AJAX :: HTMLeditor, Always Paste With Word Clean Up On?
Oct 11, 2010
I haven't been able to find a post about this, but the HTMLEditor is finally a rich text editor that properly removes word formatting without messaging up other stuff (thank god!). However, because I know my users, I would like for this 'paste as word' mode to be always on whenever they paste, how can I accomplish this?
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May 4, 2010
I tried to use the Paste from Ms word button in the tool bar of htmlEditor to paste text. The htmleditor to manage to clean up the MS tags in the html markup. However, it also removes all the font sizes, setting them all to be a default font size.
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Dec 3, 2010
I'm using AJAX Control Toolkit HTMLEditor.
I have a sample Microsoft Word document which has several paragraphs.
When I click the button "Paste from MS Word (with cleanup)" on the Editor, <br/> is inserted as the HTML instead of <p></p> i.e. HTML paragraphs.
I would like the MS Word paragraphs to retain their meaning and have a <p> instead of <br />.
(By the way, they are kept if I do a standard Paste, but then a lot of other obscure characters are inserted into the HTML)
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Jan 28, 2011
When copying and pasting from a formatted Micorsoft document, the editor drops many spaces.
If I use the "Paste from MS Word (with cleanup)" feature, the document loses its formatting.
If I don't use it, many spaces get lost and the words around them get concatenated. I just downloaded the last release of the toolkit and the problem still persists.
Users are using Firefox and Chrome with the same result.
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Mar 21, 2011
I am having the issue where I want people to paste plain text and not any word formatting.
Obout_theo gave the code below, which made the normal ctrl + V paste in plain text the whole time. Which is perfect for my need.
BUT, most users use paste from the context menu and this pastes in word format. Does anyone know the answer to this problem?
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Aug 30, 2010
If i use signs like ë in the HTML Editor, in IE, its ok, and works. But if i use ë in firefox in the same page with the HTML Editor. If i press safe the ë is converted to: � (copy past doesnt work well, but its a square if you put [] to each other). But how is this possible? And how can i solve this problem? In IE its working well, but 50% of the users of the system i build are using Firefox. So it should work in all editors.
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Feb 17, 2010
I am creating a web form for employees to submit recipe's on a web form. The fields are recipe name, ingredients, and the recipe instructions. Majority of the time, employee's will be copying/pasting the text from a word document. Currently I am using the ajax editor control. I know there is a "Paste from Word" button that can be used but all the users are not going to know to use the button.
They may just do a right click to paste or the ctrl v to paste. When this is done, all the html tags from Word are pasted as well. I want to be able to remove the tags.
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Mar 16, 2010
I am having an issue with the HTML editor when using the context menu to paste content from word. Basically I want to paste the content as plain text which i have been able to do when using the Ctrl +V key by using the captureInDesign method, but unable to do this when selecting paste from the context menu. Is this possible using the AJAX control kit 3.0.30930?
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Dec 2, 2013
i use wysiwyg editor but problem when i copy from word to editor then html content not proper created and i show this content in string so not display
so how to insert word content in wysiwyg editor properly
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Apr 26, 2010
how can we clean text boxs after do request ajax.
i have 15 text boxs on my view.
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Jan 19, 2010
I looks like if you use the filteredtextboxextender control with number as the type some Mac browers don't let you paste text into the text box with the cmd+V. I have verified this with the filteredtextboxextender demo page.
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Jul 2, 2010
I have a data driven site that displays a lot of information, particularly images, using listviews contained within UpdatePanels, since this data can change with each post back you often see 'submit query' before the Item image appears. So, is there a way of making the page display only after it has finished loading data? The delay as the page loads is only brief but looks quite ugly when 'Submit query' appears all over the site.
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Feb 17, 2011
.Net 3.5, I am using AutoCompleteExtender to get matching list when user types inside text box. When user pastes value using mous list does not appear.
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Mar 10, 2011
I have an Ajax Toolkit combo box in DropDownStyle Mode. The DropDownStyle should prevent the user from entering values that are not in the list of items of the combo box. The problem is, if the user paste some text (right-click --> past OR ctr + V) in the combo box, it will work, event if the pasted text is not the list of items. Is there a way I can prevent this?
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Oct 29, 2010
I just downlaoded the Apr. 12, 2010 released version and I did not see the HTMLEditor? Where and how do I get that?
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Dec 16, 2010
Is there any way to ONLY allow Paste as Plain text into the Ajax Editor Control? I want it so that the user can never paste anything but plain text.
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Aug 22, 2010
I'm looking into using the HTMLEditor from the toolkit. I know its open source which isn't the problem. The problem is that I don't want to have my program to be open source but would like to use the editor. The source code I'd like to be paid for where the compiled version (the dlls and aspx pages) will be free to download. Is it possible to do that?
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May 4, 2010
I have a master page, aspx page, user control
I use HTMLEditor in the user control like this:
<HTMLEditor:Editor runat="server" ID="Editor" Height="300px" AutoFocus="true" Width="100%" />
in the code behind file
i use ((AjaxToolkitHtmlEditor.Editor)SettingsFormView.FindControl("Editor1")).Content. I got NULLReference Exception.
Also i use Editor editor = Page.FindControl("Editor") as Editor; still get null
my user control code is below:
<table width="100%"; style=" word-break:break-all">
<td style="height:auto">
<HTMLEditor:Editor runat="server" ID="Editor" Height="300px" AutoFocus="true" Width="100%" />
<br />
<asp:ImageButton ID="add" runat="server" onclick="add_Click" ImageUrl="~/images/OK.gif" />
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Jan 2, 2010
I am using the Html Editor Ajax Control Toolkit for. Net 3.5 and I need as a va text being typed and reach the lateral borders of the editor for him to play next line and do not let avontade type and add a scroll horizoltal.In short without horizontal scroll
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Apr 3, 2010
I know this issue has been up here before, but I could not find any answer for it.Is there anyway to add a custom button / control (dropdown or whatever) for H1, H2 tags to use with the HTMLEditor.Where can I add such funtionality? Is it possible to use some custom overriding i a separate .cs class.Please provide some example how to do this.
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Aug 2, 2010
I have a databound asp.net ajax HTMLEditor. I think I must be misunderstanding the page events but basically:
The editor is databound on page_load (works fine).
I edit the contents of the control a bit.
I press my asp:button to retrieve the new content, but the content has not changed.
Does not reflect my new value, but just gives me the old value from when the page loaded.
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Jan 19, 2010
I have a few issues with the HTMLEditor control.
First, if I type an e-mail address into the HTMLEditor control, it automatically reformats the e-mail address into a link (underlined w/ blue font). How can I disable this feature?
Second, is there a way to prevent pasting into the HTMLEditor? I successfully got Internet Explorer to throw errors when I copied & pasted the entire page, HTMLEditor and all, into the HTMLEditor control. Since the page already contained a PageRequestManager, the data I pasted into HTMLEditor contained its own code for a PageRequestManager. As a result, unsurprisingly, I got the following IE error:
Error: Sys.InvalidOperationException: The PageRequestManager cannot be initialized more than once.
Is there a way for me to prevent these strange situations from occurring?
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Feb 28, 2011
I'm using HtmlEditor, could i get text which i selected in the HtmlEditor ? Does anyone have any good suggestions as to how to do this?
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Mar 23, 2010
I need to add image tag to AjaxControlToolkit.HTMLEditor???
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May 5, 2010
I've been having some real trouble with the HTMLEditor.Essentially, I would like the editor to display an entry of a SQL database, so that the user can edit the entry and update the entry.So, here is the aspx snippet:
This works great. The problem comes when I want to update the entry back to the database. When I press my asp:button, I use this to find out what my new value is
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