AJAX :: FileUpload Inside Accordion Control Within Update Panel Not Working

Jul 31, 2013

In my WebForm I hv used an accordion and this accordion is in an UpdatePanel with UpdateMode="Conditional" .

In that accrdion , in last pane i hv a fileupload - when i select a file and click upload button then always the fileupload control has no file and it returns false everytime .

I have written trigger in UpdatePanel also still it doesn't work. Without updatepanel fileupload control works properly, this problem arise after i use UpdatePanel...

<asp:UpdatePanel ID="Acc_UpdatePanel" runat="server" UpdateMode="Conditional">
<div id="acc" runat="server" style="position: inherit; height: auto;">
<div class="clear">
<div id="basic-accordian" style="border-radius: 4px;">

[Code] .....

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AJAX :: Use A Fileupload Control Inside An Update Panel

Apr 5, 2010

Having a bit of trouble here. I know that if you want to use a fileupload control inside an AJAX update panel then you need to create a trigger for the control that performs the uploading postback to the updatepanel, but the problem is, I have an update panel that contains web usercontrols. I therefore can't add a trigger to the control(FileUpload) directly because it exists in the web control.

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Fileupload Control Not Working In The Update Panel

Jan 7, 2011

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AJAX :: FileUpload Is Not Working In Update Panel

Feb 12, 2011

I am facing a problem in FileUpload controls that is available inside update panel along with CalendarExtender.

Now When I click on submit button after browse a file it is returning null fileobject value in codebehind page.


I dont know what is the reason behind of this problem, can you let me know what is the cause and probable solution for this.

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AJAX :: Accordion Control With Panel - Add Update?

Aug 22, 2010

I have an accordion control in my web site. And in one of the panels, I have a drop down list box where, when the user selects an item, it updates the labels right below the ddlistbox. I have it so that it maintains the scroll position when the ddlistbox has an autopostback, but it's very obvious that the whole page posts back. My question is, can I/should I just enclose the ddlistbox and the labels (and a couple of text boxes) in an AJAX update panel? I already have a ToolScriptManager (because of the accordion control), so I don't need to have another script manager, right? I can just put the update panel (with the other controls inside of it) right in the accordion panel, right? Then when the ddlistbox posts back it won't have the delay of the whole page posting back? And it'll still execute the event handler for the listbox selection change? Does this sound right? I'm just looking to make the post back "invisible", and I would like to do a partial postback of just these few controls.

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AJAX :: Update Panel With FileUpload Control

Mar 23, 2010

Inside gridview i am using the file upload control with update panel (ajax).

in save button file upload control null problem.

How to solve the issue.

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Fileupload Within Update Panel / Can't Get The FileUpload Working Properly

Jan 15, 2010

Hopefully someone can give me some pointers to get this working properly.

I have a webpage which I would like the ability to upload files to be stored in a database. Here's the layout of the page:


The update panel is configured as such:

ChildrenAsTriggers="True" EnableViewState="True" RenderMode="Block" UpdateMode="Always" Visible="True" Runat="Server"

The reason I have the update panel outside the Tabcontainer is so that when switching between tabs, the screen doesn't flicker with refreshes, etc. But as a result, I can't get the FileUpload working properly. The FileUpload1.Filename is blank, so it errors out.

Is there anyway to get this working properly? I've tried the latest AsyncFileupload within the control toolkit, but this caused all kinds of problems with my pages so that's out of the question. I tried an iFrame too, but this also didnt work properly.

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AJAX :: Cancel Button Not Working Inside Update Panel

May 7, 2015

I try to clearn asp.net form on cancel button click using String.Empty but it does not seem to be working. Here's my aspx code:

<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="AddEmployee.aspx.cs" Inherits="AddEmployee" %>
<%@ Register Assembly="AjaxControlToolkit" Namespace="AjaxControlToolkit" TagPrefix="ajax" %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<head id="Head1" runat="server">


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AJAX :: Report Viewer Not Working Inside Update Panel

Jun 16, 2015

I am having one button , two date pickers and one report viewer , not all these controls are under update panel. Now when i click on button it is not generating a report. While if i remove update panel then it works. 

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AJAX :: JQuery Plugins Not Working Inside Update Panel

Apr 24, 2014

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<script type="text/javascript">
function usercellclick() {
$(document).ready(function () {
$("#<%=dgv_buslayout.ClientID%> tr:has(td)").hover(function (e) {
$(this).css("cursor", "pointer");


it works only for first click.URL...

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Feb 25, 2010

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AJAX :: HTTP Generic Handler For Captcha Image Not Working Inside Update Panel

Mar 23, 2013

I tried this link to generate verification Image [URL] ..... It works fine.

But I'd like to put a button in page for regenerating captcha for example. When the image was unreadable for user.

So I put an updatepanel in page and this is my code:

<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server">
<tr> <td colspan="2">
<asp:Image ID="imCaptcha" ImageUrl="~/Captcha.ashx" runat="server" />

[Code] .....

Although the image changes but the whole page is refreshed. Whether this is due to incompatibilities httphandler and updatepanel?

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AJAX :: Use Login Control Inside Update Panel

May 7, 2015

Any snippets in login using UPDATE PANEL?

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C# - FileUpload Not Working In Update Panel(modal Popup Extender)

Jan 19, 2011

i am developing web application and contain modal popup extender in which update panel made and it contain file upload control but file upload control not working in it.

This is my modal popup which contain fileupload control

and my modal popup source code


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AJAX :: Slowing Rendering Control Inside Update Panel?

Jan 13, 2010

my problem as follow:

1-i have UpdatePanel contain Gridview

2- i have Ajax Control ToolKit HTML Editor OutSide My UpdatePanel and its not inside any control.

my problem when make HTMLedior (visible=false ) onpage event, MyupdatePanel Render Control Much Fast, but when i Make it visible its slow my application althougth this htmleditor not included in any update panel and its not refreshed.

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AJAX :: Wizard Control Inside An Update Panel Jumps

Feb 3, 2010

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AJAX :: Report Viewer Control Not Working In Update Panel?

Apr 6, 2010

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Errors :

1. this_client_Controller is null or not a object

2. parent.document.getElementById(...). Client Controller is null or not a object

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AJAX :: File Upload Control Not Working In Update Panel?

Feb 15, 2011

I have 3 upload controls ,one listbox and two button controls in page. One button control named Attach has the code to add the files to listbox form 3rd file upload control and the 2nd button control named Save has the code to save the files of 1st and 2nd file upload controls in application folder and items of listbox to database.

The issue is couldn't maintain the state of 1st and 2nd file upload controls after browsing the files to file upload controls and clicking on Attach button control to add file name to listbox which was browsed by 3rd file upload control.So i placed the 3rd file upload control, Attach button and listbox in update panel but its not working. My requirement is when clicked on save button files of 1st and 2nd file upload controls in application folder and items of listbox to database, but 1st and 2nd file upload controls will loose the files as soon as Attach button is clicked to add filename of 3rd fileupload control to listbox.

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AJAX :: Accordion Panel Is Not Working On Page?

Feb 14, 2011

i write following code for accordion panel but its not open on page .....

<asp:Accordion ID="Accordion1" runat="server"
BorderColor="Black" RequireOpenedPane ="false" SelectedIndex ="-1"
style="margin-left: 151px; top: 387px; left: 47px; position: absolute; height: 175px; margin-top: 0px;"
Width="322px" >
<asp:AccordionPane ID="AccordionPane1" runat="server" HeaderCssClass ="acco_header" ContentCssClass="acco_content" Width="100" Height="28" BorderColor="Black">
Forgot Password
<h4>E-mail:</h4><asp:TextBox ID="text1" runat ="server" Width="150" Height="25"></asp:TextBox><br /><br />
<asp:Button ID="Button3" runat ="server" Text ="Submit" OnClick = "Button3_Click" BackColor="#FFDB70"/>

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AJAX :: User Control With JQuery Doesn't Work Inside Update Panel?

Sep 21, 2010

I created a .NET user control to work as a DropdownCheckbox and added Jquery to give the sliding and hide effects. The code is as below:


This control works fine in a normal page, but once I put it inside an update panel it doesn't work. Is there a work around or simply I can't use JQuery inside update panel?

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AJAX :: Hosting Windows User Control In A Webpage Inside An Update Panel

Jun 8, 2010

I am hosting a Windows User Control in my web page using <object> tag. Everything works fine when the control is outside the updatepanel and is independent of other web controls but when I move the control inside the update panel, it doen't load the user control properly.

<object id="myBrowser" classid="http:MyBrowser.dll#MyBrowser.UserControl1" height="20" width="400" VIEWASTEXT></object>

why it doesn't render the control properly and what can I do to fix it?

I tried moving the user control outside the update panel but since this user control is shown/hidden dynamically and is rendered based on other web controls which are inside an Update Panel, the user control is not shown at all.

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AJAX :: Export To Excel Button Does Not Work Inside Update Panel Control

Mar 15, 2013

i have gridview and export to excel button inside Update panel, the code i am using to export gridview data to excel is..

public void imgExcelExport_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)
Response.Buffer = true;
Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", string.Format("attachment; filename={0}", "Customers.xls"));
Response.ContentType = "application/ms-excel";


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AJAX :: PreRender Code For Control Inside Update Panel Delays Page Refresh

Mar 3, 2010

I have a control on a page. In the control's pre-render event I'm executing some code that's taking about a minute to execute. This means the whole page is unresponsive until the control's pre-render event is finished executing.I tried putting the control inside an update panel, but it doesn't matter the rest of the page still won't render until the pre-render event of the control is finished executing. I've attached a very simple example of my code (The event that's slowing up the control's pre-render event is not Thread.Sleep(1000):




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AJAX :: Page Inside Update Panel Doesn't Refresh The Session Object After Postback Of Any Control

Oct 1, 2010

I have many controls like dropdown, radiobuttonlist, etc on my page and I put all these controls inside the update panel so that the page doesn't look to be posting back when something is selected. Now the working on the page is very smooth. But the session object isn't getting refreshed even if I postback to the server and as a result even if the users are working on the page they are being sent to the login screen after 20 mins.

Is there anyway where I could put all the controls in update panel and still refresh the session after any postback(dropdown selection)

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