ADO.NET :: Plural Table Naming "Model First" - Entity Framework 4.0
Nov 29, 2010
I am using Entity framework to model my database (model first) however the table generator is creating tables with plural names. I have looked into the file. It is generating the table names from Entity set. Any way this can be changed to get the table names from "Entity Name" instead of the "Entity Set Name" so I end up with singular table names.P.S. BTW in Northwind Database the tables are pluralized however in adventure works database the tables are singular. I prefer singular.
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This returns a List<Movie> to the view that knows what to do with it. Is it possible that I create a method called MovieSet that returns a List<Movie> using a sql qry or a stored procedure call without the creation of an Object for this purpose ? Or do I need a Movie object? Lets say that I just to do my query, loading data into a dataTable and load that data to a list of movie objects. Because the code created by the Entity Framerwork is too big for a quick reading.
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Mar 29, 2011
I want to use entity framework model for visual studio 2010. I am using oracle database. i was wondering if it is possible to use entity framework for oracle. If it is not possible then I will just use simple and call stord proc and packages. I already downloaded oracle data provider for entity frameowrk from codeplex web site. I could not see oracle database option when connecting to oracle databse in LINQ to sql. can someone give me any example that connects to a sample oracle database and use LINQ to oracle
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Mar 18, 2011
I am making a web project now. And i meet some problems working with Entity Framework. My program needs to have dynamic model. I try to explain. So i have classes and database is created from them. At the beginning of work program checks in folder Modules for assemblies and looks for classses that needs to be created as tables in database(this classes have to become a part of ef model). And i need at runtime create database.If some new classes was added so add this tables to database, but not recreate it(as it is made by default). If i delete classes the tables are not deleted.
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I want to use entity framework model for visual studio 2010. I am using oracle database. i was wondering
if it is possible to use entity framework for oracle. If it is not possible then I will just use simple and call stord proc and packages.I already downloaded oracle data provider for entity frameowrk from codeplex web site.can someone give me any example that connects to a sample oracle database and use LINQ to oracle
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Jan 6, 2011
I am using C# with Entity Framework Model. I want to fill a textbox (tbPrepProbComment.Text ) with a string (S0PrepProbSolveComment) from a table (EightDProject). I'm getting the key for the EightDProject from a textbox (SelectTrackingNumber). I'm not sure my query is working because when I look at the query result ( project ) I see the error" 'mykey' could not be resolved in the current scope or context. Make sure that all referenced variables are in scope, that required schemas are loaded, and that namespaces are referenced correctly." If the query was working I dont know how to pull the field from the distinct row it should return and put it in the textbox. I've tried the line tbPrepProbComment.Text = project.S0PrepProbSolveComment; Here is my code:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Data.Objects;
namespace EightD1
public partial class Page1 : System.Web.UI.Page
public int mykey;
public string comment;
public object obj;
// the entity framework model
EightDdbEntities EightDP = new EightDdbEntities();
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
//When the project id has been selected get projectdata and bind to page data holders
protected void SelectTrackingNumber_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void BindData()
mykey = Convert.ToInt32(SelectTrackingNumber.Text.ToString());
mykey = 0;
ObjectQuery<EightDProject> project = EightDP.CreateQuery<EightDProject>(
"SELECT DISTINCT p FROM EightDProjects AS p WHERE p.EightDID = mykey ");
//tbPrepProbComment.Text = project.S0PrepProbSolveComment;
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Feb 10, 2010
I can't to understand clearly how to create strong and quickly application using EF. For example, I have class ForumPost (table ForumPost) for select one of record I write method like:
public ForumPost ForumPost(int ForumPostID)
(from i in _dataContext.ForumPostSet
where i.ForumPostID == ForumPostID select i).First();
all works. But on page (I use ASP.NET MVC) I should display info from another linked tables, ForumName (each post have ForumID) etc. So, I modify this method to:
public ForumPost ForumPost(int ForumPostID)
(from i in _dataContext.ForumPostSet
where i.ForumPostID == ForumPostID select i).First();
ok, all works. Then I want to make some actions in model with ForumPost, i.e.
public void RootPost(int PostID, ref Models.ForumPost Root)
ForumPost post = ForumPost(PostID);
if (post.RootPost != null)
Root = ForumPost(post.RootPost.ForumPostID);
Root = post;
it works too. But problem is in speed. I not need in RootPost all those includes. So, I should to create one more method like:
private ForumPost ForumPostIncludes1(int ForumPostID)
(from i in _dataContext.ForumPostSet
where i.ForumPostID == ForumPostID
select i).First();
then ForumPostIncludes2, ForumPostIncludes3 etc... second way - redesign RootPost with LINQ expr, not with call another method. But in this way difficulties to change DB. third way? How to do it correctly?
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Nov 22, 2010
How can i insert,update and delete records using entity framework data model.
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Mar 8, 2011
when i create entity data model and I add two tables only one is added to entity data model
none of the tables have any kind of relationship are simple tables.
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Oct 28, 2010
I am busy developing an application using EF4 and MVC2. My development database has a few extra fields that is not in my production database. I have removed the fields from the Model, and published my application to my web server. But now I am getting errors that says I have some invalid column names, but I have removed it from my model. If I go to my Mapping Details, I see the fields removed from the Model are still there, but not mapped to anything.
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Dec 20, 2010
I ahve two tables each with a primary key. There is a lookup table in between the two tables with relationships. Below is a simplified look at the table structure
Table 'Product'
Column ProductPK int (Primary Key)
Table 'County'
Column CountyID int (primary key)
Table Product_County_Lookup
Column ProductPK int (Joint Primary Key)
Column CountyID int (joint primary key)
I already have the ProductPK and CountyID. What is the correct LINQ statement to insert into Product_County_Lookup table ONLY?
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Mar 22, 2011
I am building an application using Asp.Net 4.0 and Entity framework 4.
I have already created the model class (edmx) file using the Database-First method of the Entity framework.
Now I am almost nearning the end of the application. I have realised I need to add one more table to my database.
How do I add the newly created table to the model class (edmx) file.
If I again regenerate the model class, similar to what I did the first time i.e using the Database-First approach, will my current application be affected.
Will the already in use data like tables, relationships and views be affected in anyway.
Do I have to follow this approach everytime I need to add a new table to the entity model class.
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Oct 6, 2010
i'm trying to use Entity Framework to insert into SQL SERVER 2005, using Visual studio 2008.the following codes are a Button onclick event,I want to insert into DB multiple rows at a time
however this does not work, it seems we can only insert into DB only one row at a time
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Feb 8, 2011
I been looking but I cant find any info on this topic Anyway I got a model that looks like this.
I want to cascade delete a category with all its sub categories but I cant make that reference in the database, not with the option to cascade update or delete. It work fine with pagecontents and all the other I got its just this same table reference. In NHibernate I do the cascade setting hbm or with a better way using the fluent option. How do I go about this task now?
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Sep 4, 2010
My setup is this; first I'm defining a couple of new rows.
newCompany = new company
companyInfo = value.company_info,
companyName = value.company_name,
organizationNumber = value.company_orgnr
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Oct 23, 2010
i have the following code where I want to retreive the data form a table using entity framework and put it to a list of the same type:
List<ItemDetail> iDets = new List<ItemDetail>();
iDets = (List<ItemDetail>) from l in db.ItemDetails
where l.ItemID == varItemID
select l;
when I run the page, it throws the following error:
Unable to cast object of type 'System.Data.Objects.ObjectQuery`1[LIBRIModel.ItemDetail]' to type 'System.Collections.Generic.List`1[LIBRIModel.ItemDetail]'.
why i'm having this problem? or am I missing something here if i'm not wrong it worked once, but now it throws this error
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Aug 19, 2010
When adding a stored procedure into the Entity Data Model I can select whether the procedure returns a scalar, a (new) complex type or one of the entity types I already defined.I mean assuming I have a view like this
CREATE VIEW FilteredFoos as SELECT Foo.* FROM Foo join ... WHERE ...(that is a view that implements some involved filtering, but returns all columns from one table) how do I add it to the project so that I can use the entity set, but get the Foo objects, not some new FilteredFoo objects.
var foos = myDB.FilteredFoos.Include("Bar").ToList();
foreach (Foo foo in foos) { ...
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Dec 25, 2010
recently i've studied on ADO.NET's Entity Model Framework and say 'wow' as ORM is one of the fevourite pattern i practice..but suddenly i've come to an ambiguous situation when i'm going to start. i usually follow the following 3-tier architecture..
1. UI Layer
2. BLL - business logic layer
3. DAL - Data Access Layer
a. DTO / DAO
b. Gateway (contains the sql query/stored procedure and connection with DB)
now when i'm going to use the Entity Model Design,where the DBML/ .edmx File should be placed? Because many a times i'm using the DBML file as DTO because of the mapped objects.. in the same time, sometimes DBML ( .edmx file in .NET 4.0) contains CRUD methods and stored procedured method as well as methods with different selection operations,- which should be in Gateway. so where the .edmx file should be placed !?!! IN DTO namespace !? or in Gateway namespace!
moreover sometimes there is no need for the BLL which breaks the rules of inter-layer-communication (UI > BLL > DAL.Gateway)! what makes me confuse is, what should be the ideal n-tier architecture when i'll use the ADO.NET Entity Model Design Framework
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Apr 14, 2010
My requirement is to create an Enum based on values present in a table from DB. I am using ADO.NET Entity Framework model (.edmx file),
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