ADO.NET :: How To Get Column Names From Linq Datasource

Jan 14, 2011

how to get column names from linq datasource?


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DataSource Controls :: How To Find Column Names Without Selecting Data

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I am writting a custom class with which I manipulate the data for my website. I was wondering if there is a way to connect to a database and retreive the column names for a given table with out sellecting any data in the table.

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DataSource Controls :: Take Names From The Table And Do Another Select Based On That List Of Names?

Jun 1, 2010

I have been working with this database for some time. Here is the situation...

I inherited a MS SQL database that has hundreds of tables with similar data. For instance:

FordTampa_customer is a table,

ChevyAtlanta_customer is a table, etc....

All of the columns are the same...just different tables with their own ID field. All I have done...Inside of another database id is created a table called 'Customer' and added an 'Dealer ID' column along with the rest of the other columns in the other tables...

So the combination of the 'Dealer ID' and the 'ID' field are unique.....I know...its not the best way to do things...but I cannot change the old data structure because I cannot have access to it. I am give back-ups on a weekly basis, so this is all I have to work with.

All right, on to the real point of my post...

Currently, I have an application that I use to select all of the data from the 'Ford_customers','Chevy_customers',etc... and inserts them into my new main 'Customer' table. I do this by selecting the table names, bind it to an arraylist, loop through the list and execute an insert statement.

I do this in VB.NET, but I would prefer to do it in a Stored procedure of some kind....I just am not sure how to accomplish it. I use this syntax to get my list of tables:


I am not sure how to take those names from the table and do another select based on that list of names.

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DataSource Controls :: LINQ - Select Column In Data Table?

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Mmy data table has four columns. How can I get only selected columns name?

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DataSource Controls :: Linq To Sql: How To Retrieve Identity Column Value Before For Inserting Any Record

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I am in a serious trouble right now, i wanted to know that how to write a query in LINQ to SQL to retrieve identity column's current value before inserting any value.

I need this cos i m building a windows app n i need to display this value before inserting a record. I have tried DataContext.ExecuteCommand('DBCC CHECKIDENT (Tablename)') but it returns the number of rows modified.

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DataSource Controls :: Add Read Only Computed Column In Linq To Sql Designer (dbml)?

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How do add read-only computed column in LinqToSql designer (dbml)? My existing table structure:

Name: ID, Type: int, AutoGenerate: true, AutoSync: OnInsert, PrimaryKey:
true, ServerDataType: int not null identity, Source: IDName: Name, Type: string, ServerDataType: nvarchar(100) not null, Source:
NameName: Value, Type: byte[], ServerDataType: VarBinary(max), Source:
Value, UpdateCheck: Never

I want add the 4th colum name: Name: HasValue, Type: bool --> [Value] != null

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Feb 24, 2010

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Dim dctx As New ResourceMod.ResourceModDALDataContext
Dim eleResObj = From eleRes In dctx.Resources Where eleRes.Type = "url" Select siteurl = eleRes.Website
GridView1.DataSource = eleResObj

This displays the raw URL in the gridview (i.e. non-clickable). I've experimented with adding an explicit hyperlink column a la [URL](setting AutoGenerateColumns false etc.), but haven't yet figured out how to assign the asp:hyperlink Text and NavigateUrl fields with the anonymous-type object eleResObj. Using a field construct such as Text='<%# Eval("siteurl") %>' isn't working, presumably a scope issue. Is a LinqDataSource needed in this case, and if so, how would that affect the original LINQ query?

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Jan 11, 2010

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How To Get Database Names From Given Sql Server In LINQ

Feb 5, 2010

I have DropDownList displays all server present in my network I want to populate the databse names when i changed it into another dropdown I want a LINQ query to get this.

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Getting The Column Names When Using E.oldvalues

May 28, 2010

How do I get the column names when using e.oldvalues?


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SelectCommand Dynamic Column Names?

Feb 8, 2011

I have a database with two columns: Retailers or Traders. A row can have only one of them with values while the other must be 'Null'. Both are nvarchars kinds. What I am trying to do is to show data if a radio button is selected for either Retailer or Trader. So I constructed a SelectCommand statement which is getting column names of either 'Retailers' or 'Traders' as a parameter but the SelectCommand statement still returns all records. What can I do?

<asp:SqlDataSource ID="dsSearchResults" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:AdoFabricsConnection %>"
SelectCommand="SELECT Name,Address1,City,State,Zip, Telephone, Email_Address, TO_THE_Trade, Retailer,


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ADO.NET :: DataTable Column Names Not Matching Case

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C# - How To Change Column Names Randomly In Gridview

Jun 11, 2010

I am struggling to show different views of gridview with database values. Here is my requirement.

Database Table:

I need to show one drop downlist with three values 1,2,3. If user selects 3 i Need to show a grid like below

Age,AnnualSales and Assortment are names which are coming dynamically from database.

High,Medium and Core all are values

Here my question is I need to show same attribute names.

Like If the name changes from "Assortment" to "Location" I need to show it in different page index .

In page index 2 i need to show like below.

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.net - Add Table Column Names Automatically In An ASP ListView?

Feb 17, 2010

I have an ASP ListView which I am using to display some pivoted information (across years) in a table. Currently I have the ListView templates defined as:

<table id="listViewTable" class="tableData">
<tr class="rowHeader">


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Read Column Names Of An Excel Sheet?

Apr 26, 2010

im trying to read column names from excel .

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SQL Server :: Cannot Reference Column Names To Calculate Percentage

Feb 15, 2011

I have the following SQL:

(SELECT COUNT(Incidentx) AS Expr3
WHERE (LBWF_1.KPIFailx = '1') OR
(LBWF_1.Chargex > '0.00') OR
(LBWF_1.LChargex > '0.00')

What I'm trying to do is divide TotalCalls by SlaFailed and * by 100 into a new variable such as Percentage. However, everytime I try to select SLAFailed or TotalCalls I receive a 'Column Names do not exist' message.

Is there any way I can reference said values?

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Databases :: Play Around With Column's Names Filled By OleDbDataAdapter?

May 3, 2010

I tried to query an excel file which contains a lot of customers' information but my problem is most of those don't have a specific column names. E.g. it's in the following format. (Excel File)

Info1 blur blur
Info2 blur blur
Info3 blur blur

So, when I query using SqlDbDataAdapter, in my DataTable, info1 blur blur becomes column header. e.g. it's in the following format. (DataTable)

Info1 blur blur
Info2 blur blur
Info3 blur blur

I been working on it so that it actually goes down one row and Change the column name in the DataTable into some appropiate name. Something like the following format.

Name1 Name2 Name 3
Info1 blur blur
Info2 blur blur
Info3 blur blur

Is there any way that I could work around it rather than actually going back to change the excel files ? Because I have like 1,000 excel files in that kinda format and seriously giving me headache now.

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.net - Dynamic Data - Make Friendly Column Names?

Jun 17, 2010

I've created a Dynamic Data project with an Entity Framework model. It works nicely. But, right now it shows all my database tables with the db column names - which aren't always the most friendly (e.g. address_line_1). How can I got about giving these more friendly column titles that will display to the end user?

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C# - Get Column Names From Table Returned From Stored Procedure?

Feb 10, 2011

I have a stored procedure which returns a table. The stored proc is called via a linq datacontext.

It works fine and I get the table back however I really want to also get the title relating to each particular cell returned.

The stored procedure call is like:

var table = DataContext.GetTable().ToList();

So I get a List<GetTable>. The data is fine I just want the column names as well.

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SQL Server :: Converting Dates To Strings For Column Names?

Jan 13, 2011

I am working on a query to pull the revenue for the last 7 days, as individual days, to be used in a bar graph. My query does what I want it to:


My question is: How do I change the Date1, Date2, Date3, etc to display the actual date it is pulling from? So instead of Date1, it will say "Jan. 3 2011" and so on...

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Web Forms :: Display Alphabets Above Each Datagrid Column Names?

Feb 14, 2011

I have a requirement to display alphabets above each datagrid column names (like shown in excel). The datagrid columns (and header text) are dynamically created at run time and the alphabets on top could grow like excel A, B, C,....Z, AA, AB, AC,.....AZ etc. Any suggestions on how to get the alphabets showing for each columns?

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