AJAX :: Add To Database And Have Progress Indicator?

Apr 20, 2010

I'm just getting started with ajax. I wonder how this is done. On a button click I am gone read a text file and add the parameters to a database. now this function is done today, I just want to update it so it's done with AJAX. I want to have a progress indicator too. How is this done?

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AJAX :: Update Progress Control Ie8 - Progress Indicator Does Not Hide?

Feb 16, 2010

I have a wierd issue with the update progress control in ie8. I have a modal popup that loads a pdf in an iframe, then i have a button click that navigates away from the pdf and shows a form in the same modal. All this is wrapped in an update panel, which i have an update progress control associated with. The control shows correctly in ie7, firefox, safari, and chrome. But in ie8 when the async post back is complete the progress indicator does not hide, until I click on the screen or scroll the page, then it hides and the form shows.

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AJAX :: Progress Indicator In Modal Popup Window?

Jun 9, 2010

I'm trying to use the modal popup window extender to display a 'loading' icon when the user uploads a file. I'm using the following:

function beginReq(sender, args)
// shows the Popup
function endReq(sender, args)
// shows the Popup
//END --
// on the .aspx page
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" >
var ModalProgress = '<%= modalProgress.ClientID %>';
Style="display: none"
runat="server" >
<img alt="Loading Icon" src="../images/redLoading.gif" />

The file is being uploaded, depending on the number of records this may take up to a minute.


which I found on Berseth's site but I cannot get it to work. 'Null' error when it's trying to pop the window. Does anyone out here have another way to do this.

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Javascript - Create Circular Progress (pie Chart) Like Indicator?

Feb 15, 2011

I have to show progress graphs exactly in following way where percentage would be in center of circular graph.How can i do this using javascript/jQuery?Can it be done using Google Chart?

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SQL Reporting :: Progress Indicator Not Displaying On Report Viewer Control?

Feb 24, 2011

I have a reportviewer control on an ASP.net webpage. i got the ProcessingMode set to Remote and the SizeToContent set to true

my reports work perfectly however the green progress indicator does not appear on the webpage, it never appeared even when i had the size to content set to false

is there a way to get the progress indicator to appear or is there another way for me to show the user that the report is still busy retrieving data?

i am using vs2008 and ssrs2008

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Web Forms :: After Button Is Clicked Show Loading Progress Indicator Until Work Is Done

Oct 2, 2013

When I click button then I want to show Loading image and brackground is transparent, any example...

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Display Circular Progress Indicator Using Jquery When Textbox Textchange Event Occurs

Jun 24, 2010

I want to display a circular progress indicator using jquery in asp.net when textbox textchange event occurs.when user enters some value in a textbox and textchange event occurs or when user loses the focus on that textbox,system checks values in databases.I want to give user a progress indicator type when query is in progress, how can i accomplish with jquery. i am pasting a little code here.

$("#Txturl").blur(function() {
type: "POST",
url: "Default.aspx/Getvalue",
data: "{}",
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
dataType: "json",
async: true,
success: function(msg) {
///to to do here? i ve no idea;
return false;

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Data Controls :: Display Wait Progress Indicator While Inserting Data?

May 7, 2015

if i save name in text box and save on submit button , i want to show image like wait image or loading image till it is saved, and after that show message record inserted or alredy exisit.

how to achieve this showing of image

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AJAX :: Update Progress With Percentage While Data Access From Database?

Dec 20, 2010

How can i use update progress(in asp.net) with percentage (may be with remaining time span or remaining under process records) while data access from database but that should not be fixed for a fix time period by using like Thread.Sleep(5000). It should show for the actual accessing time period.

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AJAX :: Create A Progress Bar Based On Progress Of AJAX Handler?

Sep 7, 2010

I've got a plain C# web page that uses jQuery to call a handler page using AJAX. While the handler content is loading, a message "Please Wait, loading..." is displayed. Once I've got the content back from the handler I hide the loading message and display the content.What I'd like to do is after the loading message, display a percentage of how far through the handler page is. All the handler page does is loop through a list of members, powered by a web service, and adds them to the database so I know exactly how many members are being added to the database so I can tell how far I am through.The problem I'm having is because all of this goes on in a handler, how can I send the progress percentage back to the main web page while the handler was still loading.Any ideas? If I could do the exact same task but differently which would allow me to create the progress bar,

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C# - Make A Progress Bar That Updates The User On The Progress Of The AJAX Call?

Apr 14, 2010

I'm trying to make a progress bar that updates the user on the progress of the AJAX call.

My immediate thinking was that I need an AJAX call to start a thread on the server, allowing the starting AJAX call to finish, and allowing the thread to send updates back to the user.

For the purpose of simplicity, disregard the actual progress bar functionality (I was thinking of implementing one of those JS bars, with fancy colors and effects ;), but if I can get an update from the thread, then updating a simple JS progress bar becomes trivial ;) )

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Forms Data Controls :: Display Indicator While Database Is Being Queried?

Jan 5, 2010

I have a Master Detail page with gridview that has a clickable link that queries a database and return the detailed values. How would I go about having an indicator such as an image or a pop up or just text that diplays while the database is being queried and if no detail data is avalible it would indicate that also.

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AJAX :: How To Show Processing Indicator

Jan 22, 2010

When I click the button, it will process for a certain time. How to show to user that it is processing?

(1) Show Processing indicator??
(2) button disabled with text??
(3) Masked the page??

When it has been finished, all return to normal. This is the basic requirement.

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AJAX :: Loading Indicator In Mouse Courser

Mar 22, 2011

i want to add ajax loading indicator in mouse courcr. when the loding progress is runing then Mouse point should show that it is running.

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AJAX :: Use File Uploader Indicator In Application

Apr 1, 2010

I want to use ajax file uploader indicator in my applications which tell the client machine that how much time left for upload that file.

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Ajax Page To Display Some Busy Indicator

Sep 8, 2010

Is there a way with ASP.net page (with AJAX) to display some some of busy indicator (just a label is fine) while disabling some buttons (to prevent double-click) and then do the work. At the end of the work, the label changes to indicate the new status. When I tried to do it this way :

Public Sub BtnEnvoyer_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BtnEnvoyer.Click
BtnEnvoyer.Enabled = False
LblStatus.Visible = True
LblStatus.ForeColor = Drawing.Color.ForestGreen
LblStatus.Text = "Envoi en cours..."
End Sub
Private Sub EnvoyerCourriel()
' Do some work
LblStatus.Text = "Done!"
BtnEnvoyer.Enabled = True
End Sub

I just see the dn result, nothing in between. I don't mind using javascript to make it work if needed, or anything else for that matter.

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AJAX :: Password Field Strength Indicator?

Apr 5, 2012

In your forum when I registered, there was a textbox for passwod in the register form and as I was typing more words or numeric charecters then a field with witten good/ strong password along with more colored field shown......... How can I implement that using visual studio...I want to implement this in my final year project...

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AJAX :: Content Loading / Processing Image Or Indicator

Mar 29, 2010

In part of my web page, I have couple of asp:image Thumbnails, onclick I use ajax modal popup extender to show the imgae in full size which are working fine, what I need to add is to have a processing image or indicator both in thumbnail and modal popup extender, I also have ajax autocomplete that is working fine, I need to add some indicator or processing image to it as soon as user start typing a word.

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AJAX :: ModalPopupExtender - Display Loading Indicator During WebService Call

Dec 16, 2010

On one of my pages I've got a popup window implemented using the ModalPopupExtender. The content html of the popup is retrieved from a webservice dynamically (using DynamicServicePath, DynamicServiceMethod properties of the extender). Everything works fine, however there is a minor problem: web service call takes about 2 seconds and the popup panel is blank during this time, which confuses the users. I would like to display 'Loading...' message in the popup window (or an animated image, does not really matter) during the webservice call. Is there a way to do it?

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AJAX :: Report Viewer Problem !!! Ajax Like Update Progress In Javascript?

Jun 12, 2010

I'm using a an Ifram that switches between several pages, each page contain a report viewer and takes time to load (about five seconds) since I'm using an Ifram the end user will not notice the loading of the page behind the seen (report pages) he will only notice a quick loading of the Ifram page ! so I tried to use the update panel and the update progress to show a waiting or loading progress image when the page loads or post back . but this doesn't work in Ajax since Ajax is not compatable with the report viewer .is there any way to show a progress waiting message during the page load using Javascript ?I Found many scripts like this that show a waiting message or image BUT the script starts after the page loads completely (a silly loop for 3 seconds maybe then hide the message )

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Progress Bar Till The Data Is Not Saved In The Database?

Jan 25, 2011

have a button called "Confirm" which updates the datas entered in the screen. But the procress takes 1-2 minutes to update. I want to add a progress bar which automatically appears when the "confirm " button is clicked and automatically closes once the update is done.

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Web Forms :: Show Progress Bar While Uploading Data In Database

Oct 16, 2013

I want to show progress bar while uploading data in database.. How can it be achieved. Also a message be displayed if file uploaded or not...

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C# 3.0 - Have To Add A Progress Bar On Web Page To Show The Progress Of Submission?

Mar 28, 2011

I have to add a progress bar on my web page to show the progress of submission. My page on submit saves the data in the database. I have to show user how long will the submission take place. For an e.g., 50% Completed and so on..

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AJAX :: Use A Progress Update?

Jan 16, 2011

I want to use a progress update and have the code, but it won't let me put it on the screen where I want to. How can I control where it is on the screen?using asp.net; vb web developer 2008; access db


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AJAX :: Use Update Progress In .net 3.5?

Jan 29, 2011

i want to use update progress in asp.net 3.5 . i want to show update progress while page loading like gmail.

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