Access Application Setting Through Markup Using Expression?

Mar 19, 2010

In a repeater control I've Eval binding as:

<%#Eval("PubDate", "{0:dd-MMM-yyyy}")%>

But date time format needs to be configurable from the web.config. I want to access datetime format from web.config in markup like:

<%#Eval("PubDate", "{0:<%$ AppSettings: DateTimeFormat %>}")%>

But is is not working.

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DataSource Controls :: Setting Where Parameters Within Linq Markup

Oct 19, 2010

I've got a Linq datasource hitched up to a Formview control for clients to edit some data. I'm having trouble setting the where parameters withing the control so it show the right set of data. Here's the markup:


Upon running right now, it's completely ignoring the where parameters. What am I missing here?

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Configuration :: Compiled Web Application Still Contains .aspx Markup Files?

May 5, 2010

I want to publish my web application as a single .dll file without all the source code and .aspx markup pages.

I am using VS 2010 with the "Web Deployment Project" add-in. In the compilation settings, I unchecked "make this site updatable" because I want the .aspx files to be compiled as well.

Publishing my web application using the publish feature in VS 2010 works fine, and a single .dll file is created in the "bin" directory.

But all the .aspx markup files are still copied to the web server! I've read that those files are merely marker files which can be deleted, but not in my case. They still contain the whole markup and when I delete them, my application won't run anymore.

It's like I had checked the "make this site updatable" option, but I haven't!


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Localization :: .resx Edit Application Without HTML Markup?

Mar 3, 2010

I need some people to edit the ressource file without seeing html markup.

How can I do that .. ? I tried RESX edition but it doesn't hide the markup.

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C# - Extend Control (ASCX) And Access Base Markup File From Subclass Code?

Jan 29, 2010

I'm building form validation controls for our C# ASP application. The bulk of the work is handled by a BaseValidator control (subclassing System.Web.UI.UserControl), which also has the markup for the validation output. This is then extended by subcontrols like PasswordValidator, that provides the Validate method and any extra fields needed by that validator control.

(The end goal is to have controls like <uc1:PasswordValidator ControlId="txtPassword" /> which we can plop into any form with minimum duplication.)

However, PasswordValidator.ascx.cs cannot access the form elements defined in BaseValidator.ascx; the only way I've found to do so is to duplicate the markup in each subcontrol's *.ascx file. How can I extend BaseValidator.ascx.cs and access BaseValidator.ascx's markup in the subclass?

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Access :: Syntax Error In Querry Expression / How To Repair It

Feb 24, 2010

I have a SQL querry

Dim updmyclass As New OleDbCommand("Update FacultyClass SET HasEclass = 'Yes' WHERE SubjectCode = '" & GridView2.SelectedRow.Cells(1).Text & "' AND SectionCode '" & GridView2.SelectedRow.Cells(1).Text & "' AND FacultyId = 'F10011' ", con)

And I am getting this error

Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'SubjectCode = 'Eng101' AND SectionCode 'Eng101' AND FacultyId = 'F10011''.

My sql statement seems correct. . What is the problem about this one??. Do someone knows what is the problem??

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Access :: Data Type Mismatch In Criteria Expression?

Oct 20, 2010


<%@ Page Language="VB" AutoEventWireup="true" Debug="true" %>

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Access :: Error Message ( Join Expression Not Supported )?

Mar 20, 2010

Below is my query for Access.. Which it is saying Error Message ( Join expression Not Supported )

SELECT PatientMst.Name AS [Patient Name],REPLACE(REPLACE(RIGHT('0'+LTRIM(RIGHT(CONVERT(varchar,Appoint.Time,100),7)),7),'AM',' AM'),'PM',' PM') AS [Time],Appoint.Ptid,Appoint.Aptid,replace(convert(varchar,Appoint.Date,106),' ','-') as [Date] FROM PatientMst
INNER JOIN Appoint ON PatientMst.Ptid = Appoint.Ptid and Appoint.Date = ('03/21/2010')

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Access :: Syntax Error (missing Operator) In Query Expression

Nov 1, 2010

im using MS-Access database, i tried to add some data to the database from C#. the column datatype is Memo.

From front-end, the user type some text on HTML editor that content to be add to this column, if i enter minimal text then data is adding fine but, if enter 2 or 3page content then im getting error as


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Access :: Syntax Error (missing Operator) In Query Expression 'id=' ()

Feb 6, 2010

Error Type:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E14) [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'id='. /bioskop/pesan.asp, line 13


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Access :: Syntax Error (missing Operator) In Query Expression 'sai',sss''.

Apr 15, 2010

i am new to i am trying to develop an application i,e registration form in as user interface and ms access 2007 database as backend.i am trying to make aconnection to ms access 2007 db and save the data entered by the user in application.

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Access :: Error; Data Type Mismatch In Criteria Expression?

Jan 12, 2011

I have used the repeater function in an aspx page to create a discussion/fourm style page where user can posts comments, but when I try and write a comment I get this error; Data type mismatch in criteria expression. The user gets to the discussion page from a link in a gridview so that it displays all the posts on the specific film, and the correct posts come up, its just when a user wants to post something themsevles I get the error.This is the code in the discussion.aspx.vb page

Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender


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Access :: Query Data Type Mismatch In Criteria Expression?

Jan 14, 2011

I am getting this' Data type mismatch error' when i click on a submit button after tag selection. It was working before but now it is not working. It say there is an error on line 105.[Code]....

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Access :: Setting The Initial Value Of Autonumber In Database?

Jan 27, 2010

how to set the autonumber value with one starting value?I want to start the autonumber from 720 for ID field in my table..

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Configuration :: Error While Setting Password For Access

Sep 20, 2010

In c# code while debugging the folowing line

_objAccessApplication = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Access.Application();

it gives the following error:

System.Runtime.Interopservices.ComException(0x80080005).Retrieving the COM class Factory for component with CLSID {73A4C9C1-D68D-11D0-98BF-00A0C90DC8D9} failed due to the following error: 80080005.

The above code works fine in the development server.But in the production server it generates the error. What could be the reason for this.

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C# - Setting Up An Access Controlled Intranet Site?

Jan 26, 2010

An abstract high level idea of where to begin as I am totally clueless at this point.


I am setting up an intranet site (ASP .NET) where users from our local user group (who are also added in our user table) will have access to web applications they are given access to. Right now I am developing from my PC and using SQL Server 2005 Express as the database, but the final site will be hosted on an application server with IIS 6.0 and the database on an instance of SQL Server 2005. I am a .NET newbie and it's a daunting task, but the experience is worth a million dollars.


We are using Windows Athentication for our intranet site. Therefore I am not using ASP .NET's membership data sources. Rather all the user information will be stored in two tables tblEmployee (all employees in my company) and tblUser (all users of the intranet site).

tblEmployee has fields - EmployeeID, FirstName, LastName, CostCentre, Role, ManagerName, UserID
tblUser has fields - EmoployeeID, UserID, ApplicationID, AccessLevel, AddedBy, DateAdded

(I have set up these tables and I can change them any time).

What I need to accomplish - When an user goes to the intranet site, I can get his/her domain username. I need to check if this user exists in tblUser (domain username is same as UserID in tblUser). If user exists, we display all the applications he/she has access to, else display a "no access" page.

Specific questions:

What are some of the things I need to "learn"? (as I said before, I am a .NET newbie, but a fast learner too) I need to use URLAuthorizationModule for validating a page request. How do I hide the username from the URL? I was thinking along the lines of using a session ID... but then how do I know who the user is? I am sure these is a way to encrypt the UserID, just can't find it.

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Access :: Linking Of Ms Access Db With Web Application(Syntax Error In String In Query Express)

Jun 7, 2010

i am new to programming i am trying to connect web application with ms access 2007 database. i have taken with two text boxes and when i enter some data in it and press submit button the data must load in access db i created with same fields.

my code is :


Syntax error in string in query expression what is the correct way of inserting data into access db and what is the Syntax error in string in query expression.

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.net - Application Time Setting?

Nov 19, 2010

I am creating a web application.. When a user want to register with that application Local time of that user must be registered in this application.. I tried to get the browser time to register ..It is working ..Now i want to improve this.. The user can have incorrect time in his system.

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DataSource Controls :: Cannot Evaluate Expression Error After Converting VS 2003 Web Application To VS 2008?

Jul 8, 2010

I recently converted a web application of ours to VS 2008 so that we could upgrade to .net 3.51 framework.

I have been making some changes to the layout, to take advantage of ajax and minimize the amout of data needing to be loaded and the number of postbacks processed.

The problem I am having is when I try to save the data.

The page postback calls a local Sub which reads the form data into local variables and then passes these variables to our assembly.

The primary assembly has 70 parameters which are used to populate one of the tables in our database.

So I have 70 local variables just for this call plus a variable reference to the output of the assembly which contains a property for each of the columns in the associated database record.

There are some additional assemblies called to update other tables so, in all there are 121 locally defined variables in this sub.

Bear in mind that this sub is called from the page load event which has 93 of it's own locally declared variables.

Here is what is happening, when I run the code I am using cdate() to convert the value of a text box to datetime and pass it to my assembly. When doing so it throws a conversion error.

So I created a local datetime variable and converted the value of the control to the datetime and passed the variable to the assembly.

No more error, but the proc did not save the data as it was supposed to.

What I noticed in debugging, on the locals tab, is that every local datetime variable displayed the following message:

Cannot evaluate expression because we are stopped in a place where garbage collection is impossible, possibly because the code of the current method may be optimized

I also noticed that on the watch window the same message would display if I attempted to reference any of the datetime controls on the form.

There are only 3 variables and 3 datetime controls that appear to be affected. the controls are all html input boxes. Every other variable and control on the form behaves normally and I can see their values while debugging, it is just these six that are exhibiting the problem, whats more is that they are not new controls to the form.

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Web.config: Changing An Application Setting With C#?

Oct 29, 2010

How can I change an application setting within a web.copnfig programmatically with C# (from another application, which configures the web-application)?
The following code snipped doesn't work, because AppSettings[...] is readonly!

configuration = WebConfigurationManager.OpenWebConfiguration(...);
ConfigurationSectionGroup configurationSectionGroup = (ConfigurationSectionGroup)configuration.GetSectionGroup("applicationSettings");
ConfigurationSection configurationSection = (ConfigurationSection)configurationSectionGroup.Sections[...];
configurationSection.CurrentConfiguration.AppSettings[...].value = value

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Setting CurrentUICulture Is Not Being Remembered By Application?

Feb 16, 2011

have an mvc application where i want the user to be able to change language. I have provided a series of links with small flags on to let the user choose language. The target of all these links is my "dashboard" page, in which controller i have this code:

public ViewResult Dashboard(string id)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(id))
System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo(id);

The "Dashboard" page is displayed in the chosen language, as it should be. But when i navigate on through my website, the culture is changed back to english (default)... am i missing something? Shouldnt changing the CurrentUICulture change the entire application to the other language?

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Web Forms :: : .NET Application Not Accessible And Access Denied For Some Application Files?

May 12, 2010

We have an ASP.NET 3.5 Web application in which we have faced the below issue:

The application is working fine but suddently at one point application URL prompts for the authentication. When we (the support team) checked the server, we were able to identify that the access was denied for some of the main files (like web.config, default page). When we enabled the access the application started working fine.

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Setting Up Web Application Under IIS 7 On Windows Server 2008 Box

Feb 16, 2010

I've developed my .net web application in Visual Studio 2005. It's been running in production on a hosted server. We recently brought in-house our own servers and configured one as a web server. I am trying to set up my web application over there and am getting your typical errors like the resource cannot be found. If you could point me to a good link, that would be great, too. I know I am having very elementary problems like creating the correct virtual directory, etc.

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Setting The Application Focus On Other Areas Of A Form?

Jun 24, 2010

I am not sure how to explain my current issue. Right now I have a Form that spans a couple of pages. I have divided the Form into multiple section as well including a File Upload section, a File Download section, and have an 'Update' button at the bottom of the Form. I also have Error labels within each section, and have an Error label at the bottom of the Form under the 'Update' button.The problem that I am experiencing right now is that when I produce one of these errors, the Form automatically displays the very top of the page. So in other words, if the error message is displayed at the bottom of the Form, the user has no idea unless they scroll all the way down.Is there anyway to keep the application focus at the area where the button is clicked on? This way if the user produces an error, they will see it right away.

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Configuration :: Way To Read App Setting From A Remote Web Application

Nov 22, 2010

I have an web appilcation created in .net 2.0 that is supposed to read and display the app settings from remote web.config (accessible from a shared location). Is there a better way(like reading from the application's web.config ) to read the app

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