Retrieve Data From Barcode Scanner And Display In Page?

Nov 25, 2010

I am creating a web application using c#. I need to access the values available in a barcode scanner and display it in the web page. The user has a Barcode scanner, which contains the Student Id's. The Barcode scanner is connected to the user machine. Is it possible to access the scanner and access the student id available in the scanner and display it in the aspx page. After retrieving the values and displaying it in page, the students id's available in the scanner has to be deleted.

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" %C9887688767876^Smith/John^5656656556565?;C9887688767876=3434354450000? " When the user scan their Student ID into TextBox1, i want to only display BARCODE_NUM which is C9887688767876 from the example. Also When the user scan their Student ID into TextBox2 , i want to only display LASTNAME which is Smith from the example. When the user scan their Student ID into TextBox3, i want to only display FIRSTNAME which is John from the example.

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string barCode = dt.Rows[i]["MemberShipid"].ToString();
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my output


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DR["IMAGE"] = FileUpload1.FileBytes;

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