Looping Through Each Group Of Radio Buttons And Getting The Text Of The Selected Radio Button?

Mar 21, 2010

i have a table which looks something like the following

<table id="Table1" border="0">
<td><b>1.</b> Question 1</td>[code]....

how do i go about looping through each group of radio buttons and getting the text of the selected radio button ?the code displayed above is created dynamically ... in my aspx file i have the following code

<asp:Table ID="Table1" runat="server">

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Web Forms :: Clicking Radio Button In Web Control Causes All Other Web Control Radio Buttons To Fire Postback?

Feb 8, 2010

I have a web application that shows a page containing between 6 and 20 AJAX UpdatePanels, contained with Custom Web (.ascx) Controls.

You can see an example of such a page here:


The problem I'm getting is that when the user FIRST clicks any of the radio-buttons on any of the controls in the page, ALL the radio buttons that have an active selection ALSO fire an rb_CheckChanged event (see application log below). On subsequent radio-button
clicks, only that RB fires the event (as expected).

This behaviour is having a dramatic impact on performance. The page loads quickly, and a "normal" RB click provides an AJAX update correctly within 1 second. The problematic first RB click, however, takes up to SIX seconds to process, which is unacceptable from a user experience standpoint.

Developed in VS.NET 2008, ASP.NET 3.5. Also I converted the "Web Site" solution to a "Web Application" (pre-compiled) and got the same performance (still too slow). Release builds run only marginally faster than debug builds.

Why would a single RB selection change cause all RB's that have a "selection" set on them to also fire? (The "selection" is determined through database settings every time the control is populated, which is called from within the parent page control's Page_Load function. This selection is determined also at first page load, since all the controls get populated then, so why would the clicking of an RB cause them all to fire an event, and only once? That's what I don't get...)

Not sure if this is an AJAX issue, or general ASP.NET UI issue, so I'm posting in two forums on this one.

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C# - Radio Buttons Are Not Acting As A Group

Jan 13, 2011

I am using Radio buttons inside a panel in a web page. (Since group boxes are not there). But when I click on each radio button they all are checked. They are not acting as a group but single units.

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Web Forms :: Process Radio Buttons As 'group' Allowing For Multiple Selections?

Feb 25, 2011

the form has 15 items to choose with radio buttons, any number can be selected. I would like to process them as a 'group' so I can do something like loop thru them, checking if each one has been selected to build a list and also be saving them to a table row, etc but it seems all the designations as a list or group make it mutually exclusive. just looking for better coding than checking them with an if statement or similar so the question is if there is some way to designate the radio buttons as a group but no force the group to be mutually exclusive

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How To Get Specified Space Between Radio Button And The Radio Button Text

Apr 4, 2011

I have the following code<asp:RadioButton runat="server" Text="Male"></asp:RadioButton>I want a gap between the radio button and the radio button text, I made the following changes in the text field(prefixed a space) Text=" Male". However, I don't feel this is the most efficient way.

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Radiobuttonlist - Cannot Tab Through All Radio Buttons When Selected

Jan 20, 2010

I'm trying to implement accessibility (keyboard only) ability on my site, but I'm having problems with Radio Button lists. When using radiobuttonlists, when initially, none of the radio buttons is selected, I am able to tab through every single value and select one upon hitting "enter". However, after a value is selected, I can only tab to the selected values, which presents a problem if I want to change the selected value.

From what I understand, radio buttons are grouped at the container controller level, thus when it is considered a group, only one can be selected at a time.

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Forms Data Controls :: Radio Buttons Within Datalist / Group Just Not Via A Datalist With Unique Names

Mar 16, 2011

Am building a Form for out intranet that runs on ASP.NET and C#, it is to be a survey from a SQL database. I have the connections setup can pull informations/Questions from the database. I am having a problem with setting up radio buttons within a datalist, ive never done this and i know they require unque names.

It is to be 4 radio buttons per question where only one can be select, i know how to group just not via a datalist with unique names

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Web Forms :: Set Required Field Validator For Radio Button Based On Group Names?

Aug 1, 2012

how to set required field validator for radio button based on the  group names

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Web Forms :: How To Select Only One Radio Button And Radio Button Validation

Mar 2, 2011

I've two radio buttons in my web site for selecting sex, one s for Male & another s for Female, Problem is during the Run time, I was able to select both the Radio Buttons, but as per my need i should select only one radio button. And i should perform validation Wn user not selected even one radio button i should show the error msg, like " select sex "

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Validate From Group Of Radiobutton To Select At-lease One Radio Button

Dec 9, 2010

I have the below code. I want to validate at least one rediobutton to be selected from the group of radiobuttons.


In the output i am getting morethan one radio buttons depending on the data which i added in the database. Before submit i want to validate atlease one radiobutton to be selected using javascript.

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MVC :: Get The Selected Radio Button?

Jan 26, 2011

i have a view wich gets in its model (among other things!) a string with the name of partialView to be rendered in a certain div.

well, in that partial view there are two radion buttons, with the same name but diferent id's and values.

when i submit the form in the view, wich also has the partialView controls (radio bts), in the respective controller i get inside a formcollection an item with both values of the radio buttons,

my question is, how can i find wich one was selected in the view?

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AJAX :: Radio Buttons, A Label And An Image Button Show Twice Inside Update Panel?

Nov 24, 2010

I have an update panel with a set of 2 radio buttons, a label and an image button inside of it. There another set of 3 radio buttons that trigger the update panel. I got everything working but now the image button, label and set of 2 radio buttons inside the update panel show up twice when the radio button triggers are selected?

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Web Forms :: How To Get Selected Value In Radio Button

Aug 4, 2010

i have a web page in which i place radio button list, when i select any radio button, on printing i get light color for selected radio button, how i get selected radio button dark colour so that it can visible easily..

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Sort A Gridview Once A Radio Button Is Selected?

Mar 25, 2010

I'm trying to sort records in the gridview right after a radio button is selected. My approach is with the dataview, but because the dataset variable doesn't survive a round trip to the server, I don't know how to make this happen.

Public Sub GetCustomers()
gvCustomers.DataSource = db.MyView
End Sub
Protected Sub radList_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles radList.SelectedIndexChanged
If radList.SelectedValue = 0 Then
gvCustomers.DataSource = db.MyView
End If
If radList.SelectedValue = 1 Then
gvCustomers.DataSource = db.MyView
End If
End Sub
Public Sub doSort(ByVal strIn As Integer)
If strIn = 0 Then
MyView.Sort = "lastname, firstname"
MyView.Sort = "username"
End If
End Sub
Public Sub RunProcedure(ByVal strName As String)
Dim objConnection As New SqlConnection(mstrConnection)
Dim mdbDataAdapter As New SqlDataAdapter(strName, objConnection)
mdbDataAdapter.SelectCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
mdbDataAdapter.Fill(mDataset, "tblCustomers")
MyView.Table = mDataset.Tables("tblCustomers")
Catch ex As Exception
Throw New Exception("stored procedure is " & strName.ToString & " error is " & ex.Message)
End Try
End Sub

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Checking A Radio Button With JQuery When Radio Button Is Runat="server"?

Aug 10, 2010

Using jQuery I want to be able to click an element which will also checks it's related radio button. I had this working fine until we had to add runat="server" to the radio buttons.When I apply this it prevents my jQuery function from working how to get round it, heres a simplified version of the code:HTML

<input type="radio" runat="server" id="sector1Radio" name="SectorGroup" title="Sector1" />


$('#SomethingElse').click(function() {

I've found out that when its converted to a .net control instead of checked="checked" (as it would be usually) it is just Checked, so I changed that but on inspecting the DOM in multiple browsers, none of my radio buttons are being checked(Are there any other ways I can use jQuery to check a radio button that has runat="server"?

View 9 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Radio Button Selected Value In A Gridview?

Jan 19, 2010

I have a Gridview with Radiobutton selection and two text boxes and two buttons.

What i need is to like search and extract functions.

My Gridview Initially contains all the data in the table. In one text box, like if i want to search "Learning" in column FIRST NAME and i type "L" in the text box and click the button, all values from the column FIRST NAME starting from "L" should be listed in the Gridview, so that from there user can select "Learning" and click another button to extract values corresponding to it in the another Textbox.

My Gridview looks like this :


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AJAX :: Open Modal Popup And Keep The Radio Button Selected?

Mar 22, 2011

I 've a form in the parent page with many form elements.

I've 2 radio buttons with values "Yes" and "No". I am opening a modal popup when clicked on "Yes" radio button. The modal popup is opening fine.

But when I click "Yes", it' s not selected. After modal popup is closed, when I return to parent page, the option "Yes" is still not selected.

How to make it selected when clicked and open popup?

Part of my aspx code is below


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Web Forms :: How To Access The Selected Item From The Radio Button List

Jan 11, 2011

I'm trying to figure out how to access controls that are added to a panel in a code behind file.For example, when I click a button, I add a radio button list to the panel.How do I access the selected item from that radio button list? I get an error saying it is not defined, even though list gets generated..

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C# - How To Call Function When The Selected Index Changes In Radio Button List

Mar 21, 2010

I have a table in my form, where I put n-rows, every row contains 1 RadioButtonList, when user select the item in RadioButtonList, I need to get the index of selected Item, without updating the page

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Web Forms :: Insert Radio Button Selected Item To Database

Jun 30, 2012

I have 2 radiobutton  

1 text box and   1 button



And this is my table

price name Id 

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Web Forms :: How To Keep Radio Button And Text On Same Line

Mar 29, 2010

I have a RadioButtonList that's dynamically filled with different sized items. The problem is that some items are separated from the actual radio button to a different line. I've figured to use to keep the words together but can't find any attribute or trick for the current problem.

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Give Spacing Between Text And Radio Button?

Aug 20, 2010

How can I give spacing between Radio Button and Text using Asp:RadioButton control in ASP.NET?

<asp:RadioButton ID="radio1" runat="server" GroupName="Group1" />

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Web Forms :: Store Selected Option From The Radio Button List To Database?

Jan 26, 2011

Im doing a project which requires me to store the survey results to database.

For the options, I am using the radio button list.

However, I have problems storing the selected option back to database.

Is there any solution to it? Im using visual studio C#! :)

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Forms Data Controls :: Radio Button In Gridview Not Storing The Selected Value

Sep 20, 2010

i have a grid view with radio button...schedule/approve/reject...by defualt schedule radio button is selected....but when i chage radio button selection option to anyth other than schedule it still store only schedule in DB.wats the pblm?



when i click submit button i got this error

Invalid postback or callback argument. Event validation is enabled using <pages enableEventValidation="true"/> in configuration or <%@ Page EnableEventValidation="true" %> in a page. For security purposes, this feature verifies that arguments to postback or callback events originate from the server control that originally rendered them. If the data is valid and expected, use the ClientScriptManager.RegisterForEventValidation method in order to register the postback or callback data for validation.

so i set the enableeventvalidation=false

now i dint receive any error but when i set breakpoint on the funtion which called on buton clik it still got the value as scheduled for the radio button..spent almost half day for this.. all this while this was workin after i add the moralpopupextender am facing this pblm...now i tried removin that extender but still pblm exist.

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JQuery :: Post The Form And Use The Value Of The Hidden Field To Know The Selected Radio Button

Sep 24, 2010

I'm having a time finding out I could not do something simple as :

On the onchange event getting the new selected checkbox, this with jquery.

The checkboxes are located in the following div :


This all located in a form, when I will find out the selected radio on change I will post the form and use the value of the hidden field to know the selected radio button. Nothing really difficult.

The js code :


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