Data Controls :: Copying Data From Table To Other Table Dynamically (with Varying Columns)
Apr 27, 2016
I have a stored Procedure, which copies the data in one table to another table in other DB.
I have the query to copy the records to other table.
But, tomorrow, new columns are added to the source table, then, how to dynamically copy the data from those columns to the destination column..
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Apr 20, 2010
I have a RSS feed i need to display in a table (its clothes from a webshop system). The images in the RSS vary in width and height and I want to make a table that shows them all. First off i would be happy just to show all of the items in 3 columns, but further down the road i need to be able to specify through a parameter the amount of columns in my table. I run into a problem showing the tr tag, and making it right, this is my Code so far:
<xsl:template match="item">
<xsl:when test="position() mod 3 = 0 or position()=1">
<xsl:value-of select="title"/>
<xsl:value-of select="title"/>
In RSS all "item" tags are on the same level in the xml, and thus far i need only the title shows. Thr problem seems to be that i need to specify the start tag as well as the end tag of the tr element, and cant get all 3 elements into it, anyone know how to do this?
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Mar 29, 2011
t1c1 t1c2 t1c3
1 1 jim
2 2 ruth
3 4 paul
4 8 sam
5 16 NA
Table2 ( Need this)
t2c1 t2c2 t2c3 t2c4 t2c5
10 1 1 jim 2010-02-03
10 2 1 ruth 2010-02-03
10 4 1 paul 2010-02-03
10 8 1 sam 2010-02-03
The tricky part I have to perform is to copy rows( only t1c2 -> t2c2, t1c3->t2c4 columns) untill I see NA(Not applicable string) in t1c3 to Table2 putting (10 in t2c1, 1 in t2c3, current date in t2c5 columns for all rows).
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Oct 10, 2010
I am upgrading a classic asp page, the page uses response.write to make a table, as soon as a null value comes up for a month the columns of the grid then stop. The sql is below
SELECT sName, Strategy,
Sum(case when Month([Date])=1 then Rtn else null end) as Jan,
Sum(case when Month([Date])=2 then Rtn else null end) as Feb,
Sum(case when Month([Date])=3 then Rtn else null end) as Mar,
Sum(case when Month([Date])=4 then Rtn else null end) as Apr,
Sum(case when Month([Date])=5 then Rtn else null end) as May,
Sum(case when Month([Date])=6 then Rtn else null end) as Jun,
Sum(case when Month([Date])=7 then Rtn else null end) as Jul,
Sum(case when Month([Date])=8 then Rtn else null end) as Aug,
Sum(case when Month([Date])=9 then Rtn else null end) as Sep,
Sum(case when Month([Date])=10 then Rtn else null end) as Oct,
Sum(case when Month([Date])=11 then Rtn else null end) as Nov,
Sum(case when Month([Date])=12 then Rtn else null end) as Dec
FROM Chess
If this is run in oct i only have data from jan -0ct , how do i not display nov and dec so that its dynamic?
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Feb 9, 2011
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Oct 7, 2010
I am trying to create a recipe system that will pull material amounts from an already built inventory database upon request for testing purposes of the different recipe runs. What is throwing me for a loop is that each time a user will request a recipe comparison they will have a different number of recipe trial runs for comparison purposes. In order to do this I'm guessing you will need to generate a gridview-like control with a dynamic number of columns which would be specified on a web form page prior to arriving at the recipe formulation page which will contain the control for the recipe formulation. As a result the user will have different columns and rows on this formulation page, with the rows being a static number of 30 (30 being maximum amount of ingredients to include in each recipe). The columns will contain the recipes to be compared, i.e. ProductRun1, ProductRun2, ProductRun3, where the number of ProductRunX will be determined by user input. So the user when they come to this aspx page will be presented with a blank editable grid of X columns by 30 rows deep. The left-most column will contain the ingredient names in a drop down box for users to select to input into their recipe and the rest of the columns will be editable fields where the user can type in the amount of each material to be used. The setup will look roughly like this:
| ProductRun1 | ProductRun2 | ProductRun3 |
ProductRun4 | ... |
Material1 | Material1_Amt | Material1_Amt | Material1_Amt | Material1_Amt | ...|
Material2 | Material2_Amt | Material2_Amt | Material2_Amt | Material2_Amt | ...|
Material3 | Material3_Amt | Material3_Amt | Material3_Amt | Material3_Amt | ...|
Material30 | Material30_Amt | Material30_Amt | Material30_Amt | Material30_Amt | ...|
So my question is how would I go about tackling something like this and what controls would I use. All of the forum posts around the internet show the GridView control being tied to data in a database already and not having the ability to have a fully blank and editable table upon the page loading so that it can accept user input. Another wrench into the situation is that the column numbers can vary. What control would be used in this situation or would it be better to use just a repeater of textboxes to build this type of control? Another thing is once the control is built how can you pull the data from such a control with the intentions of entering it inside a sql server database?
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In, I am having a data table with the column ID, Name, AGe, Rank.
I need to get the records from the Column ID, Name and have to create a new data table with this column and rows.
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Nov 1, 2010
i am using this query but it is giving syntax error,
into Logistics.DisInventory
select *
from Logistics_v1.DisInventory)
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Jun 29, 2010
I wanted to know if it is possible to dynamically add columns to a table in the Database?I know how to create a table dynamically in the DB the code for it is given below, howver I do not know, how do I add columns to it dynamically.
Dim NewTable As String = "CREATE TABLE Dynamic " +
" (" +
" job_id smallint" +
" IDENTITY(1,1)" +[CODE].....
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May 7, 2015
Here Am Using This Query to
WHERE (TABLE_NAME = 'TableName')
But Am getting Total Records instead of i need Specific Columns.....
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i need to extend this so that i can inlcude another column from a different table. so let's say i have a colume in table Price and the column i want to display in datagrid header is cost, how can i do this? there is code backend but could i simply code the below to include this column?
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Mar 14, 2010
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Jul 30, 2010
Iam working on an application.Recently client come with new requirement. Need a control which is similar to table or like gridview with rows and columns.It should allow user to enter data in the cells. And when the user press tab it should go to next cell and finally if we press enter key, it should validate the data entered in the current row and if data is correct it should create a new empty next row(like entering data manually in an sqlserver table). How can i implement this functionality? Can i use gridview / javascript to implement this functionality.
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Apr 20, 2010
I am returning an IList to my model of data about users. I want my end users to be able to select which columns they want to see.
I know I can do this with a huge "if statement" however, I know there must be a better way. I have created an Enum with the column names. I feel if I could take the IListItem.EnumName I would be set. However, I'm not too sure on how to do this.
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Jul 17, 2010
I have a gridview that is populating from a SQL DB and working fine. However, based upon certain data I find in fields in the SQL table, I want to place a 'n' or a 'y' in extra columns in the gridview that I am assuming need to be templatefields. My thought was I could maybe add 8 template columns and then I could put a 'y' in the appropriate column based upon the data I find the table. For the life of me, I cannot figure out how to do this. I want to do this at rowdatabound time ( i think) but I just cannot find out how to, in my code, put that 'y' in the columns. Is this the right way to do this or do I need to do it another way? How do I get that 'y' in the proper column?
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Jun 6, 2013
i'm using a repeater with an hyperlink and i'm displaying some data from a table x and when the link is clicked i want to add some from the displayed data in another table y..I used a datasource for selecting information , should i use another datasource for the insert command or what to do ..
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Apr 19, 2010
I need to let my user add rows dynamically to a table, and after doing some research, it seems the best way to do this is through a GridView bound to a DataTable. However, I'm really struggling adding dropdownlists to the datatable, and this showing them in the gridview.
Here's the design I want:
ddl1 | ddl2 | ddl3 | ddl4 | ddl5 | ddl6 | ddl7 | textbox
When the user opens the form, he or she will be presented with one row. ddl2 etc will be populated when ddl1 is selected etc etc. When appropriate, the textbox will be enabled allowing the user to enter a comment (this is to report errors, and since users are, at best, not to trust to write the same thing twice, I need to use ddls.
Now comes the question - how do I add a ddl to the datatable? I've tried several ways, but I cannot get them added.
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Jan 10, 2011
i am working on Accounting this software i am to implement voucher entries form.In this form on page load a table (two rows and four columns) should be created after that one row should be appended to that table dynamically on button click event.
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Nov 23, 2010
how to create a dropdown list dynamically from a database table. Something like:
OdbcCommand sqlcommand6 = new OdbcCommand("select vehicle_cat_desc from vehicle_cat where vehicle_cat_desc=" + "'" + manufacturer.Text + "'", dbConnection);
OdbcDataReader cats = sqlcommand6.ExecuteReader();[code]....
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Sep 8, 2010
I have a table in my database called "Profiles". This holds data on Female and Male personal characteristics.On my aspx, I have a formview in edit mode which is binded to an object data source with a GetDataByUserId Select methodwhich retrieves data from the "Profiles" Table via a DAL.The "Profiles" table has some columns which relates to females only and some just males and some are generic to both.See example below
UserId - / of Type GUID
GenreId / of Type BOOL.
Hip Size (For females)
Dress Size ( For Females)
ChestSize (For Men )
TrouserSize (For Men)
Weight ( For both )
When the User logs in , they go to an update Page which has the Formview in Edit Item Mode and contains drop down Lists whichare binded to the Users Selected Value. The DDL are in turn bound to their related table such as HIP, Dress, Chest, Trouser etc.bjectiveIf a female user logs in I just want to show them the (Hip Size) DDL and DressSizeDDL in the Edit item template of the formview and not the ChestSize DDL or TrouserSize DDL.At present the GetProfileByUserId returns all colums from the tableMy question is how do I do this and just show DDL which are relevant to the Female or Male Only. In some cases the usermay not have selected an item in the previous form so they could also be NULL.Am i on the right path by writing a Select Query that checks to see if the User is Male or Female by checking the Genre column in Profiles first.Do I also need 2 panels, 1 to hide Female DDLS and the other to Hide MaleDDLs subject to logged in user genre.
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Aug 2, 2010
I have an asp:Table. Its with is 100%. This table has only one row but 6 columns. The width of first 5 column is fixed at 150px. The last one does not have its Width specified and so it takes up the rest. The whole row has a background. If any of the first 5 column is clicked, the background of that cell is changed to white.In my development computer, the last column has about 250px. Yet in user computer, as the monitor has a smaller resolution, the last column has only 30px or so. User complains it is ugly and wish to merge the last column with the previous one. How to do so?
Source code:
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