.net - C#: Label Contains No Text?

May 22, 2010

I would like to get the text out of a label. But the label text is set with Javascript.On the page I can see that there is text in the label, but when I debug it shows this: "".

So how do I get the text out of a label that is set with Javascript, at least that is what I think is the problem.

My code:

<asp:TextBox ID="txtCount" runat="server" Width="50px" Font-Names="Georgia, Arial, sans-Serif" ForeColor="#444444"></asp:TextBox>
<ajaxToolkit:NumericUpDownExtender ID="NumericUpDownExtender1" runat="server" Minimum="1"[code]......

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Visual Studio :: Label Name Or Label Text In The Properties Window, It Look Like Its Updating The Text Before You Actually Are Finish?

Jul 14, 2010

Anyone have this problem. When you write a ex. label name or label text in the properties window, it look like its updating the text before you actually are finish. This make you type over what you allready wrote. Its not a big problem,

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview - Dynamic Label - VB.NET - Change The Text Of The Label If Certain Criteria Is Reached?

Mar 15, 2010

I have Template fields configured for Gridview. The gridview is using an objectdatabsource to bind itself. I have the gridview configured to use Templatefields which then contain tables to display the information. This works fine.

My question is, is it possible to change the text of the label if certain criteria is reached. If "NumberOfDwellings" is 1 then change the label to read, "1 Dwelling". Where-as if NumberOfDwellings has more than one then it's "3 Dwellings".

<asp:Label ID="lbl_NumberOfDwellings" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("NumberOfDwellings") & " Dwelling(s)" %> '></asp:Label>

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SQL Server :: Convert Label.text To Int / Error Conversion Failed When Converting The Nvarchar Value 'Label' To Data Type Int.'?

Jul 14, 2010

I have been messing about with this for hours surely this should be an easy task ....... I have a stored procedured that creates a invoice on a Quotetable one of the parameters is a output parameter Invoice Number this is passed to a label. (Label1) This works great.

I then need to add items to the invoice on a item table so my next stored procedure should take the value of Label1 and update the foreign key quotenumber on the itemtable with the value from label1.

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On the ASP page the control for @Quotenumber = Label1 but I get the following error

'Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value 'Label' to data type int.'

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Web Forms :: Hiding Label Based On Label Text?

Sep 25, 2010

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Web Forms :: Textbox.text And Label.text Won't Change Dynamically?

Oct 20, 2010

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Data Controls :: Strip / Trim And Cut Short Label Text In GridView TemplateField And Display Complete Text On MouseOver?

May 7, 2015

I am unable to get it done as i have huge data in my table which is spoiling the standard look and feel of grid view..

if (row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow) {
ViewState["description"] = e.Row.Cells[10].Text;
if (e.Row.Cells[10].Text.Length >= 25){
e.Row.Cells[10].Text = e.Row.Cells[10].Text.Substring(0, 30) + "...";
e.Row.Cells[10].ToolTip = ViewState["description"].ToString();} }

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Web Forms :: Displaying Text Entered Into A Text Box Into A Label?

Jan 24, 2011

I have a form where users enter information in a multi-line text box. This could be anything, such as bullets, carriage return line feeds, etc. Think of anything that you might copy and paste into a multi-line text box from Word Pad, or Word. I then store this information into a SQL Server NText field.When I retreive this information, I need to display it as the user entered it into the text box field into a Literal or Label control (or something else if there is a better alternative) to display it. Problem is that when I display this text into the Text
property of a Literal control everything is jumbled and all characters (bullets) are lost, no carriage returns, etc. One big mush of stuff. If I display this information in the Text property of Label control, I get the bullet characters, but no carriage returns

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Feb 12, 2011

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Feb 8, 2011

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ADO.NET :: How To Use SQL Statement To Set A Label Text

Feb 16, 2011

I am fairly new to Visual Web Developer and am trying something out. I have an ASPX page done with a button (using VB). I have already been able to get the username variable to write to the page using Response.write(Environment.UserName). I want to go a little farther with this and extract the field [Program] from a table tblUserInfo in the sql database where the Env.UserName = tblUserInfo.username.

Now I have started to code the button but can't figure out how to use an SQL statement to extract that data...


My end result will be once I can see what program a user is linked to in the table, the question form they are going to will be different based on that program value... but one step at a time eh.

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How To Arrange Text In Label

Nov 15, 2010

how can i make text in my label arranged to make each line end with the same point

I mean to be like in this form


not in this form


it always appear in this form :

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.Net(C#) How To Label Text Inline

May 4, 2010

<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server" Text='<%# DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString() %>'></asp:TextBox>

ı need textbox text set DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString() how to make ? must inline

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Feb 19, 2010

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Get The Value Of Text Box Or A Label In Code Behind (C#)

Jan 4, 2010

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However I always receive a null value,

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Keep Label And Text Box On Same Line

Feb 24, 2015

I have the following snippet to offer a filter on a Leads screen:-

@using (Html.BeginForm())
<p> Surname: @Html.TextBox("SurnameSearch")
Forename: @Html.TextBox("ForenameSearch")
Address: @Html.TextBox("AddressSearch")
Postcode: @Html.TextBox("PostcodeSearch")

[Code] ....

The problem is that, depending on the width of the screen, the labels (e.g. "Postcode") do not always appear on the same line as the text box/dropdown they refer to. Is there a way of ensuring that, when it needs to "flow" an element down to the next line, it flows the label and the input control together?

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Multiple Eval In Label Text?

May 17, 2010

Why doesnt this work:

<asp:Label ID="lblName" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("Title")%> <%# Eval("Forename")%> <%# Eval("Surname")%>' ></asp:Label>
And what is the best way to achive this?

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How To Get Text From A Label In A DataList ItemTemplate

Apr 13, 2010

I use Visual Web Developer 2008 Express.I have Label1 in a DataList ItemTemplate. I wish to use a button to get the text from that label and add it to text in TextBox1 which is elsewhere on the page.I know how to do this from a standard label on a ASP.NET web page but cannot work out how to get the text from a label inside a DataList ItemTemplate.

HTML Code:
Protected Sub submit_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles submit.Click
TextBox1.Text = TextBox1.Text & " " & DataList1.ItemTemplates.ItemTemplate.Label2.Text
End Sub
I thought that because “ DataList1.ItemTemplates.ItemTemplate.Label2 - System.Web.UI.WebControls.Label “ - is what is written in the properties window header when I select the label in the DataList template.

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Assign Label.Text From Code Behind?

Sep 17, 2010

I have a label in aspx page. I am trying to assign text to that label according to my search criteria. My problem is if i put that label (lblMsge) inside I am unable to assign the text from code behind. if i put that label outside the tr its working fine but the display is not proper. I tried by putting that label in div tags also.Here is my code.


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How To Show 2 Textbox Text In A Label

Mar 2, 2011

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Web Forms :: Can't Populate Label With New Text

Jan 20, 2011

I'm new to .net but I'm developing this website which needs some dynamic data inserting so I'm using asp.net 3.5 c#. I've got it working on my local machine but as soon as I upload to the server it no longer populates the label fields. I'm not getting any error messages, the rest of the page appears as normal. So I know this is like asking how long a piece of string is, but what is going wrong here, as I say it's working locally just silently failing on the server. I've tried just populating the label field with a hardcoded string and even that's not going through, it's almost as if the class can't see the label.

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Label Text Not Appearing Until Clicked

Mar 14, 2011

I've got a page with a few labels which are affected by a SQL query on page load. For some reason the text remains invisible (or white o a white background) until I click on it or try to highlight it. I'm using 2 nested master pages and other similar pages do not have the same issue even though they use near identical code.

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Label Control With Text Property

Dec 8, 2010

I placed label control and text = press. Now i want to set the underline only for p character like press to access this label...

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Use Javascript To Copy Text From Label

May 6, 2010

Label1 (asp.net control) is located inside Panel1 of my webpage and I have a button called bt. What is the Javascript to copy the Text from Label1 to the clipboard?

@ artlung, I placed the below code just outside of my form but inside the body. The last line of code I placed inside Panel1 of my form. Anything wrong with this code because nothing happens when I click the Copy to Clipboard button.

<script language="JavaScript">
var clip = new ZeroClipboard.Client();
clip.addEventListener( 'mouseDown', function(client)[code]...

The next line of code is above the script tags but inside Panel1 in my form

<div id="d_clip_button">Copy To Clipboard</div>

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