.net - Application Time Setting?

Nov 19, 2010

I am creating a web application.. When a user want to register with that application Local time of that user must be registered in this application.. I tried to get the browser time to register ..It is working ..Now i want to improve this.. The user can have incorrect time in his system.

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Dim DFTSVal as Timespan = 0

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Feb 22, 2011

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asChart.ChartAreas["ChartArea1"].AxisY.CustomLabels.Add(0, DateTimeIntervalType.Hours, string.Format("{0:H}"));

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Feb 7, 2011

I am trying to download byte array (l_attchmntToDownload) using the following code:

Response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename="+l_attchmntFileSpec);
Response.ContentType = "application/octet-stream";
catch (Exception Ex)
throw Ex;

Is it possible to supply Date/Time of modification for the downloaded file?

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Sub Application_BeginRequest(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)

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Application Keep On Freezing Time To Time

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Web.config: Changing An Application Setting With C#?

Oct 29, 2010

How can I change an application setting within a web.copnfig programmatically with C# (from another application, which configures the web-application)?
The following code snipped doesn't work, because AppSettings[...] is readonly!

configuration = WebConfigurationManager.OpenWebConfiguration(...);
ConfigurationSectionGroup configurationSectionGroup = (ConfigurationSectionGroup)configuration.GetSectionGroup("applicationSettings");
ConfigurationSection configurationSection = (ConfigurationSection)configurationSectionGroup.Sections[...];
configurationSection.CurrentConfiguration.AppSettings[...].value = value

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Setting CurrentUICulture Is Not Being Remembered By Application?

Feb 16, 2011

have an asp.net mvc application where i want the user to be able to change language. I have provided a series of links with small flags on to let the user choose language. The target of all these links is my "dashboard" page, in which controller i have this code:

public ViewResult Dashboard(string id)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(id))
System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo(id);

The "Dashboard" page is displayed in the chosen language, as it should be. But when i navigate on through my website, the culture is changed back to english (default)... am i missing something? Shouldnt changing the CurrentUICulture change the entire application to the other language?

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Feb 16, 2010

I've developed my .net web application in Visual Studio 2005. It's been running in production on a hosted server. We recently brought in-house our own servers and configured one as a web server. I am trying to set up my web application over there and am getting your typical errors like the resource cannot be found. If you could point me to a good link, that would be great, too. I know I am having very elementary problems like creating the correct virtual directory, etc.

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Setting The Application Focus On Other Areas Of A Form?

Jun 24, 2010

I am not sure how to explain my current issue. Right now I have a Form that spans a couple of pages. I have divided the Form into multiple section as well including a File Upload section, a File Download section, and have an 'Update' button at the bottom of the Form. I also have Error labels within each section, and have an Error label at the bottom of the Form under the 'Update' button.The problem that I am experiencing right now is that when I produce one of these errors, the Form automatically displays the very top of the page. So in other words, if the error message is displayed at the bottom of the Form, the user has no idea unless they scroll all the way down.Is there anyway to keep the application focus at the area where the button is clicked on? This way if the user produces an error, they will see it right away.

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Nov 22, 2010

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Mar 19, 2010

In a repeater control I've Eval binding as:

<%#Eval("PubDate", "{0:dd-MMM-yyyy}")%>

But date time format needs to be configurable from the web.config. I want to access datetime format from web.config in markup like:

<%#Eval("PubDate", "{0:<%$ AppSettings: DateTimeFormat %>}")%>

But is is not working.

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Security :: Setting Roles On Production Application?

Mar 12, 2011

I just launched my application to the production environment. I have a section on my website that is only accessed by users in the role administrator. (Here is the code:


It does fine on the development application. But on the production app the function is not working. I checked the database and everything is the same. What should I do?

Here is my code in the web.config


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Visual Studio :: VWD Express 2010 - Setting Up Virtual Web Application

Jan 14, 2011

I'm using FCKEditor, and have downloaded a plugin for it. This plugin requires the folder (called 'integration') to be set up as a virtual application. Now I've managed to do this with my web hosts, but I want to do it locally too so I can test it locally. how to convert this folder into a web application? At the moment, all of the aspx pages cannot see an object which resides in the integrationin folder.

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Installation :: Error While Setting Up Application On Win7 Using Visual Studio.NET 2003?

Aug 17, 2010

Getting the below error while setting up application on Win 7 using visual studio.NET 2003.


cannot find the components for communiacting with the front page server extensions...

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C# - Setting Trust Level To High In Web.config Makes Application Run Slower?

Jan 11, 2011

We had a UAT and Production version of a .NET web application. UAT was taking around 5 seconds to run a particular operation while Prod was taking 35+ seconds.

This even happened when pointing both web applications at the same database and putting them both on the same machine.

The culprit was finally found to be the following entry, which was in the Prod but not UAT web.config

<trust level="High" originUrl="" />

why this would cause such a significant performance degradation??

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Installation :: When Create A New Website In IIS And Its Associated Application Pool, Get The Option Of Setting The .NET Framework To 1.0 Or 2.0?

Jan 7, 2010

When I create a new website in IIS and its associated application pool, I get the option of setting the .NET framework to 1.0 or 2.0.Via windows updates I have installed versions 3.0 and 3.5..however these dont show up in the drop down list.I read that the aspnet_regiis -i command needs to be run in the installed .NET framework folder for it to be visible in IIS.However, the aspnet_regiis.exe is only present in the 1.0 and 2.0 folders. Can I use the same exe to register the 3.5 framework with IIS?

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Add Real Time MVC In Web Application

Mar 2, 2011

I need to add a "real-time" element to my web application. Basically, I need to detect "changes" which are stored in a SQL Server table, and update various parts of the UI when a change has occured. I'm currently doing this by polling. I send an ajax request to the server every 3 seconds asking for any new changes - these are then returned and processed.

It works, but I don't like it - it means that for each browser I'll be issuing these requests frequently, and the server will always be busy processing them. In short, it doesn't scale well. Is there any clever alternative that avoids polling overhead?

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How To Calculate The Web Application Idle Time

Oct 21, 2010

I have a requirement to calculate the Web application idle time. Say the user doesnt use the web application for 15 minutes, then a message needs to be displayed to the user.

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C# - How To Debug An Application That Is Time-dependent

Nov 3, 2010

I'm working on an application (a web application, asp.net and c#) which is datetime-dependent, so, based on the current date, it will launch forms for the logged user to fill in.

I've been thinking about how we're going to simulate real usage of the application, for debugging and testing purposes.

So I'm talking about replacing all those:

DateTime currentDate = DateTime.Now;

with something like:

DateTime currentDate = MyDateClass.GetCurrentDate();

And then I'll have a class:

public class MyDateClass
private DateTime _currentDate;
public DateTime GetCurrentDate()
// get the date, which may be different from DateTime.Now
return _currentDate;
public void SetCurrentDate(DateTime newCurrentDate)
// set the date to the value chosen by the user
_currentDate = newCurrentDate;

allowing me to set the current data, by invoking the SetCurrentDate method, for example, in the code-behind of a link button and a calendar input.

how should I exactly store the DateTime variable, throughout all the application? I can't work with the session in this class, right? Should I work with the Thread?


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Configuration :: Web Application Is Compiled At Run-time?

Aug 9, 2010

I'm using "VS 2010 Ultimate" "Web Application" project.

The problem is that web application compilation occurs at run-time.

My steps:

1) change Wep Application source code (*.cs files)

2) rebuild "Web Application" in Visual Studio

3) run web site's(mapped under IIS 7.5) start page via browser

4) Problem: CSC.EXE starts compiling wep application for the second time! Despite I've done it on step 2)

What should I do to escape step 4) ? I don't need re-compilation at run-time!

I've tried "to play" with <compilation batch="false" but it seems to be ignored.

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