AJAX :: Data Driven Site - Clean Page Load?

Jul 2, 2010

I have a data driven site that displays a lot of information, particularly images, using listviews contained within UpdatePanels, since this data can change with each post back you often see 'submit query' before the Item image appears. So, is there a way of making the page display only after it has finished loading data? The delay as the page loads is only brief but looks quite ugly when 'Submit query' appears all over the site.

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What I'm curious about is the database side of things.

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Feb 2, 2010

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Control ctrl = new Control();
ctrl = Page.LoadControl("uc1.ascx");
ctrl.ID = "DynamicCtrl";

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mypage= Page.Load("example.aspx");

how to do this. as i am getting the erro

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Dec 1, 2010

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Am I missing a trick here is is this doubling up of views the only way to go?

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1. Store procedures and classes

2. One class to handle all the add,delete,update ...etc functions


4. Using sql statements directly on the code (I know not recommended, it was my first project) :))

..and so on

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'The formal parameter "@monRegAmt" was not declared as an OUTPUT parameter, but the actual parameter passed in requested output."

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