ADO.NET :: Dispose Data Table In

Jan 25, 2011

I Want to know garbage collector works in .net there is something heap and stack can u please tell me from where i get reference of whole funda of that.and i have another question is that Please see below the i declare one dt and get some data in it.and i don't want that dt after data come in text in finally method i do dispose using dt.dispoe().but after that i write little code to check whether the dt correctly dispose or i check with ifcondition after can check code given below for that per condition it gives me "Nikunj" Ouput in message box it meanse dt is not disposed after calling the dispose can u please tell me why?And i Want to know about all resources which i used i want to know how can i free it.whether it is variable,object,datatable,datareader etc..... if it is any where with example then please give me link.and if it's from msdn then it's better. i want to know from Microsoft that how Microsoft Suggest to do that.

Private Sub grd_expense_DoubleClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles grd_expense.DoubleClick
Dim dt As DataTable


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Dispose Data Context After Usage?

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I have a member class that returned IQueryable from a data context

public static IQueryable<TB_Country> GetCountriesQ()
IQueryable<TB_Country> country;
Bn_Master_DataDataContext db = new Bn_Master_DataDataContext();
country = db.TB_Countries
.OrderBy(o => o.CountryName);
return country;

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private FooClient _serviceClient;

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

I just discovered that I need to be disposing of the service reference when I am done using it or else the connections will be kept alive and will block incoming connections if I reach the max number of connections. Where would the best place to dispose of these references be? I was thinking of doing it on the OnUnLoad event.

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using (DocumentGenerator dg = DocumentGenerator.OpenTemplate(path))
/* some document manipulation with the
DocumentGenerator goes here ...*/
return File(dg.GetDocumentStream(), "text/plain", filename);

This errors as the stream is closed/disposed before the controller has finished with it. How can I make sure my resources are properly disposed in this situation?

EDIT: My implementation of IDisposable at the moment just disposes the MemoryStream. I know it's not a proper implementation, I just used it as a test. Is there something different I could do here to make it work?

public void Dispose()
_ms = null;

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Jan 4, 2010

what is the best to close or dispose all the object

eg:datareader.close(); or sqlcommand.Dispose();

if programs hangs in the middle(because of error), then how to close all the object so there will be no memory leak

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Nov 25, 2010

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In internet explorer dispose method is invoked every time user leaves the page, even when closing the browser. But not in chrome, its invoked by refreshing the page but not by closing the tab or window. Do you know how to achieve this?

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I use SmtpClient to send email. I want to ensure that the SMTP connection gets closed after each message is sent. I found an explanation of how to do this in the SmtpClient documentation on MSDN:


One thing it says is: Call Dispose when you are finished using the SmtpClient. The Dispose method leaves the SmtpClient in an unusable state. After calling Dispose, you must release all references to the SmtpClient so the garbage collector can reclaim the memory that the
SmtpClient was occupying.

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does DbCommand.Dispose() automatially close the database connection?

Here is my code:

Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase("DBIS");
string sqlCommand = "procUIBillingAdjustmentsCreditInvoicedSegment";
DbCommand dbCommand = db.GetStoredProcCommand(sqlCommand);
DataSet ds = new DataSet();


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Visual Studio :: Call System.IDisposable.Dispose On Object?

Jul 6, 2010

project was clean after release build, but when i ran "Run Code Analysis" i got 256 errors. the error below is one of them. will be great help. if anybody can explain, what is the meaning of this error?


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C# - Dispose Of Custom Object From Within Custom Membership Provider?

Apr 16, 2010

I have created my custom MembershipProvider. I have used an instance of the class DBConnect within this provider to handle database functions. Please look at the code below:

public class SGIMembershipProvider : MembershipProvider
#region "[ Property Variables ]"
private int newPasswordLength = 8;
private string connectionString;
private string applicationName;
private bool enablePasswordReset;
private bool enablePasswordRetrieval;
private bool requiresQuestionAndAnswer;
private bool requiresUniqueEmail;
private int maxInvalidPasswordAttempts;
private int passwordAttemptWindow;
private MembershipPasswordFormat passwordFormat;
private int minRequiredNonAlphanumericCharacters;
private int minRequiredPasswordLength;
private string passwordStrengthRegularExpression;
private MachineKeySection machineKey;
**private DBConnect dbConn;**
public override bool ChangePassword(string username, string oldPassword, string newPassword)
if (!ValidateUser(username, oldPassword))
return false;
ValidatePasswordEventArgs args = new ValidatePasswordEventArgs(username, newPassword, true);
if (args.Cancel)
if (args.FailureInformation != null)
throw args.FailureInformation;
throw new Exception("Change password canceled due to new password validation failure.");
SqlParameter[] p = new SqlParameter[3];
p[0] = new SqlParameter("@applicationName", applicationName);
p[1] = new SqlParameter("@username", username);
p[2] = new SqlParameter("@password", EncodePassword(newPassword));
bool retval = **dbConn.ExecuteSP("User_ChangePassword", p);**
return retval;
} //ChangePassword
public override void Initialize(string name, NameValueCollection config)
if (config == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("config");
ConnectionStringSettings ConnectionStringSettings = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[config["connectionStringName"]];
if ((ConnectionStringSettings == null) || (ConnectionStringSettings.ConnectionString.Trim() == String.Empty))
throw new ProviderException("Connection string cannot be blank.");
connectionString = ConnectionStringSettings.ConnectionString;
**dbConn = new DBConnect(connectionString);
} //Initialize
} // SGIMembershipProvider

I have instantiated dbConn object within Initialize() event. My problem is that how could i dispose off this object when object of SGIMembershipProvider is disposed off. I know the GC will do this all for me, but I need to explicitly dispose off that object. Even I tried to override Finalize() but there is no such overridable method. I have also tried to create destructor for SGIMembershipProvider.

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Data Controls :: Copying Data From Table To Other Table Dynamically (with Varying Columns)

Apr 27, 2016

I have a stored Procedure, which copies the data in one table to another table in other DB.

I have the query to copy the records to other table.

But, tomorrow, new columns are added to the source table, then, how to dynamically copy the data from those columns to the destination column..

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MVC :: How To Get Related Table Data / How To Access Groups Table Data From View

Mar 30, 2010

I have a strongly typed view for Contacts table In my index page , i am accessing the tables as --- "foreach (var item in Model)"

This table has an association with Groups Table

How can i access Groups table data from view.

intellisense gives me possibility to write like "item.Groups.GroupTitle"

But it returns null(object not initiated) How to solve this?

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Web Forms :: Get Particular Columns From Data Table And Copy To Another Data Table

May 18, 2012

In, I am having a data table with the column ID, Name, AGe, Rank.

I need to get the records from the Column ID, Name and have to create a new data table with this column and rows.

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DataSource Controls :: Way To Retrieve Data From A Table, Modify And Insert It Into Another Table

Jun 13, 2010

Basically i deal with two tables.i have a table T1 of the following format:id company_name i need to read this data and create a table T2 as followsi wrote the following code. it worked fine for retrieving data and modification but fails to insert the modified data into the 2nd table.the error is, it does not recognise the value for @token

ArrayList dynarr=new ArrayList(); // global variable
protected void Button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
int row = 1; int i;
string strcmd = null;
string Connection = "Data Source=....";
SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(Connection);
string str = "select company_name from T1 where ID=@ID";

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Forms Data Controls :: Adding Values To A Table From Another Table Via Dropdown

Jan 3, 2010

I am fairly new to ASP.Net and web programming in general and I am having issues trying to add values from a dropdown list in my gridview to another table.

Here is my scenario. I have 2 tables in my SQL Express DB. When editing the values of table2 in a gridview, I would like to show some data from table1 in a dropdown so users can select a value from table 1 and enter that value in table 2.

I have the Gridview setup to show table2 data.

I created a field template and inserted my dropdown list and linked it to my table1 data source.

When I run my web form, I can click to edit one of the fields in the gridview, and my dropdown list correctly displays the data from table 1, but when I try to update the table2 with the dropdown value, it doesn't correctly update. The row in table2 never updates.

posting the dropdown value from table 1 into the appropriate field in table2..

Again, I am new to this and have been following the tutorials etc on this site, but can't find one pertaining to this topic.

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SQL Server :: Adding A Bunch Of New Records To The English Table / Repeating The Data Entry Into The Spanish Table

Oct 29, 2010

I have two tables for storing language translations - tblEN and tblES. They have the same structure which is nvcEnglish and nvcLocal - both nVarChar fields.

In nvcLocal of the Spanish table, I enter the Spanish translations of words and phrases used within my app. Problem is, when I add a bunch of new records to the English table I also have to go in and repeat the data entry into the Spanish table. I am wondering if there is a way to import the newly added records into the Spanish table using Transact SQL?The plain language query would be something like:

If the data in tblEN.nvcEnglish does not exist in tblES.nvcEnglish then insert a new row into tblES with the values from tblEN

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Forms Data Controls :: Error When Inserting Into Table - Cannot Insert Explicit Value For Identity Column In Table

Aug 11, 2010

I am working on a web app for an online photo album. It is the last project in Scott Mitchell's book: "ASP.Net 2.0 in 24 hours".

I am creating a page where users can enter new photo images. The functionality for uploading an image will come later. I am working on just inserting a new row into the Pictures table with an optional category, a required title and a required description.

I am getting an error when I try to insert a new row.

Here is a screenshot of the page with a shot of the dropdown list.

The Categories are user-specific. I am getting the correct values retrieved.


There are two pretty simple database tables involved here.

NOTE: The CategoryID and PIctureID are both autoincrement integer columns.


The page uses a DetailsView that uses a SqlDataSource that uses the Pictures table. (The DetailsView's Default Mode property is set to "Insert". The "Enable Inserting" checkbox is also checked.)

The dropdown list uses a dropdown control that uses a SqlDataSource that uses the Categories table.

When the "Insert" button is clicked the CategoryID value associated with selected (Category) Name on the dropdown list will be used along with the Title and Description values to insert a row in to the Pictures table. (If no Category value is selected, then a null value will be used for the CategoryID. This is OK because the CategoryID column in the Pictures table allows nulls.)

My problem is that I am getting this error:

Cannot insert explicit value for identity column in table 'Pictures' when IDENTITY_INSERT is set to OFF.

(FYI: I have the full version of both Visual Studio and SQL Server.)

Here is my source code for the page:


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