SQL Server :: Retrieve Data From Database Into Label / Move Next And Move Back?

Jan 28, 2011


i want to get data from database of field Name and Gender, and then display it in Label name and gender. when i click save it move to next record and display name and gender that next record.

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SQL Server :: Move New Data To Other Database?

Dec 28, 2010

We have two database, one is normalised A other one is not normalised B. Bu SSIS mirroring we have moved all latest data B to A. But now that is one time opersation. But B is our live database, now everyday I want that any operation occur in B should move to A.

Is there any automatic way is available if not then can I acheive this my manually?

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SQL Server :: Not Able To Move Data To Database?

Jan 4, 2011

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Configuration :: Move A Local Development Database To The Production Server?

Jul 28, 2010

Problem: I need to move a local development database to the production server without any of the test data.

I am running SQL Server Express 2008 and SQL Server Management Studio 2008.

To create my ASP.NET Membership 2.0 system I created the DB initialy and ran aspnet_regsql.exe

I then added my own tables manually to store additional information.

I adjusted the web.config file with an application name.

When I ran a sript the application ID name was created and populated in the aspnet_Applications table. My script created a new member created and added to the admin role. Ok so everything go so far.

Now I want to move the local DB to the server. I know the connection string and can change this in the web.config.

My hosting company doesn't provide restore, so I don't think I can backup and restore

Q 1. What would be the best way to move the database across. Bearing in mind I need to clean the database out of test data.

Would it be just generate an SQL Script for the database and run it as a query on the server? And if this is the best way then do I need to set the permissions for the ASPNET user?

Q 2. What is the best way to clear out the data in the local database.?

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How To Move Data From Database In Click Event Of Button In C#

Apr 1, 2011

I am displaying one question & their 4 options per page. For that i have one label for question & radiobuttonlist for their answers.There is next button. after clicking next button i want to display another record. I have tried this with dataset with random function, but its not proper. values gets repeated. so i want first record to be display in pageload & after clicking next button next record should move till record exists. I want to move one record to another after clicking next button.

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Web Forms :: Bulleted Lists - Always Move Onto The Next Line After A Label?

Aug 10, 2010

For some reason when i add a bulleted list after a label it moves it onto the next line, is there anything I can do about this? Dropdown lists don't do the same thing - I want it to be;


Also I am using a bulleted list to show a particular field in a database where the line is selected in a previous dropdown - is this the best way of doing it?

Ie select New York in the drop down, the bulleted list then displays the address field from the same line in the DB

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Forms Data Controls :: Change Gridview Controls Back Color On Mouse Click And Move

Jul 14, 2010

i have this on my gridview RowDataBound method. and my grid view has BoundFields which i use to display data, it is always on insert mode. i wand and edit mode. i want the bound textbox fields to change colour on onmouseover and on select to match the entire row colour background as i have specify on d code below. how do i do that? i knw how to change everything bt dnt knw how to oldy change the selected row and changing it only on onmouseover n select. the only thing i wanna change is d controls backcolour

if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
e.Row.Attributes.Add("onmouseover", "this.originalstyle=this.style.backgroundColor;this.style.backgroundColor='#DDDDDD'");
e.Row.Attributes.Add("onmouseout", "this.style.backgroundColor=this.originalstyle");
e.Row.Attributes["onclick"] = ClientScript.GetPostBackClientHyperlink(this.GridView1, "Select$" + e.Row.RowIndex);

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Web Forms :: Move Items From One ListBox To Another And Save In Database?

Nov 24, 2013

I've 2 listboxes i want to transfer items from listbox1 to listbox2 and then save the items on listbox2 (transfered items) on database.

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Want To Move Files To Server Through FTP

Feb 13, 2010

How is it possible to move files from a folder to web server through FTP, using ASP.Net with C# ?

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Move Application To A Web Server?

Jun 22, 2010

I have an ASP .net Web Application already deployed on my local machine (virtual directory/IIS are configured). I used the Publish tool from Visual Studio. Now I want to move it to our Webserver (I have the IP adress and the appropriate credentials).

EDIT By the way, I'm asking because I don't know if there is a specific way to do this? I can do it manually by moving the files to the remote computer and configure IIS approriately.

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C# - How To Move Customer Information From Database To Your Database

Oct 6, 2010

I'm using CreateUserWizard for creating an user but asp.net automatically add user to ASP.NET database
I want to add user in my database and in my customer table. I have tried these code as peer below but nothing happened


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SQL Reporting :: Move Subscription To New Server?

Sep 23, 2010

In my live server we have total nos of approx 200 reports and 50 email subscriptions created by us. Now we are planning to change our existing hardware configuration and due to some other reasons, now the current live server we will not use in future, In view of same we want to move our all our reports and email subscription to other new server and that new server will be our next live server.Now the problem is that i have 50 email subscription which i have created in old server so how can i move this subscription to new server? Reports can be deployed to new server by taking the backup. Is there any other concern in such situtation?

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Configuration :: Move Project To Test Server?

May 3, 2010

I have moved my entire project to my test server, everything went as planned with the exception of a couple of items. The main one that I'm having troubles with deals with subfolders of the website. On my local computer I created a my project then I created a sub folder, Secure, so that I can work with the security on the sub folder via ASP.NET configuration. I wanted only certain users to be able to access the folder, which works on my local computer, but when I try to navigate to it on my test server, I get a 404 error. I create two Roles on my local computer, but don't know if I'm able to make those roles on my test server. Is there a way to make those roles so that the security that I have on the sub folder will allow them to be displayed. Not certain why I get a 404 error.

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DataSource Controls :: LDF File Increasing When Move From SQL Server 2000 To SQL Server 2008

Apr 2, 2010

I have 5 GB data, when I move from SQL server 2000 to 2008 with Import and Export wizard, my LDF size is increased to 30 GB, Can I reduce my LDF file or move. In my one of the table contain around 20 Lakh data which i have normalized in 2008 and create 4 tables, so my data is entering in normalized form in 2008. But due to size by hard disk is full. I have used shrnik command but it reduce to only 1 GB.

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Configuration :: How To Move A Secure Application To A Production Server

Jul 20, 2010

I am rather new to asp.net but I have built a couple of apps that do not require users to login. am having some problems moving my secure .net application from my laptop to a production server, however, and I am hoping someone can help me. On my laptop my application's user authentication functions as it should, but when I move my application to a webserver I get an assortment of errors. Forgive me if these questions are a little basic. My first question is this. In a production environment do I move the ASPNETDB.MDF file in the App_Data folder to my SQL server? Is it OK to rename it to something more descriptive?

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Configuration :: Move Code To Server - Login Failed

Jan 19, 2011

I have a Asp Application built in VS 2010, it works prefectly on my box , when I moved the code to the dev server, it gives error on a particual web page saying cannot open the database requested by the login, login failed, the other web pages in the application are also suing the same database and they are loading perfectly.

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DataSource Controls :: Move MS SQL Server 2000 To 2008?

Mar 11, 2010

What is the best way to move SQL 2000 to 2008 completely? Please let me know if real life problem generally occurs.

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Move SQL Server DB Out Of SQL Server And Into The App_Data Directory As An .mdf File?

Apr 13, 2010

I'm currently writing a website in ASP.NET MVC, and my database (which doesn't have any data in it yet, it only has the correct tables) uses SQL Server 2008, which I have installed on my development machine. I connect to the database out of my application by using the Server Explorer, followed by LINQ to SQL mapping.

Once I finish developing the site, I will move it over to my hosting service, which is a virtual hosting plan. I'm concerned about whether using the SQL Server setup that is currently working on my development machine will be hard to do on the production server, as I'll have to import all the database tables through the hosting control panel. I've noticed that it is possible to create a SQL Server database from inside Visual Studio. It is then stored in the App_Data directory.

Does it make sense to move my SQL Server DB out of SQL Server and into the App_Data directory as an .mdf file? If so, how can I move it? I believe this is called the Detach command, is it not? Are there any performance/security issues that can occur with a .mdf file like this? Would my intended setup work OK with a typical virtual hosting plan? I'm hoping that the .mdf database won't count against the limited number of SQL Server databases that can be created with my plan.

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Security :: Membership Roles Not Working After Move From Computer To Web Server?

May 21, 2010

i have been creating a website on my computer which has VWD 2008 and SQL Server 2008, i have membership and role system set up, (using the aspnet_regsql) and that worked perfectly fine on my compuetr.

Now when i was ready to deploy it on my web server, i simply copied the whole database, and added it onto the SQL Server on my server, so it has exactly the same rows, tables, data, etc etc.

Now, when i run the website via the domain, users are able to login etc, and my authentication code that redirects users if they are not logged in also works, so im sure it cant be a problem with the membership provider, as it all seems to work.

But all the users that were already in the set roles, it still shows them in the role in aspnet_roles table, but its not working, the thing i have in the roles loginview does not display, and even after running the web administrator tool, it shows that the user is in that role, but does not work (even while viewing on the local machine)

So i added code in a page_load event that would auto add that user to the role

System.Web.Security.Roles.AddUserToRole(HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name, "TestRole");

and on entering the domain (on the local server) i got error:

The role '' was not found.

And on local host server

I get error:

The user 'TestUser' is already in role 'TestRole'.

But yet, even on the localhost i still cant see any indications that the user is in a role, as none of my rle login views are showing.

The role '' was not found.

View 5 Replies

How To Move Stored Procedure From SQL Server 2000 To 2005, Multiple Table Insert

Jul 21, 2010

moving some tables & stored procedures from SQL Server 2000, to SQL Server 2005.So far so good, but I've come across a problem with this stored procedure:

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[user_insert]
@user_service_unit int,
@user_champion_1 varchar(50),
@user_champion_1_nt varchar(10),
@user_champion_2 varchar(50),
@user_champion_2_nt varchar(10),
@user_champion_3 varchar(50),
@user_champion_3_nt varchar(10),
@user_date_received datetime,
@user_requestor varchar(255),
@user_info_requested text,
@user_expiry_date datetime,
@user_10_days datetime,
@user_5_days datetime,
@user_2_days datetime

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.net - How To Move Dynamic Data Folder

May 30, 2010

I accidentally moved my Dynamic Data folder into my Images folder. The project still compiles, but it's just not right. However, when I try to move it back to the root in Visual Studio, I get an error that the destination folder already exists. If I move Dynamic Data back to the root outside of Visual Studio, the project no longer compiles because the compiler can't find any dynamic data files.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Move Up Row In Gridview

Dec 22, 2010

I need sample for move up row in gridview.

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Mvp Pattern. Move Data From View Into Presenter?

Aug 16, 2010

I am using mvp pattern in small project. I have problems with view which contains html table with data(always 9 rows). How can i easily get data from html table and send it to the presenter? On the model side i want to keep data from html table as a generic List<some_type>

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