ADO.NET :: Get The ID Of Record Inserted?
Jan 21, 2011
I have a table in which i insert Record like 'ABC321' and want to Get that id only the Perfect id
I have a web Application in which many user would be Insert Record at the same time.....
so i need the find the id of that Record only
Is there is a way when i insert Record like
insert into Msg_Msgs (MsgToID) Values('321') and Get id of that with one line Query or some thing like that
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I know this is a common request, I've googled loads but found lots of complicated code for such a simple task.
My basic insert code is below, can someone tell me how/ where I can modify it to get the last ID?
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Sep 3, 2010
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Right now I am using
this._studentName.text = "";
but is there any easy method to get same result coz I have another form where there are more then 40 fields and don't want write .text = "" 40 times
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Sep 7, 2010
I'm inserting data into a database with Linq to SQL and would like to access the primary key of that record WITHOUT doing a query for the values I've already captured.
Here is my insert startment:
There is a value in the table that is an auto increment integer.
Rather than doing a query for the pagetitle, description and content I'd like to just access the primary key that I would have just generated by performing the insert.
Is this possible or would I have to perform the query as I've just mentioned to retrieve it?
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Apr 4, 2013
I have House_p table in data base
and insertP.aspx page that in this page users can type data in textbox and click on button after that their information insert into House_p table
USE [behtop]
/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[insertproduct3] Script Date: 04/04/2013 19:10:46 ******/
ALTER procedure [dbo].[insertproduct3]
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Mar 14, 2011
i cannot retrieve the new identity value from an inserted record(via DataAdapter.Update) in my DataRow.
I'm using a strong typed Dataset as DAL. The table i want to update is joinded with other tables in the SelectCommand, hence the designer cannot automatically generate the insert-/update-/delete-commands and also it cannot "Refresh the DataTable" automatically. [URL]
I've tried to set AutoIncrement=true/false on the primary-key's DataColumn but the result is the same: last MAX-ID+1 instead of the actual ID the database generated(SQL-Server 2005 EP; pk datatype:int, Is identity:yes, Identity Increment:1).
This will be the wrong value f.e if another instance of the application inserted a record that the first instance yet not knows and therefore generates an ID that already exists.
To retrieve the new identity from db i've appended following to my insert-command's CommandText:
Also i've tried to add an Output-Parameter to it's parameter-collection:
This is part of my code that updates the database and sets the new ID(that doesn't work):
View 1 Replies
Jan 12, 2010
I followed this BRILLIANT article and found out how to make a data layer, i just need the insert method in this code to return the ID of the record inserted.
For example, when the user captures the details, the save button is clicked, i will want to display in a label "Your Reference Number is "
try and have look at the article so you will understand how the code is, so it will not be hard to edit my code.
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Dec 13, 2010
In oracle we can do this by using rowid.
select * from tableName where rowid = (select max(rowid) from tableName);
but i don't know equivalent of rowid in sql server.
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Aug 31, 2010
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I'm using
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Aug 18, 2010
I thought this would be easy before I started, but I should've known better.
I just need to get the value of primarykey from the newly inserted record so I can pass it in the query string to the next page the user will be directed to.
Here's my code:
VB Code-Behind:
I had found what looked like a good soultion yesterday by the moderator "ecbruck" at this post:
[URL], but after spending many hours trying to figure out why I couldn't get it translated and working in my own project, I found that MS Access does not allow use of an Output Paramter. And unfortunately I don't have time to teach myself a new database platfrom and am stuck with MS Access for the moment...teaching myself has my head spining enough as it is.
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Jun 11, 2012
I am trying to insert a record into a MySQL Table. I thought that the Insert methods returned the number of records that were successfully inserted. But that is not what I found. My code:
dim n as integer
n = taProject.InsertProject(pname, descr, idManager, startdate, tenddate, client, disable)
I get n = 0 even though the record is installed. How can I determine if the insert was successful or not?
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May 10, 2010
I am using a FormView to populate data, then inserting it using a LinqDataSource. The primary key is an autoincrementing identity. I'd like to handle the ItemInserted event to update some other tables, but I cannot find how to get the primary key of the newly inserted record. The insert happens fine, but nothing for the PK.
I realize I can change to using a SPROC, or change to creating the new row and doing the insert myself, but I'd prefer to continue with the LinqDataSource's automatic insert.
How can I get the PK?
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I am trying to get the identity column on which the record is inserted but i couldn't using stored procedure
My Code Using ASP.NET C# i am trying to display the identity in textbox
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Nov 4, 2010
how to retrieve primary key field of the last inserted record?
My primary key is not IDENTITY
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May 7, 2015
I have a repeater control and a text box, and likewise a button to post data to database.after i insert the data to the database in thwe click event of the button, the datalist will not update the displayed content. at the end of the button's click even, i added the code line:
But still, the datalist will not update automatically. What do I do next?
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Apr 15, 2010
supose i have one table nd there are many records in table .this table access by many usewhen any user inserted record in database then show message in popup boxnd this message show in all users
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Jun 2, 2010
I am currently binding my Detailsview and Gridview together by a "ID" field selectedvalue "1". Which works great except for the fact that I don't want the user to have to go down to the gridview and select the page and then the record to view it in the detailsview.
I have 1 sqldatasource for detailsview and another sqldatasoure for the gridview. Both have the exact same select statement.
I want the gridview and detailsview to automatically display the last record inserted not the first record in the table.
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Dec 6, 2010
This would seem to be quite a trivial task, however I am having trouble retrieving the identity of the record inserted using the detailsview.insert() in the code behind. It would seem that detailsview.DataKey.Value would contain this value, but it is null after the insert is performed.
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Mar 28, 2010
after a DetailsView (DV) 'Insert' (triggered by a DropDownList (DDL)) the DV shows the first record (in the DDL)!Are there VS2008 means to keep / show the just entered data - again ready with the command row "Edit/Delete/New" enabling me to e.g. "Edit" the just entered data?This DDL/DV scenario works just fine but to show my just entered record I have to leave this page and start calling this .aspx page again in order to see the name in the DDL and, hence, in the DV.I.e. I'm looking for a kind of automatic 'postback' bringing my just entered data back
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how to display msg ni label after data entered in databas in with c#
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Apr 19, 2010
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Sep 29, 2010
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Nov 16, 2010
I am using paging to my gridview (pagesize=4) . now i am in (X) page and i want to get (X+1) page top record or (X-1)page bottom record , how i can get .
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