Working with asynchronous postback. onclick of "OK" button i m fetching data from DB and it is in dataset without page-refresh.
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
ds = SearchResult.GetDataTable("dbo.spGetEmployeeDetails", thisConnection, searchItem);
1. How can i pass this dataset object to javascript as responseText?
2. In javascript i have to create table(create rows depending on number of nodes in dataset) and display responseText in aspx.
private void FillDetails(string pId, out string Name, out string Address)
I have method called Filldetails(),This method uses stored procedure to retrieve information for product name and address based on productid passed from productdetails table.I am working on globalization project.We have this product information for US country but there is no product information for germany country.So dataset is empty for germany.As result I am getting error object reference not set to an instance of the object.
Codebehind: creating dataset, getting data from sql with adaptor and filling into dataset object, then setting detailsview's datasource. I add 2 button to above template to able to edit data at asp page, and added event handlers:buttons:
My question is, what to do inside the detailsview update event function to able to edit and update data. My method can be wrong too.
I am using VS 2010, C# and Sql Server 2008.From the database, i am returing a list, which contains around 25 columns. am binding the list to the grid. After the list is binded, i am trying to create a dataset from the list. But I would like to have only 5 columns in the dataset, out of the 25 columns returned from the list. How to achieve this?This is the code I have used now:
I want to pass columns like, schoolid, schoolname,courseoffered,Ranking,Dateofopening from the list to the dataset .How to pass the columns from the list to create the Dataset
I have to display the report, For this i have used stored procedure that returns the complete dataset for the reporting.
The scenario is that, In SP there is ID instead of actual display name, and i need to display the name. The actual problem is that to get the name instead of ID, we have to query in another DB.
Is it possible to query to another DB to get Name instead of ID ??
Can we pass the complete Dataset to the report viewer page from the ASPX page. As in the aspx page it is easier to calculate the name from ID.
How do I pass a dataset object to a stored procedure? The dataset comprises multiple tables and I'll need to be able to access them from within the SQL.
I am working on a project where I have a form to create a new user. In that form we have a dropdown list that is populated from another table called ElectricCompanies. The Users table and ElectricCompanies tables are related (each User can only have one electric company, but electric companies can have multiple users). I am having trouble getting the Electric Company object to pass into the Users table. The Users table wants it to be passed as a object of the table ElectricCompanies, but right now it only passes the ID.
This is the code from the UserController under the Edit that I used to populate the ElectricCompany dropdown list:
Dim eleccomp = (From p In _DB.ElectricCompanySet Select p) ViewData("ElecComp") = New SelectList(eleccomp, "ID", "Name")
Is there a way to pass an entire object rather than just the ID?
I recently have a problem while switching from regular sql datasource to the object datasource using the dataset object.
I have only 1 sql server so I create 2 database 1 for testing and 1 for running. After I create the dataset object I can use it fine with my test site and database. However, when I upload to it use on the production database (I actually just have to switch the sql connectionstring in web.config), I keep getting error of target of invocation throwing errors.
When I do a search for the test database in the project, I can see that in the dataset object the test database's name is automatically added to my select stored procedure name (i.e. [Test].[dbo].[My_stored_procedure] instead of just [dbo].[My_stored_procedure]). I thought this is my problem but even when I replace [Test] with my [Product] database name it still won't work.
I have object graph, of Customer, Contact and Address... I want to convert it to dataset and then convert the dataset to xml. i don't think there is a straight method to convert to dataset or xml, therefore the my approach is the convert the objects to dataset using Reflection.
I am trying to create a GENERIC(used for any object type) function to convert object graph to dataset. but i have hit road do i type cast a generic type cast..refer to the function ObjectToDataTable code marked inRed
The DataSet is a disconnected data object. Once the DataSet has been filled, the connection can be closed and the DataSet's contents can still be examined and manipulated.What does manipulated mean ? If possible, then please give me example(s) for manipulated.
I have a search page which generates a GridView of results based on the search terms entered by the user. One of the columns in GridView is called a DOI (Document Object Itentifier). This DOI is used to find academic papers through [URL] when a user enters a DOI string. What I would like to do is redirect the user to the relevant webpage when they have selected the DOI in the GridView, however, the url for this page is always different. In the page, I have formatted the form tag like so: [URL] and in my GridView, I have formatted the row that I wish to have hyperlinked like so:
Then, in my C# codebehind, I have the following event which aims to redirect the user to the required page, based on the tag they have selected:
switch (e.CommandName) { case "d": searchResult.Attributes.Add("onchange", " [URL] break; }
I don't think this code above makes any difference though as the form tag is already specifying the redirected url, nor do I think this task can be done with a html <table> object, as it only accepts static data, rather than a result set generated from a database, which is what I'm doing. I have also looked at the following post as a guide to this type of problem but, taking account of what it said didn't allow me to solve this problem completely. GridView with DDL and selected value
I've implemented a custom membership provider to deal with forms authentication. The custom provider uses a custom User object for authentication and authorization. I was wondering If I can pass this object to each WCF call without adding it to the parameters list?
The method is called once the <form> is submitted. If the validation is good, it moves on to create a new user Once the new user is created, I want to redirect the user to a "ThankYou" page passing along the newly created user (object). The TempData["User"] trick seems to work like a charm! Then inside my ThankYou ActionResult() I do the following:
The problem I have is once the user has been redirected to the "ThankYou" page. If he decides to refresh (F5) his browser, the value in the TempData is lost.
What are my possibilities to overcome this issue?
Instead of passing an entire object to my "ThankYou" page, I initially thought of passing the ID of the newly created user and re-query my database to get the object.
The only problem is that the ID will be seen in the QueryString allowing the user to simply change the ID value and try to find other users...
Is my only other alternative to simply place the user object inside a Session? Is that my only other option?
I'm trying to test the RejectChanges method of the DataSet object. I have the following:
When I look at the Table in the DataSet on the .HasChanges() method, I see the change. But then when I look at it after the RejectChanges() method is hit I still see the change. Is there something I'm not doing correctly?
This takes a large INT and returns 4 strings from the BO structure HotelFacilities
If I set the private from string to AccommodationBO.HotelFacilities it is fine
If I set the public from string to AccommodationBO.HotelFacilities it moans because the Set section of the private property is wrong. But the set would be an INt.
All I actually want to do, is populate the BO Structure and passit to the user control using a property in the user control code behind. Is this possible ??
I m working on ASP.net2.0 I m facing an error like "Object reference Not set to an instance" while filling dataset wht will b the Solution for this error?
I am a new to ASP. Very experienced in MS Access... Logical move to ASP.
When designing my first .aspx on PC and testing via localhost; all is well.
When move to server I get this error msg:
"The type specified in the TypeName property of ObjectDataSource 'ObjectDataSource2222' could not be found."
I have been reading for a solution for the past three days.
My reading tells me that there should be a reference somewhere in the web config file to id the business object dataset , but do not see any. No luck in surfing for a tip either.
I thought Visual Studio 2010 was a rapid app that allow one to design and test on PC and move easily to server for production. I am I expecting to much.
I'm trying to create a JSON object on client-side and pass to a server-side function. Then instantiate it on server-side using JSON string representation.
I have the following to get the Json abject passed from the controller and populate the various textboxes in the view. However, nothing is happening even though controller is passing a valid Json object. What is wrong with this code?
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { var url = '<%=Url.Action("DropDownChange") %>'; $("#vendorID").change(function() { var selectedID = $(this).val(); if (selectedID != "New Vendor Id") { //$.post('Url.Action("DropDownChange","Refunds")', function(result) { $.post(url, { dropdownValue: selectedID }, function(result) { alert(selectedID); $("#name").val(result.Name); $("#city").val(result.City); $("#contact").val(result.Contact); $("#address2").val(result.Address2); $("#address1").val(result.Address1); $("#state").val(result.State); $("#zip").val(result.Zip); }); } }); }); This is the code in my controller; public JsonResult DropDownChange(string dropdownValue) // This action method gets called via an ajax request { if (dropdownValue != null && Request.IsAjaxRequest() == true) { paymentApplicationRefund = cPaymentRepository.PayableEntity(dropdownValue); paymentApplicationRefund.Address1.Trim(); paymentApplicationRefund.Address2.Trim(); paymentApplicationRefund.Name.Trim(); paymentApplicationRefund.City.Trim(); paymentApplicationRefund.Contact.Trim(); paymentApplicationRefund.State.Trim(); paymentApplicationRefund.Zip.Trim(); return Json(paymentApplicationRefund,"application/json"); } else { return null; } }
I am trying to send json data from view to controller action. But the issue is the data is not populating in the action parameter List<Score>.
View Model: public class Score { public int QuestionId { get; set; } public int PrevAnswerId { get; set; } public int CurrAnswerId { get; set; } public string CurrAnswerName { get; set; } }
Json Data look like: [ {QuestionId:1, PrevAnswerId:3, CurrAnswerId:3, CurrAnswerName:'Known to Broker'}, {QuestionId:2, PrevAnswerId:7, CurrAnswerId:7, CurrAnswerName:'Completed'}, {QuestionId:3, PrevAnswerId:10, CurrAnswerId:10, CurrAnswerName:'Report'} ]
On window load, I will construct the Json object using "eval()" function and do some operation in the data before its save. On Save Click, I will call the action through the ajax call.
Action: public ActionResult SaveScore(List<Score> score) { // do something... }
But here score comming as collection of 3 elements with zero(for interger property)/null(for string property) values. When I checked in the request I found the data in "parama" property like.
But I am not sure why it is not getting populated in the score list. One full day I spent for this issue but till now I didnt find the solution for this issue.