.net - Devexpress Intelisense In Markup?

Aug 26, 2010

Ive got problem with intellisense in markup for example:

When I type

<dxwgv:ASPxGridView ID="grid" runat="server">
< -- here I hit ctrl + space and only normla html tags are shown: a, abbr ... --
But I would like to have available columns instead :/
</ dxwgv:ASPxGridView>

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Using JQuery With DevExpress

Nov 20, 2010

I'm trying to include jQuery in an ASP.NET web site that also uses DexExpress controls, but no matter how I include my script, the $ function is always anonymous and the jQuery function is undefined. I suspect the DevExpress 'plumbing' script is overriding jQuery.

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How To Use Grid With Check Box In DevExpress

May 12, 2010

How to use Grid with check box in devExpress . i have grid with data i want to get the valuse if the check box is checked

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Use Both DevExpress And Telerik On The Same Webpage?

Oct 7, 2010

Will there be any problems if I use DevExpress controls and Telerik controls on the same web page. Imagine I am nesting them insider one another.

I am wondering if they would conflict each other during AJAX calls.

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C# - Calculate SubTotal In Devexpress Gridview?

Mar 20, 2011

I have a simple Devexpress Gridview.

Here code;


Is there any way calculate sub total of Unit Price column in Devexpress?

For this example; I just want total of Unit Price column (18 + 19 + 4.5 + 14 + 18 + 263.5 + 18 + 46 + 14 + 14 + 15 = 430) in the bottom..

How can i do that?

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C# - Access Object From Javascript DevExpress?

Aug 24, 2010

I wonder why I cant access Object by ClientInstanceName from javascript.


function NextStep(pageControl) {
currentStep = pageControl.GetActiveTabIndex();
switch (currentStep) {
case 0:
selectedRowsCount = GridViewClient.GetSelectedRowCount();

The error is:

There is no definition for GridViewClient;
but ClientInstanceName is set to GridViewClient

Case is that I have thos grid on other tabs in ASPxPageControl so that these aren't visible but What I want to do is to refresh one of it before displaying it and I wanted to use client side ASPxGridViewClient.Refresh().

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DevExpress AspxGridView Filter In ObjectDataSource

Mar 16, 2010

One Page In the Page, a custom control In the custom Control, a AspxDropDown The AspxDropDown, has a DropDownWindowTemplate In the DropDownItemTemplate, I add a GridView and a paging/sorting/filtering enabled ObjectDataSource When handling the Selecting event of the ObjectDataSource, I should set filter parameters for the datasource. There filter parameters should come from the FilterRow of the AspxGridView (preferably using the AspxGriedView.FilterExpression property). The problem: the AspxGriedView.FilterExpression property is not set to the proper values (set by the user). Did anyone find a good implementation of what I'm trying to do here?

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Using Devexpress HtmlEditor Control Has DXR.axd Throwing 404?

Oct 8, 2010

I am using a dev express control: ASPxHtmlEditor version 10.1. I am trying to create a simple that only has this control. Unfortunately the control does not render with any of its styles or images loaded. This happens over 20 times. The control does not have any of its styles and all of its images do not load on the control.

I am getting 404 exceptions similar to: "Failed to load source http://localhost:11238/DXR.axd?r=5_0"

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Looking For Devexpress PivotGrid/PivotTable For Java Webapp?

Jan 26, 2011

I've just been looking around a little at the Devexpress PivotGrid/PivotTable and wow, I'm impressed (see here for an example, skip towards end to see some of the functionality).

I'm working on a java webapp in which the tabular data presented is the key part of the application, and if I could implement something such as the Devexpress control that would be amazing. Is there anything out there?? The java webapp uses the myfaces framework.

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Preserve Paging With The DevExpress MVCxGridView Control?

Jan 12, 2011

I'm working with the 10.2 version of the DevExpress MVC controls. I have a page hosting a MVCxGridView and I need to preserve the current page when navigating away and back to this particular page.

I can see from the old ASPxGridView documentation that there's a PageIndex property, but this seems to only be accessible from a WebForms/Code Behind/Server Control type context. I'm using MVC and can't figure out how to preserve this page setting.

I've tried the cookie settings with the control but those don't seem to persist for me.

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C# - How To Highlight Focused Row In DevExpress Gridview On Click

Aug 13, 2010

I have a devexpress gridview one of the column contains url. I need on url clik highlight this row and if user click another url in another row highlight and unselect previous.

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Keeping DevExpress Controls Inline On Web Forms?

Dec 9, 2010

I've just replaced Telerik controls in a small web project with DevExpress controls, but now, despite my adding an inline display div as container, these controls are no longer rendered inline. What could have caused this, and what can I do to get these errant controls back inline?

<div style="display: inline;">
<dx:ASPxComboBox ID="deptCombo" runat="server" AutoPostBack="false" ValueField="DeptId" TextField="DeptName" Width="250px" OnSelectedIndexChanged="deptCombo_SelectedIndexChanged">
Production Date:</label>
<dx:ASPxDateEdit ID="productionDatePicker" runat="server" DisplayFormatString="{0:dd/MM/yyyy}" EditFormat="Custom" EditFormatString="dd/MM/yyyy"

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C# - Devexpress Works Slow On Firefox Ang Chrome But Fast On Ie?

Dec 7, 2010

Just like in title. It works much faster on IE (8, 9) than on firefox and chrome ?How is it possible ?

Whats more I had to disable cookies on aspxGridViews because I had bad requests all the time,

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Couldn't Load File Or Assembly After Upgrading DevExpress

Nov 30, 2010

I've been tearing my hair out over this one, and hopefully it'll be something simple that I'm too thick to work out for myself. We've got a ASP.NET website (IIS7.5, Server 2008R2) that uses the wonderful DevExpress ASP modules. All was working fine until I had the bright idea of upgrading the modules from 10.1.4 to 10.1.7. Ever since, the site throws intermittent but regular errors that it:

Could not load file or assembly 'DevExpress.Data.v10.1, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b88d1754d700e49a' or one of its dependencies. The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131040)

All the .aspx files have similar register tags, e.g.:

<%@ Register assembly="DevExpress.Web.ASPxEditors.v10.1" namespace="DevExpress.Web.ASPxEditors" tagprefix="dx" %>

I updated the VS2010 project using DevExpress's own upgrader utility. There is no reference to v10.1.4 anywhere in the code - I've checked the .aspx files, web.config etc - and the web server has all the latest .DLL's on too. I've even moved the site to a complete new, virgin server, yet the error still occurs. Specifying the subversion number and public key in the register tag doesn't make any different. I've iisreset'd, cleared out temporary files, rebooted etc, all to no avail. The really frustrating thing is the error isn't reproducible - sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn't.

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.net - Devexpress Grid - PerformCallback Generates Invalid Viewstate?

Dec 13, 2010

I have a DevExpress grid that needs to be refreshed every time the value in a combobox is changed. For example, I have a combobox that sets the grid's page size. One of the requirements is that the combobox does not cause a full postback.

The combobox is declared like this:

<asp:DropDownList ID="cboPages" AutoPostBack="false" runat="server"
EnableViewState="false" OnSelectedIndexChanged="cboPages_SelectedIndexChanged" />

On selected index changed, it sets a cookie whose value is the selected value. When the combobox value changes, a javascript function is called:

function PerformCallbackOnGrid(grid) {
try {

The function is attached in code behind: this.cboPages.Attributes["onChange"] = "PerformCallbackOnGrid(" + this.GridClientID + ")";

After performing these steps:The user changes the grid page size using the combobox, so PerformCallback is called at least once.

The user presses F5(refresh).
The user tries to change the page size again.
an 'Invalid viewstate' error message appears.

I have tried setting ViewStateMode to Disabled for the grid, also EnableViewState="false".

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C# - Devexpress ASPxGridView Column - Add A Link (button) To Specific Rows?

May 14, 2010

I have an ASPXGRIDVIEW which is binded to an SQL query.I added to the grid an additional COLUMNCUSTOMBUTTON.But what happens is, that for all the rows it put a link there.I am trying to find a way to add to this column a link (button) ONLY to specific rows!I am unable to understand how to do it

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Data Within DevExpress Control Not On Initially Active Tab Doesn't Get Displayed

Aug 7, 2010

If I place a DevExpress ASPxComboBox or ASPxTextBox within a JQueryUI tabs widget, any data that is within a DevExpress control that is not on the initally active tab does not get displayed, although the DevExpress controls themselves are (they are just blank). Removing the tabs functionality for testing (by not calling the JQuery, the html structure remains identical) results in the DevExpress controls working fine.

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Web Forms :: How To Make A Valid HTML For Level Aaa, Widht DevExpress

Mar 12, 2010

My problem is very simple, i have to devExpress menu, this control not generated a valid Html for Level AAA?

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DevExpress Generates Thousands Of Lines Of ASP Code / How To Reduce The Code,

Nov 24, 2010

After insert a grid or any other tool into an aspx page it generates enough code for that tool(for ex.): <dx:ASPxGridView ID=ASPxGridView1 runat="server"></dx:ASPxGridView>...

But,after adding any property to this control (like Show group Panel) it generates more than 3000 lines of code in aspx page () and after adding any other tool the code is increasing in a enormous way...

How can I reduce the code, maybe there is a property(settings) in DevExpress option...

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C# - WebForms - Using GetRouteUrl In Markup

Mar 16, 2011

I have been trying to figure out how to use the Routing features with ASP.net 4.0 WebForms. I added a route to my route collection:

void Application_Start()
void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)

In my master page I tried to do the following: <asp:HyperLink ID="asdf" runat="server" NavigateUrl='<%= GetRouteUrl("about-route", new {}) %>'>Test</asdf> I got a compiler error: Server tags cannot contain <% ... %> constructs. What is the proper way to create a route URL in a server control in Web Forms? I also need to include it in the following:

<asp:Menu ID="NavigationMenu" runat="server" CssClass="menu" EnableViewState="false" IncludeStyleBlock="false" Orientation="Horizontal">
<asp:MenuItem NavigateUrl="ROUTE HERE" Text="Home"/>
<asp:MenuItem NavigateUrl="ROUTE HERE" Text="About"/>

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C# - Server Tags In Markup?

Feb 4, 2011

Morning all I have frequently used the old

<asp:Label ID="lblWas" runat="server" Text='<%# XPath("FACEVALUE") %>'></asp:Label>

This type of thing. when I first came across it I loved it, i'm using it again today but not quite so simply. I have a number of extra things I would like to achieve.

Apply formatting to the value. Like Text='<%# string.Format(XPath("FACEVALUE"), "{0:c}") %>'>
<asp:LinkButton ID="lnkBook" runat="server" PostBackUrl='/THEATRE/' + XPath("FACEVALUE")>Book</asp:LinkButton>

For option number 2 the URL is not as I would expect, and for number 1 I cannot get the syntax correct if it's even possible.

I have not been able to find something suitable in google. Hopefully what I am trying to achieve is obvious from the example :)

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C# - Get Resource Strings From Markup?

Dec 24, 2010

I have an assembly called like X.Common.DLL. There is some resources files for multilanguage app. Let's say it Language.resx Language.en-US.resx....etc.... I have a web application which contains this above dll as reference... So how can I use this resources file in my web applications markup side?

Text="<%$ Resources:Class, ResourceKey %>" is not valid because of "Class" name is in another assembly...

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Set Asp:LinkButton Text In Markup?

Aug 24, 2010

How would it be possible to set text of ASP.NET LinkButton like below:

<asp:LinkButton id="LinkButton_Select" runat="server" Text='
<p><%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Start")%></p>
<p><%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "End")%></p>

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Usercontrols - Getting Markup For .ascx?

Jan 21, 2010

Let's say I have an a .ascx user control. How do I get its HTML markup into a string?

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Reference An Int From Codebehind In Markup (.Net)?

Mar 23, 2011

I have an aspx-Page with an int in Codebehind:private const int id = 11;And in Markup I have

<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource" runat="server"
SelectCommand="SELECT Name FROM [StatusOption] WHERE StatusId = 11">

I would like to reference the id from codebehind in the markup, so that I only have to change it in codebehind when necessary. Is it possible and how.

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