ADO.NET :: Entity Data Model And Database View Returning The Same Columns As There Are In A Table?

Aug 19, 2010

When adding a stored procedure into the Entity Data Model I can select whether the procedure returns a scalar, a (new) complex type or one of the entity types I already defined.I mean assuming I have a view like this

CREATE VIEW FilteredFoos as SELECT Foo.* FROM Foo join ... WHERE ...(that is a view that implements some involved filtering, but returns all columns from one table) how do I add it to the project so that I can use the entity set, but get the Foo objects, not some new FilteredFoo objects.

var foos = myDB.FilteredFoos.Include("Bar").ToList();
foreach (Foo foo in foos) { ...

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Entity Framework 4 - Update Database Schema From Model. Without Wiping The Table Data?

Jun 29, 2010

I'm working on a new project where I have the luxury of working from a Model to Database approach using Entity Framework 4.

The project I'm working on is taking an agile approach where different phases will be rolled out over time.

Will the Model First approach work in my case? I noticed when you "Generate Database from Model" it recreates the entire schema from scratch which will obviously wipe all the data that is in the db. I was hoping for a more "Update Database from Model" approach where the db would just be altered to reflect the changes rather than recreated

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ADO.NET :: Can't Add A Table To Entity Data Model?

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MyClass.myID = reader("myID")

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ADO.NET :: Unable To Connect To DB2 Database From Visual Studio 2010 Express - Entity Data Model

Nov 16, 2010

In Visual Web Developer-2010, I have been trying to connect to IBM DB2 Database after installing the DB2 9.7 client (both supports VS2010/.Net4) so that I can use "ADO.NET Entity Data Model", but while clicking "New Connection" I can only see the list of Data Sources and Data Provider only related to MS SQL server. This is totally blocking my work, I am not able to work further since I cannot even establish the connection to my db2 database using this new editor so that I can create the edmx files in the solution for non MSSQL databases. Kindly provide me the solution ASAP, since my further work is blocking due to this.

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Creating A View And Updating An Entity Model?

Mar 13, 2011

EDIT: This question is vague and will likely be of little use to anyone. I am awarding internet monies to the gentleman below whom "helped" me.Sorry that the title is a little vague. I am still new to asp mvc & EF. Here is my issue. I have a DB somewhat like this.

- ID
- Name
- Address
- EmployeeID
- JobID
- StartDate
- ID
- JobName

I want a create form that will show all the Employee fields as well as a list of JobTypes for the users to be able to select. Then I will post the results back to the controller and update the DB. I have started looking into custom viewmodels, but am still unsure of exactly how to put that together and get it to work.

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Forms Data Controls :: Trying To Generate A Grid View From Database, In One Of My Database Columns The Values Are 'y' And 'N'?

Jan 8, 2010

I am trying to generate a Grid view from database, in one of my database columns the values are 'y' and 'N'. and i need to show this values in a check box .I tried to keep a check box in item template and tried to bind it, but could get much success.


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MVC :: Using Data From Multiple Entity Framework4 Model Entity Objects In MVC2 Controller?

Sep 29, 2010

getting data from multiple Entities models into an MVC controller. Most of the examples I have seen for using EF in an MVC2 app only use a single entitiy.

I have just started using MVC2 in C# using the Entity Framework models (CIOps.model) created from an SQL database. I can create the controller and views using single tables of the model in MVC2, but I just cannot get my head around how to get data from multiple entity tables into the controller (similar to joins in T-SQL). I have included an example below of the controller code that works with a single entity table, tbl_tours (tbl_tour in DB).

Could someone please illustrate how this code would be changed to include additional columns from FK tables in addition to tbl_tours columns. E.g. the clients name from the tbl_clients, the coordinators name from the tbl_employees, and costs from tbl_costs entities? Is it possible to do this directly using the EF model entities/classes that are already created and not use LINQ, POCO, Repositories, etc.? The FK relationships are already in the EF models. I have included the whole controller code, but I just need a few examples of how to join the multiple entities, not rewrite every CRUD function function in the controller. I think this will get me over the hump in using EF in an MVC2 App. Also ignore the fact I am using the home controller, this will change in the application.


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ADO.NET :: Adding A New Table (entity) To The Already Created Model (edmx) File?

Mar 22, 2011

I am building an application using Asp.Net 4.0 and Entity framework 4.

I have already created the model class (edmx) file using the Database-First method of the Entity framework.

Now I am almost nearning the end of the application. I have realised I need to add one more table to my database.

How do I add the newly created table to the model class (edmx) file.

If I again regenerate the model class, similar to what I did the first time i.e using the Database-First approach, will my current application be affected.

Will the already in use data like tables, relationships and views be affected in anyway.

Do I have to follow this approach everytime I need to add a new table to the entity model class.

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Pull Data From Database And Fill View Model In One Goal?

Jan 22, 2011

I need to pull the data from DB and fill the view model, is there any better way to do this? Currently I'm doing something like this.

ViewModel vm = new ViewModel();
var recentBill = context.Money.Take(10);
foreach (var r in recnetBill)

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Forms Data Controls :: When Open The The Configure Data Source Wizard, The "Specify Columns From A Table Or View" Shows Gray?

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ADO.NET :: Plural Table Naming "Model First" - Entity Framework 4.0

Nov 29, 2010

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Mar 15, 2011

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I didn't provide a .cs class for each of my database tables .

other words, I want the controller class render a edit form for me like :

First Name:--- instead of : fName:---

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C# - Dynamically Adding Columns To A Table In An MVC View

Apr 20, 2010

I am returning an IList to my model of data about users. I want my end users to be able to select which columns they want to see.

I know I can do this with a huge "if statement" however, I know there must be a better way. I have created an Enum with the column names. I feel if I could take the IListItem.EnumName I would be set. However, I'm not too sure on how to do this.

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MVC :: Scaffolding And Hiding Table Columns In The View?

Jul 11, 2010

The partial class:


In the controller:


Shouldn't ScaffoldColumn(false) hide the field in the view? I create a strongly typed CREATE view (AddSO), expecting that the soID column won't be rendered and that the Label name of the field 'name' will be 'Full Name'. But the AddSO view renders the soID column and still labels the 'Name' field as 'Name. What am I doing wrong?

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VS 2008 - Table Details View Columns

Oct 3, 2013

I am trying to build a program that will have 3 DetailsView side by side but I want to have an empty textbox next to each field....

I cant seem to be able to get a column in between and I don't see a way to add a column to the detailsView only a field

Here is what I want it to look like


Field Name Value I want to add
Color Red MyTextBox

My program is reading a textfile from the users computer using text field parser and creating a data table then I am using the details view to display that data vertically rather then horizontally.

So instead of

Address City state

I can go


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ADO.NET :: Entity Model - Update Model From DB And The Assembly Reference Seems To Be Missing?

Jan 10, 2011

I made a few changes to the DB in SQL server management studio then right clicked on the .edmx doc to get it to update. That seemed to work fine but when i compiled the app everything that referenced the EF seems to be broken.The Error list now contains the below error for all classes that used it.

The type or namespace name '' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

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Should Data Annotations Be On The Model Or The View Model

Dec 15, 2010

I've been used to decorating data model classes with data annotation attributes, but the purist in me baulks slightly at including purely presentational attributes such as display format here. I am, however, quite happy to keep validation centric attributes here. One good reason I have to continue keeping all annotations etc. in the data model is that my view model aggregates data model classes, e.g.

my ViewModelBase.DetailItem<TEntity> property in the view model is just a reference to an entity class in my data model. If I wanted to move presentational annotations to the view model, I would have to quite radically revise my design to one where I duplicate data model properties in my view model and use an object mapping tool to populate view model objects based on data model objects.


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ADO.NET :: Entity Data Model - How To Use

Feb 16, 2011

I program in ASP.NET for a while now. My applications uses always the DataSet. Some told me that Entity Data Model is the DataSet for LINQ. Now I want to try to working with it I have some questions but can't find the answers. I hope someone can. When I build an application I use the 3-tier structure. So Presentation-layer, Business-layer and the Data-layer. Normally I had some classes in the Data layer with specific methods to interact with the DataSet. When I read the table or something I create an object for the business layer.

With the Entity Data Model it seems a little bit confusing. If I read a table (for example Company) the edmx has created an class already. So is the edmx a replacement for the Data-layer and also for the Business layer? Is the edmx also a good use for multi-user application or is a connected application better?

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ADO.NET :: Add ADO.NET Entity Data Model?

Nov 15, 2010

For VS 2010, I am trying to add new item of existing mdf file. By : Add new item -> Data -> ADO.NET Entity Data Model -> Generate from database.

When I reach the step of "Choose Your Data Connection", under the : "Which data connection should your application use to connect to database?" The combo-box is empty. How can I make that combo-box not be empty (some configurations?)

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Exporting Entity Framework 4 Data Model To Entity Framework 3.5?

Oct 25, 2010

Is there a way to export a EF 4.0 Data Model to EF 3.5?

I looked around and found that we are not able to access EF 4.0 from a ASP.Net 3.5 project here: [URL]

Our project is the 1st to go to .Net 4.0 using Entity Framework and we (the team) were wondering if there was a way for the other projects that "might" need to access our data that are still using the .Net 3.5 framework.

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ADO.NET :: Use Sum In Entity Data Model With Linq?

Oct 14, 2010

i have a database with 4 table aspnet_Users, Forum, Topic, Post thay are related:

aspnet_Users with Topic by UserId
Forum with Topic by ForumId
Topic with Post by TopicId

i created a linq to get data from Database like:


now i need to get also how meny post are in a topic but i don't know how to write the querry.

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