ADO.NET :: Get Results That Are Not Linked By Many To Many?

Dec 11, 2010

I have 2 tables with a many to many relationship directory and website, they are linked by the table dw, the dw table has extra filds that are relivant to the link it is not simply 2 forain keys. So in my entity diagram i can see all 3 tables.

What I want to do is select all websites that are not linked to a given directory.

Here is my best attempt so far but it does not return any records


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<asp:ScriptManager runat="server">
<asp:ScriptReference Name="AjaxControlToolkit.Common.Common.js" Assembly="AjaxControlToolkit" />
<asp:ScriptReference Name="AjaxControlToolkit.Calendar.CalendarBehavior.js" Assembly="AjaxControlToolkit" />
< ... />

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DAL.ForumThread item = DAL.ForumThread.FetchByID(id);

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ForumPostID | ThreadID | Description | UserID | CreatedOn| etc

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This all works great, but the problem is that I'm using serverside paging and want to add some additional select parameters too like showing only active records.

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I also would like to know if it makes any difference performance wise by just using item.ForumPosts() or starting a new query, I think the forumposts are already in the ForumThreads collection and don't require a new database call right?

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Mar 1, 2010

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We are using IIS.

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We get error 500.100 and Error line 8.

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An open source solution would be great, but a commercial library or component is also an option.

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Apr 22, 2010

i need to execute stored procedure on linked server (create procedure on linked server). i had try with this:


SQL code is looking like this


UDBV68 is linked server... Now, when i execute procedure from i got error 'Incorrect syntax near 'GO'.', but sql server doesn't report error...

Dbcall has value = "EXECUTE ('Create Procedure SelectOne as Select * From FixitOnline.Os_node ',952) AT UDBV54; GO"

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Learning Curve - Create A Site With A Form That Will Be Linked To A Database

Mar 16, 2010

How difficult is it going to be for me to pick up ASP. I dont know any coding besides basic HTML.

My end goal is to create a site with a form that will be linked to a database. The user entered information will pull data and display it to them.I have the SQL query, I just need to write the sit

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