AJAX :: How To Highlight Menu Item Of Menu Control For Current Page
May 7, 2015
How to center the menuitems and highlight the selected menuitem in menu control in asp.net?
<asp:Menu ID="maspageMenu" runat="server" BackColor="#2D2D30" Width="100%" DynamicHorizontalOffset="2" Font-Names="Verdana" Font-Size="1.4em" Font-Strikeout="True" Font-Underline="True" ForeColor="#009933" Orientation="Horizontal" StaticSubMenuIndent="10px" BorderStyle="Groove">
<DynamicHoverStyle BackColor="#18624F" ForeColor="White" />
<DynamicMenuItemStyle BackColor="White" HorizontalPadding="5px" VerticalPadding="2px" />
<DynamicMenuStyle BackColor="White" BorderStyle="Double" />
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Similar Messages:
Feb 16, 2011
I want to highlight asp menu item for current page.
I use template from visual studio 2010
Ex. current page is home.aspx then menu HOME must highlight
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Jan 10, 2011
I am using frames in my webpage.in one of the frames i have a menu control whose items are database driven.when click on the menu item, i want another page to be displayed in other frame.
now i want to pass the the selected menu item text to the other page using session variable which is in the menu item click event method.but the thing is when i click on the menu item, the click event is not firing.
is there any better way to pass the selected menu item text to the other page?
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Feb 1, 2011
I have a asp menu in my master page and i need to highlight the selected menu item.
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May 7, 2015
Sitemap & Menu:
<asp:SiteMapDataSource ID="Menu" runat="server" ShowStartingNode="false" />
<asp:Menu ID="Menu1" runat="server" Orientation="Horizontal" OnMenuItemDataBound="OnMenuItemDataBound" DataSourceID="Menu" >
<asp:MenuItemStyle CssClass="Menu" />
<asp:MenuItemStyle CssClass="Level" />
<siteMapNode url="javascript:Logout" title="Logout" description="Logout" roles="*">
<siteMapNode title="Logout" description="Logout"></siteMapNode>
I want OnClick event instead of navigation .
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Aug 12, 2010
I have one asp leftmenu control in my project.when I select one menu item of menu control that Should be highlight.
how to highlight the selected asp menu item?
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Jan 23, 2010
i am facing some problem with Menu item highlighting on user selection.
I am loading all menu items from database, I used
StaticMenuItemStyle CssClass="Item"
StaticSelectedStyle CssClass="ItemSelected"
StaticHoverStyle CssClass="ItemHover"
DynamicSelectedStyle CssClass="ItemSelected"
But it is not working for me.
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Apr 15, 2010
I am working with asp.net 2.0 I have 1 problem Regarding Menu Control I used menu control in Master page. Now I have to find out Menu Item from Menu control depending on Condition. how to do that on server and Client side.
My code:
<asp:Menu runat="server" Orientation="Horizontal">
<StaticMenuItemStyle CssClass="jobTabNormal" />
<StaticSelectedStyle CssClass="jobTabSelected" />
<DynamicHoverStyle CssClass="jobTabHover" Font-Bold="true" />
<DynamicMenuStyle />
<DynamicSelectedStyle CssClass="jobTabDynamicSelected" />
<asp:MenuItem Text="Job Details" Selected="true" NavigateUrl="#" Enabled="true">
<asp:MenuItem Text="Cargos" Enabled="false" NavigateUrl="~/Pages/cargoDetails.aspx">
View 3 Replies
Jan 11, 2011
I've been strugelling to find a solutions to this, I've searched in the forum and none of the solutions worked for me , I need to highlight the slected item in the menu control which is in a master page. here is my code:the site is running under asp.net 4.0/.net 4.0
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Feb 3, 2014
I've been trying to find an easy way of highlighting the current selected menu item of an asp.net menu (so the user knows which page they are on), but no matter what I have tried I can't get it to work. In my markup I have:
<asp:Menu SkinID="modulesMenu" DataSourceID="modulesSource" runat="server" ID="ModulesMenu"
<asp:HyperLink ID="HyperLink2" CssClass="moduleName"
[Code] ....
This is the c# side
protected void ModulesMenu_MenuItemDataBound(object sender, MenuEventArgs e) {
SiteMapNode siteMapNode = (SiteMapNode)e.Item.DataItem;
string pathStringFormat = IsNodeActive(siteMapNode) ? ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ModuleImagePathFormatString_Active"] : ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ModuleImagePathFormatString_Inactive"];
[Code] .....
View 1 Replies
Feb 22, 2010
I need a help in creating a vertical oriented Menu control with dynamic url's set in there Navigate Url property.Also i need to set the menu items as enable/disable in two different modes say edit/new.
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Mar 17, 2010
We have to develop an application which has a Vertical left pane menu control which displays all the web pages (A,B,C say). Now if user is in page A and filled some data and clicks on menu control to go to page B, all the data in page A needs to be saved. Also if all the required field in page A are not filled and user navigated to page B, there will be one ! sign after the menu so that user can understand that there some some more fields need to be filled up.
We are planning to place the menu control in the Mater page. Please give me some direction to do this. My question is:
1. If user change menu (In Master Page), how should we save data?
2. How should we display the ! in the menu control?
View 2 Replies
Feb 17, 2010
I'v been looking for ages on how to get the current selected menu item into a label. so for example on the menu you have home and about, if i click on about it will but the text "About" in the labels text whats in the body of the form. You could say its a sub heading and i would like to do this in c# ;) somthing like this:
lblHeading.Text = Menu1.Page.Title.ToString();
except this retutns the tabpage title not the actual menu item i selected.
View 1 Replies
Aug 31, 2010
I have dropdown menu item ("pin this site") that i need to hide it or hide menu item itself ("My Network").
When I saw viewsource on page, I got below code.
<a class="zz1_TopNavigationMenu_1 ms-topnav zz1_TopNavigationMenu_3
ms-topnavselected zz1_TopNavigationMenu_9" href="http://mynetworkqa.spe.org"
style="border-style:none;font-size:1em;">My Network</a>
<a class="zz1_TopNavigationMenu_1 ms-topNavFlyOuts zz1_TopNavigationMenu_6"
style="border-style:none;font-size:1em;">Pin this site</a>
How can I hide menu item?
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Feb 2, 2011
I have a Menu. When user clicks on the menu , I need to pass a command argument. How is that done ?
This is the code for
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Apr 19, 2010
I am need to build a menu and each item of the menu has an image as background knowing that i depend on sitemap to build the menu i used
where menuitem is in a css sheet
it display the image but in the wrong place?
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Feb 21, 2011
i have a menu which is collapses as a default. This is done by following query.
Now, the problem is, whenever i click on any menu item by expanding the menu, the item page opens but the menu collapses again. I want to let the menu remain as expanded although a menu item is clicked. i.e. menu shouldn't refresh when a menu item is clicked.
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Mar 24, 2011
I am using aspnet menu control and i want to hide the item initially on page load and show the item after an event is trigger say button lick event Can any one give me an example?
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Jan 15, 2010
Im building a navigation and want to display the current page (Default.aspx, OtherPage.aspx) the user is on with a class.Right now I just have a bunch of links as <a> tags.Here is a my menu:
As you can see the Default.aspx has the class active, but that is just something I put in.How do I do this dynamically?I know I can use Path.GetFileName(Request.FilePath) to get what page the user is on.
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Sep 17, 2010
What would be the standard easiest way to change the css class of the link that is the link for the page that is currently displayed. So that it will reflect on the menu links.
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Apr 5, 2010
Is there a way to add/delete/update the default classes (for instance AspNet-Menu-WithChildren,AspNet-Menu-NonLink ) of the html generated by the asp.net menu or treeview control? I am using CSSAdapters so the menu control renders in a list format instead of table format.
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Apr 24, 2015
I have placed an aspx menu control on my master page with orientation as Horizontal. Below is HTML markup.
HTML Code:
<asp:Menu ID="mnuMedChem" runat="server" Orientation="Horizontal" Width="100%" OnMenuItemClick="mnuMedChem_MenuItemClick">
<DynamicHoverStyle CssClass="DynamicHover" />
<DynamicMenuItemStyle CssClass="DynamicMenuItem" />
I have tried populating the menus from my database by using the
The menu items and the childs are populating correctly but then the menu is not being displayed on the menu control.
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Oct 2, 2010
For the ASP.NET Menu Server Control whose RenderMode is set to "List", there is an "Orientation" property which decides whether the menu would render as a horizontal or a vertical menu. I have compared the two HTML source code and was unable to find out which part of the HTML/CSS code set the orientation of the menu(unordered list).
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Feb 3, 2011
Currently I have a menu control on my webform in ASP.Net 4.0 :
<div class="PNMenu">
<asp:SiteMapDataSource ID="PNSiteMap" runat="server" ShowStartingNode="false" />
<asp:Menu ID="PNMainMenu" runat="server" DataSourceID="PNSiteMap" RenderingMode="List" Orientation="Horizontal" CssClass="PN-PrimaryNavMenu" >
I am trying to style the menu control to allow the menu items to float to the right of the container, however I am unable to do so as whenever I am styling the a, ul or li it keeps getting overidded by asp.net and floats everything left.
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Jul 15, 2013
i have a asp menu in master page and it is populated from database.
i want if user click a link that menu link's background color should change how to do?
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