AJAX :: Open Modal Popup And Keep The Radio Button Selected?
Mar 22, 2011
I 've a form in the parent page with many form elements.
I've 2 radio buttons with values "Yes" and "No". I am opening a modal popup when clicked on "Yes" radio button. The modal popup is opening fine.
But when I click "Yes", it' s not selected. After modal popup is closed, when I return to parent page, the option "Yes" is still not selected.
How to make it selected when clicked and open popup?
Part of my aspx code is below
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Jun 4, 2013
I am using one simple captcha form in modal popup so when i am inserting the captcha text in textbox if it is not validating
then in the same page i used one label to show the error "not validated". but when i click on the button modal popup is getting hide.
Here is my design code:
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server">
<asp:PostBackTrigger ControlID="btnExcel"/>
<asp:Panel ID="Panel3" runat="server" Width="300px">
[Code] ...
And here is my code behind:
 protected void btnExcel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
Captcha1.ValidateCaptcha(Txtcaptcha.Text.Trim()); Â Â Â
if (Captcha1.UserValidated) { Â Â
HiddenField1.Value = "0"; Â Â
VerifyPassword(txtUsername.Text, txtPassword.Text);
} else {
Label6.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red; Â
Label6.Text = "Not validate"; Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
} }
i want it if it's not validate in the same modal popup page it should show the message.
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Mar 16, 2010
I've created a ajax modal popup with a iframe embedded. Well, when I click in a button, this open a modal popup and shows an external web page.
I've two problems:
1. I want adjust size of modal popup to 90% width and height, but % don't responding, instead, if i put in px, it's functionally correctly.
2. In Mozilla firefox, do not show iframe contained in modal popup.
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May 7, 2015
I am unable to get the selected value of the DropDownList. When the user selects a value and clicks OK, the value that was loaded as the default selected value with an index of 0 is available in code behind, not the newly selected value. See the attached code for the dropdownlist in the Modal Popup form.
<div class="well" style="margin: 5px">
<asp:Label ID="lblPlanOptAdd" runat="server" AssociatedControlID="ddlPlanOptAdd">Plan Option:</asp:Label>
<asp:DropDownList ID="ddlPlanOptAdd" runat="server" CssClass="form-control" OnSelectedIndexChanged="PlanOptAdd">
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May 7, 2015
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<table id="Table1" border="0">
<td><b>1.</b> Question 1</td>[code]....
how do i go about looping through each group of radio buttons and getting the text of the selected radio button ?the code displayed above is created dynamically ... in my aspx file i have the following code
<asp:Table ID="Table1" runat="server">
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Dec 8, 2010
I have requirement to show alert with cancel and continue button just before two minutes when session is about to get over.Once user clicks continue button session should get extended for 20 minutes and if user clicks cancel then he should logout.I used modal popup to do this..
runat="server"> [code]...
I get modal popup at 18 th minutes which is fine.But two button within modal popup does not get fired when I click button.I figured out problem that if the TargetControlID is set to pnlAlert then buttonwithin modal does not work.However if I use another extra button like as follow
This button I use to click it to get modal pop up and set TargetControlID to button instead of pnlAlert then OK and cancel button within popup works.But my problem is that I should not explicitly fire this modal popup by clicking button.I should get this popup just before two minute before session is going to expire.So I don't know what should TargetControlId should I set.However complete logic works if I use another button
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Apr 9, 2010
I have an Ajax ModalPopupExtender on a page. To summarise. I have a link on a page, when I click the link the modal popup displays. On this modalpopup I've a textbox and an 'ok' and 'cancel' button. I wish to find out what was entered in the textbox when the button is clicked I try this but the value of ((TextBox)button1.Page.FindControl("theTitle")) is null.
if (((TextBox)button1.Page.FindControl("theTitle")).Text == "")
void okButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//if i try this tt does not compile//The name 'theTitle' does not exist in the current context//if(theTitle.Text == "")//{//}
Button button1 = (Button)sender;
//TextBox theTitle = ((ImageButton)(e.Item.FindControl("theTitle")));
if (((TextBox)button1.Page.FindControl("theTitle")).Text == "")
catch (Exception)
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May 7, 2015
I'm trying to load a gridview based on selection from dropdownlist. When i run the program, it displays empty gridview. How to solve this?
Name of dropdownlist: CatCode
Code behind:
Private Sub BindProdGrid()
Dim conString As String = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("SY_InventoryConnectionString").ConnectionString
Dim rowIndex As Integer = 0
Dim box11 As DropDownList = CType(SalesGView.Rows(rowIndex).Cells(1).FindControl("CatCode"), DropDownList)
[Code] ....
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Jan 5, 2011
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Dec 9, 2010
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Sep 16, 2010
I try to create a asp.net 4 webpage, using masterpage.
On webpage I have a formview and inside the formview I have a ajax modalpopup. I have multiple buttons and textboxes on the modalpopup, and created a test event, but I still get the message that the textbox is not declared.
Here is how the code is set at this point:
View 13 Replies
Aug 7, 2010
I'm not sure if this is an easy issue to solve, but I can't seem to figure it out. I have a ModalPopupExtender (obviously) for a panel that contains a two labels, two textboxes, and two buttons (Ok and Cancel). What I would like to do is when the Ok button is clicked, the page post back and the server click event execute (along with normal page events). When I try adding "__doPostBack("ModalOk", "");" as the OnOkScript, the page posts back, but the click event doesn't execute. (the click event is Protected Sub ModalOk_Click(blah blah) Handles ModalOk.Click).
The only way I got it to work (which is fine with me, I just thought I'd ask why it isn't working normally) is by checking to see if the Request.Form("__EVENTTARGET") is equal to "ModalOk". If it is, then I call the ModalOk_Click() sub. Like I said, this is fine with me, but it should be able to be avoided. If the __EVENTTARGET is equal to "ModalOk", then the "Handles ModalOk.Click" event should automatically be called, shouldn't it? Following with the general problem here, how does the server determine which events (other than the page events) to execute (or at least which button.click event)? I understand that the __EVENTTARGET supplies what causes the postback, but if a button is clicked then __EVENTTARGET is not set. So then does the page check the Request.Form for a button? Or is it more complex/simple than what I'm asking?
View 8 Replies
Jan 12, 2010
I read so many post which say if i need to catch the button event on the modal popup extender, i need to use javascript. But when it comes to my requirement I get confused.
I open a data entry form which contains several textboxes, drop down lists, validator controls and 3 buttons (viz. SAVE, SAVE & CONTINUE and CANCEL) on the modal popup. The requirement is that :
1. When the SAVE button is clicked the data in the different controls must be inserted into the database and the modal Popup must disappear.
2. When SAVE & CONTINUE button is clicked the data in the controls must be inserted into the database and the modal popup must be ready for the other with clear controls.
3. When CANCEL button is clicked the modal popup must simply be disappear.
View 4 Replies
Mar 5, 2010
I have a web page that I am trying to use modal popup extender with aLink button as trigger (Code Below). When I execute the code and click on the link button (TargetId) the parameter for graying out the page below the popup works but I do not see the ModalPopup panel
View 2 Replies
Jan 5, 2011
I have a user control and inside that user control I have a image button on whose click I am opening a modalpopup extender(which is another user control) I am populating all the values in drop down list and getting all the information i need on the form. The user and go and save the information required on that web form and clicking on cancel would exit the form which would bring the user back to the main user control.
The problems faced:
1.Problem 1: Not refreshing On clicking on tree view one of the nodes I am calling the reload function of parent user control as well as the user control present as popupextender. This click would refresh and fill in the values from the database for user to view and edit. Now when the user clicks on the image button another user control opens up where he can edit the entire values of the form and move back and forth in the records I have put update panels for every block and for the buttons. He can save the information. But when he exits and form and reopens it after a while the values of the form are retained the values which are not saved to the database but the ones which were selected so it is retaining them and not refreshing. How can I force the refresh everytime the button is clicked for modalpopup extender user control.
2. Problem 2 enable/disable buttons I am not able to enable and disable the buttons inside the extender the buttons are in the update panel as well as for the different sections of the form.
View 2 Replies
Jul 6, 2010
I am trying to add a modal pop up extender to a gridview's link button. this modal pop up will again display another grid view with edit,delete and save buttons.
so now My question is How can I display the modal pop up extender with another gridview? What will be its
By clicking on this button it should display another gridview (inside a panel which is ready)
But what will be the code I need to add? Where can I add modalpopupextender.show()etc
View 19 Replies
Aug 4, 2010
I seem to be having trouble getting the btOK button (in the Modal Popup Extender panel) to trigger the btOK_Click subroutine in the code-behind for the page.
I have the OnOKScript set to the name of the subroutine, and have tried setting the value to "btOK_Click", "btOK_Click;" and "btOK_Click(this);" but none have worked. In a previous page I have used this to call a JavaScript function, but surely I can call the VB.NET code from here too?
View 2 Replies
Jan 6, 2010
So I have a button on form that is supposed to execute some code-behind on a click event. To this button I also connected a Modal Popup Extender, which once you click OK, it goes away. What doesn't happen (and it should) is btnSendContactForm_Click never gets called.
Using the OnOkScript didn't help me either. I have tried setting the OnOkScript property of the extender, by calling a javascript that simulates the button click on the send button, but that only re-calls the modal pop extender, and a never-ending loop results everytime you click OK.
<!-- Send Button, Extender, and Pop Up Panel -->
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