ADO.NET :: Sql Upper Case - Type Lowercase Letter In The Textbox
Feb 9, 2011
i have a textbox, dropdownlist and a listbox. these 3 controls form my search engine where i can type some characters on the textbox then select one option from dropdownlist(eg.department), the listbox will populate names from the department that contain the characters. However i have one problem, my database contain all data in uppercase so when i type lowercase letter in the textbox nothing will be populated. Only when i type uppercase characters then something will populate. I think it got to do with my sql statement but i do not know how to do it
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Nov 9, 2010
in c#. I have a DetailsView with a TextBox and I want the input data be saved always with the FIRST LETTER IN CAPITAL. Example:
"red" --> "Red"
"red house" --> " Red house"
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Nov 23, 2010
This is my first class ever buildt (I am a real beginner) in C#. My aim is to "Sanitize a string". The class should do: trim an input make the first letter upper case. Is there a way to better code it? Would it make sense to use a PARAMETER for a method like: CapitalizeFirstLetterTrim(string x) when I initiate an object I need write a lot of code like below, any other way to make it shorter?
UserInputSanitizer myInput = new UserInputSanitizer();
myInput.Input = " ciao world";
string ouput = myInput.CapitalizeFirstLetterTrim();
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----------- CLASS
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
namespace WebProject.Core.Utilities
public class UserInputSanitizer
// Backing variables
private string _input;
// Properties
public string Input
set { _input = value; }
private string _output;
// Backing variables
// Properties
public string Output
get { return _output; }
public string CapitalizeFirstLetterTrim()
// Trim
// Make First letter UpperCase and the rest levae lower case
_output = _input.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper() + _input.Substring(1);
return Output;
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Jul 14, 2010
In,When I type letter in textbox, textbox doesn't show this letter and save in variable and when i type digit in textbox, textbox shows this digit and store in another variable. How should i do?
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Sep 27, 2010
I need to DISPLAY the text in an asp textbox as upper case, regardless of whether the users caps lock is on or not - is there some property or method I can use?
I am converting the text using the .ToUpper method on submitting to the database anyway, but I have been asked to also DISPLAY it in upper case before that when first being typed.
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Oct 14, 2010
I think this is a little tricky problem, but I need to solve it somehow. I have a texbox in my page. I want to show all names when a user types in a letter in that textbox, whatever names starting with that letter. the names are from a list generated by other function, pulled out from active directory. So for example: User types in "a" in a textbox then automactically names "aron" "asron" "amanda" in the list shows, and user can select one of those names.
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Dec 30, 2010
I have my project set up with the virtual path "/MyVirtualPath", create the virtual directory in IIS 6 (W2003) and everything works fine. Then to work better with Google Analytics I change the virtual path "/myvirtualpath" and change all redicecciones and links to lowercase. also applies the class "lowercase route urls in aspnet mvc" and works perfectly.
The problem I had to modify the virtual directory in IIS, delete virtual path "/MyVirtualPath" and I created the new "/myvirtualpath", but in all cases I use tilde "~" or where I make a "RedirecToAction" (which should take "LowercaseRoute"), continues to maintain the virtual path "/MyVirtualPath". For example, if I see the HTML source code in the browser, see "/MyVirtualPath/Content/Site.css" instead of "/myvirtualpath/Content/Site.css. "
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how to convert the dataset columnnames to UPPER case letters. I have a code like :
But returned dataset result is not showing the uppercase column names.
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I am very new to .net. I was wondering How do we get the words that we typed
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May 7, 2015
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May 7, 2015
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Nov 30, 2010
Heres the situation: I need update a column from my table (T1) from two other columns in a different table (T2).
My constraints are:
That I have to match the first 4 letters of a column in T2 to one column in T1 I have to identify that the first letter in a column in T1 corresponds to one letter in the middle of a string in a column in T2 For instance:
My Table (T1):
Order Type Combined
0090 0001 YYXX 1YY
0091 1001 YYXX YYY
0092 1002 XXXX 2XX
Table 2 (T2):
Order Value
00900001YY XX
00911001YY XX
00921002XX XX
The Combined column in T1 is what i'm trying to complete. The T1.Place column contains the first character that I want to check for.
If it's a "1" then I want to make sure the 5th letter in T2.Order is a "0" If its a "Y" then I want to look for a "1001" If its a "2" then I want to make sure the 8th letter is a "2" in T2.Order
If all that matches then I was the last two letters in T2.Order + T2.Value to be combined and put into the appropiate spot in T1.Combined
Here's what I have:
I know it's a little complex, but i'm really stuck on it and any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Feb 23, 2011
I have a Formview where students put their information in such as name, address, etc. The text boxes are bound to my database, so once they are done, they choose to update, and my database is updated with their information. My problem is that the students often use All Caps to enter in their information.
I think I need the StrConv somehow, but I just can't seem to get this done. I've seen where it could be done with text boxes, but not when they were in a Formview using parameters.
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Sep 6, 2010
I have a FormView that allows a user to register for a company event. I want to do a couple of things with this form.
1. I need to write this data to a MS SQL database
2. I need to send an email confirmation of their registration to their email.
I know how to do both of these things, but i am having trouble doing both at the same time.
It would be nice if I could do it in one click, but I coded it into two pages to try to help simplify it.
The first page allows the user to input their information into a formview and when they click the submit button, it places those answers into session variables:
The Second page confirms the users information by taking those session variables and placing them into labels:
However, after I place information into the formview on the first page, it throws up this error:
"Conversion from type 'TextBox' to type 'String' is not valid".
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Jan 5, 2010
Unable to cast object of type 'System.Web.UI.LiteralControl' to type 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox'.
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Feb 2, 2010
I am using the and framework 2.0 with Ajax enable web.i have a text box and when user will enter "a" or number in this will search the name started from "a" character or number if he or she enter the number basically we can say live-search.
Employee search: Textbox.In this text box she/he will enter the first character of name or first number of employeeno and according to the a character name will search in list.
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Mar 18, 2011
How to get month name and am/pm in lowercase
DateTime.Now.ToString("MMMM h:m tt");
this giving me capital letters, but I want small letters.
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May 24, 2010
I have a web showing date in this format :
DataFormatString="{0:hh:mm:ss tt}"
But it show tt as AM or PM, how to show lowercase in am or pm?
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Feb 25, 2011
I have a list XML elements that I need to compare to chars in an array. Some of the XML elements start with uppercase characters and some dont.
So I need to convert the XML elements to lowercase to compare them against "alphabet".
I'm doing this by converting the XML element to a string. Then setting that to lowercase. Then converting that to a char. Then comparing that to each char in "alphabet".
Is there a better way to get the XML into lowercase? IE without the two conversions
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