AJAX :: File Upload Within UpdatePanel?
Mar 9, 2011
I want to use Ajax File Upload control from toolkit. This control begin to upload the file as soon as i select from the browse dialogue box. But what i want is, I want that upload start when i click on submit button.
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Jan 24, 2011
I'm trying to use below simple code for ajax postback. With file upload, neither javascript the "function startRequest" ever triggers, the file control shows null value somemore.Earlier I had Update progress which didn't work with file upload ever so I removed it. Now I just want to disable the button as the file is uploaded and its inputs are processed in the background. Once the response comes back, the "submit" button is re-enabled.But the file-upload with Updatepanel doesn't work at all. What am I doing wrong,
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Jul 4, 2013
I have a wep page. Its consists of some controls along fileupload controls. My page Fully placed into UpdatePanel. when i press the submit all contols values and file upload file should be stored into back end.i used vs2008 framework 3.5.
Note: for fileUploading perpose i should write trigger with postback on submit button.while processing the submit button action i want to show some processing (progressing) controls like round rotation like..shall i place on ajax toolkit 4.0 instead of 3.5.
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Mar 20, 2010
im trying to update a movie picture using file upload control that is located under an update panel but nothing seems to get updated, is there anyway that the update panel is giving me this mess cuz i have tryd everything nothing seems to work only if its with an update panel ..
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Jan 13, 2010
I am using the async file upload control to upload to a image file. I want the user to upload only jpg files. And for that I am checking the uploadedfile content type in server side, after the upload complets. I wanna check this, before upload starts. There is one javascript method
function startUpload(sender, args){}
but how to access the content type of the file selected by user.
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May 27, 2010
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Apr 27, 2016
I have an asp.net panel having various controls including gridview. I have converted this panel into pdf and attached it as an email attachment using memory stream. Everything is working fine. Now I have an File upload control outside panel through which I have to attach a file and send it in mail along with the already attached panel. But I am unable to figure out how to do it.
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May 7, 2015
How to set default file in <asp:FileUpload />
When a FileUpload is null then i want to set defualt file .
regarding my code :
Byte[] imgByte = null;
if (FileUpload1.HasFile && FileUpload1.PostedFile != null)
HttpPostedFile File = FileUpload1.PostedFile;
imgByte = new Byte[File.ContentLength];
File.InputStream.Read(imgByte, 0, File.ContentLength);
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May 7, 2015
I have a variable:
public static string ClientName;
And the code below which saves an image to a folder on server:
public static void UploadPic(string imageData)
string Pic_Path = Path.Combine(HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppPath, "SavedSig/ClientSignature.png");
using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(Pic_Path, FileMode.Create))
I would like to rename that file evrytime with the value of the variable
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Mar 3, 2011
have found many solution for my issue but none doesn't work in my scenario. I have created a test project to demo my concept.Basically, there is a page that host a user control...
WebUserControl1 has a dropdownlist and two other webusercontrols (to be displayed based on the selection of dropdownlist element) inside updatepanel as below.
Code behind file for WebUserControl1 is .....
Now, the problem starts here...There is an external javascript file [JScript1.js] (embedded resource) which basically is used to display an alert box.
WebUserControl2.ascx.cs code behind is
Alert window doesn't get displayed when I change the dropdownlist value. Even the script is getting registered three times (look in the firebug) Need to use ScriptInclude instead of ScriptBlock as the original JS file is too big.
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Feb 8, 2011
how to upload and save files to oracle database, and view file using C# .net and can upload one or more files in one webform.
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Aug 6, 2010
I want to upload files to the web servers from the client machines.
Can i upload a file on a network share folder using file upload control?
I would like to create a share folder on a file server sitting next to the web server. If i upload the file from the network share folder instead of uploading it from the client machine does it make any difference?
Will the file be stored in a temporary location before copying to the final destination? Where will be the file stored in this case of uploading it from share folder?
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Feb 16, 2010
I want to upload a file INSIDE an updatepanel using the asyncfileupload control.
But in the code below the filename is EMPTY! Why?
Protected Sub dvTicketDetail_ItemUpdating(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.DetailsViewUpdateEventArgs) Handles dvTicketDetail.ItemUpdating
Dim afupload As AjaxControlToolkit.AsyncFileUpload = CType(dvTicketDetail.FindControl("afuFlyerEdit"), AjaxControlToolkit.AsyncFileUpload)
'only upload physical file if fileupload control is NOT empty
If afupload.FileName <> "" Then
'a new file must be assigned to record
End If
End Sub
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Aug 31, 2010
I'm building dynamically a series of ImageButton controls, and I want to assign them a hyperlink for downloading files.So say you got a dropdownlist of 3 items 1,2 and 3, if you select 1 it creates one imagebutton and pointrs to fileA, if you select 2 it creates two imagebuttons and the first one points to fileA and the second one to fileB and so on...Everything is wrapped in an UpdatePanel to avoid postbacks.I have a problem binding the download link in the ImageButton.navigateurl, and then downloading it. I don't know how to do it...
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Panel myPanel = (Panel)UpdatePanel1.FindControl("Panel1");
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Jul 14, 2010
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Basically i am implmenting a sort of wizard for initializing website on jquery dialog which need to have ajax there
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Jan 20, 2011
file upload using ajax by retaining all the other information in the page.
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Feb 10, 2011
I am just about to learn how the AsyncFileUpload component works. I have come up with some code but this does not compile excactly. It seems but are not sure that I need to declare some events etc... I will explain excactly what my goal is to do. It will be possible to upload a .jpg file from a users computer and save this file to the below path with a new name:
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Dec 6, 2010
Is there any solution short of posting back, which completely defeats the entire purpose of this control?
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Feb 26, 2010
I am just about to learn how the AsyncFileUpload component works. I have come up with some code but this does not compile excactly. It seems but are not sure that I need to declare some events etc...
I will explain excactly what my goal is to do.It will be possible to upload a .jpg file from a users computer and save this file to the below path with a new name:
"~/Folder1/Images/" [Code]....
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Nov 29, 2010
I'm developing a website using .NET 3.5 and I'm having problems with the asyncfileupload control.The problem occurs when you upload a file, and then try upload the same file again. On the second upload, none of the clientside nor serverside methods fire. Everything works fine if you upload one file, upload a file with a different name and then upload the first one again.
This is a bit if a pain because on the page i allow the user to delete the uploaded images so i need the functionality to upload a file with the same name as the previous upload.Has anyone else encountered this and are there any work arounds?
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Jun 24, 2010
I am using AsyncFileUpload. When a user selects a file, it uploads it.
But before the file is saved, the user must click the save button, after that the file is saved in a database.
I would like to know if there is a way to temporarily save the file, filename and extension somewhere?
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Feb 18, 2010
I have a web interface where a user can upload an XML file, which then gets imported into a SQL database.
Import works fine, interface works fine, logfile works fine. The problem: The user doesn't get any progress report until the entire file has been processed... Is there any way the server can output logfile messages to the user page while processing? I mean AJAX doesn't work for server side calls to the client, only vice-versa, or is there a workaround ?
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Aug 16, 2010
iam using masterpage and ajax update panel, i have child page called fileupload.aspx,i try to upload the file but its not working , can i use updatepanel in child page.
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Jun 21, 2010
I notice that the HTMLEditor in the AJAX Toolkit does not come with an option to upload a file (for example a word document) that can be linked for the user to click and download. I tried using obout suite but it is only a trial version and it is currently not feasible for us to purchase a licence from them.
Is there any free HTML Editor that I can integrate with ASP that is available with a document upload option?
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Jan 24, 2016
I want upload a big data file i.e. upto 6gb file in asp dot net into chunks and show progress bar depends upon that chunks ...
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