ADO.NET :: Move To Next Previous Records With LINQ?

Sep 22, 2010

in which after changing the appropriate value if user clicks on "Save and Next" or "Save and Previous"

then by saving that particular record I have to move to the next or previous record respectively.

So in that record should be saved as well as it should display another record also in the screen.

I had done this problem with the help of normal SQL query in Asp.Net but in that case I have to solve it using LINQ.

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IEneuerable --- I think I could pass an IEnumerable list between the layers but after reading many tutorials about Linq I'm still a little lost DTO --- Conceptually I think I understand what a DTO is but I am not clear on how to begin implementing this approach POCO --- Again, the concept seems logical enough but I don't know how to put this into practice

how they would tackle this using one of the above or some other solution.

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in this scenario if if i bring all the records at once from this query

var pages=_db.Pages;

and then i will process according to some scenario

pages.Where(m => m.int_PostStatusId == 2)

pages.Where(m => m.int_PostStatusId == 3) and so on

is it really saving some processing time? or not (what really to do ?)

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I got the search criteria from the PreviousPage. I then used this criteria to search QueryA.

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I then did a search using QueryB, that matched the IDs in the array. QueryB is used for the ListView and to page records.

Using test records. QueryA results = 2 records. The array.length = 2. QueryB results = 3. ?

What am I doing wrong ?

Some of my Code:

myResults = (from r in QueryA
select r.ID).Distinct().ToArray();
totalrecords = myResults.Length; // = 2
using (ToHealthEN n = new ToHealthEN())


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