AJAX :: Duplicating Part Of A Page In Itself?

Mar 29, 2011

I'm trying to work on this page that requires me to have a hyperlink/button that, when clicked, should duplicate a section of a page which includes several text fields, radio buttons, a dynamic table (where the user can add rows and edit fields), and the actual link itself. Is this possible? If so, could someone please show me how? :( I'm really stumped on how to do this one.

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AJAX :: Refresh Part Of A Page?

Oct 22, 2010

I've built a page which has an update form, and above that, a photo (based on the same edit). The photo is loaded based on the selected table row being edited.

On this page, I've got a button that opens a modal in an iFrame and allows the user to update just their profile image (all works fine). But when the modal is closed, I'd like to reload JUST the photo (and not the entire page), as it will have changed.

How should I go about doing this? I assume I'll need to use some Ajax controls?

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AJAX :: Reload A Part Of Page?

Jan 18, 2010

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AJAX :: Control To Refresh Part Of Page?

Apr 27, 2010

i have a website that has html tables <tr></tr> tags. I have problems with refreshing my page. When the select a radiobutton of a list, there should apear a other control. But that only happens when i refresh the page my clicking on a button. So i thought of using ajax.

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AJAX :: HTMLEditor Duplicating Break Line?

May 11, 2010

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It becomes:


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AJAX :: UpdatePanel Duplicating A Table When Fired?

May 11, 2010

I have two UpdatePanels on a page. The first one works perfectly. The other one works as well, but when it is updated. A table nested inside the <ContentTemplate> is duplicated...meaning that where there was 1 there are now 2 exact copies. Otherwise everything appears to be operating fine. Both UpdatePanels have the UpdateMode set to "Conditional".

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AJAX :: Update Panel To Exclude Part Of Page?

May 7, 2010

Got some small(Basic) doubt on update panel. Using Update Panel, Is it possible to stop updating a part of Page ?

The problem is, I have a very small portion of page, in which I'm updating some data using JavaScript, Which I want to retain(in ASP language Maintain State) for any post back that will occur in Page. I thought placing update panel will solve the purpose, But as per Update panel principle, It will updates only that part of page based on the Triggers conditions.

I want it exactly in reverse way (It is very difficult for me to place Update panel for the entire page excluding the small part).

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Web Forms :: Duplicating Behaviour From A Classic Asp Page

Jun 2, 2010

Many years ago I built a website for a customer in classic asp that uses RomanCart as the payment gateway. This has worked very well, but ive now been given the task of rebuilding the site under .net 3.5 the old site used a submit button that set the action to the romancart url and setup some hidden field values. I want to duplicate this behaviour in the .aspx page from the onclick event of a button. Heres the origianl code from the classic asp page.Can Anyone give some some pointers in converting this to c#?

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AJAX :: Modal Popup Controls Values Are Duplicating?

Jul 12, 2010

I've used modal popups before with no issues, but now I am getting a strange issue I need help with.I'm using .net 4.0, this is my first new project using it, so perhaps it is something to do with that.

I've setup a modal popup which contains textboxes and a dropdownlist to insert and update values in a database. The popup displays correctly, and the code behind works perfectly to insert new rows into a database and update existing ones. My problem is, it's inserting and updating 'incorrect values'. If I type "test123" into the textbox and save it, the value "test123,test123" is saved. I do not have any code that does this, and i think it is the modal popup extender, because when I move controls out of the modal popup panel and onto the main page (inside an update panel) they are no longer affected by 'duplicating' string values and "test123" is saved. ",<duplicateValue>" is appended after EVERY post back. I've had the textbox displaying "test123,test123,test,123,test123" after a few save button clicks. Is there anything blatantly obvious to check (viewstate or something similar) that will correct this behaviour? I promise I'm not duplicating the values myself, they only seem to duplicate after the submit button click inside the modal popup panel.

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Duplicating Controls - Add Exact Duplicate Of Panel On Bottom Of Page With Exact Functionality

Jan 18, 2010

if there is anyway that I could duplicate controls in a asp.net pages. So for example, currently for one of my pages, I have a panel at the top of the page with alot of controls in them ( eg next/previous buttons, labels, trees, etc). However I wanted to add the exact duplicate of this panel on the bottom of the page aswell, with exact functionality.

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Sharepoint Proxy Web Part - Configure The Web Part To Point To An Existing Web App

Feb 17, 2010

We have several asp.net web applications we've built and we also want to embed them into various sharepoint pages. We need to have them look like standalone applications when viewed in their own pages, but also have them look like they fit within the sharepoint page when embedded. We are doing this currently with IFrames and it works ok, but I'm wondering if there is some sort of proxy web part where we can configure the web part to point to an existing web app and it will proxy the contents through from the web app into the sharepoint page removing the need for an IFrame. Possible?

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Web Forms :: How To Get Values In Oultook From Database To Part Ab And Cc Part C And D

Sep 3, 2012

I have four columns in database. Consider it as a,b,c and d. I'm trying to place a and b column values in TO part and c and d column values in CC part in outlook. a,b,c,d contains six digits numeric values. I just need to place a and b columns values in to and c and d values in cc part on click of a button.

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C# - SharePoint Web Part Gallery Details Of Each Web Part

Mar 2, 2011

When using SPWeb.GetCatalog(SPListTemplateType.WebPartCatalog), it returns an SPList which of course contains a SPListItemCollection of the web parts in the web part gallery. When looping through the items, is there any easy way to get properties of the web parts? Such as AllowClose, CatalogIconImageUrl, etc... I know I can probably accomplish this using the listItem.OpenBinaryStream etc and loading the xml of the .webpart file, but I wondered if there was an easier way to do this.

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Web Forms :: Include Part Of A Page Into Another Page?

Nov 5, 2010

I am developping a ASP.Net webpage. I want to include a part (<div>) of another page (ex: google.com) into my page.

How can it be done?

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C# - How To Postback Some Part Of Page

Mar 1, 2011

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Go Particular Part Of The Page In ASP.NET & HTML?

Dec 7, 2010

How we can go particular part of the page in ASP.NET & HTML

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Updating Only Part Of The Page?

Jul 16, 2011

i have on a page a text box and a button(button1) and another set of text boxes and another button(button2). i have put a requiredfieldvalidator on all the textboxes. what i want to do is that if i click button1, only the first textbox should validate and if i click button2 then only the set of textboxes should validate. right now whether i click button1 or 2 all of the textboxes will validate. i have tried to place the first textbox and button1 in an updatepanel and the set of textboxes and button2 in another updatepanel but still its not working.

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Using Ajax Control In Share Point Web Part?

Nov 8, 2010

our team has converted asp.net 3.5 c# project to 2010 share point application. In our share point application we are using webparts. we have controls inside update panel.

<script src="js/jquery-1.3.2.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="js/test.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<asp:UpdatePanel runat="server" UpdateMode="Conditional" >
<asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" OnClientClick="return test();"
Text="Button" onclick="Button1_Click" />
<asp:HiddenField runat="server" ID="hdnlbl" />.......

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AJAX :: Loading/referencing Only Part Of ControlToolkit DLl?

Mar 17, 2011

I use only some controls from the AjaxControlToolkit (eg. Tabs and ModalPopupExtender), and I would like to be able to reference/load only those parts from the DLL.

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Web Forms :: Two Copies Of Same Web Part On One Web Page?

Mar 24, 2011

I have two copies of the same web part on one web page. When someone clicks the a button one of the web parts, the event, at times, seems to be firing on the web part that they did not click on. I can reproduce it with 100% accuracy. Is that possible? If so, how do I prevent that from happening?

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Get The Aspx Part Out Of This.Page.Request.Url

May 24, 2010

Whats the best way to get the aspx part out of this.Page.Request.Url.

I guess I could use FileInfo but dont think this is the best way.

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Web Forms :: How To Postback Particular Part Of Page

Sep 2, 2010

"How to postback the particular part of a page in ASP.Net"?

For Example:

If I am having a page and suppose I have divided it into 2 sections. In the first section I have placed a User Control related to Weather Forecast and in the 2nd section of the web page I have placed a Currency Converter user control.

In this scenario, if the user uses the Currency Converter User Control I don't want the entire page to get postback, I want only that particular section of the page to get postback.

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Duplicating Rows In Database

Jan 14, 2011

For some reason, the if statement below is not working

''# count if records with this user already exist in the database below
objSQLCommand = New SqlCommand("select count(id) as record_count from table1 where user = @strUser", objSQLConnection)
objSQLCommand.Parameters.Add("@strUser", SqlDbType.VarChar, 3).Value = strUser
intRecordCount = CType(objSQLCommand.ExecuteScalar(), Integer)
''# duplicate default rows in database if username not in database
If intRecordCount = 0 Then
objSQLCommand = New SqlCommand("insert into table1 (heading, user) select heading, @strUser as user from table1 where defaults = @intDefault", objSQLConnection)
objSQLCommand.Parameters.Add("@strUser", SqlDbType.VarChar, 3).Value = strUser
objSQLCommand.Parameters.Add("@intDefault", SqlDbType.Int, 4).Value = 1
End If

Response.Write(intRecordCount) returns a 0 if 0 records are found and it returns 2 if i manually insert 2 rows for the user in the database. But for some reason, the if statement does not work. If I run the "insert select" query manually, it works perfectly.

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What's The Best Way Of Duplicating An Entire Website

Mar 4, 2011

I've built a complex site for a client, who wants this duplicated, and re-skinned, so it can be used for other means. What is the best way of doing this? I'm concerned about copying every file as this means any bugs must be fixed twice, and any improvements must be implmented twice.

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Duplicating Properties In ViewModels

Nov 25, 2010

I have a question regarding the duplication of properties within view models. For my Search View i have a viewmodel that looks like this

public class SearchModel
public IEnumerable<SelectListItem> Genders {get;set;}
... other select lists
// Worker Details
public string FirstName {get;set;}
public string LastName {get;set;}
public DateTime Birthdate {get;set;}
public int Phone {get;set;}et
public string Gender {get; set;}
//Address Details
public string Street {get;set;}
public string City {get;set;}
public string Zip {get; set;}
For my Input View i have the following View Model
public IEnumerable<SelectListItem> Genders {get;set;}
public IEnumerable<SelectListItem> Directions {get;set;}
... other select lists
// Worker Details
public string FirstName {get;set;}
public string LastName {get;set;}
public DateTime Birthdate {get;set;}
public int Phone {get;set;}et
public string Gender {get; set;}
public string SSN {get; set;}
public string DL {get;set;}
//Address Details
public int Number {get;set;}
public string Direction {get;set;}
public string Suffix {get;set;}
public string Street {get;set;}
public string City {get;set;}
public string Zip {get; set;}
List Display Model
public class ListDisplayModel
public IEnumerable<Worker> Workers {get;set;}
internal class Worker
public string FirstName {get;set;}
public string LastName {get;set;}
public DateTime Birthdate {get;set;}
public int Phone {get;set;}et
public string Gender {get; set;}
public string SSN {get; set;}
public string DL {get;set;}
//Address Details
public int Number {get;set;}
public string Direction {get;set;}
public string Suffix {get;set;}
public string Street {get;set;}
public string City {get;set;}
public string Zip {get; set;}

I feel like i'm duplicating a lot of properties. I was wondering if it would be ideal for me to go ahead and create like a DTO class called worker and just place it in each of these view model classes or is there a better way to do something like this?

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