ADO.NET :: EF 4 And Default Value For DateTime?

Feb 18, 2011

In my Domain Model I have a { Created_at } attribute. I want this to have a default value of the current DateTime. Now I can do this if I was working in SQL Server 2008, but I am using Entity Framework 4 here and the SQL Server 2008 method (of adding GETUTCDATE()in the Default property) does not work.Can someone please explain how I would get my EF 4 to add the current DateTime to all the { Created_at } fields of my Domain Model?I hate having to manually type the DateTime for each Object/Row of the Database.

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WCF / ASMX :: Set The Default Value For DateTime Property?

Oct 29, 2010

how can i set the default value of some property for DateTime ?


when i try this then it prompts the below error?

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Defining Default Start Time And End Time (DateTime Manipulation)

Mar 26, 2010

Our business case requires that a Start Time and End Time must be defined for each Organization involved in the business model. For example; some organizations have their working hours from 8:00AM to 5:00PM and others from 9:00 to 6:00PM. While creating a new Event on our calendar these should be queried from the database (StartTime and EndTime) and setting these as default. My questions are:

1) How should I save these times since DateTime requires a Date in front of it and there's no Time column format on SQL Server (Varchar? Number?). If using one of these types how to I concatenate these to a DateTime variable?

2) If the column should be DateTime, how do I concatenate it to replace the column's Date with Today's date and replace the Time with the time specified for that? Let me be more clear:

Default values saved in the database: StartTime = "2010-01-01 8:00AM" EndTime = "2010-01-01 5:00PM" In my code after querying, my local variables would be populated and replaced by: OrgStartHour = "2010-03-26 8:00AM" and OrgEndHour = "2010-03-26 5:00PM"


The code above works but I have no idea on how to replace/concatenate the "2010-01-01" with today's date while keeping the "8:00 AM" on it. :)

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Web Forms :: UserControl With DateTime Property - Set Markup In Local Datetime Format

Jan 21, 2010

I created a UserControl and added a public DateTime property. I want to set this property in Markup (ie. <cc1:MyControl runat="server" id="MyControl1" DateTimeProp="1/1/2010" /> ) however I live in a place with a dd/mm/yyyy date format so it complains if I set something like "20/1/2010". Is there a way to set markup in my local datetime format or do I have to conform to "mm/dd/yyyy"?

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MVC :: Nullable DateTime And DatePicker - Dictionary Requires A Non-null Model Item Of Type 'System.DateTime

Apr 1, 2011

I have a problem:

I've created usual Controller and View(Edit view) for editing my Entity (EntityFramework)

Here is view example:

<div class="editor-field">

@Html.EditorFor(model => model.BirthDate)

@Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.BirthDate)


BirthDate is Nullable<DateTime>

but during loading my View I get this exception

The model item passed into the dictionary is null, but this dictionary requires a non-null model item of type 'System.DateTime'.

That's because of BirthDate is null in database but it is nullable and I expect that it just leaves the filed empty.

And I have Shared EditorTemplate:

@model System.Nullable<System.DateTime>

@if (Model.HasValue)

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C# - How To Get DataSet.ReadXml To Parse A DateTime Attribute As A Typed DateTime

Feb 9, 2010

I have an XML string which contains Dates formatted "dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss".

I'm loading this XML into a dataset using DataSet.ReadXml().

How can I ensure that this Date is stored in the DataSet as a typed DateTime so that I can Sort, Format and RowFilter on it accordingly.

My test harness is as below:

ASPX Page:


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Web Forms :: DateTime Parse String Was Not Recognized As Valid DateTime

Jun 1, 2012

obj.From = DateTime.Parse(txtFrom.Text, ci);

And it will give error String was not recognized as a valid DateTime. How it can be solved..

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Forms Data Controls :: How Show Local Time In Datagridview Collumn DateTime From Database With Universal Datetime

Jun 2, 2010

How show local time in datagridview collumn DateTime from database with universal datetime

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Databases :: Converting SQL Server Datetime To MySQL Datetime?

Sep 30, 2010

I am trying to store a SQL Server datetime into MySQL datetime field, but MySQL stores the date value as all zeros. I use this function to trim the fractional part from the SQL Server datetime, but get the same result when trying to store it in MySQL.


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SQL Server :: Converting Mysql Datetime To Sqlserver Datetime C#?

Nov 15, 2010

I am trying to get data from mysql database and store in sqlserver database. i am getting the following error

The given value of type MySqlDateTime from the data source cannot be converted to type datetime of the specified target column.

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Access :: Conversion From C# DateTime To DateTime

Feb 7, 2011

I am selecting some data from a access database which is in Date/Time format in the Database and also in the programme the variable the information is stored in is registered as Date/Time.

However when I run the programme it says there is a data type mismatch.


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ADO.NET :: Members 'System.DateTime ModDate' And 'System.DateTime InsertDate' Both Marked As Row Version?

Nov 8, 2010

Members 'System.DateTime modDate' and 'System.DateTime insertDate' both marked as row version.modDate and insertDate is a SQL Server database field with smalltimedate as data type.

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Web Forms :: Convert Datetime String From PDT To IST (local Time) Datetime String?

Apr 28, 2010

i am displaying some news from rss feeds in the page. But i am stuck up in the date time conversion. I got th published datetime as pdt formated string. How can i convert to my local time. Coversion from the pdt string tot DateTime is error..


This second line is error and i need the result in the specified format or same format as in the published date but in local time ie IST (India Standard Time)

View 15 Replies

Security :: Allowing Access To Default.aspx With Default Document Enabled?

Jan 19, 2011

I am trying to secure very mixed content that is located in an ASP.NET directory. For purposes of this question, it can be ~/MyApp/.

I want all of the content in the directory and its subdirectories restricted to authenticated users. The default.aspx page, though, should be accessible to everyone. This is the web.config in that directory:


Now if you are an unauthenticated user, everything works fine if you request [code]....

The problem occurs in that visitors do not always request "Default.aspx". We have a default document configured so that they get Default.aspx even if they just request "/MyApp". An authenticated user works fine, but an unauthenticated user is directed to the login page.

Now I know that essentially this happens because even though the request for "/MyApp/" will actually end up serving up "/MyApp/Default.aspx", the security system is only checking for "/MyApp/" since that is what I requested. That is then getting the default security for the directory.

How can you configure an exception to allow access when no particular file is requested in the directory??

Is there some dependency between DefaultDocumentModule and UrlAuthorizationModule? In this environment, the UrlAuthorizationModule has been removed and re-added in order to make sure it fires for non-managed requests. I would not expect that to change the order of execution, though, since UrlAuthorizationModule usually goes after DefaultDocument.

A workaround could be to set up the opposite security with the directory being open, and then trying to secure individual files. Because of the (changing) number of files, and extensions, etc, and the fact that you cannot use wildcards in a <location>, this is not really a workable solution for me.

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Why Does The Default Forms Authentication Cookie Have A Leading Period In It's Default Name

Mar 21, 2011

the default ASP.NET Forms Authentication cookie sets it's name as ".ASPXAUTH". Notice the first character is a period? Is there a particular reason for this? Like, does this have an impact on domain names or subdomains for the target domain.

Or is it purely some random thing an MS dev person came up with (maybe to help out the ordering of the cookies, when they were debugging or something .. as text with periods prolly get listed before other strings)?

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Mar 31, 2011

How can I consume a default WCF web service, right out of the box from VS 2010 in a default ASP.NET MVC project right out of the box from VS 2010?

I know how to start up the WCF web service and add the service reference in the ASP.NET MVC project. So what I want to know is exactly what code I shall write in the ASP.NET MVC project?

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DateTime.Parse("07/23/2010")Gives "String Was Not Recognized As A Valid DateTime."?

Jul 23, 2010

DateTime.Parse("07/23/2010")Gives "String was not recognized as a valid DateTime."

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C# - Compile Error: Ticks Must Be Between DateTime.MinValue.Ticks And DateTime.MaxValue.Ticks. Parameter Name: Ticks?

Mar 22, 2010

I have a Visual Studio 2008 solution that when I build, returns the following error:

Ticks must be between DateTime.MinValue.Ticks and DateTime.MaxValue.Ticks. Parameter name: ticks

There is no reference file/line/column in the error. Becoming quite frustrating as the solution builds in the end, however I cannot debug.In the solution, there is no reference/using to DateTime.MinValue.Ticks at all...


There are only 2 references to ticks in my solution, and neither of those are causing the issue.There are no constructor issues with DateTime either. I do not believe it is related to DateTime or ticks at all.I have found a similar reference where it turned out to be a corrupt image file in the solution, where it did not have a date-modified value. This is not affecting mine though.

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WebMatrix :: Why Is "default.cshtml" Automatically Recognized As Default Page In IIS Express Server

Feb 4, 2011

When i created a simple site via Matrix which adopts Razor technology by default, i found site automatically display "default.cshtml" if started through "http://localhost:xxxx/bread/" ; however i hadn't set "default.cshtml" as "default document" for this site, even i seek in the "applicationhost.config" i just find

<defaultDocument enabled="true">
<add value="Default.htm" />
<add value="Default.asp" />
<add value="index.htm" />
<add value="index.html" />
<add value="iisstart.htm" />
<add value="default.aspx" />

which apparently hasn't "...cshtml" yet. So I am wondering now why in this case the web server actively sets "default.cshtml" as default start page ?

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State Management :: Show  default Country, State , City At Page Load Of Default.aspx ?

Sep 18, 2010

Here is my scenario.In default.aspx page user selects the country, state, city from drop down list, and store them in cache for further use. but when other user open the web site from other computer it shows the same country, state, and city selected by user 1. Is there any problem related to cache? I have stored data as following.

cache["ctryID"] = ctryID;

cache["stateID"]= stateID;

cache["cityID"]= cityID;

I want to show default country, state , city at page load of default.aspx

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MVC :: Default Date For Tag / Use Datepicker And Also Showing The Default Date Value?

Apr 1, 2011

currently i am using jquery datepicker with <input> tag:


however, i wan to have the default value for the date field, i use editortemplate to try:


this is work IF i change my <input> tag to <%: Html.EditorFor(model => model.FoodStoreDate, new { @class = "date" })%>BUT, if i use the editorfor, the datepicker cant, i wonder is there any win-win solution?? so that i can use datepicker and also showing the default date value??

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DataSource Controls :: Change Default Date Values Accepted By Sql Server To "dd,mm,yyyy" Instead Of The Default "mm,dd,yyyy"?

Jul 4, 2010

is it possible to change the default date values accepted by sql server to dd,mm,yyyy instead of the default mm,dd,yyyy?

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C# - Set Datetime With HH:mm:ss = 00:00:00 Instead Of 12:00:00?

Jan 27, 2011

DateTime a1 = new DateTime(Convert.ToDateTime(txtStartDate.Text).Year, Convert.ToDateTime(txtStartDate.Text).Month, Convert.ToDateTime(txtStartDate.Text).Day, 0, 0, 0);

I have tried to change system time from 12 hrs hh to 24 hours HH and restart web site insert still is 12:00:00 I want 00:00:00

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Get The Am / Pm From A Datetime?

Jul 27, 2010

how can i only get the am/pm from a datetime ?

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Redirect Default.aspx To Default.aspx?id=1

Feb 16, 2010

How to redirect Default.aspx to Default.aspx?id=1

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