.net - Xslt To Transform Format Of Xml Document

Nov 19, 2010

i have the xml in a structure such as this:

<RWFCriteria reportType="ProgramReview">
<item id="36" name="" value="9" type="Milestone" />
<item id="31" name="" value="9" type="Milestone" />
<item id="33" name="" value="11" type="Milestone" />

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Panel Populated By Xslt Transform - Can't Access Controls Values In Postback

Sep 22, 2014

I have a page with an panel on it that can contain a number of editable controls (textboxes, date pickers etc). This panel (and the controls) are populated dynamicaly by loading up an XSLT tranformation and applying it to an XML document (which represents the entity being edited) in the Pages Load event if !isPostBack.

Once the user has made changes they click a button and the form posts back. At that point I want to be able to go through the various controls in the panel, get the updated values and persist them back to a database. When I try to access the controls in the underlying buttons even theyre not there the panel is empty.

What I think is happening is that the page is being recreated at the start of the post back. When its recreated the XSLT transformation doesnt run because its a postback so the edit panel never gets repopulated. The controls therefore dont exist as far as my Button handler is concerned and it cant access their values.

My stopgap solution to this is that Im not checking isPostBack before repopulating the panel, so now the panel gets repopulated in the post back, the controls are there and Im able to query their values. The problem is that this involves another round trip to the database server to pick up the xslt and thats undesirable.So, first of all, have I understood the problem correctly?

I could save the trip to the db by storing the xslt (probably in the view state) but the whole idea of having to load up the control before checking its values feels sort of wrong and Im concerned that Im doing the wrong thing without realising. When I repopulate the control I am, of course, applying the XSLT to the XML document as it stood before the user made any edits. I would have expected querying the value of a control to return me the value before the user changes, but it actually seems to return me the value of the control as it was in the page when the user clicked the button. How can that be?

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JQuery :: How To Use Jquery In Xslt That Fill A Combo Box ,also Require Xml ,xslt ,xpath Editior

Dec 29, 2010


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VS 2005 Displaying Document In .pdf Format?

Feb 7, 2011

I have following code:

oStream = myCrystalReport1.ExportToStream(CrystalDecisions.Shared.ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat)
Response.Buffer = True
Response.ContentType = "application/pdf"
That displays a crystal report in .pdf format. I works great except for follwing:

If I run the application from the web server I see an "envelope" icon on my .pdf screen which allows me to email the report. Another user, running the same application, does not see the "envelope" icon and there are no options to email.

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Reading Contents Of Word Document In Html Format

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Visual Studio :: Format Document Button In 2010?

Dec 29, 2010

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SQL Reporting :: Format A Word Document Into Visual Studios?

Jan 5, 2011

I am finding it near impossible to format a word document into visual studios, is it just me? For example i have a page with loads of bullet point on and im not sure how to show these without it looking rubbish and putting it into a table..

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Visual Studio :: Format Document Icon To Add To Toolbar In 2010?

Aug 25, 2010

For years now, I always added the "Format Document" icon to my HTML Editing toolbar. It always was difficult to find this in VS2008 and VS2005. It seem it has been completely eliminated in VS2010.Does anyone have any idea where is might be in the Customize toolbar myriad of commands?I realize it is available under the Edit drop down menu as well as keyboard command Ctrl K, Ctrl D. But is is just so much more helpful to put it on the toolbar.

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Web Forms :: Format Text Pasted From Word Document For Display And Editing?

Feb 5, 2010

I have a client who needs to paste sections of Word documents into my SQL Server 2005 database. There are paragraphs and bullet points within the text that has to all go into the same field. When I copy and paste the text straight from Word the bullet points are displayed as dots but not as a list, i.e. the text is wrapped continuously and the formatting is lost. I have built a web front end in ASP.NET 2.0 using formviews for data display, editing and entering. If I use a Access backend the text will display correctly if the bullets are replaced with <li> tags - a bit tedious for the user of course. In SQL server I am getting a security warning that stops any HTML code to be pasted into a field. I thought of using stylesheets but even this is difficult.

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How To Open Word Document 2007 And Save Format As .xps At Server Side

Nov 3, 2010

How to open word document 2007 and save formate as .xps at server side.

I want the user to open word docx at server side user will click the button to open document which will be execute at server side. I want to show to my client a xps formate of docx which will be converted at server side(from .docx to .xps).

My code is running on local correctly. but at iis5.1 it's not working & giving an exception :-

System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {000209FF-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} failed due to the following error: 80070005.

ASP.NET is not authorized to access the requested resource. Consider granting access rights to the resource to the ASP.NET request identity. ASP.NET has a base process identity (typically {MACHINE}ASPNET on IIS 5 or Network Service on IIS 6) that is used if the application is not impersonating. If the application is impersonating via <identity impersonate="true"/>, the identity will be the anonymous user (typically IUSR_MACHINENAME) or the authenticated request user.

To grant ASP.NET access to a file, right-click the file in Explorer, choose "Properties" and select the Security tab. Click "Add" to add the appropriate user or group. Highlight the ASP.NET account, and check the boxes for the desired access.


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Web Forms :: How To Search And Replace Text In Rich Text Format Document

Nov 23, 2013

How to use pattern replacement in the RTF?. For example you can add a placeholder like {USER_FIRST_NAME} in the RTF document. When the user clicks the download button, your application can take the information from the database and replace every instance of {USER_FIRST_NAME} with the data from the database....

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how can i do this?

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Mar 22, 2010

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Aug 3, 2010

I need to programmatically parse and transform ASP.NET webform pages. It's a requirement that I have =(.

Anyone know any tools or frameworks?


I just need to modify ASPX pages (not rendered HTML code).

There are no inline c# code.

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Use Visual Studio Web.config Transform For Debugging?

Oct 13, 2010

I want to use the web.config transformation that works fine for publish also for debugging.When i publish a web app, visual studio automatically transforms the web.config based on my currenc build configuration.How can i tell visual studio to do the same when i start debugging.On debug start it simply uses the default web.config without transformation.

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Visual Studio :: Web.config Transform Is Not Working?

Apr 16, 2010

I have easy to reproduce issue with web.config transform. Steps below are causing major grief.

Create new Web Application Project in VS 2010. Open web.debug.config, put following inside it

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<configuration xmlns:xdt="http://schemas.microsoft.com/XML-Document-Transform" xdt:Transform ="Replace">
<setting name="Username" serializeAs="String">

Now deploy to file system on local hardrive. Open resulting web.config and see <value> setting has extrac carriag return and bunch of tabs in front of it..

Screenshots can be downloaded below.


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Social Networking :: Hide URL Of Document When Using Google Document Viewer With IFrame

Jan 24, 2014

<iframe src="http://docs.google.com/viewer?url=filename&embedded=true" style="width:600px; height:600px;margin-left:20px;" frameborder="0"></iframe>

I am using above code to show our document online.

But when we inspect element it is showing url of file which we dont't want.

it is possible to hide this url or any other alternate to show our document to user without exposing our physical file path.

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WCF / ASMX :: How To Pass Xml Document (huge Document) Through WCF RestFul Service

Aug 16, 2010

I have xml document and wanting to pass it through wcf restfull service, i am able to do that by using string format i mean i can pass the xml as string param in the restful service and it worked but now my xml document becomes huge so if i pass it as string then it gives URI long error. any way i can pass the huge xml document through the WCF RESTFul service.

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DataSource Controls :: Transform LINQ Dataset Into A Matrix For Export

Jun 1, 2010

I've got a data table with columns in which include Item, Category and Value (and others, but those are the only relevant ones for this problem) that I access via LINQ in a C# ASP.Net MVC app. I want to transform these into a matrix and output that as a CSV file to pull into Excel as matrix with the items down the side, the categories across the top and the values in the row cells. However, I don't know how many, or what, categories there will be in this table, nor will there always be a record for each item/category combination.

I've written this by looping round, getting my "master category" list, then looking again for each item, filling in either blank or Value, depending on whether the item/category record exists, but as there are currently 27000 records in the table, this isn't as fast as I'd like. Is there a slicker and faster way I can do this, maybe via LINQ (firing into a quicker SQL statement so the DB server can do the leg-work), or will any method essentially come back to what I am doing?

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Configuration :: Transform Project Less Into Based - Steps To Execute Task?

Oct 27, 2010

What are the steps to execute the task above? the reason I want to do that now is because the web site is ready for deployment and
we would like to deliver it as a DLL. I've heard of [aspnet_merge.exe] but I want to ofuscate my code with a 3rd party tool; and this ofuscator tool only works with Project-based projects.

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Web Forms :: Convert Word Document To PDF Document Using ITextSharp

May 9, 2012

I want when user uploadĀ  a doc file it convert into pdf. How can i do this. I read that itextsharp convert it.

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Forms Data Controls :: Transform Datatable To A Gridview With A Hyperlink Column?

Feb 10, 2011

I want to transfer data from datatable to a gridview with a hyperlink column. But dont know how to do.

I attach my code as below, what i want to do is to output 2 columns in gridview, and the first column should be a hyperlink. However, now the first column still shows nothing.

Web page code:


C# code:


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Web Forms :: Hiding The Document Name When Launching A PDF Document?

Sep 15, 2010

I am launching a pdf document using either:

1. Response.Redirect("filepath/document.pdf"), or

2. Response.ContentType = "Application/pdf"

Both methods successfuly launch the PDF document displaying the document path and title in the title bar. For security reasons I'd like to HIDE the document title. Can someone advice how this can be done? (How can a PDF document be launched without showing the actual document's name)

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Visual Studio :: 2010 1 Click Deploy, Config Transform Options Not Visible?

Feb 18, 2011

I have installed VS2010 ultimate and have read with interest about the new publish options, config transformations but none of them are available. I have tried creating different release versions and cannot see the option, also have no new options for publish, just look like the VS2008 ones.

Is there some service pack or pack that i need to install these or does it sound like a reinstall?

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