AJAX :: How To Fire The Accordion Panel When Tabbing Into The Control
Feb 18, 2010
I have an accordian panel that runs fine when the user clicks on the header text. The problem now is I need to have the tab event fire the event that opens the accordian panel.
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Similar Messages:
Aug 22, 2010
I have an accordion control in my web site. And in one of the panels, I have a drop down list box where, when the user selects an item, it updates the labels right below the ddlistbox. I have it so that it maintains the scroll position when the ddlistbox has an autopostback, but it's very obvious that the whole page posts back. My question is, can I/should I just enclose the ddlistbox and the labels (and a couple of text boxes) in an AJAX update panel? I already have a ToolScriptManager (because of the accordion control), so I don't need to have another script manager, right? I can just put the update panel (with the other controls inside of it) right in the accordion panel, right? Then when the ddlistbox posts back it won't have the delay of the whole page posting back? And it'll still execute the event handler for the listbox selection change? Does this sound right? I'm just looking to make the post back "invisible", and I would like to do a partial postback of just these few controls.
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Jul 31, 2013
In my WebForm I hv used an accordion and this accordion is in an UpdatePanel with UpdateMode="Conditional" .
In that accrdion , in last pane i hv a fileupload - when i select a file and click upload button then always the fileupload control has no file and it returns false everytime .
I have written trigger in UpdatePanel also still it doesn't work. Without updatepanel fileupload control works properly, this problem arise after i use UpdatePanel...
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="Acc_UpdatePanel" runat="server" UpdateMode="Conditional">
<div id="acc" runat="server" style="position: inherit; height: auto;">
<div class="clear">
<div id="basic-accordian" style="border-radius: 4px;">
[Code] .....
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May 9, 2010
I have an UpdatePanel and inside that I have an Accordion and several panes. From the first pane i can push three ImageButtons. Each imagebutton will load a control into a Placeholder in another Pan - still in the same accordion though.
The problem accur when I push the buttons. After two or three push the buttons will stop responding and nothing gets loaded into the Placeholder.
View 1 Replies
Feb 1, 2010
For some reason I can't get the button event to fire...
This is my Accordion:
I dynamically add the panes and buttons...
These two should get fired - but they dont:
I read somewhere that I should add the button to the UpdatePanel
But when I do I get this error :
The Controls collection cannot be modified because the control contains code blocks (i.e. <% ... %>).
View 3 Replies
Feb 14, 2011
i write following code for accordion panel but its not open on page .....
<asp:Accordion ID="Accordion1" runat="server"
BorderColor="Black" RequireOpenedPane ="false" SelectedIndex ="-1"
style="margin-left: 151px; top: 387px; left: 47px; position: absolute; height: 175px; margin-top: 0px;"
Width="322px" >
<asp:AccordionPane ID="AccordionPane1" runat="server" HeaderCssClass ="acco_header" ContentCssClass="acco_content" Width="100" Height="28" BorderColor="Black">
Forgot Password
<h4>E-mail:</h4><asp:TextBox ID="text1" runat ="server" Width="150" Height="25"></asp:TextBox><br /><br />
<asp:Button ID="Button3" runat ="server" Text ="Submit" OnClick = "Button3_Click" BackColor="#FFDB70"/>
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Aug 31, 2010
I am having a ajax accordian, my problem is that when a accordian panel is selected the other hides so how can i disable this behaviour..
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Oct 11, 2010
i have an accordion panel that is loading its values from a datasource, which is working fine. let's say it loads the 50 states from the states table. now inside each accordion panel, when expanded, i want to load a gridview with details of that specific state. also, i want to pull all the cities into another gridview from the cities table with stateID=@stateID.
i know this should be simple, but how do i pass the value of the stateID to the datasource of cities gridview? what is the syntax?
the abbreviated code i have so far is:
<cc1:Accordion ID="Accordion1" runat="server" DataSourceID="StatesDataSource" >
<HeaderTemplate >
<asp:Literal ID="ltrHeader" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("name") %>'></asp:Literal>
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Jan 27, 2011
i have multiple collapsible panel extenders in single page
what i want is when one panel is expanded others if open become close
View 2 Replies
Oct 13, 2010
I've been trying to exclude an asp.net web control from the tabbing order.The control that i'm using is the RadioButtonList control. I've try setting the TabIndex to either 0 or -1.The problem that i'm running into is ... initially the control is skipped (which is good), but it seemed like the engine just shifted the control to the end of the tabbing order. Is this an expected behavior? or is there a work around for this?
After checking the HTML source, I have some interesting findings ...
<td><input id="rbSpiffType_0" type="radio" name="rbSpiffType" value="R" checked="checked" tabindex="-1" /><label for="rbSpiffType_0">Regular Spiff</label></td><td>
I think i might be tabbing into the label .
View 1 Replies
Dec 1, 2010
I have webform with 4 textboxes in a panel and next to that panel a panel with an accordion with 4 panes in it.
Without a refresh on every click, I would like to set the index of the accordion on the click in a textbox.
so if the user puts the cursor in the first textbox, the first pane is expanded, if he clicks in the 2nd, the second pane is expanded, etc..
I tried it with:
"javascript:$find('InfoRequestorAccordion').set_selectedindex(1); ")
but that is not working. Is there another way or is it just not possible?
View 9 Replies
Nov 10, 2010
I have page
Page contains an accordion control and tab container controls
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Oct 19, 2010
how to fire javascript function with update panel e.g is like i pur my registration code in update panel and after submit button click i.e filling all registration information i want to show message that ur successfully register(Javascript) may i know how to fire javascript
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Aug 31, 2010
I'm using the following span to open a page in a new window. What is INCREDIBLY odd is that it is exactly the same code from three different pages, but the first refuses to open in a new window. The only difference is that the first example resides within an Ajax Accordian Panel so I suspect that it might be an Ajax related issue.
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Nov 2, 2010
i am creating a menu which has the below structure. what i would like to do is use a jquery ui accordion control.
can i place an accordion in an accordion?... i.e. menu 1 expands out in an accordion and then the sub menus in menu 1 need to expand out in another accordion.
menu 1
sub menu of the menu 1
menu item
menu item
menu item
sub menu of the menu 1
sub menu of the menu 1
menu 2
sub menu of the menu 2
menu item
menu item
menu item
sub menu of the menu 2
sub menu of the menu 2
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Aug 4, 2010
I seem to be having trouble getting the btOK button (in the Modal Popup Extender panel) to trigger the btOK_Click subroutine in the code-behind for the page.
I have the OnOKScript set to the name of the subroutine, and have tried setting the value to "btOK_Click", "btOK_Click;" and "btOK_Click(this);" but none have worked. In a previous page I have used this to call a JavaScript function, but surely I can call the VB.NET code from here too?
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Apr 21, 2010
Adding an Accordion only creates the outer most tags. I then have to add the headercssclass, contentcssclass etc. info. Then i have to manually add <Pane> tags, and then add Accordion Pane controls. Using VWDE 2008, is there a way to customize the control so that adding the Accordion control automatically adds this other info? Ideally with 2 Accordion Panes to start, but even just getting the various Accordion properties and the <Pane> tags added would make it much more <Pane>less!
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Aug 14, 2010
I m using ajax accordion control to display the information of my company branches. Now it always displays one pane at a time. But i want that it should not display any pane at a time. Only a single pane should be displayed when user click on header of that pane.
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Feb 11, 2011
I followed a video tuturiol for the Ajax Accordion control and also created it manually using VWD2010ExpressAlthough the source code I downloaded works fine, mines dosen't. The links for the panes will not respond. Everything else seems to be ok.
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<div id="container">
<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server"/>
View 2 Replies
May 31, 2010
anyone has encountered this 'bug'...i was working with the Ajax Toolkit with vs 2008 and noticed that when i was in Split design or source view, any changes i made to the accordion tags i.e. properties, etc...it vs would automatically duplicated the whole entire accordion panel including all the content, header and accordianPanel....very annoying!
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Dec 31, 2010
I have this accordion control but it not expand
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Mar 2, 2011
I run into this problem while playing with accordion for a project. Sometimes VS 2008 auto generates code, without me wanting to!!!. Less generally I have an Accordion with 2 Accordion Panes in it. When modifing properties of the Accordion VS 2008 adds an Accordion extender and duplicates the two Accordion Panes!
My original code
My code after pressing space between the properties of the Accordion
View 1 Replies
Mar 22, 2010
I'm new to the Ajax Control Tool Kits and I was trying to use the accordion control which is cool according to
its sample.
I followed this video tutorials, however after I created the simple demo, the accordion control doesn't collapse or expand. It just didn't respond to my clicks.
Following is my code and I've trimmed is as simple as possible.
View 9 Replies
Jan 3, 2010
I've practically spent seven or eight hours trying to get the ASP.NET AJAX Accordion to work and it simply will not cooperate. I have been to every imaginable corner of the web to Bing and Google, read post after post on this forum, and done any other thing I could possibly think of to get this to work, yet I still hit this wall.
Here's the code I've been using to get this to work:
As for the Massachusetts/Arkansas bit, I found that on some other forum that said that coding would work (it didn't for me). I'm hosting this failed attempt at [URL]. I do have the Bin folder in the project, so that's not the issue.
View 18 Replies
Oct 9, 2010
I am having quite a bit of trouble getting an accordion control to work. I downloaded the AJAX Control Toolkit (v 3.5), added the dll to my toolbox, and added an accordion control with the following code:
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