.net 3.5 - Prevent Site From Being Screen Scraped?

Apr 24, 2010

How can I prevent my asp.net 3.5 website from being screen scraped by my competitor? Ideally, I want to ensure that no webbots or screenscrapers can extract data from my website. Is there a way to detect that there is a webbot or screen scraper running ?

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Screen-scraping A Site With A .net Form Login In C#

Mar 18, 2010

I've created a web application in asp.net so far. where i've tried to get some data(site scraping) from secure page of a web site.I've used the HttpWebRequest class for this functionality but i haven't accessed the secure page yet. Every time the login pages was scraped not secure page.I have the site user id and password and don't know that which language site has been developed in.

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Security :: Screen Scraping On A Secure Site?

Jan 7, 2010

I'm trying to write a small application to collect(Scrape) one piece of data from a web site. I would like to be able to simply run the app and it will open the page, find the one piece of data and display it. So far so good...my problem is that the web site is a secure site, meaning I have to provide a user name and password. I've searched all over the web, found many discussions but have yet to find anything that provides specifics on how to accomplish this. I understand a little bit about tokens etc, but I'm really looking for a detailed description of how to do this. Please feel free to direct me to a different forum if I'm in the wrong place.

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Web Forms :: Screen-scraping Get Null From A Site?

Jan 18, 2010

I am building a site that need to scrape information from a partner site. Now my scraping code works great with other sites but not this one. It is a regular .html site. My thoughts is that it might be generated some how with php (site is build with php).

If it matters here is my code I use. The htmlDocument is htmlAgilityPack but that has nothing to do with it. Result is null on the site I try.


this is from the w3 validator, might have something with this? The site checked is this


I am unable to validate this document because on line 422 it contained one or more bytes that I cannot interpret as utf-8 (in other words, the bytes found are not valid values in the specified Character Encoding). check both the content of the file and the character encoding indication.

The error was: utf8 "xA9" does not map to Unicode""

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Web Forms :: Screen-scraping A Site With A .net Form Login In C#?

Mar 18, 2010

I've created a web application in asp.net so far. where I've tried to get some data(site scraping) from secure page of a web site.I've used the HttpWebRequest class for this functionality but I haven't accessed the secure page yet. Every time
the login pages was scraped not secure page.I have the site user id and password and don't know that which language site has been developed in.

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Asp.net - Prevent Site Directory From Being Displayed?

Jan 13, 2011

I have a subdomain on which I have put up all the js code for my webiste to interact with another application. For eg: at code.example.com Whenever, the user types this address,code.example.com, all the contents of the directory are listed. How do I prevent this thing? I do not have nay index.html or index.aspx here.

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Security :: Prevent From Cross-Site Scripting Attack?

Oct 15, 2010

a major problem from Cross-Site ScriptingAttack, Below is sample script which automatically gets inserted into my HTML and ASPX Pages.

"<script src=http://avidmarketing.ie/images/rc3/companybuttonwhite.php ></script>"

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Web Forms :: How To Prevent Cross Site Scripting In Bll Layer

Jan 21, 2010

To have a better secure application, we have to prevent cross site scripting.

I have application that use a bll.

All inputs have to pass bll before they were pass to database.

To prevent cross site scripting, is bll the correct place to validate the input?

To be exact, are all the properties of object should be validated?

View 9 Replies

Security :: Prevent Unauthenticated Users From Seeing Non .Net Pages On Site?

Apr 9, 2010

I have a folder within my website called 'ProtectedPages' which contains pages which users can only see if they have logged in (MyAccount.aspx etc). If they bookmark that page and try to go to it without logging-in, they are immediately bounced to my login page.However, if I have text files, images etc. in there, then it seems users can get to these fine without the need to login - all they need is the URL. For example, I could send the URL http://mysite.com/ProtectedPages/MyAccount.aspx to a friend and he wouldn't be able to access it until he had logged in. However, I could send himttp://mysite.com/ProtectedPages/ATextDocument.txt and it would show it to him without any problems.How would I go about protecting ALL files within this folder? I have a web.config file within the ProtectedPages folder which just has this information in it (I don't want TrainingAdministrator's to have access to that folder at all)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


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Security :: Prevent Injecting Malicious Code In Site By Hackers?

Jul 14, 2010

I am in trouble in to remove malicious code from our so many site , develope in asp.net andn in asp.

Most of the time hacker inject the code in Body tag at onload evenet and also at the end of html tag using Java Scriprt.

how to prevent it by programing a code in asp.net or in java script or by other...

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Crystal Reports :: How To Bypass View Screen And Just Display Print Preview Screen Instead

Apr 29, 2010

I have question regarding printer option page which pop up when i click on print button on crystalreportviewer and when i click okay on that pop up page it displays print preview of the report.

Is there any way to skip that pop up window(Printer Option) and just display (PDF)print preview screen instead?

(I am not exporting report to pdf, just want to display printview screen and when the user click on print button it will print out the page)

I have tried following code but i am getting error:

"Object reference not set to an instance of an object."


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SQL Reporting :: Reportviewer 2010 Is Coming With Blank Screen / Data Exists On The Page But Not Showing On The Screen

Mar 24, 2011

I have upgraded web application from VS.2008 to vs 2010. I was using previously ReportViewer 2008 control in a page and replaced with 2010 ReportViewer Control.

I have installed the ReportViewer Redistributable also in my local pc as well as in the server. Also as per the new requirement I have placed the Scriptmanager in the web page where the reportviewer control located.

While running the page, the reportviewer run the report and is not showing the data on the screen. It shows the blank screen. But If I export the data to execl or world it is showing the data. Also the page numbers in the reportviewer showing the total pages available in the navigation bar. I am sure the report is running and bringing the data to the screen but not showing it.

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MVC :: Storing Information In Parent Screen ViewData From Child Screen?

Jan 18, 2010

The below is the exact scenario, One form will be there and when user click on "Edit" hyper link other window will open to get more details. In that new window also I have a grid or a table which has other hyperlink which lead to open other window and in that window I will enter few details and save it....


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MVC :: Login Page In App Hosted On IIS 7 Integrated Mode - Its Never Getting Redirected To The Home Screen Or Invalid Login Screen

May 19, 2010

I have created my first MVC application. I am using forms authenticataion. I have created a custom action filter MyAppAuthorizationFilter which inherits from AuthorizeFilter. Inside this filter I'm authenticating the user credentials by checking them against a database table (by overriding OnAuthorize method). If the user is not authenticated, I am redirecting the users to a login page (which is view of LoginController). I am using this filter agaginst my main controller so that all actions in this filter will execute only if the user is authenticated.

I do not have any problem when I use the asp.net development server (shipped with Visual Studio). But when I deploy the app to our IIS7 server, I can see the login screen when I access the default url, but after entering the credentials (both correct and incorrect) and posting back the Login page, it stays on the Login page (clears the pwd, but not the username). Its never getting redirected to the home screen or invalid login screen.

IIS 7 server has .net framework 3.5SP1, but no MVC. So I deployed the System.Web.Mvc dll in the bin folder.

Here's my Code (I've omitted the views and models as they are not needed here):

public class MainController : Controller
// GET: / [code]......

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Web Forms :: How To Use Tag At Bottom Of Screen Instead Of Top Of Screen

Oct 4, 2010

I am using the below code where I put this tag on a .aspx page:

"<a name="tips"></a>"

Now if I from another page run the code in the hyperlink to navigate to this page2 where I have the above tag. The page will scroll down to this tag automatically where this tag will be at the TOP of the screen.

My question now is if it is instead possible to scroll to the position where you have this tag at the BOTTOM of the screen instead ?


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Take A Screen Capture Of A Particular Area Of The Screen?

Mar 17, 2010

Is it possible to take a screen capture of a particular area of a web-page from the web-page's own ASP.NET code?

I need to display 6 images that are stacked on top of one another using CSS, and I'd like to offer the user the ability to right-click save-as if possible by stacking the screen capture on top top of the original image stack.

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C# - How To Open Screen On Full Screen

Dec 14, 2010

how i can open my asp.net program on full screen (like i press F11)

Through C# code ?

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Security :: Transfer User From One Web Site Site To Another Web Site On A Different Server With User?

Jan 26, 2011

I have a requirement where I have to transfer a user from Web Site 1 on Server A to web Site 2 on Server B.

On Web Site 1, I have to provide controls to enter user id and password and which have to be validated on Web Site 2 on server B, after validating them I have to redirect the user to Web site 2.

what is best way fo doing it. code examples are greatly appreciated.

Note: On Web Site 2, user login functionality is already existing and it is provided by ASP.Net login control, am not sure how to handle the user login process from two different places.

or is it the best way to move Web Site 2 from Server B to Server A so that, the same login controls will be shown using Iframe on Web Site A.

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Coding To Enable Site Users Upload Pictures To Classifieds Site?

Nov 23, 2010

I've been using an asp 3.0 widget for this purpose , but it been broken for a while and rather than get it back up, I'd love o get a native asp.net solution, can any one point me in the right direction pleaseI once wrote some asp.net code to do this, but the permissions on the server, which I found to be common every where prevented asp.net native picture upload, perhaps i got it wrong, well now I wanna fix itI need the code to work in a shared hosting IIS 7 environment. I use vb.net, but can usually convert c# to vb.net

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Visual Studio :: Web Site / Web Application Templates Seem Changed - Default.aspx Only With Site.master

Oct 21, 2010

Using Visual Web Developer 2010 Express. I was used to creating a web app anytime and I would get a default page for starters and be happy. But today I find that when I pick either the ASP.NET Web Site or ASP.NET Web Application templates I get site.master and a bunch of site admin files that I don't want. Alternately when I select the empty versions of those templates, I get almost nothing at all. An almost empty web.config page and no Default.aspx page. There is nothing magical about having a default.aspx page in place, but it is an indicator of a change when I can only get a virtually completely empty website or a website with a bunch of bells and whistles I don't want.

Also, for some reason, when I create a new app or website as just noted, in the Solution Explorer I get aspx.designer.cs files showing as well as web.config files for both debug and release. Somehow some settings and templates must have changed, or am I missing something here? How can I get my settings/templates to go back to the way they were?

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Website - Webforms Physical Site Structure With Dynamic Site Map

Feb 2, 2010

I am having a little difficulty trying to wrap my head around site structures. I have quite a large asp.net site, for which: Admins can see a user list, Each user can have many accounts, and for each account can have many items. I can picture this as a breadcrumb trail of editing a particular item. User List > Mr Bob > Accounts > BOB77 > Items > Item32 > Edit

User List = All the users Mr Bob = A user the administrator has selected from the User List Accounts = A list of the user's accounts 12BOB = The administrator has selected the account named 12BOB Items = A list of the items an account contains Item32 = The item that the administrator selected Edit = The action that the administrator wants to do. I can picture how this would look like if it was using ASP.NET MVC with the URL, but I am unsure how to map this out using Webforms, and in the physical filesystem.

This is what I have thought up about how I am guessing the physical structure would look like. Will this have to use session variables to achieve what I am trying to do?

/Users/User/Edit.aspx <- for editing a user
/Users/User/View.aspx <- for viewing a user
/Users/User/Accounts/Default.aspx <- for viewing all accounts
/Users/User/Accounts/Account/View.aspx <- for viewing an account
/Users/User/Accounts/Account/Edit.aspx <- for editing an account
/Users/User/Accounts/Account/Items/Default.aspx <- for viewing all items in an account
/Users/User/Accounts/Account/Items/Item/Edit.aspx <- for editing an item

Where can I read more about this kind of setup in a web application? Or, can someone point me in the direction of an available project that has this kind of layout?

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Security :: Pass Authentication From Site A To Site B ( Windows Credential)?

Dec 21, 2010

I have 2 website A and B.

B site with windows authentication

I want to open B site as new window from A site, so its ask for windows credential. I have credential in A site. I am opening B site using Javascript.window.open.

how i can set credential for B site from A site.

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WebMatrix :: Configure IIS To Run In Startup With The Site Path And Deploying Site?

Aug 8, 2010

I want to deploy a website in a computer where no webmatrix is installed. What are the requirement to run the website without webmatrix? And how do I configure IIS to run in startup with the site path?

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Visual Studio :: Debug Classic Asp Site That Is Called From Site?

Mar 28, 2011

i have an asp.net website which contains a link to a legacy site written in classic asp which has vb 6 classes (dll) in the back ground also.here is what i am trying to achieve:-i want to browse to the asp.net website using IE7,then when the link is clicked then enters the classic asp site i want to start debugging the classic asp and step through it.(also to make things worse, once a the vb6 class is instanciated, and a call make to its method i want to debug the method in the vb 6 code)My system :- XP Pro, IIS 5, Visual Studio 2005 (asp.net project ), Visual interdev 6 (classic asp project) Visual Basic 6 (vb 6 classes compiled into dll)i have been trying everything with no joy, there is lots on the net but nothing seems to have worked.i have the back office components installed so asp debugging is possible, i have configured the asp website s debugging is turned on.if i add a breakpoint to the classic asp site and hit the start button in visual interdev i can step through it fine.My problem is that if i attach interdev to a process (iexplorer.exe or dll.host) then the breakpoints are not hit. if anyone can help me with this it would be great.ont top of that, if anyone can explain to me how to also debug the vb6 dll code in visual basic 6 when it is called from the classic asp site that would be great!

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State Management :: Passing Variables From One Site To Secure Site?

Jul 28, 2010

I have 2 sites, one the main product site the other a secure site featuring the basket and checkout processes.

When a user clicks "add item to basket" I am creating a basket in a database and then adding the items to the basket. The theory was then to store the id from the database for the basket (the basketid) in a cookie, redirect the user to secure site, use the basket id from the cookie and display the contents in the basket.

However I am having trouble getting the secure site to use the same cookie. When I redirect the users to the secure site, the basket appears empty. I need to go back to the main site and then back to secure before the cookie appears.

Here is the code for the cookie


And then on the secure site this is how it gets the basket ID from the cookie


But like I say it's having problems. I've tried replacing the cookies with session variables as well but it didn't work.

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