AJAX :: Animated Gif And Entire Page Freezes During UpdatePanel Post Back?

Dec 16, 2010

I have been searching the net and found no clean cut answer to my problem. I have an animated spinning gif, that is displayed within an 'UpdateProgress'. This gif is to be displayed when the page is posting back to the server and processing.

The animation will start to spin but basically stright away it stops. I have noticed that the file menu within IE is also frozen at this point, up untill the page fully refreshes. I have tested in firefox and safari and am recieving the same problems.

developing in visual studio 2010, framework 4.0, IE 7,8.

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Jun 25, 2010

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AJAX :: UpdatePanel Inside GridView Causes Other UpdatePanels On Page To Post Form Data?

Jul 21, 2010

I hope this is a really easy question but I'm struggling with it. I have a GridView that has an UpdatePanel within a TemplateField.

The idea is that the user can make simple alterations without a full page load being required.

I have simulated my page functionality in the following example, which simulates a database hit, gridview databinding and updatepanel functionality.

When you press any of the + or - buttons in the GridView, the form controls in the bottom UpdatePanel also post their contents back. I have seen this by using Firebug. On my real page however this is causing excessive bandwidth and is nearly the same as a full postback.

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__doPostBack('MyPanel', MyParam);

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Jul 14, 2010

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Sep 15, 2010

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Web Form And Ajax Data Lost On Post Back - Finding Possible Cause / Ajax Or Changing Visible Property

Sep 15, 2010

I have two Repeater controls, each hosted in a user control. Both user controls are contained in the same aspx page. Only one User Control is visible at any one time. The repeaters are comprised of checkboxes, and text boxes for user input.

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Depending on a radio button group selection, I set the visible property to true or false - as appropriate for the User control containing a repeater control. The Repeater control is then populated with data using databinding. All of this works.

However, when the Submit button is clicked, the Repeater control contains no data.

Given that I am not dynamically adding the Controls containing the Repeater controls (but using Visible true / false). I would have thought that the State of the fields and the data in the visible control would be preserved during the post back.

The User Controls are contained within the UpdatePanel that contains the Submit Button.

I have explicitly Enabled View state without any effect.

Am I correct in assuming that I should not have to do any explicit handling of data changes the user makes (via client side script and manipulation of an Data Structure Representing the Repeater Data); and the View State should maintain the data I need to access on the server when submitted?

I do not believe that it is the User Control visible state changes that are causing the issue because when the page is initially loaded on of the User controls is populated with dummy rows (so it displays).

I am suspicious that because the visible state of the controls is changed during partial page post back, that the Page View State ends up with no knowledge of the User Control and therefore cannot track its data (or changes).

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Jun 7, 2010

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Nov 17, 2010

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How do I disable this? there are tons of tutorials on how to capture the enter button and execute a method but I could find one on how to simply disable the neat "let me grab the first button I find and click it" feature mentioned above.

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Feb 24, 2010

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background-color: #def2fd;
font-weight: bold;

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Sep 13, 2010

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