 17, 2011

I have the following Calendar Extender:


I need to get its value into the following variable:


But the txtFechaDibujo.text is always empty, and I get a data conversion error.

How can I get this value?

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