AJAX :: How To Display Barcode In ListView Control

May 7, 2015

need to set the font in ItemTemplate in listview in asp.net

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Mar 16, 2013

i need to generate bar code "Code128" and boud into label.

i am using listview in list view 1 td i am generating barcode based on memberid which i am getting from data base.

<asp:Label ID="lblmemid" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("MemberShipid") %>' Font-Bold="True" Font-Size="Larger" Height="20px" /></div>

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<script type="text/javascript">
function GridDataaa() {


my output


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Mar 26, 2011

I have a barcode slider which scan student ID CARD. When students scan their Student ID, the barcode reader generate the following:

BARCODE_NUM,LASTNAME, FIRSTNAME. Below is a dummy example when students scan their Student_ID into barcode reader. I get the following data from the barcode reader.

" %C9887688767876^Smith/John^5656656556565?;C9887688767876=3434354450000? " When the user scan their Student ID into TextBox1, i want to only display BARCODE_NUM which is C9887688767876 from the example. Also When the user scan their Student ID into TextBox2 , i want to only display LASTNAME which is Smith from the example. When the user scan their Student ID into TextBox3, i want to only display FIRSTNAME which is John from the example.

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I need to generate barcode series to print on label.

Below thread is working fine to generate single barcode.


How can i create barcode series and print. i.e. from 0001-0100

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I'm using a sqldatasource to retreieve and display values in a listview. I used a list view since I wanted to use custom formating. I have an itemtemplate with the retreieved values. I have list one of the rows


ID="eventdateLabel" [code].....

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Forms Data Controls :: ListView Control Didn't Display HTML Image?

Apr 29, 2010

i have a website which has a listview control and databind in a SQLdataSource Control, and in its ItemTemplate has a HTML Image Control.

but when i run the website, it displays other fields from the Database but the image is not displaying,

to test if there is a problem in the link of the image or the image it self,

i add a Repeater control just under the ListView Control and Copy the whole ItemTemplate from ListView to Repeater and when i run the website, the image in the Repeater is displayed but the ListView does not.

this is my asp.net code.


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Jul 9, 2010

I'm really new at asp.net 3.5 I'm comming from Classic ASP and I have been experimenting with ASP.NET. I'm trying to use the ListView Control to display a products catalog comming from a database. My first test was succesfull but I have a question.I want to be able to display the title of the product in Bold if certain conditions exists for that product. I tried using the ItemDataBound event but I don't know how I to get the value from the database field.I have the following code




Protected Sub productsList_ItemDataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListViewItemEventArgs) Handles productsList.ItemDataBound

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Forms Data Controls :: Display A Nested Child ListView On PostBack While Using DataPager On Parent ListView?

Aug 26, 2010

I am having trouble finding how to solve the following issue :

I am using nested listviews to display Sales and Sales details.

The main ListView displays General Information about Sales and the child ListView displays the detailed information about one sale. the child listview is shown only when the user clicks on a link (see included code, DataBind is made on PageLoad) :

ASPX Markup Code :


C# Behind Code :


If I removed the datapager part, I can manage show/hide the child list view on the button click event. but if I want to use the DataPager with the PreRender event handling, the child listview is not longer shown on button click.

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AJAX :: How To Get The Listview Control Id In Js

May 31, 2010

I am having a listview control in my aspx page with name "vehicleListView" and i am assigning the datasource from js function. But when i took the listview control by using the following line


I am always getting "undefined"

Ho can i get the listview control id in javascript function.Listview control is in an update panel.

I have to assign the datasource of the listview control from js only.Because the jd function is getting the datatable from the C# pagemethod.

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AJAX :: ModalPopupExtender Displaying Behind A Listview Control ?

May 18, 2010

I have a web form with a modalpopupextender and a listView control that opens for editing and adding records. One of the columns on the listview is a linkbutton that makes a serve side call to show the modaldialpopupextender. At first, when clicking on the linkbutton in the listview the modalpopup displays over the listview, the page fades (via a CSS class) and it works great. When I open and close the listview for editing or change pages on the listview, and then try to show the modalpopup via the linkbutton, the modalpopup displays under the listview and the fading does not work properly. I am not too sure if this is a postback/javascript issue or maybe CSS?

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AJAX :: Add ListBox Items To ListView Control

Dec 24, 2013

Run mode as follows

In Listbox as follows



Listview (control) 

I want to display the above Listbox items into Listview. for that how can i do in asp.net using c#.

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AJAX :: Trigger An Updatepanel From Inside A Listview Control?

Dec 4, 2010

I have a CheckBox that is located inside a SelectItem Template. The CheckBox has Autopostback= true. Located outside the list view is a label. When the CheckBox is checked, I would like to trigger an the Updatepannel that includes the label. Instead I get an error message "'CheckBox1' could not be found for the trigger in UpdatePanel 'UpdatePanel3'. The code snippet is as follows:

Asp.net Markup:


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AJAX :: Validator Callout Issue In Listview Control?

Mar 10, 2010

Today i faced a new issue in Listview control the issue is i have insertitemtemplate in my listviewcontrol and i have a textbox control,Required FieldValidator and ValidatorCallout control in that template. The issue is the validation fires but validator callout dosent come next to the control its coming in the center of the Listview. so can any 1 please help me on that.I have a master page and the page is as a content page.

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May 13, 2013

i am applying paging in list view. i used data pager control. but problem is on click of next page next data is not displaying only showing previous data. i have one dropdown i am bing list view on dropdownindex change event not in page load.

<div id='main-content' style="overflow: auto; width: 100%" class="printable">
<asp:ListView ID="LSVAllSlips" runat="server" GroupItemCount="2" GroupPlaceholderID="groupPlaceholder1"
ItemPlaceholderID="itemPlaceholder1" OnPagePropertiesChanged="LSVAllSlips_PagePropertiesChanged">
<tr id="Tr1" runat="server">


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I want to periodically refresh my ListView control on page in ASP.Net at regular intervals.

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I need to remove the selected row in listview without affect the database in button click event.

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Forms Data Controls :: Use Ajax Calendar Extender With Listview Control?

Jun 2, 2010

Is it possible to use the ajax calendar extender with the listview control specifically within the edit tags . .Net is not throwing any errors but the extender is not working.

Edit Tags:


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AJAX :: Replacing The Submit Button Of A Rating Control Inside A Listview After A Vote

Nov 29, 2010

I have this working except for one thing. After the user has voted I want to replace the submit with "Thank you" text.

In the aspx page I have a label that is not visible, with the text = "NotVoted". This label is not in the listview. In the listview I have a label that is not visible and a button that is. The rating control is called vidRating. In the vidRating_Changed event I have

lblVoteStatus.Text = "Voted"
In the ListView1_ItemDataBound event I have
Dim lblVoted As Label = CType(e.Item.FindControl("lblVoted"), Label)
Dim btnSubmit As Button = CType(e.Item.FindControl("btnSubmit"), Button)
If lblVoteStatus.Text = "Voted" Then
btnSubmit.Text = "Thank you"
btnSubmit.Visible = False
lblVoted.Visible = True
End If

When I run this in debug mode, if the user has voted, ListView1.DataBind() is run, lblVoteStatus.text = "Voted", and the code in the IF statement is run. I get no errors, but the page doesn't change. I still see the button and I don't see the label text. If I comment out the if /end if statements, the page opens displaying the label text, not the submit button. So the controls are being found ok. What am I doing wrong? How can I disable or remove the submit button after the user votes?

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